Variety (September 1909)

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: :'4»*->l -**&'* y* V- -i..'r:;. ■#■»»■ :*» . • ■ ASSISTED BY MABLE RUSSELL S FIELD BROTHERS • AT HOME AGAIN » » Opening af Grand Opera House, Pittsburg, Sept. 6 Booked Solid over United time Drecon JACK LEVY V. ':V't. m ft t: '09-'10 OPENS WITH BOOM GUY » . FRANCES RAWSON wtfl • * Featured with Weber ft Rush's "Bon Tons" This Week (Aug 30), Gayety, Detroit DETROIT "1 the Gayety. Burlesques "Leaslag Light" at "Hera QonM the •tar!" "All hall tto king pin of astral bodies!" Of course, tt wasn't Just la those words, but the was the same. And then Frances Clare would skip out onto the •tags and snails and go out Into the wangs and corns hunk aalaus soma elothsa and slug a little sad smile soma mors and pleaae the audience. Frances Clara Is at tbs Gayety this week. Sols sou. Tbs little world of burlesque Is proud of their acknowledged premiere. And the Bon Gayety—certainly show thst they mn proud of the stats who are with then this aeason. Mian Clare Is, beyond a doubt, the li ois n o x aosaustli) In burlesque. She it pr e tty ; aha Is has s food appearance. la her flrst song the weara half hose, hold up by the eort that are •'guaranteed not to tosr." la her lsst eoag and lots of otbara aha won't die of heat prostration. The Clare-Bawsoa specialty set In the alio Is re mark a bl y good lay btrlssquo, and urlll make s good Imp r ess i o n wh er ev e r The Bon Tuns are giving a better than-uaual burleaque ahow. The ehoroo sings wall and dances passably; the com ed y la typified by hrtsfaees; the whole production goes with s eoap and rush that Is a relief. DETBOIT "JOTJBMaX." The Bon Ton Bxtravuganaa poipaay -danced, cavorted sad sang Itself Into popular fa tot at law Gayety theater Sunday af te rnoon and evening. It Is s peppery, gingery, rollicking entertainment those happy-go-lucky borlesquers furnish, the Kind that the patrons of the Gayety delight In. The girls— and, honestly. In most lnetancea they are girls—oars psrssaal cbarma and contours that are worth going miles to see. The program opens with the musical satire, "A Night In the Ten- derloin." in this concoction, the graceful Mies Clare, the bumptious Gay Rawson. sad many others are privileged to disport themeervee la festive gay abandon In ths section and among s c s nss wherein stags fixers lore best to portray Mow York. It was la this part of ths performance that mas Fisnsss Clara dlaplayed her chsrma In a gown that was 4 modish fsast. Before the ourtain fell oa the final scene, how- ever. Miss Clare gave bar au diences an oppor t unity af lng the evolution of feminine attire In burlesque without start- ling sudenaess until she eventually appeared in silk tights of ths daintiest pink In 'Teddy's Trip to the Jungles," wJth which the Boa Tons ended their entertainment. JaKBOIT and Francos Clare, whose "Just Kids" sketch has Bang been ass ageisms 1 ss one of the beat things on the burlesque wheel, are back st the Gayety this week ss stars. Too two comedy akita that open and close the bill are written In a way that aeoentustes the star part of the arrangement. Bat a ohady minded It greatly If the triumph of these two dessrrlug players wss brought out rather forcibly. Their work has already been clean and natural and they have even hotter opportunity tbia season than ever before. Guy Rawson hi Inimitable In his. tramp character, while Frances Clare la almost plump now snd weara a dasallag series of hsnnswms costumes, nooe of them too ample, in a bewitching manner. She Is so bright snd winsome end jolly thst emu, a mild attack of staralatia does not lessen her charm. The company In s strong one sslde from the two principal Poaplo. >.' ■ & ** ' • v ■ n :< *•. When ansicwriMp .."•.•--•■- r-*- •%■'