Variety (Dec 1946)

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40 ORCnUSTII/kS-AIUSIC W^iliicfljlay. Deccinlier 4, 1946 Inside Stuff-Orchestras-Music Over $600 was realized at an bonofit at a Los Aiigolo-- ta\oiii la^t week for Charhe Paxkei. one of the coiintiy's top Nc^io nuisi'-i, ■who suiTered a breakdown bcnpul nmnllT. a^o and hns. bo'n m the Im - pilal since. Total ol 325 jammed the sniiUl spot, wUicli was, c'losoci to tlio p.vlblic for the night, paying $1.25 a hi'ad admis.sion. Admishcs collccltil totalled $406 and rest of the take came oyei- the bar, wliere di'lnlc.^ ivin-e tipped, for the occasion. W. k, ,iani-HeK.>iioners. donating their stM'View .tii, the cause on their night ofl. ineUided Dono Marmaroso, Bai ney, K,e:.,-i-ll, Eirol Gainer, Red CaUendei. Al Killian Luck's Thompson lloujicl McGhee, Wnu Beatty and HaroW We-t Latest tune to be banned by the netwoikv £oi iti allosedh usque 1\ih^ , is "I Want a G'rown-^,Up ,Man,'- by Charley Wickj in charge. ot reecn-di,nft artists at William Morris' Goasl office, and tcaiuved by Orrin Tucker, oreh, ABC was first to nix it, and other.s followed. Tucker's platlev verWon, was released by Musicraft Records six weeks aso. As a result of, the ultase, however, Ruval Music, Rud,\' Vallqe'.s publishing,,house. Jji losing out on plugs on Tuckci's ABC lemo c lioni Casino Gardens b.illioom Major record companies are di,i;eslinji ,t^i"mS-:ot-the, R^'^y cpn- tiacts music publisheii aie seekms to put into use ui thou leldtions with the diskers Terms call loi a sepaiate license for every mdstei m.Kle Such a method of licensing muMc would put a consideiable ciimp m the lanty widespread piactice of leeoidiU!; companies reissiung lecoided songs on the ba.sjs of aged licensing aurecmenls, which often called loi loyalty tees to publisheis much less than cuiient quotations Rocouleis are studying the nevv contracts and as vet have evidenced no opunon. 10 Best Sheet Sellers iWei'k Ending. Not\ SOi Old Lamplighter ., ..Shapiro Ole Bult<!rm,ilk Sky, BurluvVH Kiuiiors Are FlyiiiR..... .Oxford Wliole World Siagiiig ..Rnbbius V^e Did Siuumei Wou is Wh to Xm IS . Beilin Seivl imentctl Reasoiiii., '. ■ Dvicliess Z p-A-Deo-]Joo-Ddh Sjnllj-,Io\ C.uoss I'll Get P.ip^'s C-V To ^Iiaelv:ttis Osvvu,:, ;.. i?ai'tiinotiiit,: Second 10 , ir ,V<Hi, Were Only ci'*'' - ? ^t"''"'''' Sc)!.ember ciong .... , Cnnvfprd . Colcce Song ,,.,, ,;V?tliUut, Five ,Miiiutos More.... i .,]yiolvose\ CMrl Tliat' i iVii rrv ,. You lieep Coiiiiu;-! Back Riclvctj' Kicivsiiay. . . Wintci Wondeilmd Somewhcie in Ni-,lit Pietending . .Berlin . . ,, r ,,, . .. BVO .. BVC Ci itt'lion GoHimbra Records executives are highly amused over an RCA-Victoi style of advertising artists that Columbia has used for some months. In the current Life mag, for examplei tlrere are full-page ads by both Colum- bia and RCA, and the two are so close in layout methods that if one did not look clo.sely enough at the label credits one would think botli ads were by the same company (assuming lavmen readers do not know at first glance which artists are under contract to which company). Dave Dreyer emphatically denies a report that he has ideas of goins into the misic publishing business on his own, or that he was at any time interested an the Chelsea, Saunders or Viking catalogs owned by Irv Gwirtz. Some conversation went on between him and Gwirtz, its ad- mitted; but he claims he never had any intention of leaving his current post as general manager of Irving Berlin, to take over the three companies on his own hook. WHEN THE ORGAN PLAYED ATTWILIGHT WALLACE-CAMPBELL-CONNELLY ZIGGY ELMAN PREPS BAND FOR JAN. START . Ziggy, inman bogin.s auditioning men for , liis ,ncw orchestra in New Yoik this week He will then go into rehearsal with the band as soon as possible icadMng foi a sl.iit sometime in Januarv. No dates- have: been set for hiiii as yet by M-usic Corp. of America, which will book the band. Arthur Michaud will manage. Elman, who delayed the toi:ma- tjon of his new band when he got out of service nearly a year ago to return to Tommy Dorsev^ will have three of T.D/s men with him: When the latter broke up his band a, week ago (23 ), George Seaberg and Jack Dougherty, trumpets, and Charlie LaRuc. trombone, elected to con- tinue with Elraan. Thev'll iorm the nucleus of Elman's buss sochon SANTLY-JOY, Inc 1619 Broadway. New Yorh 1 ? I TommY Valando, Gen. Prof. Mqr. B.G. Cuts 400 Club, N.Y., 1 Wk., Maxted Replaces Billy Maxted orchestra, a new out fit, will make its N. Y. proem to morrow (Thursday) at the 400 club.. Sweet-swing setup uses live strings, alto and tenor sa.N, three trombones and tour rhvthm. Maxted's date is for one week only. He's a replacement for Benny Goodman, incumbent, who's leaving one week eailier m order to form a new band on tlie Coast lor Ins Socony airsliow. Goodman wanted to leave after four weeks, but was held to his contract. However, spot gave him a seven-dav concession. Tex Beneke orch opens Dec. 12. Songs With Largest Radio Audience s The lop SO swiiis of the weelc. baxed on the coPVngMed dc/c Index Survey of Popular Music Broadcast on Radio Vishedbijlhe.OUiceofRescarcluInc. Stirl'ev Week oj Novevilm: 22-29. 194(i \ Gil In C.iIko - "Tunc Place Gnl \ Rnl^ Night In Rio—. Time, PI ice Gill" Best Man. The, .. .. . .V.,;.... ^i-;,.,;;Vi;.;-,:, , .; : Bli'e S'.ies—, Blue SIcies" 1 itl ci 11 s Lo\c Ol It Isn't—i"Doad Reckoning' [|'i\c Minutts Moie ., Foi Sentimental Roa.sons . . , , .,. Foi You Foi Me Forever—."Shotkmg Miss Pilgum"., , Gnl That I Marly, Tlie—'"Annie Get Your Cuu"- .... I Guess I'll Get the Papeis and Go Home II you Weic the Only Gnl It's ;v Pily To Say Goodni«;ht............. , „ . . : Oh Cut 1 Do- Time, PI ite Gnl Old Lamp-Lighter .. ,, .... .;• Ole Buluimijk Slty— Caiijon Pass.igo" P.isse Rumois Aie Fl.\ ing Septembei Song Somewneie In tho NiflU—i"Three Little Giils In Blue" Sooner Or Later—■l "Song of South" ,.'...,. . .... . Souih America, Take it Away- *"CnlI Me Mistpr" , ■ . . That Lrltle ,Drcam Got Nowhere—fCross My Heart .. . Tilings We ,Did Last Summer ., . This Is Always—-fThree Little Girls in Blue : . To Rnch His Own —f'To Each Mis Own" Uncle Remus Said-r-i-"Sohs of the South",.,....... . ; What More Can I Ask Foi ... Whole Woild Is Singing My Song , . . You Keep Conuilg Back Like a Song—i"Blue Skies" Zip-a-De-Do-Dali—T'Song ot:South" ...... Ai(dtciicp Coj;er* Netwoiks. Pub. .Romick : . Witroark . .Vanguard .Berlin , . . .Mood .Melrose ■ ■ . Chappell Beilin C-P .Mutual .Leeds .Witmark , .Shapiro-B. B»kc-VH Feist Oxloid .Crawford Tuanglo Santly-.loy . Witmarfc .Famous Morns .BVC Paramount Santh -Joy ,.London .Bobbins .Bovlin Santly-Joy follotring ,<!onos arc tliose t/irti Md not have enowih periovmance credits oil llie week 10 be iiichided in the top qioiip They moslly are tunes nsiiiy m populamy And Then Its Hca\cn ... RemicU Ambod^ s Lo\e Song . ^.. Millei Coffee Song—"Cbpacabana Revue" ....,. ..;. .... .:. ... .Valir.nt Evervbodv Loves Mv Babv ..... .. .. . . .... .Goodc Music, Gotta Get Me Somebody To Love—fDuel In the Sim . ....Morns I Haven't Got a Worrv In the World Williamson I'd Be Lost Without You......... .Advanced [f I'm Lucky—, "If I'm Lucljy" Triangle It's All Ovci Now . . BMI Lingci In Mv Aims a Little Loncei Bnby Bourne MaigK— •Mai.Jie" Mills M\ Heait Goes Ci i7-\"London To\\n' Buike-V l\h Sii,;.u Is So Refined Capitol On the Boardwalk—fThree Little Girls In Blue". BVC , , PielendHi" .... ■ Criterion Riekcl^ ^\ lUan ... • Soulheiu So Too Tell Me Barton ri I ^ S IV It.s Wondcrlul—*•• Annie Get Yoin Gun Bcilin Wliite Chiistmas Bcilm Why Does It Get So Late So Early .........., Harms H t FilmiiRH'n': ' Lecu Musical. Tommy Dorsey's on-again * oit^ again loutme with the Capitol thea- tre. New Yorjt, appears to liave been settled once and for all. Hell play the house besiiining Dec. 2fi w^itti a band coniDesed of all N. Y.: Local 802 musiciaiiK orgiinized solely for that purpose. . ■ - Many Coast AcIicb, Bm»SJ rksW i\tl ' , laced joom 01-, ''"-iw'^WBriken bans rv,»». . m our months/ v,i7 m lows liUcja " ' ' Mrtet Hot •''wn'atdieB.O 802 Election Contnmed from page 39 the trick for 802 two years agO. Then, cooler heac's among the Blue opponents at tlie la-st minute At- tempted to consolidate various par- lies, but failed, and Blue men walked back m. Some 70 voting machines will record tallies east in the election, under the supervision of the Honest Ballot Assn Polls will be open fiora 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Of an estimated 27,000 members, between 8.000 and 10,000 are ex- pected to vote. Final party rallies included the Blue'.s at Town Hall last night (Tuesday) and Coalition's at the Hotel Diplomat the same evening. IMijllv's VotinK Machines Philadelphia, Dec. 3. •: When the N. Y. Local 802 holds its, election lomoiiov\ (ThuisdaY> "^O voting machines rented to them by the Camden (N J.) County Boaid of Elections will be used; 802 will pay $1,500 for rent of the machine.?. Machines arc covered by insurance to and from New York. ,, •■',,, ,„ ' ■ 3 Great Soogs ^ h}f ■ CASE 'KlISiBY PW, Each—A Winner My, NITE-CAP I'M GLAD I TOOK THE OMNIBUS! GUST OF WIND , Are Listrd In MUSIC CO 1536 N9. Western Ave HAllywoMi 27, Calif. trittrain to ll»ff*y-KKq »Ui., NMr y«rk-rN*v. 2»-''CAN YOU ftlU SQUIEZE THIS IN ON JOKDAN AOt RAUtOH, M. C, pASt2Mi pVtH GMAl(«NTEE;t Ml^^ 6A.,>»,$I)9^M.;; HOVV tiNhlUr MK A M WANTED TO HEAR dircclly from A-1 Orcheslro*' Varitty A<f«, Muiictant, "Pop" Voeql- itls anil all kindi of toltnt intcretled in FOREIGN ENGAGEMENTS. Aildrott Box 785^ Varioty 154 W. Mth St., Now York )9