Variety (October 1909)

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VARIETY 37 desiring time in the SOUTH and \A/ ime and route ahead ILVIIV1EZDI send to WUSSSgSfL New Q rieans La# WILUAMMOWRIS,Inc. CWca g 0 ffl# Canal and Duohine Street y 167 Dearborn Street vm.wi.^w 7 Percy G. CIRCUIT The COLONIAL The ALHAMBRA The ORPHEUM The CRESCENT New YorK Harlem Brooklyn Brooklyn The NOVELTY Williamsburg The GOTHAM East New York The GREENPOINT Brooklyn Address all PERSONAL letters to PERCY 0. WILLIAMS, Long Acre Bid*., 1505 Broadway, New York HAMMERSTEIN S VICTORIA AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS VARIETY THEATRE, Open the Year Around VAUDLYlUt HtADLIIUItt - GOOD STANDARD ACTS If you have an open week you want to fill at abort notice, write to W. L. DOCKSTADER, GarricM Theat •. WilmiagteD. Del. Can clone Saturday night and make any city east of Chicago to open Monday night. ERNEST EDELSTEN VARIETY AND DRAMATIC AOENT. 17 Craan St., Leloester Square, LONDON Sole Representative, John Tiller's Companies. Walter C. Kelly. Little Tich. Fragson. Always Vacancies for Good Acts THE AUTHOR WITH THE GENUINE SUCCESSES Ask Mitrk Murphy. Fred Rowers, (iracle Em- met t «fc Co.. Harry First & Co., Coonitm & Stone, Charles Itonnell hhI MhI'pI Craig, Pave &. Ferele Martin. The Chailwlck Trio, Sounners and Sturke, and over One Hundred and Fifty others. Order your new material from the Author who has the real succpskch to his credit. CHARLES HOR- WTTZ. Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., 1408 Broad- way, N. T. Room 816. ITALY'S LEADING PAPER FOR THE Animated Picture aid Ptooograph Business PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY. ' 32-30 large pages. Right shillings per annum ($1.00). Editor Proprietor: Prof. GUALTIERO I. FABBRI, la Via Arciresoorado, Torino, Italy. Wanted-Male Pawner For novelty vaudeville act. Must be tall, clover and of neat appearance. Address PAULUS 5445 Indiana Ave., Chicago. CHARLEr C-»Sr.'i FATHER" Written by Charley Case, comedian. Send P. O. order for 2.'»c. to Case Publishing Co., Lock port, N y HYDE & BEHNAPi 1877 AMUSEMENT COM PAN Y 1909 TEMPLE BAR BUILDING BROOKLYN, N. Y. A. E. MEYERS 167 Dearborn St. Chicago, III. CAN HANDLE ANYTHING from a Single to a Circus. Write or wire open time. SIG. ABRAMOFF CULTIVATES VOICES FOR SMOIMO AMD TALKING Expert in teaching effective climaxes in singing. Prepares for Grand Opera, Vaudeville and Musical Comedy. 226 Lexington Ave., New York City. NOTICE TO ARTISTS Stage apparatus manufactured of all descrip- tions, no matter how large, small, or complicated. Twenty-five years' experience as machinist. Write for catalogue. I. 8TEINBERG. 229 E. 79th St., New York City. Tel. Lennox 6194. *r ARRIVES IN AMERICA OCT. 3. LAVAI On the Silver Arch and Self-Revolving Bars, embodying marvelous feats of Strength, Neatness and Grace. Enhanced by beautiful Electric Effects and Illuminations. Address care VARIETY. London "Telegram."—London Coliseum— "The sensational atrlnl net by the I.nvalls Is one of the host turns of tin* ki'id ever shown. KcpilHbiists nr0 vyl in with e:ich other, and ev< ry new turn s«m«iiis more aiiiHsliig than tie* last. The I. avails do some astounding feats with amazing ease and grace." WANTED, Big Acts tii v. rite or wli r « Jollet. Hloomlnpto... ._._ , ........ DO'TRICK'S B0 n KIN6 EXCHANGE Comedy anil Novelty Feature open time. Kookhii; S<hludler's. North Ave., Thalia, Chicago; nigln. Auroih and other houses in Illinois and Indiana. CHAS. II. POUTRICK. Manager Room 20. 92 \m Sallr»St.. Chicago MATT WOODWARD Mnvme written and staged the two musleal satires, "GAY MONTE CARLO" and "TEDDY IN THE JUNGLE," for the "Greater Rcotz-Santley" Co., Is now ready to undertake SKETCH WORK to order o-ilv. ,, r rnn W ork out YOUR IDEAS at n modcrnto figure. I'ersotal eonfeie lee Invited. STAGE BONOS, wrltt-n specially to sidt nets. LEASED to singer*, but NOT PUBLISHED, thus precluding use "T Ming by dthe r artists during term of leuse. MATT WOODWARD, Gaiety Theatre Building, N. Y. City. HAVE YOUR OWN REPRESENTATIVE! AOTS going EAST, SOUTH, or coming WEST of New York v»rite or wire for time. Nev. acts coming into CHICAGO sec me. —.w«w »"-••■ ■.«■ — m w ^9**mm mmp -- >--••••■■» ntvi Acta furnished to reliable managers on short notice Ciin keep you busy. Acts wanted at all times. OOMEY HOLMES, Manager, Booking Department, No. 928 REPUBLIC BUILDING, CHICAOO. When answering arfrt m "Did Not Know It Was Our Make" Rut this Is what VARIETY Paid of one of the dresses that we made for IDYLLA VYNER: "A brown afTair worn at the opeil ig of the second act will take ODDS FROM NOTHING SHOWN ON BROAD- WAY." THAT'S GOING SOME. If you want to be In CLASS A send for one of our new BOOKLETS, which we send FREE of CHARGE. WOLFF, F0RDIR6 & CO., 61-65 Eliot St., Boston, last. VAII Get your RAILROAD TICKETS on tha LEHIGH VALLEY * BKLAWAAS, IUU LACKAWANNA A WESTERN R. R. at the VAUDEVILLE BTEaMlsTTff CAM AGENT. Write, call or telephone.. My representative will deliver the tickets UUIIC Gal A° EVT * Write, call or telephone.. My representative will dellv ^sr ^s» ■ ■ sbbbI Villi f,, yuu I hare a I way* e»rve«1 you well. Going to Europe t Tiokets on all Steamship Lines. Lowest ratea, PAUL TAUBIO, 104 New York. German Saving* Bank Building. Telephone 2099 Btuyveeant. THE ENGLISH PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL Circulation guaranteed to be larger than that of any Engllah Journal devoted te the Vaudeville Professions. Foreign subscription, 17a. 4d. per annum. R. 14th St, NEW YORK AGENTS—Paul Tauaif. 104 East 14th St.. an* Samnel French A Stnd 8treet. Artists visiting England are invited to tend partioulara of their not and date ei STAOE Letter Box la open for the reception of their malL 10 YORK STREET. COVENT GARDEN. LONDON, W. a Booking the longest chain of Vaudeville Theatres west of Chioago. Playing the neat acta in vaadevfflaw BERT LEVEY CIRCUIT INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE 144- 150 POWELL ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. Archie Levy Amusement Association 1643 Filmore St., San Francisco, Cal. NOW BOOKING SOUTHERN TUB. Artists, wire or write your open time. ARCHIE LEVY, Manager. 0. B. ELLIS, Aast. Maaacac. INDEPENDENT BOOKING AGENCY, Inc Siite 101, Kmctotocktf Ttatre Bunding, 1402 Broadway, New Yni Exclusively representing 73 VAUDEVILLE THEATRES, en bracing Brutfgman, Kecncy. Sheedy, Mozart. Quigley and BiJ »u Circuits 40 CONSECUT VE WEEKS, with very short and convenient Jumps CORRESPONDENCE solicited from managers and artists W A IVJ T EI CD Acts of all kinds for immediate and future time—Nothing too big to handle—Some aalarlea toe high —A season's work—Consecutive work—Short jumps—Ladies' quartette for production— Qui ok ohaaaw artist for production—Minstrel and Mus. Com. Artists. NOW THE BIG FOUR Going East—West—Noith—South—Everywhere. HEAD OFFICE: SPRINGFIELD, 0 Gus Sun Booking Exchange Oo., Inc., New Ban Theatre) Bide. BRANCH OFFICES: PITT8BURO, PA. Gus Sun Booking Exchange Co., Inc., 680 Wabash Bid* CINCINNATI, 0 Gus Sun Booking Exchange Co., Inc. 609 Lyrio Theatre Bldf. BIRMINGHAM. ALA Gus Sun Booking Exchange Co., Inc., 688 First Nat. Bank Blda> PASTE THESE ADDRESSES IN YOUR DATE BOOK FOR REFERENCE. WRITE. WIRE. CALL. At the Main Office or the Branch Office for information. Can always use good acts on short notion. If not working, jump in and we will take care of you. Address all Communications to THE GUS SUN bOOnlNG EXCHANGE CO., Inc. SPRINGFIELD, 0. CINCINNATI, 0. PITTSBURG, PA. BIRMINGHAM, ALA, EUROPEAN OFFICE BERLIN, GERMANY RICHARD PITROT Representative PANTAdtS CIRCUIT OF VAUDEVILLE THEATRES, Inc. ALEXANDER PANTAGES, President and Manager, OFFICES NEW YORK, CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, DENVER. hsJ r-cirvj Pennsylvania Circuit of family Theatres MAHANOY CITY HAZLETON CARBONDALE Need only good ac s. Easy jumps. Everybody does three shows, i o exception. Address HARRY KNOBLAUCH, H. BART McHUGH, VAUDEVILLE AGENCY, 315 laid Title Building, Philadelphia. Pa. cut* hintily mention Variety.