Variety (Dec 1944)

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Wciliiesday, December 6, 1914 Despite Those Very Long Pictures, 65% of U. S.M Double-Featured ■ Dijsp.ilc; a slew of, lengthy ..jiioturesf dliri Kg , tlie past. year, together , With a gierftei amount ol extended lunb than the industry has ever known, the nuinbei oC theatres throughout the counti y playing double bills iegul<»rl> 01 on a part-time bd-^is, still avelaKe'^ close to 65%. ' The policy Js;; so deep-rooted: in i>i0st spctions , oi the country' {hat gales, officials despair of ever getting lid of dualnifi although expresMnj; some hope that eexhibitors may gidduallj uoan the public awav from expocliiifi two pictures for tho puce ol (tie d". in effect elsewheie They finally got Tid of dished, haivfc"- '■iitghts, gi\'ea\:\'a\' stunts and oilier comeoris, i t's .nolod by one disti-jbu-: tion Ivt-ad but, ho adds ruefully,--if business should stlirt^ getting 'Jbsi&i ' the^e thuigs will come back to haunf U.S.' In some. parts of'-the ,:,»'e,s(, baMHiiiglit and giyea-wayivai-e' beginnhisj to reappear,V' ' > , /: . Tlie pioductioii of longer picUires,;; iioiv si > M, 10 ;,o into leverse due ft) ■ rawstoc'k aiid other problciiis. ■ pUis rpsti'icliGiis on :the , number (rt fi!ni.< ollcrcd for sale. , did not -re- duce the piactice of duahni; as much as the distrlbs had hoped While tlieio been a decline ol doubling .imong larger runs pim- cip*ll\ and i,ciiciallv on induidual pit-tiiies lalhei than as a regulai i'llc'i 0 siufjing, when the coun- ,ti-y is taken, lis. a whole the 'figures sh(»\\ Lonip.aativelY little change '"Dualing has been with us a long time and it looks like it'll continue to be" one maioi sales chieltain opined Most of the south, eastern Penn- sylvaivia, the AVashington, P. C- area. ,yir,£!inia aiicl tile southwest 'reiTiaiiV if\ the iSinglo-hill column thoughv;ih- loads oC dual nit; aic incieasing in these ,lei-i;itpries, \ many theatres throwing in: double bills for week^ „*nds; but .continuing to use' sijigles , duriilg; the/ wc'cjcdays. . Certaiii sec- tions of Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana, 'Nebraska and Ivansas are still pretty ■ liiucli siii.glc'-biH. distribs report, 'but in virlually all other regions of the cou 111cl ual i ng is firmly: intrenched. AdditK)iiall\, the teiiitoues m which twin bills tlommate to an extiemely high deyice ore those ol heavv pop- ulation which return a laige pei- ceiitago ol lenlal returns. Par Re-Inks Jones Holly v\ood, Dec 5. Paul .Tones, pioducei at Para- mbunt :fov eight-Vyears,' signed, a straight conti-act :.:for three : years more. Currently: he i.s , producing .!:The yirginian": and '.'OffOd Inten- tiohs.-" , :: .Outsfa'ticiirig . animig the . pictures he has made .ptv the Paramount lot die "The Fleets In" "Dixie," "Lady >Ae 'The Giedl McGinty and three of the 'flQari'" serie!! s.tarrijig' Biiig Ciosb\ Bob Hope and Dorothy .Laniovir. PICTURES Fox Gets Longer Dates For'Bernadette/'Wilson' By Playing No. 2 Houses In luimcious cases on 'Song of Boiiiadelte" and "Wilson" both of which are. .being .sold at advanced admission :.sealp.< but with- 'profit guarantees. 20t,h-Fox has' - closed .d^als with secoffdary houses,in: vai-i- ;Ous situations played; ratlier'..:tKah the top theatres. : ' :■:;' :■ V'V ' ' V However,. in most^ oi' these in- stances 20th-Fo\ has obtained longci plavmg lime h\ going into the No. 2 laihei than (he No 1 house in the towns . so'sold, the timfe-often, has been d.oubied; as a result: - ''Eterna- dette" deals call: fori . 70^v; with a guaraiitee of .12' i.',:; profit, wliile for :"Wilson,", at: 6.0?:- tlie guarantee is -IS";'.'. •.■.'-'.■■:'?'.-.■: ',..■''•■■■■''■■:;:';: • SAM SCHNEIDER NEW WB Y.-P.; FILLS HAZEN SPOT; 5?;r^^^^^^ ■::. All he has-always had nnich.! engageiiients: mfthoi-tty/; hi;^genei'ar: tdm / . -—' niatteri< at Warner Bros., election of. I Saniuf] Schneider to post of :vice- j presidoiii; and member of the board ! o( dirocloi's,!;' the'week - further increases: his dutie.s. as welt/ as. importahcc. He fills, the Vacany ; on the diiecioiatc left when Joe Hazen resjgiiod sonic months go into nini porductioH in ' Indie Nabc Breaks .\wav >...-' iUiin.eapoiis, .Dec. 5.. Vf'irsf'^bi'eak dh/i'ahks bt,Twtri indgpenden t exhibitors : ''bbS'Cottjng'i Bemadetle,' because ol advanced admis.sipris, came .la:st■ :Wfiek Leo .Aved booked it into: his Em- press, nabe. it's tile only other local: booking since its : downfown- first- r.unWas at: tlie independent Hopkins, suburban tlieatre. a few Aveeks ago wlieii it.did baitgiip,business..,at :$1,10. ■ ..Minitesota Aiiius. eo^^ .also.;, contiinie.s.' to lay off : '^Berna-. dette" and "Wilson'' on account of th« boosted admission demand. I John J, Kriedl is a confirined foe i of .priee-rai.sing for any Him. as are i4he Minneapolis and St. Paul inde- pendent e.xliibitors. He leased , loop 'is,-aiid :Sl, ,P,a;iii;th.eatreR^ f oi' .fhe ,.rec:e 111■,:'■ W,iIsipii'' MCA MAY PKGE. 'DEAR RUTH' FOR FILMS TOO WB's Lend-Lease Deal . On life With Father' Set; 500G Down Paid ■ Warner Bros, has formally, an- rtourieed that deal :(lh'St' reported'iiv "Variety" Nov. 29) been ciiised tax. the, ..screen; fights 1p ;,';Life With .father'- for a period :bf seven years. Deal calls for advance :of $500,000 against lovallies on the gioss. It's ori a .leitd-lease term for seven',, ye^rs. Warners Vrtadfe-a'^.s^ s^Ven" year, de?! -: Witli : Ed iia. Ferber: ' for "Saratoga Trunli.'' Henry .Bernstein, ,French. playwright,.. rei5.oi;tedly :niade ;the first pf such deals ;\V:'ith Fox ,years ago ■ for the sct'een rights ,:tb' V''The Thiel ; "Pather.'V filmed . i^ Teclinicblor, will not be released before 1947. Oscai Soilin at one time consideied pipducifig , ;the. flithi- ' verSipiT . inde- pendently:, when; iiia.ior -'ciampahies refused , to 'aceebt the- seven-year: leasing tern:S. " in addition to-Serlin others listed as owners of the piece are Mrs, Clar- .ence . Day: , who , wrote - the original stories,: and .draniatists llpw'ard Lind- say. Rus'-el Ciouse Otheis who had a piece of the pla\ include John Hav Whitney. iMis Chailes Payson, Mis Caily Whaiton Martin Gabel Hume Cronyn, Howard-S. Gullman. Dr. ir\'ing Sdriiaeh,. .Ned i Sehac. anci ,i;d',Ser,l}n, ■.,:;;',..■-■,■;,. ■:■;, ;.:' ■. :-'.■ , , . After : .seven , y'ea:rs, Hhe picture rightsi under . \\'i1h Warners, revert to the owners. Only one film is tp • be. niade and m!iteri:al for the filhi,,:is to..:be ,res);victeid to that iiowv | m the play.:. Lindsay. Crouso- and : Mi's, Day are to be tcclnnical;advisers,.! on: the film productipn .ai'Vd , j'etfiin right of ecliting, Televisipii. and aii.v other: niechaniGial rt.giits.: -a.i-e: ii'o,t, ,iiv-^ ■eluded.,,■, :':'• ■ ■,■'■,' ': ■■," : Understood, that 'after a jdistribu- tioii charge, of ,18-20' .. distribution; retur,i;^s.: wijl be; divicled . between "Warner' and the cop\ugnt ownei^ On::thei ibasis :6f- 65'V 'for;.tlie studio and 35'- for the: seflei'Si After the production cost,'i.s, recouped proceeds will ;^ be 50-50. : '-^ '^ Plenty of St. Louis Blues for All As Boothmen-Exchange Workers Strike; Shutdown Curbs Bond Sales Film Jobs Up, Wages Drop .;:■ :' ■;■ .:■ \ . Sacramenio. Dec. 5V ■ : ;lVlbtion ;; picture..:- jobsv,, i:n6reased sligH t l.v? d tiring: t),ct ober - alt h bugh. the a\eiage wcckK cainmgs dropped frpnv $74,98: to ■$71:;3?,: ;m, COiTipariScm witlT the pi'eyiau.s month, ..a:c'eordln,g to, the,California State: ii,aboi':,,:Statis- tics Bulleiiii,:-' ,■• .■, Employnient:.;tor.tni ma.lnvfaclurin.g :industries Inr tiie .state drpppcct :olt 25.700 during October, clVictly i.ii' ship-^ yai-ds: aiid airplane pUuils. ; .■ ;' ■ BREEN'S 3-YEAR TERMER WITH MPPDA; V.-P. ALSO Recognition of Joseph I. Brcen's , direction of the Production Code Ad- | niihistratipii, .was given . by 'the Motion Pirture Producers. & Dis-; tribulors; As,sn;', W.ieek when he i was elewited to MPPDA Mce-piesi- doiit:: At the same,finie,he w"as;gi\'en,: a thiee-'ieai contiact in MPPDA as ,PC,A director. Breen .was absent tor a .short time as pvoduclion head at RKO but r.elurned to his old spot as PCA cAief. ■: : BreCn ' is, ntnv the: oi'ily - v.p. of MPPDA; ■ ■becatfse: .Cterlps,' Srancis Cot' resigned his title as such, ;W'hen; he :weiit on inacttve: slatuji as ccitinsel (it .the association..- ; ■;.: .;. DeMille's Tlame' Out; Would Have Burned Up Too Much Coin for Par ■: ;Gaiicellatibil of further ;plai3,s : bii; proci/uction ; pfl^Cccil ,- B;;: DeiMille's; "The Flame.'' .o,ti : which ihei}!'- has been, consiclerabto , prepiiraiioii thus far, is reported to stem frotn'a deter- mination by far to: hold the cost ;0f' .pictures down heroatler. not Only for De^Iille,;but ':also generallj-; at :the studfp!;:';■ ■'::■■ Docisi;on; 16 bi'ing costs into :t<iY.-; occurred,: iicccirdiiig to inside: attei'; tlie coinpaiiy linaliy got "Frehch- man's Creek" into the can at a, re- ported cost of $;!.500.000, highe.^l-cost film ever turned, out by Par:; : The DeMilie picture w-as titled "Rirrale,f''.ancl ,w;as, to tell the sloi\ Of the MeMCan ie\olution of the poiiod oi 1913-15 Expenses of an undelerinined amount, had al- ready been run up in shooting back- gl-ound malerial in Mexico, making of .sets, costumes, .story ■ preparation, etc. ,',..,■,' A short .olTicial .statement from Pat ,says in pari that "it ,was teit by OeMille ,and Paranipuill that, the high cost iiiyolVecl vvouldiiiot w'ar- rant;,bf., the :", DeMille had long, been interested in doing a picture on the Me\ ic\olu- l;on in ciuestion.. , 1 ■ Music Corp, of America, which is .setting; a precedent' with a .legit package On: ''Dear.' Ruth" .(Joe 'My^ j •Jvon with Hal Wallis. Board 'luim-, man. Bernie Hart and: Moss ilai't). ■beivs;'!! mcmbc ; With Warners since its incbrpora-: tioii in ]H2;i, Schneider has advanced from',; the accounting department ; through, various .stages until becain- ing a.ssistaht to, the president, liafr.v l*l;.::Wai:hei;> He shunned 'lising: this } titte ;uiit il recently, ■hoyypver, but in | thai; positibii. ho has assurrted-ihipor.-'I , ;t«nce in-handling, of financial mat-' Krasna :itiay carry it fiirther ;and; ftfrn the pliiy aii a jiickire piickage, MCK' has been iiK ,fll,m , packjige, business . be-; loie, e.specialU \ia RKO, including piX::U'ith. Fibber McGee :& Molly, Edgar Bergen. ;Kay liyseiv clirectoi Tim WheUin, et al, ■ : ' MCA'backed "bear Riitli," b.v Nor-' 100",. as pi'eseiitert by t?rs,: cpi'p':n:ate."acfivities ip' general i 'lJ-man' &■; (Bcmie')' Hiirt, with the aitd a,s; liaison bet ween the pvesi'cleht y l"t'P'''s br.Ofiiei . Moss Hart, staging It ' and:the diitribiition, production alicl 1 and:s;lso 'having a piece tliereot. ;':theatrft deparlmenfs of WB, He i; al-sb.' tju;, last: word on torei,e,M de ■piit'tnieiittd atrrfirs!:, . ■. ' - ■■ '■:.: ' Rathvon to Chairman Red Cross Movie Week ■ ■;' N;: Pother Rathvon. :R.Kd ';i.irc!Xy;'i, ha.s accepted the national chairman^ ship of li)45 Reel, C'ross ,Movie Week campaign in Mai'cli. Last year, un- der the chairmanship oi' .JosopivBern- hard, .-the industry raised .'ippro.'ii- mately, |7.000.00&; fpr Red Crbi<s:,via, llicatre co!lect:;>i>, ;,: ;' '■•'",,.'[ Rath\-dh,'po-iv ;0,ri tlie'Coast for iiis- j cussions relating pr,o,diicti<in plans and to' vi'evv ne'5V, picft[,res (OJiling ofl' the 3ssenrl)l,v Ihie. rciiutris ;tO, ,N: 'Y. Monda.\- (Hi. •;, :'■ ';:■ :•''■,',''■■, ,: ZANUCK IN N.Y. SAT. FOR NOBEL AWARD SPEECH Darryl, Zanuck is duo: frbin the Coast Siiturday (9); for the Nobel Award dinner the .foliovvirig . day in Ncuv.Yprk at the M.otel A.stor, iie is scheduled to be; ,a ' sjieakei': at the afl'arr, which will, .s'treb "Edticatiori fof Peace,'';' ,-- '.' Zanuck .slays over in N. :Y... Until Dec,' 20 ;ior--lhe "Wiiig:ett / Victory" , premiei:e .at tlie; Roiiy.. :.;■ ' ;!; SIGN 'TUGBOAT' STARS Holly wood. Dec. 5. Janc: .isiu'wi'll ;gf)d Ildgiir Kennedy \y,oi'c^ sigiic'd foi- top i'oles. in, a,- sejies of Ttigboiil::,Attnie features: to bi' pi^oduced^ :!iy, J,anic's ;Burl;.e(t for -Republic ::!'tr]oase,; ■'; ,; ;:;. , -' i' -■: , ; Series g()cs ih-io.:w'(ii:l<;;.Di'c; 7. with ■'''ru"!joat :Ajvnic's;.'Son''., as:,'fiSe lii'st Vent:ui'e, .:;:;:. '■■. ';^>':^'':::■: ;''''■■' ■.'.. .."■.'-' :.. . ■■, . :.. ■ . .. ... , ■ . . ... : .|, PRC's 5th Anniversary Ballyhoo Next March ' Fifth :Aiinivei'Siir/ of PiJC/ w-llf be-, ol)SGirveci,: nationally Mardh . Vi' ; lb :. ■ April; 5,:; .s'jjy.s Leori Frbrnke-ss^ coiii- .', -paiiy,-proxy.' "Towii Went W'ild;'V '"Sirange'lliiisioh;" "When Lights Cib { ,: On Again," "Crinie,, Inc:" and "BluO:,, j beaiid'.', are Fromkess' ,''An!ii\'or.sai',v 1 :.B'i;ve",'for; the occaslom ■ ■! ,; PRC -.recently . launched a plan ■ whoiebj bulk ot franchises will be, : taken^ovcr and :c6iTipafly-,sefs :;u!i its f '<>Wn . exclia 11 ges.: ' Cpmparty', bxpects 'i to own SS*";. or more of.jfs e-Kchange,:'' :sett|p'by the end Of-next ye-ir,: T i HAMBLEN IN SADDLE . .: V:i|nUy wpbd. Dtjc, .5. . . Stuart: Ihtinblc'n,' radio cbw'bo.v,.,wMl gallop (,n, the ith-cen tor B.bptibli(' iiri- der a n.iH^.:j,it;„,,.ji,j,. PQ„l^ggj.^ ■ : Deal calls l^r eiglit annu- ally loi the next seven years. The 39th Anniversary Number OF Will be published late in December Forms closing shortly Usual Advertising rates prevail Special exploitation advantages Copy and space reservations may be sent to any Variety office NEW YORK 19 154 W. 46th St. HOLLYVI/OOD 2? 1708 No. Vin« St CHICAGO 1 360 N. Michigan Ave. Si Loui- Dee ,T Republic and RKO local ev- .:,cbange personneljtpday; jbihcd ;f ara-, mouni workers vho went .on, strike:, Fi'iday . (1) because non-unidn pro-. ^ 'jectionis.ts ; were .handling . films: at .■ :: several; indie-op era tod theatre.s id .: this area.:: Warfier . Brols. exchaiige: workers have not yet gone bui on strike, . but the' cbiiipaiiy ,'re,fti)?e.s. 'tij.- deliv<?i- iilnis ;tp theatres: itO'ecfed, ' ■ ■ ;Aii expected decision by Federal Judfje; Rubey M. Ilulei):«ii' th^(, ini" :junction sought by tlift fttlorinfiy for three ,St, Loliis:'iilm ; houses ; a!;uiiist;; :: Wamei Bios 20th Cenlui\-Fox and Monogiam Pictuies loi bie.ich- ing their contract by refusing to supply films - to .the: iC irk wood.- v«is : held up l\londa^ (4i when an amendment 'to ■ I he originalpetition ■: ,«as filed. A short while later vvheii.;,: the nuhfiber of houses closed.; because ;;, (if, the refu.sal :bf;;proj,eclionisl,^ to : ha'rtdle Baramount films, rose to, 1.'), . U. of:Which are units of the Si, Lpuis. AmUii.:-,: Go. : chain, (Fanchoii ;:& '; Ma,rcp:)V:, Harry ,;Arlhuiv' .ii-,.' head: , ' mJih fp»;.F&]VT hdrt/i chargod thai:the; "■■ Closing of thc'ihoustfs had icrioUsl.V:,, interfered with success .of the fUh: . War Bond drive in St., Louis. : At a meeting'.' representing 90 theatres in St. Louis t'ouiit,v, Arthur , ' said local exhibs distributed' !57,S()0,- 000; of 5th: ; War' Bonds' ,:biit, sales : -of; fVtc Sixth iire laggihg::: Arthur; «aid'': that,:MOncl!)y nites ai'd;cpH'o4o.;ptir-' cliasesOf War boiid.s ahd some; houses:; 1 a\e ofleied fice ducats valid at anv tinie. to persons wlio purchase . "j;" .: :bonds, ,' , ,' In aniiouncihg- that F&M lias issued . a notice to all employes, eflective immpdiatcly, - that: they. vvcre- being placed on a day-to-dav basi-, Ailhui declared that ''9a't. ot all the- atres ill, the: United ; Stalcsv sifuatcd ' as these theatres are. do not employ more than one pro.iccfionist iir the- booth and employ no stage hands, A . \ St, Louis brdi"''nce , J'equires iwo,. pi-ojectioni.sts : tor each booth ; in;; , theatres vvlthin the city hihi'tK, :It does .not include:the county. We da/; :n:ot :knp;w of any ;plhei-' large city- that has such ah:p;rdiiiahce, in addition to the 17 employes, at ■ Paramount: e-xch;irige who . weni 'i:/tit; on. strike Friday <1)," 12 other em-- * ployes were absent from their taslvs ,• yesterday,;, as' vyell' as an additiohal:' .■iO who work Ipr Rop and; RKO. -f^: i-cvised ;lisit:<rf: hto^ cipsed inchide , the :i,.')n{)-sealer Mi'.^ouii ene ot I^'&lVI's three delu.<iers in midtpun;,: five Aubert. Gafiitol.' GoiVgress^ ;La- ; tayettc. Maditl. Pageant, PowhaftMi^ Sh.Tw, Victory' :i0x1 An.yndaie, Oliier houses, bcsic'cs.tlie three in St. Louis, county, are ,Ncw Siicinndoah, iVlary- lapd: and, Whilewa.-, owned and on - ; eralcd h\ Sam Konim The O'.nk hi, St.,-Lftiiis iS; stilt .'''titiei'eri.; : LEWIN LEAVFS MG TO RFJOIN DAVID LOEW ■; ■- ilollyiSpOoi; nee ii.:, : ': Alberl';:'Lp\\'iii'... clrecked/;:O'ff:'.'the' ,. M!;.'tro; lot,,after. pr-idiicing.:,((nd direct- itig ' ';Th(v IHclure of ;ljo,(:iaCi..^^Q^ and-'will rfjpin David' ljOow ih'. ja:;/ -new profhiciiif.',: company 111 ahniiV : ' two.r(ibhfhs. His iHc.tro coiitracl. v, \ 10 'mbnl iis'to rl■ll,^w;ls sctlM ijy:miir-: .tuaf.'agrf'ehii'ni.V' - ■;.,-V ■: ,.;,,;■ ; ■;; ■.'; ; Whch tlii' HC,v :i,(ic;\v'rt>wih I'lnu- pany rcsii'iiics v: iieie- it, left oil ■in.;:' •1939, Lc-u'iM :\s iH .'l'uMclivji, tis'dlrf'cfoi^'v:' '.and .writer, wilii LfH.',-,' .i.s ijrocluce'i'," : .:0lid(>i:stood they wil' :r(.fl,easO: tlu' .■. ■tlu^i>:d Aj::ti~is,'. ; ,■,;.;' ;' ,; - '.':';'; Dembow-Golden's 3 Pix In 2 Yrs. May Stay RKO - ..: Hiiyiii'i ill' mii;-d /tiie/pi'bductiim V)E'; three ijictui'es o\'e;^'a,two-year siiani.■ Saui :ljenii)ov,-; :Jr,; 'presitleiii;.; ot:' , (iolfieii l'i'i:i;-u<;t;pi.,i-. In(•.,;:p(i^t ■ wlvicii ■: lie lis ;ui)n'f;' (iuiiltg the,'paitt >veck ' i,fl(-r stetipiii.'.;. otit of.''J?af'anipviril, :':S ' di.^cusshig; I'vUiasi' . lllariV' to c<K t'f.: tlu'se; .fprtiu:/>iiiiiig ■; Olmf-ty';'RKO; pi'e''', vidusl.v.; released,;,' :ErilrK.' Goiden's , ;'llitltf%. C!v.lflren'; an<r'his '"5flast(?l' Race.": 'ami 'fna^ ,.cpiit:niii'' ctitid' in fU'i'urcr,:/.,. ' ; Deniho'v;', .heav'it.^ invesieu ; ia G.:iklen's coi!'p''i!iy, -resijinecl .a.- X.p. ; of Faramoiuit ,-, Tliea.tres:, Service ' 'Corp., to. cxieuci his pix pliiiis,;;