Variety (October 1909)

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VARIETY 27 I. MILLER, Mammfacturef 202 W.232ST MX of Theatrical Boot* 6 Bhoea, CLOG. Ballet and Acrobatic Shoaa a specialty. All work mad* at abort notice. PHOTOS. CABINETS, $8.60 per 100. Flrei CUaa. Bet. 25 yra. Here alttlnga or »mi pbotoa ae negative. JOHNSON. 108 Wabaab A».. Cblce*-» SECOND JlAND JR|y ES BARNCTT 828 STATE 8TREET, CHICAGO. ILL. IN BEE JOE ADAMS COOLEST SPOT IN NEW YORK. West 44th Street ("23 Seconds from Broadway") Everything 1 that's nice to eat and drink. Martin C. Br Chaa. F. Jonaa Australian Vaudeville Bureau We arc prepared to deal with acts that have too miu'h spare time on their hands, providing- they have transportation fees to this country. Anything up to $200 will be considered, but must be specialty acts; talking acts no use. Lithos, press notices and descriptive matter to be ad- dressed to MARTIN C. BRVNNAN 104 OXFORD ST.. PADDINOTON, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. mmadlala attantlon to all oom munloatlona MARSHALL P. WILDER If. J. Ball 'Phen* 1ft. _, . 51SB81. Telephone [m^r Bryant 4\niETY TIKES SQUARE RW YORK CITY Cable Address "VARIETY. New York' ADVERTISING RATE CARD SPAOX OR TTME RATES 1 Line $ JO 1 Inch (14 Agate lines) 1 time 2.80 1 In. 3 months (18 times) In advance.. 88.00 1 In. 6 (20 times) " .. 68.60 1 In. 1 year (02 times) " " ..120.00 1 Page (072 Agate lines) 126.00 H P«ge 68.00 H Page 82.60 Front Page (portraits of women only).. .100.00 6000 Lines J ( .18 10000 Lines ^To be need within one year - .17 20000 Lines) I .16 PREFERRED POSITIONS 1 In. serosa Page $10.00 ■ in. ••*•••••••••••■•••••• avf tVv • In 40 on I rl|r »•••••«••••■••••••••••••••••*••AOV<W/ IN ROUTE SHEET 1 Line one time $ .80 % Inch one month 8.00 1 Inch " " 10.00 ARTISTS' RATE CARD Under "Representative Artists" (For Artists Only) H Inch single column $4.00 monthly net 1 Inch " " 7.00 H Inch doable " 8.50 " " 1 Inch " •• 12.60 •« M 2 Inches single " 12.00 " " 9 Inches doable " 2260 " ** H Inch across page IB.00 " M 1 Inch acroaa page 25.00 " " 2 Inches across page 00.00 " " 8 Inches acroas page 70.00 " LARGER SPACE PRO RATA Discount .1 months, cash hi, advance, 5% Discount 6 months, cash In advance, 10% Discount 12 months, cash In advance. 15% (Advertisements under "Representative Artists" not aocepted for less than one month.) No Preferred Positions Given. CUTS Single Column (1 time) $15.00 Double Column (1 time) 25.00 Advertisements forwarded by mall must be accompanied by remittance, made payable to Variety Publishing Co. SHORT VAMP SHOES (Exoluaively for Women). For Stage, Street and Evening Wear. Great Variety. Eaeluaive Models. Creator of Short Tamp Shoes. 607 Sixth Ave.. New York. Bet. 80th and Slst Sts. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. One Flight Up. TeL 1888 Madison Sq. 80METHINO NEW LOOK IT OVER. THE 19th CENTURY WONDER. V-E-N-T-R-l-L-0 ■ M-Y-S-T-0 COURT THEATRE, BROOKLYN, 8UNDAY, OCT. 3d, MATINEE AND NIGHT. Presented by C. W. WILLIAMS. THE MAJESTIC THEATRE, AURORA, ILL. is booked through the WESTERN VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS* ASS'N, CHICAGO luis Un- it. 11" the plot, to hinge I lie i • :i i' t should go a heap better. A few scenes between Wntsoii mid Oilison are continuous laughs. William Harris has an opportunity as a "straight." and aipills himself admirublv. This part Is called "Treasure Island." and while a plot probably once existed, in lis present state a plot would be a burden, lor it Is nothing but a succession of uuod legitimate and original laughs, mainly sup plied by Watson. The "Consideration line, which should never have gone past the opening of the tirst part, where It is offered In a mild form, Is ei.ntlnueil here to no advantage whatsoever. Throughout the show the numbers are well staged ami do not show any evidence <>f "horse-play" on the part of the comedians to bolster them up, so prevalent in burlesque Near the llnish, "The I »a nee of the Absinthe Fiend" Is offered where one <>f the company not programed attempted to exhibit her knowledge of the "wiggling art." Sad to say, she Is limited to u few shurp angles instead of graceful curves. The bit did not last long enough to do any damage and the cur- tain came down on a well pleased audience. O'CONNOR. KI'SON'S (Sid J. Ruson. mgr.i —"The Olbson Olrls hi Hurlesque" is a show which will plense any audience and with half a dozen laughs it would l>e a hit. Ab It now stands there are girls a plenty, costumes unusually nice and voices which make It compare In these three respects with "The Majesties" of last season. The skit Is written along melodramatic lines and the comedy Is impossible. George Leonard leading role but makes a "bit" out of does a comedy old man, necessary to and that la all. The comedy was meant on things bordering on the suggestive but It does not even strike home along these lines. Several times the comedians hover near ob- taining a laugh. They always stop before it arrives. Though a big company with many things in Its favor but there la nothing for one theater- goer to speak of in advising another to see the performance. A dance which limy work into something. It Is styled "The Dance of Death." Florence Mills and Joseph Hollenbow are the dancers. The Idea Is to have n tiger jump from Its cage and kill the man for a finish. Early In the week the tiger's claws bad not arrived so this part of the dance was omitted. It was In- teresting up to a rertaln point but like the comedy failed at the climax. John E. Hurke Is second comedian, but ]>ovldcs little amusement. John N. 1Io11cii1k>w does a "Vampire" badly. Jimmle I.ane la the best of the men. James F. Fox as a "witch" Is badly east. May Hurke as "Frenchee" looks nice mid Is well liked. Miss Mills has a melodramatic lending woman role and does well. Louise Palmer only leads one numt>er but contributes as much to the show ns any of the other females. A chorus nuiuN'r "Meet Me in Daisy Time" Is one of the best things In the allow. Tlllle Ellison, liottle Jennings. Hilda Hacb. Mabel Frances, Margaret Harding. Margie Franks and Nadlne Stevenson do this number. It Is programed as "George I/coiiard and chorus." It should be transposed. Everything possible Is provided in this show to make it good excepting principals or possibly opportunities for them. E. E. M. CRITERION (Abe Jacobs, nigr.: agent. \V. V. A.). - 1'ralo's Circus, headline feature this week. Roberts, Hayes and Roberts, the most applause; I.auclon Liicier To., next In popularity; Harrlgan and Giles, good; Harry Iteaiimont and Co.. well liked: Keogh and Francis. West nnil Van Sick li'ii and I'.erinler and Stella, recently at other houses, complete. Winifred Iturk was taken 111 while ut Rockford. Ill . on Monday of last week, and attributed her "cold" to the damp dressing rooms at the Rljoii, Oshko-di, Wis., where she played the preceding week. She was compelled to retire from the cast of the sketch, "Politics and l'et t tco.its" after the matinee. Fortunately Winifred Grn\ was "taxing off" at Rockford.* ami s|ie took Mi>> lturk's place on short notice ami gave such creditable performances that -he will be retained until Mlsn Murk recovers On the same Monday Miss Him k was notified of the death of an uncle In Chicago. She came here !■■ attend (lie funeral bill her indisposition hei;:nie ».i iiggra\aled <\t< w as unable to do so. Geo l.ane. manager of "The Telegraph Four." denb - the report that the act spin in Colorado. The turn open* on the Inter State rireiiit *hortl.\. I ki-i| through Weber A. Allen. Sam Andrews FINE FURS and DIAMONDS ROOM 632 REPUBLIC BUILDING. ('Phone Harrison 4449.) CHICAGO REMBRANDT CARTOONIST. Opened the show at American Music Hall, Boston. Took 4 bows. Making good at every performance. Only act of its kind in the world. Amerioan Music Hall. New York, next week (Oct. 4). PEARL I PEARL SOME DIFFERENT ACT. Look out, you fellows in the Eaat. We will have Pat Casey hooking us next season. Booked solid W. V. Association. A. E. METERS la the Pilot. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 WANTED.— A vaudeville pianist; must lie able to arrange and transpose; steady Job to right party. Temple Theater. Muskegon, Mich. Hill and Sylvlany are hooked solid over Morris and Sullivan Consldine circuits. I/Hilse Kent arrived in Chicago last week, after completing the Pnntnges' circuit and Immediately was booked solid over the Morris time, opening at Winnipeg Monday, last. lirenon and Downing open on the I'oM circuit at Hartford, Conn., Oct. 12.".. Ed. Ijing has booked I^iughlln's Dogs over the 1'iintages time. Russell Palmer has left the "Empire" show ami has been replaced by Luella Temple, who is also covering the part handled by Florence Fountalne. who left last week. The nijou Theutre, Dekalb. III., after under- going a course of reconstruction, reopens 4. Vera Deters, of the A. E. Meyers office, will make a trip over Illinois, covering all towns containing houses booked through that ofllce. Miss Peters will probably be gone two weeks. J. C. Matthews will book the legitimate houses at Aurora and Joliet commencing next Week, both having changed the policy to Mortis vaudeville. Joe Mills has I ecu added to the cast of the ' 'I.aily I'.uccanecrs." Kelt and De.Mont have Just relumed East after a (Ifteen week trip out West, and will shortly open on (he middle western time. Charles Gllroy. of Gllroy. Ilayues and Mont- gomery, has a Joke, better than many of those along similar lines which are heard Just now. He asks for Information regarding the nationality of Cook. The impression seems to be that he Is an American. "No." says Gllroy, "He Is n Pole lander" il'olamleri. The parenthesis for the bom-lll of the English performers. Lew Docksiailer's Minstrels are at the Carr'uk - the tirst minstrel show In appear there. It re- mains one week. Pert Williams. In "Mr. lode of Kole." coine» to the Great Northern next week, and from now on the Shiiberl attractions will appear there, .tallies T 1'oweis. In "Havana," will probablv follow Pert Williams. Fred Ita.xmoml will enter xandevllle in a on denied \ci«|ou of "The Missouri lihl " 4 REAL HITS 4 "k»i Old Plaot In Yaskee Lasd Is lead Eaoegh far Ms" A aerkar for ep«iaf or «l*ttlt. "OOWH AMONG THE SUGAR • CME" The aweeteat of aweet eonge. "Abraham Llneoln Jonas," or "The Christening" That new sensational coon aong. "RED, RED ROSE" Real Song for Real Singers. 80THAM-ATTUCKS MUSIC CO. 136 Weel 37th Street, New York ALIDEUA" DANCINa CL08S Ladies' or Men's Sites Price, all wood sole, $4.00. I.eutber shank, $."..00, delivered free. Patent fastening never rips. ALBERT H. RIEXER SHOE CO.. Milwaukee.Win, SS7 8. STATE ST., CHICAGO. 'Phone Harrison 3688. Fall line of slightly used Evening Oowns, Opera Ooata and Street Oowna, all ouitable for Stage Wear. Sonbrette Dreeaea made to order, all oelen and atylea. Special prices and attention given to theatrioal profession. Sealskin Coata and Fura ef all deaoriptiona. K 8107 MX0HIOAH AVE,, "TCPIVI EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. Ooetnmer for the Landing Stage OeleVrltlen. Phone, Calumet MOt. BL00DG00D (COSTUMIR) 104 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone; tf05 Bryant. Hear Oth Ave, ELIZABETTA MENZEU The oelebrated Premiere Danseuee and Maltreaae da Ballet. ARTISTIC DANCING SCHOOL. Pantomime aots; Hoffmann's "Spring Song," Dasie'a "Devil Dance," Bert Frenoh'a "Vemfare," Bionoa Froelich'a Novelty Act, and many others. Studio—M E. 16th ST., HEW YORK CITY. NKW YORK PARIS IX)NDON Exclusive Oenulnc Diamond Jewelry, Foreign Novelties, etc. Reconstructing old Jewelry Into modern nettings. Casino Telephone 12.'10 Murray Hill Jewelry Shop JAC. ROSENBAUM, Prop. 1404 Broadway. N. Y. USE ALLEN'S F00T-EASE, The ant lse|it ic powder to shnkcu Into the tdioes. If you lime tired mhlng feet, try Allen's Foot- Knse. It re>is the feet mid iniikeH new or tight shoes e;is\ i uies iiebiug. swollen, hot, sweating feet. |{e|jc\c- cmims iumI ihiii l<n)H of all pain and nixes rest : 111 ■ I e fort. Always use It to lireuk in New --hoe- Try It to-day. Sold by nil Drug •iisis. -'>< . Don't accept any substitute. For ritDi: 11 i ;■ I package, nddrcss Allen S. Olmsted, I.e Ro\. V Y Scenery SILKO. DTE. OIL AND WATER COLORS. DANIEL'S SCENIC STUDIO, Chicago Opera Houm Block, Chicago, 111. H In n itii*ii -i 11 ii'/ mli 1 i'.'imi mi nts hivijhi wtntiou Yahifty