Variety (October 1909)

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30 VARIETY .. REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS MAGNETIC AS A BATTERY ^f P«CTTV AS A PICTURE."—Athlon Stmna, New York "Journal." live: Playing Orpheum Circuit MAJE8TIC, DES MOINE8, SEPT. 80; ORPHEUM. MEMPHIS, SEPT. 17; ORPHEUM, MEW ORLEANS, OCT. 4. MI88 LILT LENA HAS MAGNETISM AND PERSONALITY WHICH 18 WORTH $1,000,000. GUY RAWSON AMD PRANGES GLARE 'JUST KIDS." BON T0N8. DICK « MICE McAVOY "Herald Square Jimmy" Slag of the Newsboys. I LISTEN 11 UNITED TIME. CHARLOTTE TOWNSEND Ths ORIGINAL Hotel Swttohboard OlrL ALBERT SUTHERLAND, Mansgm VELDE TRIO In their European Equilibrial Attfobatio Combination, including ths "LOOP-TBE-LOOP" DOGS. (Ths original, not a oopy.) Tor Porks sad Fairs address Miss Ethol Robinson, Western Vaudeville Assoolatioa, Chicago. Permanent sddrsss. cars VARIETY, Chicago Offloe, 3 Marvelous Mells (1 Women end S Mea) SENSATIONAL OYMNA8T8 (Original). Opes for Teoderflls aad Bmrlessno. Too only oot of its hjad. Address oaro TAETETT. DENTON and LeBOEUF OOMRDT BARS AMD CRADLE, Eabeing la ths teatalaad, Too. Pete still tans ever twteo. Addroos aa per route. JUMPING JACK HAWKINS "THE COLLEGE ATHLETE • » One Grand Hit American Music Hall. Chicago Address care VARIETY, Chicago Office Direction, BERT COOPER Special Scenery! PRETTY GIRLS! Beautiful Costumes! PAULI Md KENT ANNOUNCE THEIR LATEST "A NIGHT IN THE ORIENT" CREATORS OP THE COMING CRAZE. "The Dance of the Seraglio" HEW! NOVEL!! Addroos PAUL! AMD KENT, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. PULSATING!!! AGENT, ALT T. WILTON. Ths Greateit Leaching Novelty Act of the Season. New Plariai Isttsd Tins GORDON ELDRID i CO. PRESENTING " WON-BY-A-LEG •• Wo are the HEADLINE or SPECIAL ATTRACTION on every bill wo hare played. This is the Aot the sudienoe will talk about. We have proved to bo a Box OflLoe Attraction, WHY 7 BECAUSE THERE IS NO FARCE LIKE IT IN VAUDEVILLE TO-DAY PERMANENT ADDRESS—GERARD HOTEL, 44th and 6th AVE., NEW TORE CITY. L. MACK OP THE YOUNGEST LEADING SOUBRET IN BURLESQUE. 8eason 'OS-'IO, "Lady Buccaneers." Management, HARRY M. 8TROU8E. LIPMAN and LEWIS "THOSE SOUTHERN BOTE" PANTAGES' CIRCUIT. "CHALK" SAUNDERS la his original novelty, "PACES." Permanent Address, NEW ARE* H. J. K1ETY ISM BROADWAY. NEW YORE CITY. CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER THE HEADTNO OP «• REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS " AT FOLLOWING RATES: l-R MM*) single aejL, 94.00 monthly, not I Inch ~ 7.00 • •« Inott double ool M S 60 ** M I Inch " 11.00 2 Inoheo double ool., $21.00 monthly, net 1-2 1 oh ooroeo page, 15.00 1 Inch * 20.00 1 Inches ** 00*00 •• Lerg'er "%i>nca> Pro Rates So advertisement under this heeding aeoepted for less than one month snd no preferred position given. Remittance must eocompsny advertisements forwarded by mail. Cash disoount for 0 and 12 months. TrriHF^^ym—^wim w — I ' Now Playing KEEFE AND HUMPHREY'S TIME Open Pantage Circuit Doc. 9th ELDON » CLIFTON IN "HIS AWFUL NIGHTMARE*' If sen antwpring advertitcmenti Jbe*e% mention Vabibty. "One of too best comedy sketches seen on the vsudevllle stsge In Louisville for many s day In the hesdllner at the Rlvervlew Park pavilion called 'His Awful Nlghtmsre.' The prlnclpsls are O. Hsrrls Bldon snd IJIss Bessie Clifton. The letter bss four changes of character, being, successively, a Jspsnese girl, a Dutch girl, a Spanish girl snd 'herself.* "—Louisville "Post." "Eldon end Clifton, in presenting 'Hla Awful Nightmare.' are s bunch of fun that is worth walla. Miss Clifton Is exceedingly good la portraj lag: the multiplicity of wives, and Harris SQdoo l* nothing be* mirth."—Oaattanooga "N«