Variety (October 1909)

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VARIETY nmry A Variety Peper for Variety People. PabUatad ever/ Bararday by THB VAIUBTT PUBLISHING CO. IBM Broadway, Tlawa Sooare, Ntw York City. T*lepbone{ JJJJ [Bryant Entared aa aeooad-claaf matf«r Dawmtor 22. 1905, el tfte Pott O&oo at Now York. N. Y., under tha act of Conor— of March t, 1879. GXXOAOO OFVXOS, 7tl Osiaeffe Opssa Heaea Bleok, (Ifcene, Mala MM). E. B. MZBXDITM. JOMV J. O'OOBVOB, lobdov omoi, 411 ttna* (Oatla, "Jessffee, LmiM") ■ab rmivonoo omoi, StM Batter It LB6TEB J. FOVVTADf, Bsprsssntativa. PAW omoK. €• BU. In Balat DUiar, BBWABD O. KXBDBBW, BapreeeatatlTS. bbblm omoi, Vator den Uaeea el, IBOl'l UBBABT 0. K. BBIBT, Eayraa aaUt JTa, Bat* card may ba found In adrartlalng aaetlon of thla laana. - •VBBCOUPTZOV BATBB. Annval 94 Foreign ft Biz and thraa mootha In proportion. Sing la coploa 10 eanta. VABIBTT will ba mailed to a permanent ad- dr«M or aa per route, aa daalred. ———-^—■—— 1 1 .I 1 AdTertlaementa forwarded by mall moat be ac- companied by remittance, made payable to Variety rubllatalnf Co. ^^^—^i^^ ^^m^^^—^——^—^^~ Copyright, 1909, by Variety Pnbllabiag Co. Vet, XVI. OCTOBER 2. No. 4. Uermany's "Air Ship Dogs" are at Cam- ion this week. Fred Ward has entered into partnership with Snitz Edwards. Edward Lewis has placed his song com- positions with Leo Feist. Max Rogers will not open in "The Young Turk" until some time in November. L. .Tonus, the Moss-Stoll representative, will return to New York next month. Marie Bcrgere, formerly of the Bergerc Sihters, is now appearing ns n single act. Heat rice Ingram opened her vaudeville engagements at Lawrenee, Mass.. thin week. •lames Brockman opened his United sea- son at the Colonial. Lawrenee. Mass., this week. .loh 11 J. Jermon is making a few changes in Jacobs & Jennon's "Jardin De Paris tiirls." The Empire Comedy Four sailed for F.urope Wednesday. They open on the continent. Sam Tauber expects to send, his "Song font est" over the .Morris Circuit for a repeat shortly. Honors and LePrince, French eccentrics, Wednesday for New York. Miss Collins open on the United time in January. will be booked by Alexander Fischer. The Powers Bros, have their new act, "A Fish Story," in readiness. It employs a special setting. A. K. Johnson is booking for the J. 13. Morris Family theatres at Port Jervis and (Jloversville, N. Y. Jacob's Dogs will return here during the season in a brand new pantomime, to be placed by Paul Durand. Paul Durand is offering the Nettie Car- rol Trio, a wire act. Miss Carrol formerly worked alone in the same line. "A Toymaker's Baby," played by Flor- ence Trevellion and Co., was closed at the Columbia, Brooklyn, this week. MfcLallen and Carson, the skaters, have been placed by the Morris office to open at Brighton, England, Feb. 7, 1010. Holfe Rafaello, a cartoonist from Europe, opens on the SulUvan-Oonsidine Circuit Jan. 3. Paul Durand is the agent. Lillian Kingsbury, formerly in the sup- port of Robert Mantell, has a comedy drama in preparation for vaudeville. Ernie and Mildred Potts commenced a return engagement over the Orpheum Cir- cuit at their home town, Minneapolis. "Phasma," the foreign dancer, under the management of B. A. Myers, is now in New York, and expects to open soon. The Putnam Opera House at Malone, X. Y., has been leased by Huntington A Levy and renamed "The Empire Theatre." Adgie's Lions, after a summer at an At- lantic City Pier, opened for vaudeville at Ottawa Sept. 27, booked by Paul Durand. Elsie Boehm will shortly play in a musi- cal comedy skit, carrying six people. Miss Boehm will employ her double voice in a dual role. The theatres at Memphis, Tenn., are again experiencing trouble over the Sunday show questiou, much mooted down there last season. The United Booking Offices' Park and Fair Department lias booked the attrac- tions for the Virginia tStatc Fair at Rich mond. Oct. 4-0. Cliir (Jordon was obliged to rest in a hospital at Memphis this week for a couple of days. He opened at the Jeffer- son there Mondav. Dunn and Glazier left the Fifth Avenue program on Monday, dissatisfied with their i>osition. Sullivan and Pasquelena and Co. were called in. Knglish and Carnahan in "The Leading Man" were at the Lyric, Hobokcn. the tirst three days of this week. "Osmahan" of the act is a flve-vear old bo v. Marie Collins, a sister of Ixttie. and a character comedienne. left Fnglaml Channing Pollock has completed the scenario of "The Inner ShrineT' the dram- atization of a popular novel which Klaw & Erlanger will produce this season. Zbysks, a Russian wrestler, has arrived over here, along with Dr. Sage, who will manage him. The Doctor may place 'a wrestling tournament on the road. The Shuberts will rebuild the Star, for- merly occupied as a burlesque house, in Scran ton, and will conduct it as a first- class theatre in opposition to the Lyceum. The Alexandroff .Troupe of Russian Dancers return to this country in January to commence a tour of the Sullivaa-Con- sidine time, placed through Paul Durand. Cliffe Berzac is returning from his short English visit. He will arrive in New York about next Tuesday. Mr. Berzac is bring- ing back an equestrian sketch for vaude- ville. Mrs. William E. Annie with Jennie La Mont, in a new piece written for them by James Madison, will soon appear in vaudeville under the direction of Edw. S. Keller. Herbert Lavine, the auditor for the United States Amusement Co. (Klaw & Erlanger's "Advanced Vaudeville"), is now in the bookkeeping department of the Ca- sey Agency. Fannie Ward will open her American season in a Klaw & Erlanger play by For- rest Halsey and Lee Arthur, entitled "Van Allen's Wife." H. E. Reeves Smith will be her leading man. Flo Irwin in her new act "The Irish Modiste," written by Edgar Allen Woolf, opened at Keith's, Columbus, last Monday, playing Keith's, Syracuse, next week, placed through Pat Casey. Gwendolyn Stevenson, one of the Four Musical Hodges, is at her home, Daven- port, recovering from an attack of periton- itis, caused from working too soon after an attack of ptomaine poisoning. Will Beam and Martie Hale (Hale Sis- ters), were married at Forth Worth, Tex., Sept. 14. The ceremony was performed on the stage of the Royal Theatre where both parties to the compact were work- ing at the time. Nellie Lytton was the only woman on the hill of entertainment provided for the "Smoker" given at the New Amsterdam Oi>era House Wednesday evening by the Sons of St. George for the officers of the foreign battleships. Charles Bornhaupt, the New 101*. Mari- nelli agent, has been invited to put to- gether a "girl number" with eight singers and dancers, all American, for the manage ment of the Olympia. Paris. Tt is to play there next summer. •Terry" OOonuor left the Orpheum fSreuit headquarters in New York last Saturday, assigned to the Western Vaudeville Association. Chicago. "Terry" is a Miss, and a nice one, too, a great deal too good for Chicago. Upon Fred Zobedie concluding a thirty weeks' contract received from the United, he will retire from the stage after a ser- vice there of thirty years. Mr. Zobedie's agency in the Long Acre building will continue while he is away. Spader Johnson will play the week of Oct. 11 at Lewiston, Me., making the trip there from Brockton, Mass., as a favor to Jeff Callan. Johnson was for years a clown with the Barnum-Bailey Circus, for which Jeff was the ticket seller. When Shea's Theatre, Toronto, moves to its new location, the present vaudeville house will be placed under the manage- ment of Charles W. Denziger. The change of location will occur about Jan. 1. The new building is progressing rapidly. The Brunins, billiard ball jugglers, who last appeared over here two years ago, ire rebooked for the United time through the Marinelli office. The foreign act will open at the Colonial, New York, Oct. 18, and tour the country, leaving here for Australia. Sunday concerts commenced Sunday afternoon at the Empire Circuit's New Casino, Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn. The attractions are furnished by Paul Wolf, who takes his selection from the United lists. Percy G. Williams' Orpheum is a few blocks distant. Wilde and Serrano, Robt. Hodge and Co., J. J. Dowling and Myra Davis, "The Toymaker's Baby," English and Carna- ban, and Miss Charcot and Co are acta playing about New York this week to "break in," all in bouses booked through the Joe Wood agency. Lon Hascall, of "The Behman Show," and Loney Haskell st Hammersteln's this week, announcing "The Woman in the Case," are distjbet personages. This is Hascall's first seaso n in burlesque, having formerly been connected with the dramatic side of theatricals. His entrance into the varieties has caused some confusion to both himself and Mr. Haskell through the similar pronunciation of names. David Livingston Mackay, who made the announcements for Ann Diss I* Bar when the woman appeared at Hammer- stein's, was ordered deported to England by the Immigration authorities last week. "Prophet David," as the Madame affee tionately referred to him. will return by the way of Canada. The Canadian au- thorities have requested that Livingston shall not he sent to Montreal until the day before the boat sails. The theatrical managers of Vienna are demanding that Ben Tiel>er discontinue the use of "A|h>1Io Theatre" for his variety house there. The legitimate "Ilerr Direk- tors" want just "Apollo," to distinguish it as distinct from a legitimate house. Once in a while during the past years Tieber presented opera in the Apollo, and he wants 1 he "Theatre" to remain. At last re|>orts the battle was still rapine, wiih 'IMeber liguring up what the Imumiscn for cnncclla- tious next season would net him.