Variety (Apr 1949)

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Wednesday, AprU 27, 1949 ORCHBSTRAS-M17SIC 51 On die Upbeat New York Korn Kobblers go into Rustic Cabin* Englewood Cliffs, N. J., May 13 on weelcends, Friday to Sunday, for indef run.. .Bohn Appliance Store, Waynesboro, Pa., bach:ing 45 rpm disk jockey show on WJEJ, Hagerstown, Md., whicli Victor thinks is first such air use of 45s , . ;Bed IngrIe band back into Vil- lage Barn tomorrow, night (Thurs- day) ... Ziggy Talent cut first solo records for RCA-Victor with Vaughn Monroe's orchestra... Illi- nois Jacquet combo may go to Eu- rope in fall.. . Atlanta Records go- ing into album field with Walter Benton'is "This Is My Beloved," poems set to music.. . Manhattan Records, new indie, debuted in N: Yi, in race field:. , Joe Graydon moved from.^Decca label to subsid Coral. . . Guy liomb^rdo's restau- rant, on which he has spent $tO,000 ■ for refurbishing, to open in Free- port, L. I., in June.. Bop City, new N. Y, jazz nitery, starting teen- ager Sunday afternoon concerts May 1. Hollywood . Max Day^ trumpeter formerly with Chick Floyd's orch, joined Harry Owens' , band / v . .Ike Car- penter band plays week of May 26 at Jantzen Beach, Ore. ... Billy MacDonald orch into Aragon May 8 for eight days followed by Paul Neighbor , . i Gene Norman pro- moting a concert at Pasadena Civic Aud May 9 with ChaHic Ven- tura^s 10-piece squad . . ; Count Basic; currently at. the Casbah, Southside nitery, goes injto State, Cincinnati;: May. 20, for one-week at $8,500 out of which Basic will pay three supporting acts. Gene Krnpa, current at the Palladium here, inked for a four- day location at the Rainbo Ran- devu. Salt Lake City, June 1-4 for $3,500 guarantee against the usual 60% privilege Sterling: Younff band starts indefinite stand April 26 at the Rice hotel, Houston.. . Skitch Henderson and Lawrence Welk inked -to make two-reel shorts for 20th-:Fox. Henderson is shooting "Skitch Henderson Pre- sents College Days" in New York, and Welk will make "Champagne Music" . . . Charlie Bamet's be- bop crew, now heading toward . the; Coast, will play three-day vreekends through August at the Balboa Beach ballroom for 60% of the gross . . . Victor Lombardo's crew, current at the Aragon, heads east for a two-weeker at the N. Y. Paramount, starting May 11, at a flat $6,000 per frame . . . Del Courtney band will get $2,750 for a five-day stand at the Rainbo Randevu, Salt, Lake, starting May 17. The DuMont Twins ankled Earl Carroll's to join Ike Carpenter's band as vocalists, breaking in at a Friday-Saturday Casino Gardens date. Band was booked in on a 60% of the gross deal , . / David Rose tees off a Pacific Northwest tour with a 35rpiece orch for coir lege proms on May 27 with a stand at UCLA. He'll get a flat $3,000 for the prom . . Johnny Lamonte, trombonist'comic formerly with Art Mooney, opens tonight (26) at Red Feather, southside nitery, with his new five-man combo. MCA is booking . . . Jack Nye ends a long stay at Ciro's here next . week and heads for the Bellerive hotel, Kansais City, where he'll span eight frames at $1,250 weekly. Chicago Count Basic set for one-weeker at State theatre, Cincinnati, May 20 . : . Billy Bishop set for a month at Rice hotel, Houston, May 17 . . . Joe Reichman into Trianon ball- room for four weeks . . . Russ Carlyle opens roof -garden of Claridge hotel, Memphis, May 27. > ; . AI Trace set for Forest Park Highlands; St. Louis, May 15 for two weeks i . . Jimmy Palmer into Casino, Quincy, 111., June 2* to be followed by George Winslow June 10 i . . Norman Granz, jazz pro- moter, in town talking with Mer- cury about his proposed $25 jazz album . . . Bob Miller, nat'i head of pluggers union, in town for Tin Pan Alley ball . . . Anita O'Day back in Chi for Hi-Note engage- ment,, after short Illness ... GAC pacted Cecil Golly and booked him into Lake Club, Springfield, 111., April 29 . .. Hen Nelson of Capitol Records in town for waxings of Barclay Allen's orch . . . Mitch Miller, Mercury recording head, iiT' for diskings of Tiny Hill and Two- Ton Baker , . . Charlie Ventura set for Iowa State College May 20 . . . Tommy Garlyn into Trianon, May 30 . . . Blue Barron, capitalizinr on disk clif-k, "Cruising Down Th' River," set for Karzas ballroom. May 16-28 ... Buddy Moreno into Edgewater Beach hotel May 10 for a month . . . Ted Straeter follows Barclay Allen into Palmer House May 5 , . . Benny Goodman set for college dates at Bradley CoUeee, Peoria, May 12, Univ. of 111., May 14 and Southern 111. State Teach- ers, Carbondale, 111. . . . Gordon Trio into Walker's, Henderson, Ky„ May 6 . . . Merry Maids into Casa Bonita May 3 . . . Teddy Phillips cut four sides for Tower Records last week . . . Page Cava- naugh Trio into Towne Club, Mil- waukee, May 1 for two weeks . . . Woody Herman into Eastwood Gardens, Detroit, June 10. Charlie Ventura set for Iowa State College, Ames, Ja., May 20 . . . Chuck Foster off on one- nighters when current stint at Aragon ballroom Is finished . . . Tommy Carlyn into Trianon May u \ ; Quintones open at Duluth hotel, Duluth, May 1 . . . Al Trace's orch at Blackhawk, with spot not feeling brush of recent biz dip . . . Charlie Fisk into Bill Green's, Pittsburgh, to May 5 . . . Ir^ne Bayrach rejoins GAC Chi staff . . . SylTia Mikelson and Keith Textor, of Honeydreamers quintet, are now Mr. & Mrs. and honeymooning at Playa del la Cor- tez, Mexico, as guests of Ernie Byitejd . . , Blue Barron capitaliz- ing on disk click, "Cruising Down the River," with p.a. skedded in Chi at Karzas ballroom, May 16-29 . , Freddie Martin into midwest territory for one-nighters next month . i . Ethel Waters set for Chesterfield Club, Des Moines, April 28 for one-week . . . Buddy Moreno into Edgewater Beach hotel May 10 for a month . . . Ted Straeter follows Barclay Allen into Palmer House May 5 . . .Michael Dunn's orch stays at Heidelberg hotel, Jackson, Miss ; . , Benny Goodman lined up for college dates in May; the 12th at Bradley Col- lege, Peoria, HI., May 13 at U. of 111., Champagne, 111., and May 14, Southern 111. State Teachers, Car- bondale, 111. Dallas Bill Tieber, formerly with Joe Reichman's band, organized his own. six-piecer; slated to open here at Abe^s Colony Club for extended engagement . . Jack Amlung band, closed at Colony Club, playing weekend dates at the New Casino, Fort Worth.. Tommy Doisey booked for one-nighter at FAir Park auditorium, May 12, under auspices of Dallas Junior Chamber of-Commerce. Pittsburgh George Towne's Orch follows Ted Lewis into Vogue Terrace May 2 for two weeks. Other bands set for big theatre-restaurant this summer include Sammy Kaye, Ray Anthony and Elliot Lawrence . . . Bill Bickel's trio, the Starliters, shifts from Bill Green's Cocktail Lounge to Hotel Roosevelt's Fiesta Room Monday (2). They'll be re- placed by the Dolores Clark three- some ... Johnny Costa arid Bobby Cardllla alternating, three nights; a week each, on the piano at new 'Spotlight Room of Jackie Heller's Carousel , : Guitarist Joe Negri working out his notice .with Harry Walton combo at Fort Pitt hotel and will go on his own again . ; . Trombonist Tommy Turk has re- joined Deuces Wild at Carnival Lounge after tour with Norman Granz , . . Teddy Zee is new pian-l ist with Lee Kelton, replacing Ray I Crummie, who quit to join Tommy I Carlyn band, succeding Vlnce | Lascheid ... Hugh Tully, who used i to have orch of his own, has gotw- with Walter Gable outfit at the Ankara. He's a violinist George Towne orch follows Ted Lewis into Vogue Terrace for two weeks May 2, and spot has booked Sammy Kaye for single *week in, June ; . . Dolores Randall new vocalist with Tommy Carlyn's band, replacing Dell Saunders, who quit to marry saxman Eddie Myers. Miss Randall has been singing with Lenny Martin's vocal group, the Martinaires. Carlyn also has a new pianist, Ray Crummie, from Lee Kelton's orch, with Teddy Zee joining Kelton . . .Johnny Wages, one-man band from Philly, into Nite Court of Fun for run . . , BUI Bickel picked a name, the Star- liters, for his trio. Combo's now at Cocktail Lounge of Bill Green's. Kansas City Freddie Nagei i.,.ies over at Terrace Grill, Muehlebach, hotel, as Don Reid crew returns to' Chi- cago's O'Hcnry ballroom . . . Pier- son Thai crew into new downtown spot at Eddy's restaurant , . . Tony DiPardo in and out of town while his band plays one-nighters in the territory; the Di Pardos now call K.C. home . . . Gene Pringl* crew in sixth ..mtsch's inss Rii M-G-M WM ' ^ ^ ^ ' Mil RECM 11 — bac(<ed by THE HEART OF LOCH LOMOND M G M RECORDS THE GREATEST NAME .^ IN ENTERTAINMENT eAPitOL THIATRE New York