Variety (Apr 1949)

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62 rHATTBR Wednesday, April 6, 1949 Mrs. Jack Warner off to Europe yesterday (Tues.) on the America. The Ernie {Chi hotelier) Byfields In town for the "South Pacific preem. • ■ • ■ • Arthur Judson, manager of'N.Y. -philharmonic, elected president of Lotos Club. The Billy Hoses (Eleanor Holm) due back from their roMnd-the- world trek April 18. Charles' C. Moskowitz, Metro's Veepee and treasurer, off this week on a Miami vacation. Arthur Tait, exec in J.. & N. Tait, Australian concert chain, in New York on holiday. Jack Carson returning to Holly- wood Friday :(8> after three months of personating in the east. George (Lyons agency) Freed- ley's bon-voyage cocktail party for , Dorotliy and Lillian Gish. Ziegfeld Club's tea dance on Sunday, May 8, at th» Hotel Koose- velt for the Actors Fund of Amer- ica. Gregor Rabinovitch, Columbia producer, his Savoy- Plaaa hotel suite following a heart attack. Harry Blackstoiie's condition re- ported good after operation Thurs- day (31) at St. Joseph's Infirmary, Atlanta. Jack Goldstein publicizing the Curtiss-Wright "Span of Flight" aeronautical exhibit at the Com- modore. Bernant at the (bride's White Plains home on Monday (4). Both, non^ pros. They'll reside in Puerto Rico where he's in business. The John Beckers (actress Vir- ginia Campbell) have gone to Italy for the summer. She turned down two film offers and hopes to get a Broadway play in the fall. He's working on a new book;. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Littler fliew in from London Sunday (3) to at- tend "South Pacific" premiere at invite Of Richard Rodgers and Os- car Hammerstein, 2d. Will be here a week, gandering shows, The Meyer Davises, moving to N.Y. in the fall, are holding auc- tion of some of their effects in their Philadelphia home Friday (8), proceeds to be devoted to world government causes. Overflow necessitated the Jules Glaenzer-Rodger'^ & Hammerstein (Joshua Logan-Leland Hayward) post-"South Pacific" party shifting from the Cartier veepee's East 65th street manse to a midtown hotel. • Protestant Motion Picture Coun- cil, -in association with Christian Herald, making special award to "The Quiet One,'^ Mayer»Burstyn release, for ''an outstanding con- tribution to human .understanding." Sylvia Barry and Carl, Rosini back from a succession of ship- board entertainment bookings on the Mauretania. Watterson Lowe,- vet "Burton Holmes of the winter cruises," in his 20th year as an . ocean-voyaging lecturer, The Troupers, organization com- prising' wives of .showbiz, entities, I holding their benefit at the Latin Quarter May 1. Ruth (Mrs. Jerry) Jack Rubens, London theatrical j Rosen, Cele (Mrs; Al) Beckinan accountant, in on biz with his wife at the Hotel Astor; returns home April 13. John W.; Heaney, Jr., former ac- count exec for VIP Service, joined Endorsements, Inc., In similar position, and Dena (Mrs. Lou) Walters head the entertainment committee. > Post Office Players, N. Y. Post Office legit group, want talent for their coming -show, "Scliemes of 1949," proceeds going to the Ed-: ward Morgan Foundation, provid' Les Zimmerman, William Mor- jng free hospitalization for postal ns agency publicity head, -in Kew, employees. Producer is Joseph A Gardens General Hospital for minor surgery. Broadway's Pepsi-Cola Center, wartime cuffo refreshment depot for servicemen, now operating as 24phour a day eatery* First cocktailery built spe Pollack. Robert Lantz, New- York rep of the Berg & Allenberg agency, planes tO: London May 6 for con- fabs with Christopher Mann, Ltd., agency's British associate, and also to gander the current legit offer- Guy Middletott engaged to Anita Arden. Harold Berens and Veronica O'Connor married in London March 25. Clive Brook's actress daughter. Faith, to marry an American naval doctor, Charles Moffett. Bergt Sterner has quit tlie Hy- man Zahl agency, and now repie^ sents Lew and Leslie Grade agency for Sweden. Gerald Palmer, general manager and producer of Tom Arnold's ice spectacles, flies to New York April 19, and expects to stay in U. S. till first week in May. Harold French signed to direct "The Danging Years" for Associ- ated British, which is to start lensing in the late spring. It will be made in Technicolor, Norman Marshall, who took over the Gate theatre from MoUie Veness and Peter Godfrey, has formed a repertory company, the London Gate Co., to tour Ger- many. :BeGause Paul Robeson's two concerts at Albert Hall were SRO, manager Harold ' Fielding has skedded two extra concerts'April 17-18 in the much larger Har-. ringay Arena, Birminghatti ; Hippodrome:. has broken records; with sD^lfont's Folies Bergere show, and run has been extended from two to three weeks, with consequent revision of provincial tour, • ■ Bernard Delfont presenting Ralph Slater for three weeks' sea- son at Princes theatre. Then the hypnotist returns, for short trip to. America, coming back, for another English season in the summer. David Henley, exec in charge of contract artists, let out of the Rank Organization, with his chief assistant, Olive Dodds, taking over, and Henley returning to Myron Selznick. Cecil Tennant is quit- ting to join Laurence Olivier; . of Maria Ratoff. She was former- ly known as Maria Costes. Only active American film unit working in Italy in the past two months, "Pirates of Capri," the Victor Pahlen indie production, shot its last scene Saturday- night (2) at Scalera Studios. into Wasbington ciftcally for the viewing of video jngs jn b^th London and Paris will be press-preyiewed at the, Hg-n fly back in a month Beverly hotel April 6. ' Bill Williams, disk-jockey on WOV, boasts a songwriting secret taxy in Helen Glasser, whose "I'm for You" will be published Mrs. RolH Frledland Landers— slve was the late songwriter-pro- ducer Anatole Friedland's first wife-—^keeping herself active in Hollywood with Carl Post & Co., By Den B'erry W.k. comic Lou -Bandy Hollywood nitery. Johnny van Helvoirt orch into Heck's cafe, Rcmbrandtplein. George Theus orch from Switz-r eriand in at Rufeck's. eatery: for a spell. . Alex Wins, prez of FEMA (one of the thred musicians' unions here), won his libel suit against De Waarheid (The Truth), Commie daily published here. : .Delegation from British Musi-: clans' tJnion expected here to huddle with Dutch unions on posr sibillty of an agreement for band exchanges between the: two coun- tries. AU-nlght, all-star gala held Saturday (2) to mark retirement of veteran stage star Stella Fon- taine. Show was lield in the Kleine Komcdie theatre and pi'oceeds went to anti-T.B, fund. Hollywood Esquire's Dave Smart com- public relations firm. Incidentally, mutes so often from Chi to N. Y. Qiorfa Grant (Frledland), their he found it expedient to sublet a ■ daughter, is with KPI-TV on the permanent Manhattan apartment.' Coast l^^??.™55?^?l*^^.?„^„^'^?SL^?. T i Hotelier Walter Jacobs' personal By Florence S. Lowe Nellie Lutcher at Club Kavakos. Bob Hope and troupe due in for a one-night stand April 28. Jascha Heifetz concerted to ca- pacity audience at. Constitution Hall past week. Jessica Dragonette skedded for a concert at end of month for. bene- fit of Casa Italiana. Laurltz Melchlor here tonight (Wed), for benefit concert for group of wonien's colleges; Eric John-ston, chairman of American Cancer Society board. ?i'*^ra'*"'Jf-rt^*'i*^^*\'S'J!'letterhead, showing him lazing in fp™Tdine?ur?entcSr drive the old Diamond Jim Brady town i . hammock. surrounded Iw ^P^?"'5!_i,"^?."^F?."S':*"'=e.'^ house; her office was his front parlor. Glenn Condon, ex-Vaudeville News editor, now owner of KAKC, Tulsa, will co-host, the "Tulsa" (Eagle Ltoii) junket to Oklahoma next week. Dorothy Stewart, N.Y. rep for J. C. Williamson Theatres of Aus- tralia, planing to Melbourne :• in July for two-month Aussie biz-va- cation trip, a hammock. Variety, the N. v^TJ'mff^TiJ'J! ^lai-Karel Truman has agreed to +V,.,., 1,;=. f^iAiV ti^.r w; proem next season's .series of Siin- etc, thus tells h s friends that he s day concerts for National Sym- on a sabbatical while his Lord 1 phony Nov 27 ^, « ^3 »,ri.™i ij„„„u p^.^^^ ..^^^^^ Antarctic," British comniand perforiiiance film, set for April\20 at Lopert's Playhouse, With British Ambassa^ dor arid ; Lady Franks sponsoring for caricier fund. : ' By Eric Gorrick Metro's "The;Search" doing sock biz in Sydney. George Griffith, Hoyts cinema exec, readying a U. S, trip.i . Harry Huhtei% Par's local chief, back from biz trip to New Zealand. .' Queensland exhibs expect per- mission to up adihissions around June. Morton and Kaye, British piano duo,.still sock in Melbourne for the Dave Martin Tivoli loop. Will Mahoney got off to a good start at Cremorne, Brisbane, with oldtime musicals, rst being "Little Nellie Kelly." Webb Tilton, male lead in "Annie Get. Your Gun," hospital- ized for appendectomy; He'll ■ be out of the cast for about three weeks. "Oliver Twist" (GBD) is going okay in Sydney and Melbourne, with no protests from any local or- ganization. Pic is playing the Hoyts' loop. Ralph Bromhead, general man- ager of Eagle-Lion distribution unit, due on visit. His chief, Air- Commodore West; was here little while ago. Local distribution of E-L- fare is via British Empire Films. Irwin Shaw left for Italy on a freighter. ' Julia Faye laid up with bronchial pneumonia. Irving Cummingses celebrated 32d wedding annl. Margie Wood hospitalized after a collapse on the RKO lot, Dixie Lee Crosby recovering from operation on her foot. Jane Russell to Chicago for two weeks of singing at Oriental. Dore Schary lamming to desert to bake out a back inflammation Florence Desmond, British' ac- tress, in town for a role at 20th- Fox. Henry Ginsberg returned to his Paramount desk after Palm Springs siesta. ' Jack Kirkwood laid up with flu delaying his start in ''Riding High'' at Paramount. ■ Erich Von Stroheim here from Paris to play in Paramount's"Sun- set Boulevard;" Rat Brady broke a wrist and ;two .ribs galloping with Roy Rogers in "Down Dakota Way." Lloyd Gough to Palm Springs to bake out a shoulder Injury sus- tained while playing in "Roseanna MeCoy," Jimmy Durante, Keenan Wynn, Peter Lawford and Betty Lynn put on a show at UCLA for under- privileged children. Jo^ Newman celebrated 25th anni . of, his film career which started as a messenger boy for Eddie Mannix at 13. Sam Engel in from London where he huddled with Scotland Yard about "21 Bow Street," which he . will • produce over there for 20th-Fox. Margaret Ettinger agency will continue .to handle public relations for the Atwater Kent Foundation, although that. fact, was not dis- closed in the publication of the. late millionaire's will. Tarleton, Miami Beach, Is under 10-year, lease to. independent in- terests. , . Mrs. Ruby Schinasi's Chi trip and the cancellation of lier daugh- ter, Mrs. Arthur (Bubbles) Horn- blow, Jr., comine east this week- end, may cause them to miss each other en route L.; A. to London. Al Mitchell, ex-bandleader now; The Hornblows are slated to go The Answer Man" on MBS in abroad for his Metro production of from his Chi home on a month of | personal business (realty, etc.) and seeing the shows. Ray Rice resigning as publicity director, of Raytheon to open own oflice: - He will continue to handle Raytheon's publicity on an account basis- plus others. : m - Wamer veepees Samuel Schnei- der and Mort Blumenstock re- turned to homeoffice Monday (4) after Coast powwows on company's production plans. Ben Marden dabbling in Havana realty, and particularly set on a site for a lavLsh Cuban casino. The 'Quo Vadis.' By Maxwell Sweeney Maurice Baum- has purchased Palace",' nabe house, from Simon Eppel at reported figure of $60,000. Paramount has been given ex- clusive newsfilm rights on Eire's Republic Day celebrations April 18 Miami Beach By Lary SoUoway Alan Carney into Olympia this week. Lecuona Cuban Boys orch Into Giro's, replacing Sacassas orch. Michel Rosenberg back for re- turn date at RoumanlaHheatre-res- taurant, Maxie Rosenbloom; Cully Rlchi ards and Ralph Young in new show at Mother Kelly's. Filming of "Miami Story" with Burt Lancaster In the lead, due for F. J. A. McCarthy, U.I. southern ! f^Ikerihl. month sales manager, planed in from ^^^^^ month. ifrppniiffht has hppn rpnovVptllv ! Y. with wife, and On to London >ln on sambling '^^P"'*^'^'^ after week-ending here.. Marian Sawyer, formerly in the' ,,„^elnster Fllni new Irish setup' Goldwyn press department, now ^^aded by Sir Shane Leslie (Cou Rome with Ben Sonnenberg working on i ;.mi;„ t,.a„ ct„i, ,., Filippo Del Giudlce's English-made 1 Ji^f^J'"" Staircase, ul; •The Guinea Pig." i player^. sin of Winston Churchill*, v.'ill film A obey B.V Helen McGin Tubbs Oraon Welles expected in Rome from Paris. / Wally and Suzetle Downey to i „„1^^'°>'"?^*M'? l**-Doris Dowling in Florence for Havana^his week for 10 clays.on , "^"^tfit^.^^-jbou^^^^^^^^^^ ,eeUend. taistic . Summer,". She'll do the script with Guy Morgan. 1; one of his Cuban niu.sic pub activi- ties. He's also forei^ music con. SUltant to ASCAP. After the .)ack Kapp will is read April 11, friends of the widow, Frieda (Fritzl), hope to get her to go on a brief out-of-town trip as a respite from the sudden shock. iia ^. V, By'■'jei*y' Gaffhan , :, Reese DuPree Is booking dance Rhys Williams, featured in "The I bands into the Met-Ballroom. Biggest Thief in Town," planes to i Muzak and National Wired Music the Coast Sunday (10) following the I plan a merger. Latter firm is own- s closing the previous even-1 ed by John B.. (Jack) Kelly and He hopes to return in the i Paul Harron. Former being owned I by Max Ingber. ^ ; r Burgundy Room in Hbtel Tfaeey show's closing the previous even ing; fail. Mrs. Harry (Joan) Cohn catching up on new. Shows while the Colum-' is the latest addition to nightclub bia prexy Is east on business. In- ranks. Owner Ben Kaplan put in cidentally, she makes her,! floor shows last week. European trip end-June with her Artie Shaw's long-hair debut at husband; [ the Academy of Music, with back- "Miss Llbert.v," the Irving Ber^ i ing by memb&rs Of the Phlladel lin-Robert Sherwood-Moss Hait,phia Orchestra, Skedded for April musical; will debut July 4; ap-; 4, was suddenly cancelled, propriately enough, as did Berlin's I Eugene Ormandy, conductor of World War II soldier show, "This; Philadelphia Orchestra, ill with Is the Army." DrummerTcomedian Jack Pow- virus infection and missed the last few concerts, _ Alexander Hllsbcrg, ell's daughter Mycna married Bob j associate conductor, filling in Holl.vwood actress Anne Stew- art down with flu. Mario Soldati, Italian film direc- tor, off to London for 10 days' business trip. . Ingrid Borgman, schedule?! to appear at an Italian charity ball, failed to show. David Pelham and John Shep- pridse, producers of "Rapture," visting Hungary Buenos Aires Censa to distribute for Fox and Paramount in Uruguay. Mexican composer Augustin Lara signed by Belgrano web for April.' York perfumes - signed Mexican warblers, Lara Trio, for Mundo broadcasts. Tilde Thamar re-signed for an- other French pic. "Ronde de Nuit," with Roquevert in Paris. Kurt Lowe, ex-Emelco prexy, ofl' on long tour in Europe and U. S. Plans independent producing on his return. Emma Gramatica opening at Smart theatre, with,' Argentine cast, in new Italo-Argentinc reper- tory sea.son. Spanish gypsy singer Miguel de Molina paid $200,000 to buy big- gest theatre at Mar del Plata At- lantic beach resort. Lever Bros, inked comedian Pepe Iglesias (El Zorro) for com- edy series on Belgrano web at rec- ord figure of $24,000. Nini Marshall, Argentina's star radio and, screen comedienne, signed to make pix in Mexico, after New York junket In April.' Carlos Borcosque Is putting finishing touches to the film, "Calle Arriba," with Amedeo NazZfiri, Malisa Zini and Juan Carlos Bar- bieri; Dolores del Rio has been unable to keep her engagement with Re- public to make the dual Version of Rex Beach's "The Las Vegas Peter Lind Hayes, and Mary Healy at Flamingo big draw. Julie Haydon starring at Bu-d Cage Playhouse, local legitery, in "Peg O' My Heart." Ink Spots making management and audiences happy at Thunder- bird, backed 1^ the new Kather^ ine Duffy chorines. At Last Frontier, Ilona Masssey carrying the honors with perma- nent' singing emcee Danny O'Neil and the new Dorothy Dorbin chorus. C. L. McCarthy, g.m. Of Ed Pauley's Television of Calif., Inc., and owner of local iftdlo station KLAS, CBS outlet, in from San Francisico for conferences with KLAS manager Dick Goebel. KHAM, now operating in day- light hours only, expects FCC ap- proval for fulltime schedule. Both NBC and Mutual seeking the 1,000- fafter for outlet, with manage- ent currently favoring latter. Actor George Sanders in and out of town for quickie marriage to Sari Gaboi- Hilton, former wife of the hotel man. June Knight, ex-"FoUies," also In town for same purpose; left as Mrs. Carl Squires. He's vice-president (sales) for Lockheed Aircraft. Las Vegas Evening Review- .Tournal changed hands this week, for a reputed $450,000, for first time in 23 ■ years. New owner is Don W. Reynolds, radio station and newspaper operator of Ft; Smith, Ark. Owns five riidio star tions, five dailies in south central region of the country. ^Seller was Frank Garside, local postmaster. Paris which John Auer is currently di' reeling in Buenos Aires. By Maxime de BeiS ^ / (33 Blvd. Montpafnasse.): Jack Forrester to Spain. Orson Welles and Jeri-y Layan to London; iJimmy Davis now singing at the College Inn. Joe Westreigh back from a; Gcf-; many and Austria trip, ^ The Gerald M. Mayers celebrat- ing silver-wedding anni. , ,„ John B. Nathan renting a vlU» Avengers,'' ^''<-' Riviera for summer vaca- Eddy around. Vienna Polo in town looking Film producer Leonalde Moguy' . Sophiensaal reopened as vaude here from Paris to icompliete plans i house for a film in Italy. Michael Stern, Pawcett Publica- tions representative in Rome, ex-' peeled back from New York next week. Anna Magnani and director Mario Zampa return this week from London where they attended the British premiere of "Angelina Mia," Magnani starrer. Gregory Ratoff's wife sang a role in Rome Opera House's production of "Boris Godunov," under name Amusement tax' on big film- houses upped frSm 25 to 28%. Scala theatre rehearsing Clift'ord Odet's "Golden Boy," with Karl Paryla as 6tar. Of the $10,000 received by Aus- trian government from UNESCO, 20% is reserved for purchases of books and films. Ernst Deutsch and Tilla Durleux signed contracts witli Alpenfilm Co., Gratz. Styria. , Their pic, "Ti- tania," will be directed by Cui-d Juergens. tion; V. PJ. Kressim, Cuban bank , proxy and pix angel, gandering Paris.. " ■,, ,' ■■■ Pylade Levy and Renato Gam- marolto of Par Rome office gan- dering Paris. . Tei'ry Thomas, booked as the English Danny Kaye, opened at the Nlghl-Club. ,. Rene Clair goes ot Italy to ai-- reet a film for Universalia, wito Gerard PhiOipe in the lead. Yvonne Prinlemps given . a Lesion of Honor. Also Maurice Lehman, owner of Chatelel theatre. Mistinguett, Henri Salvador and Peters Sisters are booked for an eight month musical review at tne,. ABC theatre. • , v Gordon Heath, who had the lead in "Deep Are the Roots".heie. strumming a guitar and smginit folksongs at Jacob's Ladder. .