Variety (Apr 1949)

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fT^ aceday, April 6, 1949 On the Uidieat New York ChtfHf! Warren back to Holly- to represent Warren Music, 'ffitlv reactivated by the Big Jg*2f''^ Dave Lambert teaching CfitrfToid howr to bop-sing on coast Modernaires set to re Somerset House, stalling sched- uled dates at the Mark Hopkins, Frisco, and the Chase roof, St. Louis . . . Freddy Martin added Kex Dennis to the band, first guitarist crew has had since it was organized, save for occasional wax dates . . . Chirper Pat O'Connor iStitute given one Oif RGA-Yic: tor's new'45 rpm platter-plai;ers exhibition alongside historical niodels. Hollywood »„., Morgan shoved back tenta- «w May 15 date- at the Capitol. V. to open four-weeks at Ott€HKSTRAS.MtSI€ 45 irame . . . Frank Dc Vol plays the Tau Delta Phi Scholarship benefit blowout at Riviera Country Club May 7. Chicago i!lrtium''he"re May 31. He'll get a 1 Pal-1 Coast ToQters Scale For Am Contest Finals Tops Traveling Band Pay Hollywood, April 5. Local 47 AFM musicians who WiU play for the National Thea- tres' amateur contest here will reap a coin harvest higher, in proportion than the scale for trav- eling musicians here.. Circuit has one week of elimi- hation fo-; divisional champion- ships scheduled at Loew's State downtown and one week at the Chinese, for selection of national champs. Jnion has set scale al sidemen Moe Levy, of Leeds Miisle in town visiting with Archie Leving- ton, Chi Leeds rep . . . Bill Savitt, Sy guaiant^^^ Morgan's Glenmore | $iio per week for sidemen for iifVvf admissions over $10,000. i Mu-sic, here on way to Coast . . .| , ^ . , ., ^^nLl date nowset IV mid-sum-1 ditto Bob^^ performance nightly, not ex- lie? will bring Morgan $8,500 j lin Music Co. . . . Thelma Graccn nrepidv band's top theatre salary joins Benny Strong's orchestra as In Sate Harry Owens re-formed vocalist . . . Jimmy Featherstonc lin hand and heads out on a series band slated for threeweekcr at Tri- nf six one-nighters, al $750 guar- anon ballroom, May 10 . . . Benny .ntM afiainst 60%, before starting | Goodman into Salt Lake City Ren- it the St Francis hotel, Frisco, I dezvous April 20 .after one-nighters April 26 " . RCA-Victor bidding , in midwest, including U. of Minn. CAPITOL miS'BOP VIA DISK JOCKEYS Capitol Records is doing its own education of record buyers on bop music. It has gotten out a 10-inch vinylite disk for disk jockeys only tilled "What Is This Thing Called Bop?" Done by Paul Weston's orchestra, with narration by Tom Reddy, the disk traces the history of jazz from the days of- Leadbeily through various types of jazz, to, swing to bop. ! Disk will be shipped to every; major in the country.', RCArVictor has gotten out some-- thing very similar, called "Six, Lessons in Bop," waxedt on two ■ sides of a 16-inch vinylite disk by j Charlie Ventura's orchestra. It,, too, is for disk jock use only. RCA-Victor Expands Disk Jockey Service!^ ceeding 90 minutes, seven nights weekly.,. /Rehearsals are extra. Leader .$eaie 'is $165. Regular scale for traveling bands at Milliou Dollar theatre, which has a stage policy, is $140 per man . wjdened'approach'toThe problem . and' TV lor 28 shows, with the leader get-' ki^ping'platter-spinners stocked pranged. RCA-Victor is pand' its disk planning to ex jockey service. for waxing of a three-minute cx-! prom. April 20 . . . Page Cavan- iprnt from Peter Tintnrin's ballet | augh Trio at Don Carlos Casino. »n(f for his tune "And When the Winnipeg, Canada . . . Gloria Van Hour Has Come," after music was' doubling from vocaling with Bill Hwd on a coast tecvee propram . . .; Snyder's orth plus role to roll in ^bert Bllder and Arthur Quenzer i "Salute to Cole Porter" at College •old "Are You Getting Anv?" to ' Inn, vacated by Blossom Lee . . . Pat-Mar Music . . . Sara Berner Mercury Records waxing "Jazz at completed a two-day stint etching a kldish album for Capitol . . . Boh Stern, Duchess Music topper, off on a tour of ten western slates. ChuCk Foster Orch into Biltmore Bowl, May 25, succeeding Jan Gar- ber, who checks out after a 21- raonth stand to play the summer season at Catalina Island . , . Larry Maddi rcoptioned asain at Jackpots' Battle ( Continued on page. 46) ting $210. Scale for local musi- cians at the house is $90 weekly for 24 shows, with batoneer. col- lecting $135. In addition to setting a propor- tionately higher scale for backing the. tyros, union has ordered the contest to- use 16 sidemen during the: two-week eliminations. ^ Enlist Colleges For 'Dream Ball' Promotion To Bally Monroe Disk Boston, April 5. RCA-Victor, Vaughn Moilfoe and Leeds Music are currently working out an unusually hefty promotion gag to exploit the publisher's new ballad, "Dreamy Old New England Moon," which Monroe recorded for Victor. All three are together on a stunt to be carried out next Tues- day (12) at Monroe's own Meadows,: Framingham, Mass., suburban cafe. It's to be tagged "Dreamy Old New England Moon Ball," for whicli a "queen" will be picked from among entries by various New ' England colleges. I So far. Boston U.. Rliode Island j State, Holy Cross, Connecticut U., Clark U., Tufts and some dozen ' other schools have agreed to ship a candidate to the Meadows. Mon- . oe, Lou Levy, Leeds head, Victor- execs, disk jockeys in this area, etc., will be the judges. Newsreel pickups have been ar? Here's the payoff; gag is down ' for Tuesday because that's the I night of a new moon. with and aware of Victor's release' in virtually all categories follows! months of querying of jocks as to j how the service could be improved.. Capitol Records is generally! „ . , credited by jocks and rival com-1 Campbell-Connelly, British pub panics as providing the best serv-, fi™. has taken over the Dvorsky - ' catalog (Including "Blue Skirt ice,: including personal contacting I by local Cap- distributor reps; Waltz") from Jack Mills, ;a Contimied from page I'ss brought about the collapse of the web's Sunday night program struc- ture. By the same token. CBS' acquisition of Benny provided the . spark that has made Columbia su- preme on Sunday. . It's realized, loo, that if NBC comes up at 7-with what the Hoop- er doctor ordered, jit can not only put a heavy dent in the Benny rating by next fall, but be the sole factor in giving the 'whole Sunday night NBC roster a new lease. CBS' Sunday Sleeve . Here, for example, is what CBS has up its Sunday. sleeve. When Benny takes- his-summer layoH", Bill Paley & Co. wiU make a bid to capture the time from Lucky Strikci|(which in the past has come , along with its own summer re- placement) and install the CBS- built "Sing It Again" giveaway in the 7-7:30 period. As evidence of the giveaway popularity today, "Sing^* has been riding along with a 10 and better rating, which is Just about tops in radio as far as sustainers go. At the moment. Chesterfield is leriously eyeing "Sing" for spon- •orship (see separate story), so Vfhether Lucky Strike would be willing to forfeit the Sunday at 7 time during the summer to permit a rival ciggie outfit to move in may nave a lot to do with the fulfill- ment of Columbia's plans. If Chesterfield doesn't buy. it's fig- ured CBS' chances of putting Sing" In to slug it out with NBC's giveaway will be considerably en- hanced. • Thus CBS figures Yiot only to oent NBC's telephonic package, but also protect the 7 o'clock audi- jnce until Benny returns in the ran, And come October, "Sing" would probably be moved into tlie Sunda^r at 10 period, thus making me Sabbath giveaway scorecard read: NBC's giveaway at 7. ABC's Stop the Music" at 8, and CBS' Sing It Again" at 10. Meanwhile there's « bigger and »«ter payoif In the offing for ^BS' "Sing" show, the network an- nouncing that it will not only rival the NBC jackpot, but top it. The new jackpot (after the current one w cracked) will total $50,000, breaking down into $25,000 cash *nd $25,000 in merchandise. With three giant jackpot give- aways riding the Sabbath kilocy- cles, there's still speculation as to What the FCC will do about elimi- nating the telephonic packages. The networks have been heartened by the fact that the Government •Sency has to date looked the other „ Way. But D. C. reports arc that, • ^ *he thing gets out of hand, the -FCC WiU move in, Oper(Eftioii Log" How BMI Diagnoses Your Music Logs Scientifically EVERY U months your station supplies BMI with a log of the music you've performed each day for one month. This log, properly analyzed, determines the payment to composers and publishers, who are com- pensated by BMI on the basis of actual use of their music. And, as important to you, your daily music log is the pulse of your station's musical programming. It is vital to you, for it charts the exact strength of the heart of your broadcasting. A study of your log helps you appraise the quality and selectivity of your music. BMI wJH Jtadfy »•"«• y*" " CHART, or «nofy- •is, 9f your ifafion'* /og it yoo w/H simpV ask ior. it. In 1941 BMI instituted the first scientific and automatic system of checking actual broadcast use of music. Em- ploying the very latest IBM electronic accounting and tabulating machines, BMI's "Operation Log" turns out a wealth of interesting facts and figures. With more than 32,400 daily logs to be examined each year, the physical task of processing them is stag- BROADCAST MUSIC, INC. 580 FIFTH AVENUE • NEW YORK 19. N. Y. New York • Chicogo • Hollywood gering. Every BMI licensee has been most coopcrativ* in supplying its logs whJen asked -to do so. This co- operation has resulted in standards of efficiency which amaze everyone who has seeti BMI's logging systein in operation. " - You'll have an opportunity to see a typical BMI log- ging job at this year's NAB Convention when you visit the main exhibit hall at the Steven* for a look at BMI's "Operation Log" in action. If unabft to onenil the NAB Convention, write to Sfarion Re/ati«ns Dtpvttm»nt vt BtM far y«ur copy o^ "Oporation los" in ptfmpli/ct form, lllwstr«tc«f. ;.tct aw ,"|S'* 0*' .11 >