Variety (November 1909)

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VARIETY 25 I. MILLER, Manufacturer W.23SSX N.Y of Theatrical Boots A Shoes, CLOG, Ballet and Acrobstlc Shoes s specislty. All work msde at abort notice. I FOR SALE A tent, 175 ft., round top, stretched to 180 ft. now. Centre pole, 62 ft. 6 Ins., 6 Vi poles 87 ft., 12 Vi poles 84 ft. 6 ins., 54 side poles for 10 ft aide walls. Top lays out 180 ft. All ropes, guys and falls complete and in first olass order, t oa. canvass, put up only onoe under the direction of Kunkelly himself. NEW YORK TAXICAB CO., 622 W 57th St., New York City. RINTING OF DISTINCTION Your Idess carried out. Reasonable Trices. Prompt Delivery. First-clsss work. Booklets, Contracts, Cards, any- thing In printing. Designing. A speclsi line—600 Letterheads with One half-tone cut. 14.50. DONNELLY, 749 Third Ave., New York. (Near 47th St.) PHOTOS, CABINETS, 22.60 per 100. Tint Class. Rat. 25 yrs. Have sittings or send photee, er negative, JOHN80N, 192 Wabash At., Chicago. WANTED. CLEVER COMEDIAN AND STRAIGHT. Must be difference in slse. For Head- liner Comedy 3-act. l'layed United Time. Only recognised performers apply to Mrs. Harry Conlon, See McAllister fli, Ban Franoisoo, Calif. (Big Induce me ut to the right people.) Talsphona j 1684 j Bryant TZIETY TIMES SQUABB NEW YORK (JIT I Oable Address "VARIETY, New York" ADVERTISING RATE CARD SPACE OR TIME RATER 1 Line I B0 1 Inch (14 Agste lines) 1 time S.S0 1 In. 8 months (18 times) in advance.. 85.00 1 In. 6 " (20 times) " M .. 08.60 1 In. 1 year (62 times) " " ..110.00 1 Page (672 Agste lines) 120.00 H P*f* ••«! ^/ Page 82.60 Front Page (portraits of women only).. .100.00 6000 Lines J V [ as ( .16 10000 Lines -To be used within one year 20000 Lineal PREFERRED POSITIONS 1 In. across Pag* $15.00 9 Id* »•••••••••••••••••••• w.w 1 Psge iOO.OO IN ROUTE SHEET 1 Line one time '• • BO % Inch one month 8.00 1 Inch " " 16.00 ARTISTS' RATE CARD Under "Representative Artists" (For Artists Only) Vfc Inch single column 84-00 monthly net 1 Inch " " 7.00 % Inch double " 8.60 1 inch " " 12.50 2 Inchee single " 12.60 S Inches double " 22.60 H Inch serosa psge 15.00 1 Inch across psge 26.00 2 Inches serosa psge 60.00 8 Inches across page 75.00 LARGER SPACE PRO RATA Discount I months, cssh in advance. 5% Discount 6 months, cash in sdvance, 10% Discount 12 months, cssh in sdvsnce. 15% (Advertisements under '•Representative Artists" not accepted for less than one month.) No Preferred Positions Given. CUTS Single Column (1 time) $15.00 Double Column (1 time) 25.00 Advertisements forwarded by msll must be sccorapsnled by remittance, msde payable to Variety Publishing Co. • • <• H Wilson Jos Alf Welber Bddle (0) Woodbnry Fred Williams Staeefurd (C) Williams A Mayer Whltestooe Nat Welch Mrs Zen White Charlotte Wood Mrs W B Wood Msurlce Walte Willie Wltcble Katharine (C) Walters BlUy (C) Weber Eugene Wire Sidney Wray ft Ray Wales Elsie Wllaon Frank (8 F) Wilson ft Frsser Whitney TIlMe (C) Webber Chaa D (C) Wills Nat M Wild W C Webster Msck D Woods A Woods (C) Winchester Ed (C) Wnrren Fred (C) Wilson A Anets (C) Welsh Ben Winchester Ed Wnrd Blare Co Weber Chss D (C) Young Phil Younger Bros (C) Zsms Zst (C) Zoysrra Mrs Ed (C) Zoyarra Ed (C) SHORT VAMP SHOES (Exclusively for Women). For Stage, Street and Evening Wear. Great Variety. Exclusive Models. Creator of Short Vamp Shoes. 507 Sixth Ave., New York. Bet. 80th and 81st Sts. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. One Flight Up. Tel. 1055 Madison Sq. BARNES "CRAWFORD Booked Solid. NOV. 22, LYRIC, DAYTON. Ask the Man, MAX HART. NOV. 80, KEITH'S, CLEVELAND. 'THAT HARMONIZING COUPLE." IM For a financial consideration I have given MISS FLORENCE WILSON exolusive rights to use my psrodies on "I Wish I Had a Girl," "Rainbow," and "Jungle-town" in the western territory. Anyone else using same and doing so without permission will be handled accordingly. — GEORGE ARMSTRONG , 867 8. STATE ST., CHICAGO. 'Phone Harrison 8680. Full line of slightly used Evening Gowns, Open Coats and Street Gowns, all suitable far Stage Wear. Soubrette Dresses made to order, all oaten and styles. Special prices and attention given te theatrical profession. Sealskin Coats and Furs ef all descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE deles* otherwise eotei, the followinf re ports ere lor the current week: GtllGAGO VARIETY'! Chleage OMee, 167 Dearborn Street. C. £. MEREDITH JOHN J. O'CONNOR Representatives STAR AND GARTER (William Hyde, mgr.).— The Rice end Barton "Big Gaiety" opened Sun- day to big business snd gsve such good satlafac* tlon tbst with the Thanksgiving business an un- ususlly big week Is expected. The bouse wss crowded Sundsy night. The opening was an Ideal entertainment. Portions of the olio were fine. The closing burlesque, while not up with the opening, was good. An Orientsl dsnee wss pro- grammed but not given. Unless the eye deceived Sundsy night every principsl with the exception of Cbsrles Barton and Jeanette Young appeared Id the chorus. As a result the show looks big and the scenic equipment mskes It go Into the flrat class. The Rice and Barton show does not change much with succeeding yesrs. The opening bur- lesque consists of sever si muslcsl numbers, a scene In "one," and the fsree, a part of the per- formance since McDoodle snd Poodle of 12 yesrs ago. *Tis true that "The Red Hot Stove" no longer provides the skeleton of the burlesque, but the situstions grestly resemble It. The skit this yesr Is the best yet offered by long odds. The burlesque is sbout the same as used for Ave yesrs —the "col" msn Ides with a new rhyme Instead of the "early bird," etc. The olio is strong with the Bel ford Troupe ss the added feature for the week. The American Cowboy Four keeps com- pany with the Belfords. These two numbers sre s little too strong for Jbhn J. Dempsey snd Jesn- ette Young. However, both of these sets went well. Frank Wesson gets a lot out of s song about "Hendrlk Hudson" on the "Rip Vsn Win- kle" order. He plays opposite Barton In the flrsc part and la one of a quartet of comedians In the burlesque. He la good, though not good enough to detract from Bsrton. MIhs Young wore three gowns iu the first part and they here been se- lected a8 carefully as her songs; both deserved to score snd did. In the last act she wore tights and looked charming. Helen Jessie Moore sang several times aud wore tights In* the last act. Eleanor Revere and Mae Yuir were attractive looking. I/)ttle Welters played the role of Bar- ton'H wife 8plendldly. Charles Wesson danced during the Pcene In one with eleven girls aup- |x>rtlng hlin. He Is rl^ht when dunclng but looks ii trllle young considering that the rest of what Is styled on the program as "the mnle chorus" nre full grown men. There Is no climax to tbe first net ut nil. The bnshmiils get In a terrible pickle and a song and dance closes. In the last skit Kin-ton. Wesson and John TV Griffith and Leo Stevens present the comedy. The comedians who become prominent In this act are funny enough to keep the show going. The chorus Is well trained and tbe male boys exit and enter very skillfully. MERRY WILSON AVKNFE (Charles R. Hagedorn. mgr.: ngent, William Morris).—22-24: Dorsch and Russell. Fred Primrose, Marie Sparrow, Jor- dnn. Frank snd Co.. Ames snd Corbett. The bill for the four days ending 21 was well patronized, considering the sudden change In weather. Cae- sar Rlvoll (who headed the bill full week 15-21) proved big feature. In spite of tbe fact that he had a small orchestra snd rather limited stage room, bis performance wss admirable. Councils, "the man with two voices." gritd. Robert Henry Hodge snd Co. (New Acts), Duncan and Hoff- man, "the two live wires." exceedingly popular with the audience. The Valolse Brothers, band . balancers and gymnasts. THIRTY-FIRST RTRKF.T (F. R. Slimmer, mgr.; ngent. Ed Lang).—The bill 21-24: Billy Morrl-i nml the Sherwood Sisters. Ferguson, Miller and Ferguson, Deltar and Hwatncz, Jack Doy. Busi- ness good 18-20. The 1)111 was beaded by George Clancy (New Acts). Ita. a girl "mentallst," worked along familiar lines. She answered only a few questions, and did but fairly. Good- man and Ross, club Jugglers, evidenced ability, but the frequent slip-ups made It plain that they had not been working together long. Cannda Corlett and Co., In western sketch. "Wyoming," failed to create an Impression. JULIAN (J. G. Condermsn, mgr.; agent, Will- lam Morris).—22-28: Delroy and Rlts, Maldie, "The Girl with tbe Diamond Dress"; George Yeomsn (return), Kurt Is' Roosters, Rose John- son and Mstilda and Alvyrea. The bil closing 21 was beaded by Scvhepp's Circus, a dog, mon- key and pony set, big hit; Trolley Car Trio, acrobatic novelty, took second laughing honors; Alice Robinson, singing comedienne, very good; Mack and West, talking comedians, also very good; Rudolph Askeland, Swedish violinist, well liked. Silent Tafe and Aimee, scored. Cold spell last week responsible for slight falling off in business. GRAND (Grand Theatre Co., mgrs.; agont, W. V. A.).—22-28: Four Musical Hodges, Knots and Lawrence, Rafael and Co., Margaret Ryan. CIRCLE (Ballaban Bros., mgrs.; agent, W. V. A.).—2226: "Napanees' Vacation," "Those Three Boys." Harry Miller; 26-28: Musical Hodgea, Knots aud Lawrence, Rafael and Co., H. B. Bur- ton. IMPERIAL (A. Ssmuels, mgr.; agent, W. V. A.).—26-26: Rentfrew and Jensen, Tbe Aldlnes, Foley and Esrl. Jim Fulton. PASTIME (H. W. Thompson, mgr.; sgent, W. V. A.).—22-25: Clifton end Sewell, Drakos Dogs, The Aldines, R. J. Hsmilton. VICTORIA (H. W. Thompson, mgr.; sgent, W. V. A.).—22-28: Renfrew and Jensen, The Gag- noux, Musical Turners; 26-28 Leoni and Leonl, Drakos Dogs, Cecil Gordon and Co., Stone and Hayes. MABEL (Robert Pottinger. mgr.; agent, W. V. A.).—Simple Simon Trio. Tokl Murate, Foley and Earl, Walter Stanley; 26-28: Surssal and Rasal, Tbe Lavalls, Bernard snd Hill, Con B. Daley. PALACE (Cohn & Welngarden, mgrs.; agent, W. V. A.).—22 25: Berns and Dean, James W. Thompson, Barney First. 26-28: Queer and Quaint, Lois Radcllffe, Ursula Nolan. PRESIDENT (L. A. Levlnson, mgr.; sgent, William Morris).— 22-24: Valolse Brothers. Flo Collier. Rutledge snd Pickering, Quaker City Quartet (herds the bill all week). COLUMBIA (Walter Shaver, mgr.; agent, C. V. M. E.).— 22-27: The Aldlnes. Bell snd Forbes. Barney First, Marie Manning, Anderson and Evsns. Agnes Ayers. THALIA (Thomas Murray, mgr.; agent, Charles II. Doutrlck).—22-27: J. F. Bsnnlster and Co., Dclmore and Darrell, Kelfer and Kline, Courtney and Jeannette. MARLOWE (Charles B. Marvin, mgr.; sgent. William Morris).— 22-27: Rlvoll, headliner; Will- iam McDermott. George A. Beane and Co., Hardy Langdon. Great Kelteer. CRYSTAL (Frank Schaefer. mgr.; sgent, C. V. M. E.).—22-24: Prentiss Troupe. A. A. Harrington A Co.. Swlnton and Walker, Hilman and Roberts and Herbert Lloyd and Co., last set feature week. GARFIELD (Fred Schaeffer, mgr.; agent, C. V. M. E.). —Llbby and Trnyer. headlined; Swain's Cockatoos nil week. Rest 22-24: Ed Gil more, Surah Sedelln. ARCH (Arthur .Tnrvls. mgr.; agent, C. V. M. I-:.).—22 24: Edna Luxau. Freeman and Flske. J. R. Wills nml Nelson Denn and Co., last the fenturc for week. VIRGINIA (J. F. Rltchey. mgr.: agent. C. V. M. E.).—Charles Wllford's "The Effects of the Storm." feature net week. Rest. 22-24: Claude Rnnf. Norlne Carmen and Boys, Florence Stan- ley and Co., Lew Palmer. WHY THEY WERE THANKFUL. GRACE HAZARD—That she's bsck In vaude- vllle. W. C. DOYLE—That he has nothing to worry him. W. T. GROVER—That all the big stars do not come at onro. JIM RUTHERFORD—That tbe bill at Saginaw wns nn "net short." TOM LOCK WOOD—Tli at summer Is coming so he csn go camping again. W. V. NEWKIRK—That he will now have an occasional evening at home. JOHN LANCASTER—That he will be with Ben Wallace's bunch again. J. C. MATTHEWS—Thnt the William Morris circuit In the middle west Is growing rapidly. FRED DELMONT—That the Hagenheck-Wallace Circus was routed west the pnst summer. ANNETTE GRAF—That she receives an occs- slonal letter. CLARENCE STOKES—That there Is no worry- ing about "ncos In the hole" this winter. JIMMY ItROWN -That Cole and Johnson have attracted big business to tbe Globe. 4-REAL HITS—4 "DEAR OLD MOONLIGHT" Our Feature Hit, "Down Among the Sugar Cane" The sweetest of sweet songs, ABRAHAM LINCOLN JONES" or "THE CHRISTENING" The new sensational coon song, "LILAC and ROSE" Resl Song for Real Singers. II GOTHAH-ATTUCKS MUSIC CO. 1136 Weil 37th Street, New York « . *UDELLA DANCINGCLOQS ALRERT K. Ladies' or Men's Sizes Price, all wood sola, St.ft. Lestber shank, $5.00. delivered free. Patent fastening neves rlpa. SHOE 00.. Milwaukee, Wis. K E 2107 MICHIGAN AYR., I UMER EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. Oostnmer for the Leading Stage Celebrities. 'Phone, Calumet 2402. SECOND HAND DRESSES B A R N ITT SSI STATE STREET. CHICAGO. ILL. Scenery 8ILX0, DTE, OIL AND WATER OOLORS. DANIEL'S SCENIC STUDIO, Chleago Opera House BlocV. CKeago ID. Sam Andrews FINE FURS and DIAMONDS ROOM Sit REPUBLIC BUILDING. ('Phone Harrison 4449.) CHICAGO Tel Mad. H<|iiare 70R3. SHORT VAMP SHOES HOSIERY snd 8HOES For 8TAGE and STREET WEAR. Jacfo m urn in., mi tw fist an ■* a* te.) "The Irish Duohess." NEXT WEES (Nov. 29), MAJESTIC, CM I C A G 0. CM 1 ALICE ROBINSON With a twinkle in her eye and a tingle in net voice. Address VARIETY, Chicago. Htve Your Card in VARIETY When answering advertisement* kindly mention Variety.