Variety (October 1909)

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VARiEtV **jfc --* ■*■ -^ v ~*~-«. 31 HERE IT IS AND FLYING HIGH! 7he "GREATER" INDIAN SONG and INTERMEZZO WORDS BY ARTHUR GILLESPIE MUSIC BY HARRY ALFORD SOARING ABOVE ALL OTHERS! Brilliant in Verbal Plumage! Retentive In Tunefulness! TAKE AIM AND GET IT SHAPIRO If Music Cor. BROADWAY and 39TH STREET, N. Y. Publisher Grand Opera House Building, CHICAGO overs: "(Mreivmstantlal Evidence." big Jiaiwl; Wyiin niul 1.4'L'. lilt; ltosa Crouch and Oeorge WVU-h, tiresome; Chas. Mont re II, comedy holds up aet. WIUWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.; agent. S.-C.. W. P.—Holtalrc. illiiMlonlHt, now carries an nHMlatant. great Improvement. Harvard and Cornell, can much Improve. Emily and Jessie Ikidd and Co.. In "Dutton'a Claim," well Inter- preted, pleaaing aud entertaining feature of bill. Mondane Phillips, surprises with vocal changes. I<a Maze Bros., laughing bit. Tom Bateman, alnglng and dancing, and Hugh Lloyd, tightrope, and Russian Dancers complete. KM PI RE (W. Z. Tiffany, mgr.; agent. W. S.». —Business continues at a standstill which even a good ahow does not nee in to Improve, although "The Pantagca' Road Show" la creating a most favorable Impression thin week among the few who are witnessing It. The attraction aa a whole la far above anything the Empire baa offered In several weeka. Three Shclveys (New Acta), de- nerve flrat mention, with Martlnette and Crossl a elnae Hecond. Nada Mort. alnglng and talking eomedlennc, passed nicely but makes the mlatake of Maying the limit. A better Impression would be left by cutting -her offering at leaat one third. Hamilton and Rouca o|M»n with a plctureaque set In two which, together wltb aome very fair violin playing on ltonca's part, la all there 18 to recom- mend the act. They pleased. Martlnette and Orossl got off atrongly and held throughout wltb this diversified musical offering, "German Comedy at It'a Beat." Tegge and Daniel make the mla- take of so many others of laughing at their own comedy, but a fair portion of the audience Joined. Hasseu and Jennlo (New Acta). NATIONAL (Zlck Abrams, mgr.; agent, S.-C. W. P. Reese).—At last the National has a show that will accomplish more than all the kite flying they can put out. Old facea that have been absent fxoni the ticket window for the last few weeks are again In line and leave the performance with the remark: "That's something like It." Both- well. Browne aud Co., riot from curtain to curtain. Han Francisco la none too loyal to natives of her clime upon a return until they have been abowu. Tliat la what Browne did, surrounded with an ex- cellent company. Will Morrlaaey ran a close flfrcond, starting off slowly, but had them all at the finish, closing strong. Buckley's Dogs opening the bill wen well throughout, The roughrldlng of Theatrical Gowns and Costumes.—MRS. H. JACOBS, formerly of 6th St.. now at 1060 Golden ©ate Ave., oor. Buohanao, Ban Franoieoo, Oal. the little poodle Is flue. Selblni anil Orovlnl, In \arlety stoat*, each one perfect In Itself; at least, the bolide snid mi. so It must be so. Steele Staters iNew Act*). Will S. Marlon and Vlra Rial, In psychic offering. -The Witch's Power." Very few understood plot. The act la too devoid of ac- tion, and heavy for vaudeville, wltb present com pany. falling to Interest. Three La Darroa (New Acts). AMERICAN (Abe Colin, ingr.; agent, W. P. Reese).—Uood attendance continues. Mack and Co., featured, took house by Cogi.u and Bancroft, pleased, due to the «if the comedian. Blossom Seeley, enjoyable fea ture with her darkey anecdotes and "coon" shouting. Flora Gilbert (New Acts), MacFarland and Murray, clow second for honors. "Kidnapper" (New Acts). Hawaiian Quintet, ordinary. A sad lack of dressing of act in evidence. The act Is In sad need of rehearsal. Mori Is Meyerfeld. Jr.. left last week for Los Angeles to Inspect tln> building of the New Or piiHunrlu that city. H.-C. Chas. storm, efforts Manager ZUk Abrams, of the National Theatre, returned last Saturday afternoon after a trip to his new property in Siskiyou County (eight miles from the world famous Shasta Springs), consisting of 227 acres of the finest Improved land in that territory. Mr. Abrams has ordered the Slsaou Hatcheries to stock the lakes with 40,000 trout. and a sign, entitled "Abram's Paradise," Is on the front gnte. The Three Slielvey Bros, are preparlug a new- spectacular act to open In New York the latter part of November. Alf. T. Wilton la arranging l>ooklng. Bert Levey's Los Angeles office, located In I- Isher's Theatre Bldg.. opened last week. I/nils .Jiicobs Is In charge. John Morrlsey. resident manager of the Or- pheuni. accompanied by Mrs. Morrlsey. left this week for bis first vacation since the earthquake. F. W. Morrall will book vaudevHIe through Archie Levey In hla'new Class A Theatre. Chlca, (al. Sealing capacity, 1.000. W. It. Ilolllngsberry, mayor, chief of pollc and fire department, city father, etc.. etc.. also owner of the Opera House It^ Ilolllster. Cal.. will instnll vaudeville in an endea«or to drive out the picture shows. Archie Levey, agent. p The damage against the management of tli I'antages' Them re In Sacramento, which went b • lcfi;uR some time ago, was thrown out of coin upon a rehearing. lie by t •Happy." formerly office boy for VARIETY here, and recently usher at the Empire, has re- signed from tin latter institution and Is now sell- ing Pin ham, etc.. t<» vaudeville artists In front of rrituk Barbe's thirst emporium. Bert I^'vey will move Oct. 1 Into his new ami i ommodloiis ipiiirters In Powell St., between Kills mid O'Farrel. one of the best locations for an agency In town. The Regal and People's. In Los I nlipie In San Bernardino, are through Bert Levey. Angeles, and now lsjoklng Archie Levy will handle I'antages' acts In the New Chutes, which o|>ens In December. Archie Levy secured an Injunction against Clyde Woodward for breaking contract and closed his act. opening performance at the Central In Oak- IhikI this week. PHILADELPHIA By GEORGE M. YOTTNO. KEITH'S (II. T. Jordan, mgr.; agent. IT. B. ().). - Nell a Bergen, the "name" act this week. Miss Bergen, who wears some pretty costumes and rings on her fingers and more on her thumbs, sang the 'Card Stillg" from Souse's "Bride Elect," and with it won hearty recognition. She also sang n rotlple of pepiilai songs but they have been done so much better by vaudeville singers who know- how to do these songs that Miss Bergen's efforts were not very warmly appreciated. Her voice Is still strong hut has lost much of Its musical ipiality. Miss Bergrn's chief strength la In her name aa a business proposition. Edmond Stanley also from comic opera, offered an operatic sketch of light texture by Safford Waters, "Love's Gar <len." I lor tense Mazarett and Otbella De Moss pleased In solo numbers, but a duet near the open- ing was badly sung. The number is prettily staged and most of the singiug was good, the act meeting with favor. "The New Coachman," pre- sented by the Simon and Gardner Co., was one big hit. A lot of old burlesque material, In a new frame, acred as a big laughing hit through the handling of the comedy by Carroll Henry. The sketch Is called "The Models of the Jardlu de Fails," which serves aa well as anything else. Some singing aud dancing by the girls, a patter song which won several encores, and the "Carrie"' song by Junle May, also scored. Oscar Loralne, the protean violinist, made a pronounced bit with his specialty. One of his numbers brought a tre- mendous outburst of applause, aud he was forced to a speech Monday night. James II. Cullen wou his share of the honors with bis talk and parodies. Dexter Ferry. "The Frog Man," gave the show a giMsl start from the opening position. Ferry Is a Phlladelphlan, though he lias not been seen here In many years. His act has not been changed but la novel and waa appreciated. A badly-writ ten and poorly-acted sketch, "What Would You Do." was offered by John R. Gordon, Arthur IMckens and Co. There were the usual pictures. Icllltha Hchmont. Alicia Oldhlme. Hortense Mazar ctt and Othella De Moss, formed a quartet of names on the bill which seem worthy of recording. Ryan and Whlto also. WILLIAM PENN (Ceo. Metsel. mgr.; agtnl. Taylor ft Kaufman). The cheap vaudeville aud WE ARE ALWAYS WORKING ,RE ALWAYS _ „ am ■■ a. NOVELTY ffL Wi " "THE BOYS THAT SING * # M* V* AND PLAY." ^ BOBBINS. STEVENS. '"' LANN0W. 0B0SSMAN. TEMPLE THEATRE, F0BT WAYNE, INP., WEEK SEPT. 87. Two Big Things in New York this week, "HUDSON-FULTON CELEBRATION" and FRIEND and DOWNING " ROSENTHAL AND HARRIGAN" Week, October -4th, Lyric, Hoboken. When antuyering advertiicmenU kindly mention Vabiett.