Variety (Dec 1944)

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Wednesday, December 6, 1944 PICTURES S WBMAYQUrr IG 5' ON DECREE Metro Signs 'Junior Miss' Release So I BREAK |||||||| |||fS Board Expected to Ratify New 20tii-Fox Buys Stage Hit for $400,000 ■ With Metro ?nd .dramatists Joseph Fields ard Jeiome Chodorov signing releases, following a thieatened suit snd counter.suit, this paved the way (01 20tli Century-Fox to buy ' Junior Miss" for $400,000. Deal was signed yesterday (Tues), Thus ends an un- usual instance where a much-in-da- mand hit went Irotn Mary Picktord to 20th-Fox to Warners and finally back to 20th-Fox, just because of a letsal till eat in the offing It's lepoited that WB even wanted to go ^0-50 With Fields and Chodorov If the authors would clear oartaln qlaims on their "Junior Mis«,'' but they , (the ; aulhtirs) *Br« ' so coiir Vinced: they had' committed no .pla- |iari»m they: balked at aiiy settlement with' Metro, . which . got nothing;, for ;jigriiiig its-release.: , Just as Sally Behson wrote the Qiigmal stones, from which they edapted "Junior Miss," Lffilan Day wrote a series of mag stories In Pho- toplay, which Metro made Into "The Youngest Pioiession " That film was produced and released by Metro, but tioiietheleiis Day. claimed Flelda- .^hodorov's ."Junior Miss" infringed her stuff, and sued, Metro sup- ported her claim. This, however, J^umsd up Fields and Chodorov, who threatened to sue Metro on. the ground that then- alleged Interference /was stymieing their picture salS; It beaame aii- is.sue of-hohor and coiii- plete vindication. Miss Day's, suit the "Junior Misii" authors, still pending, will be. iought .by aothrfox and the authors,, fullan T Abeles acted for the dram- ;«t}st».in the deSV: • Besides the 400G, Fields and Clio- florov get $25,000 to write Ihe screen- ■ play. A. $100,000 down p&yment' was made yesterday, with the rest stag- gered oyer a period.of time, . LASKY7McEWANEAST FOR OWN INDIE CO. Jesse . ti., Ijasky.,. w'ho , .Feccnlly teiminated his pvoducei contiact ai Warners, is in N Y on behalf of his iu9t-oigani7.ed Jesse L. Laski Pio- iuotlons, Iitc,. Waltci McEwan is V.p. and Lo'yd Wughl setielaiv President and veepee botli came east .'to apquire stories and arrange a ma- jor release. \ .: .While at Warners, Lasky produced .■. onc: of the company's biggest bo.v- pffice draws, "Sergeant York.' His . last picture oix the. Biu-bank lot vcas the George Ger.ihwm biographv, "Rhapsody in Blue,' to be iclerfsed early nc\t yeai Producers Moon Over Sun Hollywood, Dec. 5. Three film producers are clinched m a feud over the: use of the sun for title purposes, and each one declared he will stand up for hi" rights, ram or shine. Cagney brothers are ftlming "Blood on the Sun," Sam Bionston is .shoot-, Ing 'Walk in the Sun" and Dave Selzijick Is preparing •'Duet in the Sun " U. S. Nixes Boosts By Indie Prods. / , Hollywood, Dec. 6. Internal Revenue Department may veto any wage boojsts appro\'ed by. the. Salary . StablUzatloh .Diyisipn, ;A, D. Bui ford, Deputy Commissioner of tiie bureaCi In Washington, told the ind^ehdent Motion Picture Pro-, ducers Association .over, the week- end. : Gorrobdrating Burfoi'd's state- ment, C, H. Johnston, legal adviser for the Stabilization Board; declared, "Any. action taken by the Stabiliza- tion Board IS not binding on the In- ternal, Reyentie ,Department- which may disallow any changes or m-" L. N- £)ueR;er,' regional head of the ,L. A.'Stabilization Board told the indie producer-; the normal ahd unusual increases could be given without approy,al,- and ' ex- plained in detail how lorm.s ,.should b? prepared. . Bonuses; are not, encouraged, .but .are allow'ted /where it ha,s ',been; the practice/'pf s;ivihg; them. Thoy/hUlst be .approved., however. .,/./.,- ■ M-G Scores Blimp Beat Hollywood. Dec, 5, - ' Uncle :. Som's newest and. biggest plahe-carryiiig dirigible Will be pic- tiirecL for: the time ■ .ln"This Man's Navy."...a' Sam,. Mark -produc- tidn /i:ov- Metro, based ^nithe-actiyi.-. ties' of tRP: .Navy's./li'ghtet'Vth^ brancli.::. Kiln is . will /show / planes launched tVom the belly of/.the divigi|3le. :.-Most of the picture was made at liie Lalfcluirst, ;N. J,-, base..; With full cooperation by the Navy. Met' (M-G) On Shelf Nine Years Chaplin Scores Point In Vanguard-Selznicli Suit Attempts to settle differences be- tween United Artists owner-mem-.. beis Charles Chaplin and David O Selzmok out of court have appai- »ntly failed, with Chaplm continuing his legal action Com t of Appeals in Albanj N Y in a 9-2 decision last Thuisdd\ ',^0) ruled that Chaplm could bung a $1 - ■000,000 accounting action a:g'airist /Vanguard Films, Inc, in' New; York .State. Court,/b.y/the sanie margin/ ruled-that Chapliiv could not bring ; .|ctioiv agaiftst ''David O. Selznick Productions Inc theieb\ ie\eisms, ^qeeisioh of lower courts^^^ held: ■ vnaplin could bring suit , Doth, companies. ' wMlhI"&^'v-^^-ii''i^^^^ :,:I>ue.:::.:,-; ivnn the deal which Selznick made ^ , , ^. <i With 2Qth-Fox when He sold-the.:lati' t'- -Back -dt. M-G. :SllOmy vaJ^ ^'z'''^" to "keys:pf;thef,' :>-/ /;■••ybi^^^^vbod.' Dec;/5. 5;,ingflon;r.i "Claudia'' . and. ^'Jane ; ..Xiouis B: iWiiyer isnveli ph the road' to recdvery ::fi'om lii.s .accident; summer/' at his ranch,, iiv .lle.riiev.: .where hp' ya.s, ti-ii'OW'uJ'ronit-a He. ■ oVpec.ted to reliinv 'to, tlio sUidio -foi'-.^at .sjioiit .ses.^ipws ;;i 'tew. tiiues a: v^-eek. before. Chi'tsfnia^- AUTRY SUING TO VOID HIS REPUBLIC PACT V / ./; Holly wood. Dec, 5. : Gene Autrv, now a fliglit officer in Army, ha.s a.sked Superior court to void his actor contract with Republic, declaring the stlidio has been building IIP Roy Rogers as its top we.stern.itar. Autry claims hrs obligations to the .itudio .elided with his feniry/intp tbe. Army 'Aug; Ii l9'i2. :./. ■; ■ Republic:^ contends, contract is still in elVect and that actor nuist i.'esumc work on old terms .oiS. completioiv of hi^ Ariny service. : •/ ' Loew's First Pension Premium at $3,250,000 First disbui'scmenl by 'Loew's .(Mptroi If co,\-er its :pen.sion retire- ment plan, voted by the hoard of di- rectors -some tiine: a.go, \vas ' made: duriiig the^past week w'he.iV $3;2$i3,60O u-aS, paid: ,by,;(he: compiihy-, lo;;,-t,lie. FqiiiUble Life A^sniancc Socictj iMew.Yoi-if;;'- ;"-./ ' . :'/- ,./;■..'-" ;;- -'- ' - Under the pension ;plan. all: niales up to 65 years who have been: in the employ of tiofew's I'or 10 years as of March 1,;/ai-id: W'binei) up. to 60 . that ;ong with I 1 tip/ cpfri p»U>", arc cHglbie.:. .-.: ;:./''■'/- ,/.,;:■-:■.'-/-./> S[[NllS1SIiil[ " ■ 'Warner.s .Bros, is ,: now ^ believed likely to bi'eak away from the Big Five' producer-distributor. .clVain.s; iii connection \ writH/.the /Departraent pt Justice anti-tiust action Wthdiawyl Ifohi^tbe Motit^h Picture; Prpdi.icevs/&; Distributors o£ America.: Inc. (Hays, office),, :is/regarded by insiders fc; inerel.y the first move d,n the part p:f Warners to act independently iii !±\f. tiire .negotiations with, tlie Depart- .ment. ,; Underlying faetoi-;ft''Wa^ ae- tini "in ieawtng/tlie /tlays.offlee is/be iieved priiriarily:due: to. desire, to ne- gotiate w-ith the. Department' 0 f Jus- tice, on,, the basis of an individual company. /Warners,, from accounts, all along also indicated a desire to go further than some of. Ihe other ina- jors in making,concessions to nieetirig the Department's demands on tlieatre di vorcfetiVeriti;,;arbjti-atipiii,/eli m ination of pools and changes m lun and clearance provisiPiis in the old con- sent decree, ,Harry M, 'Warner, it is reported, discussed phases of the proppaed changes in the consent decree with, Wendell Berge and Robert Wright; of the Departinentl^ot Justice, \vHen he w,as■ in ■Washington- about;tw;o. w-eek.s ago;;' ■-.'.'-./ '^-.--:.. /-;■■ Insurrection .which had been.threwt- ening within tlie rank.s; of the mem- bership of the MPPDA, as -re- ported e.xclusively in "'Variety"/Nov, 22,: broke wide open when Warners withdrew from .the orBanization last Thursday (30), while United Artists and sPme prodiicer-menibers con- tinued in 3: rebellioiiK jnopd. Public Relations, Contributing, factors in tl',e 'WarnPr w-ithdi-awal reportedly also concern difl'ei'ences which arose o\er talent availability for "Hollywood Canteen" and. dis.satisfaction with tlic handling Of labor relations and ,wa.i;e negotia- tions,, Warners is, :al,so kno wn to ha ve been ,dissatisfied ■/with handling ot public relations, : , . ■: Company,; it 'is reported, has; been looking around for a likely eJ^ec to handle botli wage and labor relations. Public relations, as with most other ma,ior companies, have in recent years been handled itiore. and rnore. by vaiioti.s companies mdividudUy through fneir own departments. \V,arners, ih Nvithdratt'jng frbhr the MPPDA. is also, accordin'g to Official report. re.signiii,i;' frdhi the Motion Picture Producers Aa.sociation on the Co,ast, althoLfghi, o£ course, planning iCon!i!-,;;cri on page 20) STROMBERG'S BANKER POWWOW WHILE IN N.Y. klint',Strdmberg roliirns tP Holly wood this w'-eekend to start two pic tiires. onc with Jane Riissell and the i s?lc of 8.)0, other ".Dislioriorcd .Ljidv;'" For the .! Rohert Lehman,, N. Y, broker, dis- Ginsberg Pact Soon; Clarify Setup / No/ afbiti'ary; • limitatipn oh, run- iiiiig /time ;Q:t; pictui?es/.is being .ini-- posed 01 considered on the Metio lot, , according /Sd ; Pandrp. -Berman, producer of "National 'Velvet;" in N, Y, for the preem of the fllm Dec, j 14. Films will nm as; long as re- quired to tell tlie story properly, al- though efforts: wiir be made to use fpptage, W'hcre ^possible. ; . ■ v ."Velvet", s tor V was on the Metro sh'Plt foi'' 'nii.i.e.--,vears, it's Befmaii'^ flfth / release. ifpr .Metrp : this yea!'. "Velvet" was previously owned by Paramount where.the story was als'o on the shelf for a; long time wifliout am takei~ among 'the company's producers,.-;, .'■^;//' 'V... ' /;: '; .--- ; ' ■Aside from:, the :shdrta'ge/;ot suit- able, story prppoi'tie.s.; Berman- ^re-1 ports no serious problems conl'toiit-.'l ing producers, rcfcfring,; of ■ course, i to the Met 10 studio, Berman staled ttiat there, was no talent problem because of Louis B. Mayer's "genius': in developing new players to replace the losses to the; armed, forces. •f; Pataniount board of direcloi-.s :at ; its next; meeting is scheduled to; dis- cti.sK ;a'n;d -hkely ratify n'ew ; COnlra,'ct set f«r :Heiiry Ginsberg, .Pui' .,e;xec.u-; t ivtv produeer. ;Simultaneou-sly, ■: the ■ iclatjve Y Frank Freem,in-C;msbei(<'; statii'- at the studio is likelv to be ■ OiarKied; ^ .'/ - /:■ ; /;;' ' \ Ginsl)org,: who was late lust tnimth g iV t; ti.: cX tended administra t i,\'e a u-. thpril'.v, at the studio, ,;alOiig, Vvitlv a new;scve(i-year; pact, from,all jiidi- tation.s becomes the No 1 exec at ilie:; Sltidip iiispfar aiS; practical bpoi-ation is '- concerned,: regardless ;: ot':',;;any ' change::in' Freeman's, statu.s. :. ;; Ginsberg, ;whp has; beolv;gK-'t;n/iiii' " creased authority priniariiy'-t(v/,iiolil^ the liiio against any increase iiv in-:' dependent' units within .Paraihouiit aiid to bear dowii; strongly'on iiotcn^ lially costly; negatives .fun hi n,« o\-er ' ,$2,0()0.000:;ba;s- al^Pady i s)eppecl in to take; "Tho;FIam;e!" Wt'the;Par:sChtd^ / tile.;. '•Ftanie,"; ;frQm reports.' /wciuld -, iun c co.-.t,dose to A);O00.OlK), ;|:. / : -. :;-'Gihsl)prg;s' elevation may/also ^f-;; .feci;/a;;deal/which has been pciidiiic; ■ fcir l.tcnvard Hughes-Prcstou .S'!urges to set. up/an. Independetit uiiit .w-ith Par.; a: la ;Hal -Wallifi and :B; G. -de'- .Sylva;.', ■- / ;:' ';: ; -■;'/::-:'■/-' ;^.',/.;'. , Meantime, ;t'eports';that t'rcemari :mi.iAhl ;jpih Coca-Cola, proviously deiiicd. w'ere again in circulation lit t;he;cast week. CoCa-Cola ;exec»- arouiirl N, Y. have again been talk-; in,£; about Freeman being expected, to, :ioinl their .organization, par iit- sidei's strongly discount all talk that.: Freeman .will leave the company i-e-;' Kardics'. of attractive ofTcrs. elscf. ■w:hcre':v' /,: .;; ■;': / ; '■ -;-;.Frevman, incidentally,, w/ho: was a Par theatre opera'tlng topper before ', / :iC(intihued on page ,14 ) MONTAGUE, WARNER SELL BLOCKS OF STOCK ; Philadelphia. Dec; 5/ / Abraharn MoT>ta;Kue's ;sale of. 2,00'0 .shares of; Colunibia PictUreS Corp. common and Albert Warner's .lale of 4,100 of Warner Bros, %fi par common h'ighii.glited the activity in .show bu.s- iness stocks in the report of the Oct, 11-Nov, 10 period is.wued by the Se- curities (S: E.xchange Go,himi.ssion here last/week,, , • ; : '■;.,■./, ;■ Moiitagiie's vtriutsaisflrtiv/; left;' him with 3;i8S0■ sharcs/(>f;'GPl,/ Waniipj''s holding in, WB stock . was, retiueed to 227 'inO Frederick L, Ehrnian; New York, brought liis holdings in Radio-Keith-1 Oi'phcum down to frOOO shares by the | STETTINIUS FAVORABLY REGARDED BY PIX BIZ , Jnstallation of Edward R., Stet- tiaius,/Jr,, as new Secretaiw; ot State, siipplaniihg CP'^'Jfill Htill. resigned. Is favorably regarded by the niotioh picture^ ijidtistry.,;;,; ; Sfettihiiis,: preyiously chairman ;,(if U S steel and identified with olher la'ri.ic, ;Corporations, is retjarded as ; havins; the attitude ot a bu.siiicssman ; rather than an old-line diplomat. As .such he is, expected to conipi chend picture business problems and real- ; i/c some of the tasks that conli'ont the U S film business in the post- war world market. latter a name feinme ,isvtoe,inf;-/cur- rently negotiated. /;,; ■< ; ; / ;' StraiMbcrg i;s;.eiis;t to/huddle w-ith his/banker« ;for ;'10 days and coiTici- dentally attend ;tradPSI,iow,ing; of his "Giicst in the House" lU.'X '. ,// ' Col. Jock Lawrence's N. Y. FlacUeiy, Rank ls< Acct. Byre'' and also loaned 20th some; ;?tars; including 'Joan Fontaine. Jen- nitei Jones and Doroth\ McG«uie wreeteM-s and technicians. Lt. Wayne Morris Back Hollywood. Dec. 5. . J. With Seven zeros oflicially ercd- :!'™;^'P Inm, Lt.;^ Wayne; Morris; , u»NR. is back in • HoUy woGcl after ; tivo ancl half years; iii;:.service; ; /. , _ f ormer , ,thesp /ha.s . been.;ln the »2"tl\Paciric, flying for more than a 20TH'S NEW PILOT ';/; ' Hpiiywood. Dec, 5. ' Wa 11er Laiv,g. is. the; hewftsf direclor ' .Oit the 20l!i-Fbx/'rosthr;, >vith a;; (ertiv ■;cojitract sighed oCcr. -tlie -.woekciid,;' (',-' -His.vnPVv ; |c(brTl:a:rts--:-w1th;-;'f'Sh'rie ;/FHii\'!>t(r:he ;prPdiiced by; W r.periberg.;;; ■■-:;':- ;;;;,; ;//;-'■-■ ;.„ po.'ied of ,80,0; of'20lh {GeMturyv Fox.; bringing his holdiligs to :l,,5pO .shares of the .secin-ily; ,' ;. GJ.SchaeferMayAlign On Proser's *Copa' Pic. : ; G:(,'firl;e J, Sfhaefer may get ba'ct I ., into/indie prociucliop in-a cleal-with,' - Col, Jock La\vrence, chici; of ,pub-'! iVToiilc Prp.ser. and .Walter-:..Baicbcioi'.j lie relations'hi the; ETO, heads :for j on ; a;:;filmii;atidn of •■iy,opaC£ibana.^'':| Hblly\vopd;tfvis .weeicciid' foi :a vaca-,] based oii/ProsCr's' N., Y. ;i!,!tei;y; :;;;,-;.;-,( lion .wilt)/ Ms/;wife..;tjhency; ;back , to j ;, g(.j,;j,.((,,., present .chairriian of,^thc,;; England, fifli'iwing. v?hieh/lie'A; ex- j'War : Activities Comniittee' of the ] pkted-fp;be're-tirt-nech,to ci'vilhii! life. i Motion ';Picliirc ' Industry;.-: jW'puid i That:'w:oiild; be;lil- :March-;oi;- there liatune/thc cUslribi.ition' end:/- ;'■ .nbotits.-";'■'""--: . '-'-'■.-■';-■'://^'.-' ---.j'; '■■.''■■'.-.,. ..';-;;.,_.--;.__-^-_-/,-' ' ' Lawrence; \f ;k, in-Hol!v*(H)d-fmb- | ;;;, ; '- ,.■ 'liWty ;^.Sci.Hiek.' GoWwyn., et,-al.^ VolC^^ -OH NcW': ^ tins -time- -plans .Aiialo-.-^M'ericaii i. r<j r Tfi'" picss le it 01. II \i \ ^oll auo (iti.^ lioniis, Stock JHikc -w:ill''h-ahdle:J.--^:rthtir;,Salil;-^ esis :f;i';^f;'/;;;; ;;■'; /;;/,;; :■,■:■:^:4f■^^^^uni-^ ■ Cantinflas' 'First;;;^ /'-";'>wr*Vr-i(i.>t/ah.:,uat hteett^^^^^ ■ . , tr n 1 T\ \ new-boai-d of .directors,,ahiuial bonus .: Cantinflas; iknowhsSorb;;,'!^^^^ a.'- ,tl,ui !,'Alcxvcaiv;C,hapiin:'' w-ilt iriiikp; - ; ■rri'tli) Miirk. rtnKiM;"..( . ; . Kni'S W'Ut; liV KIM:i; sli.\':p:i;M v\ l-iiMMiril H'l'Cklv lit \Mtll M, Im -,Si<i;; Wilvcrmjlli. Pi-Cfni/'n*; - : i3i;.Wr.f,i ,<(aii;Kt„ '^?fw^:r'o;!,;/|4; s;;..y .-■CIISCUIIT'O,-- pi'; .;',^io;'; i';i|ii'i>;n ;, .-ti; . \'oi i.-,i; isn *>;,'-. Nji> ,13 INDEX ) In;^ HoUywOdd debut ii- "TIh- .Maa- nilict'Mt ;Trah;i'5" ^.t'j be: pi;odiiei*d-. and;- dirccied 'l)y;iIPl!M Aiie'r/:'- '; ' ;-Pic''ltifc-, v.'iU >-K- fihncd ;a.s . '.iuu'ole- -licader iiv;Spanislr atid;Ej;tgii^h- witii 'Geprgv ■;Mi,it:phy, iiial■^•i,!;^ irj <:>! iiiKO yc^i-itioii.'..;',;' ■:■■;-' -'-;;' v.;';,-'';;';/;'',;;:/'. ;-'- '-' lock Bon' ;- ,,,:)p,i:« fro:!; S.'JO.OOO to $.")0,- 000 ,i,-: ;;,'J, (■! l!ie .iticreased .nuiitbcr 01 eihpirtve- eiifiible foi' slice of ihcloi.. / InrreaM- of slock ijy 100,000 ' ! s!u'u:e;-"oi- cLiiiuilalive preferred; w-'itli pur value Of, SIO. w'Ould' bring tiie , :tWai;;s!itt!;nrlzprt' siisi-e^-tit l,;100.pOO; i,1! D.MI.y V.Mtll'.T\ I i'ljl.lfuhcd In Ilritb •;■',.. liiilty Va.itfct;., l.iil ■/-.SI((, ,(k;. Yenr-Tr?12'/t;''"'.i'ii!i' li«