Variety (December 1943)

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36 MUSIC yAntETY Wednesday, December ], 1913 10 Best Sellers on Coin-Machines (Records beloic are grubbing nidst iiicl.-els Hi is iceck in 'jukeboxes ' tUriiuyhnu'i the (oiiiifiy ns reported bu-operator's to -'Variety.' Numrs. of- viore than one band- or vocalist after the.-title indicolex. in order of popu- RKO's $5,000,000 Idrirv; trlin'sr recoiriiiios m:r being played, thesis 'indicate tlie number oj.ivceks each and respective jMifolisliprs ) 1. Pistol Pac'km' Mania >\1< (Morri.v) .. Fioures and names song lias been in the paren- listings ■\ Al Dexter Okeh '•"Crosby-Andrews ...... Dccca .\ Bing'Crosby ......... Dccca ■ J y r y.<u ■ . .. .Columbia '\ Dick Kiihh-: ........ Dccca " | Dick tlayino.s Dccca ... \ Biiig.Crosby" . . Docea ;i "'. : / Frank Sinatr; '....Columbia' . :,Andrews-Crosby- . . Derea I Frank' iiia'lra. . .'. Columbia '/ Biivs; l'rosb> : ocra ".'. \ Frank Sinatr: ....Columbia "• / 'Bing Crosby ......'.. .Dccca -.: . .Mills Bros. ... ; .. .Dccca; ..Glen Gray Dccca ick flaymes Dccca OTHKR KAYOHITKS {These records are directly -below -'first 10 in popiilrnill/V Cuddle Up Little Closer iHanv.s'... ■:'. .lCay- Arnicn oeca lua Evening (20■ ■ <Shapiro>. Sinatra-T. ielor ow Sweet You Are (Heniick).......! . . .Kay Armcn. , occa hrt .Rain (Melrose.).,. . ...........: Glenn Miller ...... . .-.Victor 5 Continued from page S .^s past year through purchase of. Chase National's58'-'. iiiloresL Higher out- lay for taxes likely will keep Ihe i:cl pro'iil ilowil below; the S10.lipU.785 'ncI shown lor"l'!H-. 'Allowing lor .$456,000 annual chart's oh • the new 20lh-Fox prc- .fel-reif. it's figured lhal: the lilin cor- poral io'n's annual income has been increased by more lhan S2.OOO.OU0 through acquisition of full National Theatre control. 20lll-Fox net cur- rent a.-'scls. alter giving consideration lo ihe Nationaltheatres'' buy in. are estimated.. ai S'J3.00rj.O.OO.• Counlcr-b <i l a 11 c i n g anticipated- revenue from National -Theatres, 2oih-Fox will itol benefit as greatly in ihe final (juaiier this year as in ■ 1942 from receipt of previously frozen funds in' Great Britain. Figured that net profit for 19-12 for 20th included SS.aOO.OOO from these released funds thai had been im- pounded in rilain for about .three, years. No landed debt confronts 20lh-Fox' at present though subsids of Na- tional have approximately S-UiOO.flUl) indebtedness outstanding at present. NBC CBS, Blue, Mutual Plugs Folloirinp list of the most played .'popular tunes on the networks for the- week beginning Monday and through- Sunday, Nov. 22-28 from 9 p.111. fo 1' a.m., is divided inlo two sections. The first section represents the first approximately 25 leaders in alphabetical order tin some cases there are ties, accounting for d longer list). and the tjfepnd section contain* (lie 'iii.s-o rails''but notaled in arithmetical »*der. The ..compilations em . brace the NBC. CDS, Blue and Mutual Networks, as represented 'bu' W'KA'F.. WABC. WJZ and WOR, N. Y.,ahd are bused on data pimided bu Accurate Reporting Sen-ice, rcgiilnr checking source of the music pub. lishiny iiidiisir!/. As detailed, ihe first 25 in njphobe/icnl order is 'a .trade more <o curb artificial stiiiiuiatioii- 0/plugs, ria the -payola,' i.e.. bribery or other yratni- ties. It's thus /iyiocd the competition "will, be .-healthier and clemier. TITLE Chicago song plugger caiight adding! pliqny pliigs to list made up by a local mo'jiiior!service was-tincd $300 by the Publishers Coiilact Union last week. Routine was that the pluggftr .would, hang around the lobby of Ihe publishers building until the messenger from the monitors' ollice arrived. Plugger would talk the youngster into letting him take Ihe sheet* into one of the. offices in the building where lie would type in a llock of-imaginary, plugs that were never aired. ••• Special transcription to be used over the p.a. system ai the Jack & Heinlz war plant al Cleveland was made at World Broadcasting in N. Y. last week. Consisted of a specially-written march and various announcements, etc. Sammy Watkins, Cleveland bandleader, came east to direct, the music. Band was gathered and rehearsed in a special arrangement by Harry Sosnik, Dccca conductor. Miss America, '43 CoiUiniH'd from iKlRe 1 round Ihe World'... .. ream—(-'Around World:. lars' usiness USO-Camp Shows Continued from page 1 drop to 40% of the overseas troop population, so, too. must Camp Shows put less emphasis on its domestic program of entertainment. The approximate $6,000,000 'outlay, according to Lawrence Phillips, exec v.p. of Camp Shows, represents near- ly half of the $11,750,000 earmarked for the morale organization by USO for the 19-month period extending from. June. 1; .1043, to Dec: 31, 1944, from, funds raised through the Na- PAVANNE MILLS MUSIC, INC. tional War Fund. The figures were presented by Phillips to James A. Farley, chairman of Ihe commerce- industry division in the N. Y. War Fund campaign, in pointing up the vital need for the full allotment if sufficient' entertainment is to reach the boys overseas. Originally Camp Shows had been allotted $18,750,000, Phillips pointed out. . As significantly pointed out by James E. Sauter. chairman, of the entertainment industry division in the campaign, the $U.7oO,000 appro- priation (on the basis of a full U. S. Army-Navy strength of approxi- mately that figure in manpower in 1944), means that $1 per service man is being allotted for the entertain- ment of the Yanks for the 19-month period. To achieve the overseas undertak-' ing. Camp Shows has reduced its domestic Victory Circuit from 60 to 30 units, with the Blue tab units continuing to service the more re mote bases scattered around the country. WHO HAH AM, TIIK 1IKV ( ATS Jl'Ml'IN'! DEACON JON E 8 Kfcnrtleri By THE PIED PIPERS LOUIS JORDAN CUpltol No. 140 Di-i iii N<>. «ll.">I PYRAMID MUSIC COMPANY ir.OV No. Vlnr St reft. lldllywoiHl 2'!. ('ill. MiilrrUl AvHllnhlr—Xrllllin AkfiiIh: Ph< lllc MiihIc Sillm the boys in a bathin 'What for?' she asks prettily. '.I'-m not going in swimming/ And the boys arc caiight with their j llashpans down and not a comeback .in earshot. . You sec. the Miss' America for 1943 is supposed to be a typical mod- ern American girl.' Miss Barlel will explain as the. men of the press struggle to regain their collective breaths. 'I wasn't picked for my 'figure. 1 (But it ain't bad. Sister!) . 'I was chosen for a combination of per- sonality, health and charm. And I'm not going around the counlry trying to sell myself. I'm trying to do, a real job to help Ihe War effort.' She says it all straight, too. and danged if it doesn't sound like she means it. 'Girls of 1943 aren't interested in just being pretty girls. They want lo be useful as well as attractive/ Lever ros. Pitch So, with . Lever Bros, footing the bills. Miss Barlel is hopping about the land, plugging for Wor Bonds, appearing at service camps for the men in uniform, and just incidentally, whipping up a bit of a style show in leading department; stores where Milady: learns of Duration Fashions, perchance also of Vimnis and of Tussy cosmetics. She's doing a good , job '.with it. Tall, honey^haired model type, she actually talks intelligently. Ad lib. too. And in public as well as pri- vate, over the radio or for the press. The boys seem lo like the idea, once they recover from it. What's more, she possesses a right nice singing voice, which is unlim- bcrcd whenever she visits Army camps or Naval bases. Usually., her own special orchestrations of 'Night and Day' and 'You'll ,Never Know' are handy, just in case. She can al- ways give G. I. Joe a little pep talk along with her songs, and Joe is putty in her lovely hands. ■Twould seem that somebody Besame Mucho . . '. ..... Candlelight and Wine—'V Don't Believe Every thin For First Time Home ...................... ....... How Sweet You Are—t'Thank Lucky I II Be Home For.Chrislmas , I've Had ,This Feeling Before— Little Did 1 Know MV'-lie-art. Tells Me^-i'Rosii; O'Cradv' .......... My Ideal .... ...:. . ...... .. , : ..... .\-.... :. . My Shining Hour—f'Sky's the Limit'. No Love No Nothin'—i'Gang's All Here' ; '....' Oh, What a Bcaulil'ul Morning—^'Oklahoma' ...... Paper Doll People Will Say Wc'ro In Love^-*'Oklahonia' Put Your Arms Around Me—1'Coney. Island'...... Say a Prayer lor Boys Over There—filers to Hold". Slioo Shoo Baby—i'Three Cheers For Boys'.......... Speak Low— c ' ne Touch of Venus' Star Eyes—t'l Dood If Surrey With Fringe on Top—''Oklahoma'. The Dreaniciv-;'Thank Lucky Stars ; They're Filher Too Yoiuig Too Old-^v' ucky Stars'! When They Ask About You ;. .While Christmas—i'Holiday Inn' ... MOST PI-.AV'EI) after' fikst My irsl Love . Pistol Packin' Mania . .. ....... Sunday, Monday fir Always—t'Dixie' Thank Your. Lucky Stars—v'Thauk Lucky Stars':,. Things That Mean So- Much.......... Do Nothing Till You Hear From Mo . . I Dug a Ditch—1 'Thousands Cheer' Is My Baby Bliic Tonight By the River of Roses . Do You Know Don't Sweetheart . Me Have I Stayed Away Too Long.'...... Iii a Friendly Lillle Harbor .. ..... rURMSHER .. .Meludvlane ;...Millor .-. .Rubbing' .. .Shapiro. .. . Am. Aca .. .Re-mick .; ..Moi'i is .:. .Sanlly . -.Lincoln' ...BVC .... ...Pa (amount .. '. Morris ■ .. .Triangle . .C'rawfurd ...Marks .. .Crawford .. .Broadway . ...Southern :..Leeds ... .Chappcll . . .Feist, .. .(.'rawtor ,. . Harms ... Wilmar ..:Berlin .. . Berlin .. . p'orscy . /Morris .. .Mayfair .. . Ilemick .. . BM1 . .. . K'obbins ... .l-'eist ... Broadway .. .Shapiro .. .Reis ...Advance .. .Famous ■. .-.-.Campbell Someone to Love . Block Victory Polka ........ .Chappcll Blue Rain .' .Melrose Close to You Barton Oklahoma—^Oklahoma' . ... Crawfor One For My Baby—i'Sky's the Limit. . .Morris Sweet Rosie O'Grady—i'Sweet Rosie O'Grady". Mills If You Please—t'Dixie' , Fiimous Old Acquaintance—f'Old Acquaintance'. Wilniark I'ime on My Har.ds ...Miiler What Do You Do In the Infantry......". .Saunders t Fi/nmsicnl. Legit musical. pretty shrewd in the Lever, organisa- tion cooked up Ihe idea after the firm had decided io take over the Atlantic City beauty pageant aiid save same from Itself. -"Treatment is much like that master-minded by Lever's H. tf. Tileomb for I he 'Maid of Cotton ' annual iour. It has worked beautifully the past several .years.-with a new 'Maid' each spring and summer traipsing the length and breadth of the land iii the'interest of cotton uses. Always a prclly gal. but one with class. Nifty art of every type but leg. A smart chick, but hot a smarty-panls. Funny thing, - too. 'Miss America' and the 'Maid of Cotton' seem to be getting a lot more space in the papers wherever they go than was ever accorded a bathing beauty- queen. Alas, lempus doth fugit, even in Atlantic City! ' Glenn Rose clcffed 'Old Man Riveter.' war industry arody, the Yacht Club Boys. ff It's ill 'TUNE-DEX It'a An Important Tunv! JAN RUBINI U'tirlil t-'iiininin VIOLINIST AND CONDUCTOR •IiiHt rrliiniNl from rtiterlnliiln* our Drilling Im>»« lo Hm H"»il!> V«cltle. . Now I'lHyliiK Orpliruiii. Ouklitnil It Can't Miss! Film audiences are already raving about this great song from KAY KYSER'S latest musical picture AROUND THE WORLD * * ° f Lyric* by HAROLD ADAMSON Mutlt by JIMMY McHUGH ROBBINS M US IC CORPORATION NIW YORK MURRAY BAKER Gftn. Prof. Manager