Variety (Apr 1949)

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rPIKDmUIBIS (BIB(DS§I1S IS at tiaia lact Weiaencilay C Paioeo. SBt ices' tMs at manM, Mve Ijirreeeat SiSglS a€ terace, IfigM pis igsljs JubIs iGopite this. CMeagci ais© io ioiag well with "Kawfe Oh Aay Oooir," \«Mtt®!» by teeol oirtlios.'p Stoo IHeagS'' Car- saiebael .aad ©e«g8a ©ilbfes. Great mm tooans. "milse." oft State- gecoiMlHTselseffs age teSiag paEeol hy' "3mn oi A¥©/' a?i ©ramC witlk aStent $SO,@Oe. ""CesEiiaoa® De- Ssioa," at woocls, will fee esreelont |8f,(}0§. "CaaaaioB Facific," at SaossTClt, lowte strong ^14,000. "Eefl aoeg," at SalwyHi, is im 15tli v/eelj at Mtf "Paisaa" is Isteates £91? Slkis Weeli ram gross estimates as r®= ported herewith from the vari- ous Isey cities, aro net, i.e., withOHt the 20% tojs, Distribu= tors sham on net take, when hence tho aro net iE= come. Tho parenthetie admissioa EJrices, however, as iadicatenL Indtide tho IT. anaiseiniw tax. "Sierra Mate" AlW) m wt). Bright $11,000 m mtnm iate. hast men, $13,500. CMcasO' i9,mm- »«)'■ On Any Jlaav" C0o» nMt Qmsgh GMm and Woum Gmx&Aml m- stage. Gtrnt $68,000. Last weefe, *wTji»peiln«, Sniitli" (Par) ■ vitb Tont hUvm iH vk), isse ♦ Ciarrfek (B&K) (600: SO-88)— "HomieifSe*' (WB) mit '%m Ban- ait" imn). mf$9,m. Last week, "—0ui^ mom> «bs "Big mm" ; <rf Arc" (aiEOWk wWXusty Pittsburgh, April S. westerns ia dowmtown loca- mo more. "Kl Paso" at §tan- . ;g infliiSereat notices, got away fast aafl ivill M leader this a wide margin. Both "Tate iall Game" at Pemm :a m& Pa Kettle" at Mtom :fiing-ttp well itt second ses- Als© mew, "Dark Past" at Mm^, aMpm. sMm. ■ ^ ■ Kstlmtes im »3s Weeli Mfon (Shea)' (I.IOO: "Ma and .Pa -Kettle" {TO (2d wfe>. Surprise elie&,-aBi at leagfc $9,W0 l«mm. Last fyeels, hwlsy §W,MO, twer hopes. ■ ' Haritls (Hareis) (g,gO©; 4S-8ro—• "Dark Pasl" '(C©1). Crijj liked this V Ann i it's fiaviag tough s; > <3.«f0: 50-1 at $».«00, Last we6&,-"To ssa «-v ^W* Ships" (20th), ■disappoiatimg at sfe« glia Char He I |i3fo(JO ill 8 ftejs. i^^®^J«° Pena (Loev/s-VA) @,SiOi ■as-s^dW La,it week. $turdy ™.«BaJt6am©"..<M»GI (U^vU ' „ r$l 4,500 .aftet last wwls's ■fUe©: 50-fl8)-i-f $22,000. ■imd "Bloadle't Stanley (WB> (3,800; 45-80)—"H Petsart- f27.O00 or | Paso" (Par). Baug-ap §18,000. Last w»ak»-."W«?twn's Seerel" i week, Aeafieiay' lam-els wemrt "Bkekle's Chinese i m\ml\ helji to "Sierra Matte"-(WIW ImA "Mmm Belinda" (WB) oh re- n,«00; 5<H»a~. I torn ilale, dismal $9,000. (ZOth) (2d wkl. Warner mm (2,000? 43=80).- iMi wwlt, l®0,{M)(>.; "Own True lm&" (Par) and "Hoini- ;) (laoe- »12(J»' «WB). Barely liangtng ott t@ (EL* (i5fh ' house franehise with these two at week > *4.S00. Last week, "South St. ' i tOHis" <WB) («».».>, fair $7,000. §0-70). %n,m m Bffllto Frem Baltimore, April 5. Bu-siness here is im nnodlerate groove with some better than aver- age trade recorded by the leaders but^ nothing exciting. Standout is i the fancy biz being recorded by I "Mr. Belvedere Goes to College." ' sold as world preem at New. "Kiss in Dark" is very dull at Stanley. Estimates W This Weels (Loew's-UAl (3.000; 20- Game" (M-G) (2d wk). /ell at $11,000 after $17.(300 opener. (Kappaport)' (2,240; "Million Dollar Week- KO) plus Mischa Auer, Marilyn Majjwell and Three Sims onstage. Stage layout spells okay I $14,000. Last week, "Clay Pigeon" (KKO) with Tommy- Dorsey orch, solid $18,200. Keitlh's (Schanberger) (2,460; 20- 001—"State Bept—File 849" (FC). Not much at $6,000. Last week, "Bed Canyon" (U), $9,800. MayfaSir (Hicks) (9S0; 20-65)— "High Fury". (UA). Uneventful $4,- 000. Last week, "Own True Love" (Par), $4,200. Staraley (WB) (3,2S0; 25-75)—- "Kiss in Dark" "" by local crisE and with $S,000 about Last week. "Johnny Belinda" (WB) (2d run), 17,700. TdJwm (Eappaport) ,(1,500; 35-85) —"Paisam" (Indie). Swell $11,000 near. Last week, Becomes Electra" (KKO), $7,300. Mew (Meehanie) <1,S00; 20-SO)" "Mr. Belvedere Goes to College" {20th). Fancy $17,000 or near. Last week, "Letter Three Wives" (20th) (M w&), ©kay $7,700. State-Luke (B&K) (2,700; 50-98i "" .J»>kA At »J5,000 ezyover Man" 1.000. C) O.70f): SUB y(?njes Up" fM>(J» i2c? tt3«K'ts f le.eOO, Last weoS, .,il.073; 98?— (M-G). $16,000, LEADS POET. l»ortlaiMl, Ore., April 5. • \\\iM of Hed Wileh ' lis smash f'liny at Brondway this week. 1 fare is at a minimum eur- onlj? laajor iiigvi'comers be^. lag. ""Jij'amily Honeymoon" and "M€k Seal." B'ormer is faney Badio City, while ' stiiriy at State. "Knock On Door" is Miif well in BKO=.Or|>ljemn sesgion, Shoes" still is wrj sixth Worltl ^wek Istiinates foff f Ms Weefe CeBlary (Par) (1,600; 30-70)— "Letter Three Wi«s" (gOth) (m.o.). Strong $WO0i. Last wedj, "Coun- tess Monte CiSsto" (0), okay §7,000. Lysie (Par) (1,000; ^ 50-70)— "Wmny" Belinda" (WB) and "Treasure of Sierra Madre" (WB) (Scl mm) {M w'e). Prestige of Academy Av«r«Ss helping hold at hot $S,flOft . pace alter big $7,500 Initial sfen®. Kadio City CPar) (4,000; 30-70)— "Knoeic cm Any Door" Is *lso faiing "Family Ifoaeyiaoon" (V). Good at StkAfmeSi kt tm theatres, * ftrtinwtM Ut rm Week iKMidway (Parker) (1.832; 50-83) "W«i« flf Red Witch" (Eep) anil "SaaWkie for Three" (Rep). Tor- ^.sfid $i«,(»0 or over. Last weefe, '"'"Cnss (ross' -l'' ami "Angol to Rx'ie iRep», ttrong $»,300. Oriental (H-E» <2,0(t8; 30-f!5>-- "Knock On Door" tCol) antl "Strike It Rich" (Mono. <»a.v-flat6 %V'it}it Par- ■mount. Fine S.'i.i)fl». Last wee!?. "Mother Is Freshman" «20tli) and "Amazing Mr. .JC'" 'tfiL'j toMfi 17.000. Orpheum <„t!-K> 50-OS)-— •W.ifkofx niii^ (C©1> asid "Sftsig ..rtwdi" >»'o| fSeoa$7,S00. Last «i and "Aruaaing Mfc-X" ffiU torrii <>*l'? I Paramount also Wis I as' nit, '•€'mm£tw& De- sl7.'!i)i» 1 week, "Letter Three "iV n I ' (2a wk). m&i $14,000. «fv«? ' BEa (RKO) (2,800; 50- ,01 ' 'I On Door" (Col) (2d &k. Okay $9,000 in 5 hefty $1S.-Si0.first canto, mm-Vm (SKO) (1,600; 50-70) —-"Sgt. irork" (WB) and "Castle on HhcI-ob" (WB) (reissues). Good $S,- O0i If n L ^/eck, "South of St. '2d wk), virile $8,500. f I (I r) (2.800; 50-70)—"Nick r). iSrisk $18,000. Last sing Bandit" (M-G), I5eai ^veek, ligirt Continuance of mild weather is helping Broadway firstrun business this session to overcome the very minor inroads made by the current taxicab strike. Actually, the Lenten season and surplus of holdovers and extended-runs are contributing more to. the highly uneven appear- ance of the Broadway film box- office than the cab ivalkout. Three major pictures were launched during the past week, and all are doing extremely ivell in view of general conditions and Lent. Two of them, "Set-Up" and "Portrait of Jennie," substantiate the fact that want-to-see pictures will do biz no matter. "Set-Up," which started out sock and got uniformly excellent re- views, is very solid $32,000 in ilirst week at Criterion. This is strongest done at this house in months. "Jennie" is just as big with $38,000 for initial Bivoli stanza despite be- ing hurt more by the tasji strike than other theatres. House always had a considerable carriage issue) (2d wk». Off at i after fine $20,000 opener for this I oldie. Holds a third. IPalace (RKO) (1,700; 50-$1.20)— I "Shot Jesse Jame.s" iSGi. Looks mild $15,500 and not holding. In ; ahead, "Bad Boy" (Monoi, dim "$15,500 in 10 days, and pulled, i IPffliP0iM<i»ii»4 (Par) (3,664; 55-$1.501i j —"Bride of Vengeance" (Part witis Charlie Barnet orch, Jerry Colonna, Jack Carter, others, onstagBc ' Opens today (Wed.>. Last week„ "El Paso" (Pari and Louis Jordan Five, Kay Anthony orch topping stage Mil (2d wk), slipped off to $50,000 after very good $69,000) "The Fan," with Ginny Simms and new ice show topping stage layout at Kosy is heading for good $80,000 even in the face of criic barbs. "Shot Jesse James" is dis- appointing $15,000 at Palace, and won't hold. .Same applies to "Mob- town"-"Hit Boad" reissue combo at $7,500 for Rialto. Virtually all holdovers are way off, typical being the tumble taken by "Ball Game" at State. This is down about $S,0iOO to $21,000 In fourth round. geanoe" ^vitli Charlie Barnet band and Jerry Colonna heading stage- show today (Wed.). Capitol brings in "City Across Biver" xvith Art ■ " tomorrow (Thurs.). Bff Ws Weels Astoff (City Inv.) (1,S(»; 80^1.50) —"Knofik on Boor" (Col) (7th wk). Do^vn to $11,000 this round after okay $1S,000 for sixth \veek, below longer m^n (City Inv.) (589; $1.20- $2.4!»*-"Ked Shoes" (KL) (24th wish Still itt blue chips .at $14,- 000, after _$14,S00 for last rouni Continues indef. CagiW (Loew's) (4,820.; 80-$1.50) —"Outpost in Morocco" (UA) plus Gordon Jenkins orch, Cardini top- ping stage bill (2d wk). Down to small $48,000 or less aftiSr modest $58,800 for iSrst, beloiv ejjpectancy. ross Kiver" (U) with Art se Murphy, Stan Kavaaagh, James ISSartoa onstage opens toiBorroiu' (Thurs.). Crfteffism (Moss) (1,70®; @Ci-$1.75) —"Set-Up" (KSCO) (2d wk). Fiiret week ended last Monelay (4) might soared to very .^oiid $S2,8C0, taest here in months, theatre realigaiag its scale in view of crcswiSs, In ahead, "Criss Cross" (U), tliin $7,- 500 to Inal <i days of thiri week. ©Isls© (Branfit) (1,500; m-^lM) —-"Impaet" (UA) (3d-fia|il wk). DoiTO to $8i,00§ after tMn $11,500 in seconfl round. "Champion" (UA) opens Saturday (9). aiayfaSff (Brandt) (l,73iS; SO- $1.20)—"CasaMaaea" ftTO) (re- Avenue (U) (583; $1.20- $2.40).—-"Hamlet" (Ui (28th wk). Twenty-seventh« \veek climbed to $16,000, virtually capacity on basis o£ Academy awards. HEaffl® (Ctty Mmsk HaJl (Rocke- fellers) (5,945; 80-$2.40i.—"Little Women" (M-Gt with stageshow (4th-final wk). Down to $100,000) or less on blov/ofl after okay $112,- 500 for third session. "Connecticut Yankee" (Par) \vith annual Easter Pageant and stageshow opens to- morrow (Thurs.). KoM© (Magei (584; 44-981-— "Mobtown" (FC) and "Hit the Road" (FC) (reissues). Just pass- able $7,000. Won't hold. In aheaa„ "Daughter of West" (FC), about same. ISjVdsB (UAT-Par) (2,092; 60» $1.25) — "Jennie" (SROi (2d wk». First week ended last night (Tues.) reached fine $38,000. In ahead, "Snake Pit" (20th) (21st wk-5 days)„ slim $4,000. ffiffisy (20th) (5.886; S0-S1.80)— "The Fan" (20th i with Ginny Simms, Araaut Bros., "Merry Widow" iceshow. Boing fairly well at $80,000 or less., and holds one iveek. In ahead, "Mother Is Fresh- man" (20th I with Phil Baker, Cato Calloway, iceshow {3d wki, ligh£ $55,000. State (Loew's) (3,450; 50-$1.50D —"Ball Game" (M-G) (5th wk>. Start.? today (Wed.). Fourth frame wcs down to $21,000 after fine $27,« 000 third. Stays a few weeks more. Stoania (WB) (2,7d6; 70-$1.50!— "Kiss in Dark" fWB) irfth Guy Lombard© orch heading stageshow (2{i ivk). Slipping ioivn to modese $40,000 or less in initial holdoveir round after merely good $52,(J0® opener. Holds a third. "My Dream is Yours" (WB) with Lionel Bamp= ton orch opens April 15. VilEtoria (City Inv.) (1,060; 95- $1.80)—"Joan of Arc" (EKO) (21st vvk). Being helped by Academy puMicity and loo&g stea# at $13,° (900 or near sffesr mis $24,000 to 20th stanza. liriliaf Siltri 11% J a . Pjicacaai 12.000, 'lid hmt ^TCek. "South u/Pi f?cl wlu. 08500 at!)4V(Bff " lUiiJWtra - ft'alt'way (Fo.'i: • »Mwe.sti (2,t(j§, 2,048, 700; A^m\ r°"Ma and Pa Kettle" (Ui (2d wki. wa{ $16,000. I^ast week, with wx- umvan b.v four principal plaver.N itrom ca.Rt, iai?ar capacity for whop- I'uifC $159,000, almost neck and neck \vith great' o£ "Egg and I" tUj, a yj'ar ago. / am! It l^ In total Qui net ^^'@ak■ "UalLnx', 0|5 ii: in I aica arc . April 5. t I I im hvi around town shapes 1 ( 1 -i 3 .jtanza. "The Set-Up," at , is a knockout at $30,- iji'O, - All "T»ke Out to Ball Game" at Orpheum and Stats looks nice. "Family Honeymoon" at Memorial I clt J If veiv strong trade. s f»r TMs Weefe mK% i 1.200; 40-88)— Elappy" 'Ul' (2d wk). Ill ,( 0 iter S8,300 for first. JjO Loa ! JCO> 13,200; 40-8S)— Plit s IW li'ElCOi and "Amazon f i c n I Tsrrifle $80,000. Last lien .Every Sunday" JSOibt and smokey aiountain Mel- o^'" iCoIi. ma. §16,000, UvM« fIndie* (1,100; 40-7§)— Me!iiiii®rfall "Family Honeymoon' "Alaska Patrol" (SG) 000. Last lYeek, 0; 40-85)- (UI) ,:iwf®ii^"iiii m ■ TwoEto, "April 5. Trio of Mstorlcffll-backgrounfi films, "Joan of Arc," "Saraband'" and a reissue of "Northxvest Monnt= Q& Police," are sharing town's tog eoJtt this week for hefty grosses, d Stallion in Rockies" looms In £oui>house. somho. MitmteB (for Ms Week neweomor. belag fflae at C;ttii&ettoM. "Kiss to Bark" fe mM at Of§tomm in 9 days. EstSmates ff®r TMs We* f'stliseuBi fH-i-;' "Walking Hills'* «C< India" iVMt. Niee il mb (Continueti m liagc M) ;Q6t I a* 1' ' II t ne-i t" (EL) and Jlce $6,- t-run. m-ns)— * c uma J J L 1 11 h) ana "The Higfort" «ijepi tM u'te>. Okay $7,- iOff aftw f>l5.r»(» for first. I vjIt c M( "OG) $1.25)— 11 lo'fd tu il oiut 04,©0i after maja" (20th) and "Black Eagle' (Col), oke $24,000 in ten days. Uetmw®Maw (NKT) (4,367; 40- 85)~-"Kiss "in Dark" (WB) and "Strike It Klch" <Mono). Satisfac- tory $2l,®0§. Last -,«eeb, "Soutli of St. Louis" (WB) and "1 Chested Law" .(20th), $18,000. (Orisastam (Loew) (S,000; 40-SS)— , "Take Out to Ball Game" (M-G), Tidy $25,000. Last %veek, "Knoels On Door" (CoD and "Blondie'ts BSg Bear (Col) (2d ^vk), $17,i80!). Wammmt (HBT) (1,80(J; 40-89) —''Canadian Facifie" (iOth) and "The Hideout" (Bep) {2d wk). Good $18,000. Last week, neat $18,000. JPlgrftsii (ATC) (1,890; 49-85)—. "Bed Canyon" (U) ami "ShaHirocIt Hill" (Indie) (2d wk). Boiva to $6,- 500 after miM $S,m9 first. State (LoG^v) (S.SOO; 40-83)-. "TabG Out to Ball Game" (M-©. i Solid aiS.OSfJ. Last tysGl; State (SOth-Cent) (1,059, ®55, 888, ®S4; 38-60)—"Bed Stallion itt Hock- ies" (EL) and "Jiggs, Maggie iis Court" (Mono). Big $12,500. Las(S week, "Dark Past" (Col) and "Ad- ventures Silverado" (Col), okaj? $10,000. _. Imperial (FP) (3,373; 36-66)—= "Northwest Mounted Police" (Par]) - Is ISresh- I (reissue). Teraflc $15,000. LasIS iveek, "Sea in Ships" ' (20th) (2it! wk), dull $5,000. 'lUm's (Loew) (2,096; 36-6®)— "Bribe" (M-G). Satisfactory $12,- 000. Last week, "Force of EvE™ (M-6), light $8,000. (Bank) (2,390; S5-$1.20)— (EL). Very big $17,= Last week, "Wa&e Bed Witch'* wk), wow $13,000. SSaea's (FF) (2.388; 36-66)— "Whispering Smith"'(Par). Okay $8^00. Last week, "John Loveo Maiy" (WB) (2d wk), so-so $6,809. Tw®n (FP) (1,481; 36-66)—"Kiso I ia Bark" (WB) (2d wk). Okay 84.- I 000 after last week's good $5,800. i IlEiSversiity (FF) (1.586; 1S-$lMi —"Joan of Arc" (SKO) (2i wkL iSoek $16,000 after last wesk'o 1 smash $20,000. i lT|3t0v;m (Loaii') (2,74§; SG.i3S)-=> '."life ©£ Palsy" m Satisfactoi-37 Oa Bo«" (Cal) and "BloaiSe's Big 07,800. Last vmh, "SeS Cmfm" ' Deal" (Cal) iM vb), ate $ll,@Oi. [ (U), $6,000.