Variety (October 1909)

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is VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS TBI f EMTRELOQU1R WITH A PRODUCTION ed. r. REYNARD ••th D*wb*xry and Jaws Jawnaon la "A MORNING IN HICKS VTLLE" ZMTMtiOB JACK LEVY. MORA Tho Champion Singtrs of Vaudeville BERT MOTE Olmb, W. 4Tth ft, N*w Tort addr***, 140 Oxford St, W. Th* Best Singing Quintette in Vauderille, SAM J. CURTIS and CO. MELODT AMD MIRTH, la th* Original "Sohool Aot" Revised and elaborated into a screaming •BOOM*. Oct. 4, Jefferson Theatre, Memphis. Playing- for William Morris Manmffmmmnt BERT COOPER 10* W. 18th IT., MEW YORK. DELIVERING OUR OWN GOODS. Orders filled by ALF. T. WILTON. ARMADA VIOLINIST OomiBff East ahortly. Address VARIETY, t0«4 Batter St, 8aa Franolsco. 3-R0MAN0FFS-3 Knife and Rattle Ax* Throwers and Jugglers, Cowboy Williams THE CANNON BALL FIEND. Oct. 4, Auditorium, Lynn. THE KING OF IRELAND, JAMES B. DONOVAN AMD RENA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLE, DOING WELL, THANK YOU. Director and Advisor, Kin* Pat Casey. Harry Atkinson TOURING EUROPE. PAT CASEY, ifnt "TWIDDLE!" "TWIDDLE! GRI FF "THE JUGGLING JESTER." Editor: I fully agree with all R. G. Cor- son Clark says about England and aomn more, too. Sincerely yours, 0. K. GRIFF. ORPHEUM. DENVER. COL. Dunedin Troupe World Famed Artistic and Aorobatio Cyclists. JAMES C. DONCGAN. Mfr. Van Cleve, Denton and 44 Pete" Direction M. 8. BENTHAM. The act that always makes good with the audience. STUART BARNES Direction GEO. HOMANS. GRACE MEINKEN With WILFRED CLARKE CO. GartelleBros. Introdoolaj Stoging*, Danciasy aad SKATOHIAL.I8m Dir*otiosi EETCTT A PLTJMEETT. HOMER B, Mason \ Keeler Dirootlon MORT K. SINGER, Prinous Theatr*, Chicago. CAVIN - PLATT PEACHES Pr***ntin» "THE STOLEN BID." Permanent addr***, Clifton, M. J., L Boa 140. 8PECIAL NOTICE—Our North Pole dates con- firmed by Peary and Cook, Agents. Oct. 4, Bliz- zard Valley Theatre. Oct. il, Snow-ball Hill Opera House. As a speoial attraction, Wed. Matinee. "These Three Boys" will do the Iceberg Two-step around the brass tube, assisted by the "Yanks" from Leicester Square, London. "Peary" will "Cook" more dates later. Communications, VARIETY, London, BUSTER, 10, OCT. 4th THE ORIGIN OF THE THREE KEATONS. WAIT TORY, MILTY. So ho started in to practice some stunts Cniilil sit mi three tin runs, C.iilil put liis foot riirlit u\rr his head. Ami iiliii'ist sljintl on Ills llilllils. 11«• miule 11 i ill :i tnMe ">f <>|i| (line Imiinls, Ami a suit linn an i>lil Ix'd i ii k, 'I'll<■ ri full "I' lii11><> :11 ii ] a few sliver^, t < »<». lie finally lamlcil a Irii k. So he Mini talile be- came dlil pals, Willi lly-h.v-iiiclits diil n.iiii;!. , Till a lillle short «nl he mil with a troop 1'ul I he cancel clause mi his single. (Continued in our next.) FRANK IRENE lone 8 Mine ACROBATIC WOODEN 8H0E DANCERS. Address VARIETY. £064 Butter St., San Franoisoo. Regards to friends. Have Your Card in VARIETY BILLIE REEVES i o "FOLLIES OF 1MB.'* Maaaff*m*mt ME, P. ETEGFELD, JB, 'OS-'tS-lt. Barry-Wolf ord la Their Owa Oomady Oraation, "It Hapr*n*d on Monday." Booked Solid until July 1910. Oct. 4, Grand, Pittsburg. REICH A PLUNXETT. Smart Agents. FOSTER And MAURER "THAT CLASSY STRING DUO." Delineator* of th* Best la Musi*. "Enoore* are * msr* trill*. Yon get used to them wh*n your aot's a hit" Watoh this Bpao*. SOME OPEN TIME Addraas oar* VARIETY. A GOOD ENEMY. FOR MILITARY COMEDY ACT. ' Address MARDO £ HUNTER EM ROUTE—"COZY CORNER GIRLS." LEW A. WARD CHARACTER TRAMP COMEDIAN. AN ACT THAT MAKES GOOD Recitations, Singing and Dancing. ♦LLW.AWAR0- HAVE SOME OPEN TIME f HERE I AM. Address care of VARIETY, Chicago. FRIEND and DOWNING WE MORRIS CIRCUIT. VERA DE BASINI PLAYING WESTERN TIME. LAKii In Wrong" A HEADLINE OLIO ACT. PRINCIPAL COMEDIANS, season 'oq-'io "DAINTY DUCHESS" Company. ll/c// auxin riiif/ mil i i tin >,n nfs Kiiulh/ militinn VviilKIY.