Variety (September 1949)

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14. I*« New Lab Pact Up* Payrolls $500,000 Fartif'i Take Tiff 20TH RENEWS LODGER' FOR ANOTHER 10 TEARS Him Reviews lab nunpam ^ pa* <g rolls In ftVHiom; • wrw tw«» sear fx i pari hplwni lal lechnwian* Iwral <41 I ^ n 2 and we —t of Ihe eastern r—w thr panics «a« raJifod —re la«i werl •Wl bp the wn— wewt wr-hiP > r «t Afrre—m pruiidti far a Hat I** • i« n a*ie hike in t MS enrlrr* plu* U'* wiflit %hrft pr-*rmiw pas t*w „ • trli’ taeiua after tan inr» ** •i’H eifhi hot—as* per sear la m e—pt l W Wl with Taft Mart Its u« ,lon rWd Map pi niVb— baa been rr plarrd be the lenna *hwf> avsel joref 1 errntial l.umf u t nma arrplrol five «iff hike la lieu af it* <to maowl low a >»'r ihHh Inin >n 1 he torrent a.w^.rnif ae* k eel Pi N****t - Welfare fund talks base hrr« po*»posted low ah tufr indwsiis nolle eh*4 »%* #«*n «eMtai * •** ap aw nsetall plan Iwwul labial •l the part «oil fake ptarr Uter '*’* bell wrws —Mints the I' % •# felting aw rt« Marshall Haw wweh Ind—tre «• slated ta «e< brfweew fjuObfMHi a led MMOMN fha the A IW pas •mt-at pserkrt rspewed ««w wrwdtwi pis there pi— part af the negative rod IHspate aotbiw the MP A A I* —ee dr* »*oag a for* fwwla far fivt«Mw af this raew Rattle brfweew imk*^ awd indies t* nerr tbe tVpcc per wear limit rhe mayor* have ii i pi ^ nm them elm TVs re afraid that tndps a ill take ads tjlip w* •♦ftp rwaw»s be wiHliwr *n a di*prwpne tmnatr wwmher af Alms Mil Fat la*« week renewed far mother |b year* the leas# N held* aw wtwry right* ta The Iwdget * It art email* an*wired the w—el V Marie Re Mac l—awdrs iw IM awd made a Aim af it tw 1044 darting Merle Ubrrww George Sawde r * awd I-Bird Crsfac ( ompaws paid 110 QOO fur the original lAsrar Vase awd the aawae amount fwi the rewewal It »Uo bought SheVtaw * • msrstere be Ram Moles IHwrr f<« tIO AAA It w ill be prod wed bp Iwwdfte Ills awd tbe art wot m las re hi r ed fret k for this pant AS usual plass aat warh that ewe af tbe priori pah ao« the real af the rarf < aw da with the iters These thin** ran apparent he twrwed wit blindfolded, awd »>wm« it Iw the at here Ip Ump series there I* ww prwte w aw af H bring geared for Broad w ay but here is owe that rrrw the most rural nf the hiwterlawdrn seat go for. fvefc* La I < w T Me IVi k flrne ■ ieL h* toil ■w. 41 Aeefcrj in» . b a*pwM f bMaiat. tsoh «*.. t m a V N* il« Iw. Uss r. awe wn * It..' wrvfc t «*' . > ti il * He nm to art i iw 11 ode t iinsWnlrlosI film IfdHsififv lir l .mo I* ar a mam— Mar nee Hun l*al«*e (hi Ait tier ra i.ult-woo Vimor lab < iro*e Hrr r<*M«w kfvholo* Vli ioiIm and l*ro dstrrrs HeyMt^ir nr (diatom* are siaoed noth HM» \.»in«ojol SirvrW S* rv r* tw • •• »r.«t W 1*1 X tele %'•.«»* 11 •* o \p<ii il that the~e rnooopaate* wolf «oiho it to tbe iw dui 1 11 —patli i a — Blumberg Sect .1 «• * •< • r 1 „ funded H'lnwKi tf aser* II* («eh Itnllssowwt i* *1 had ls« on three Srti k ah* ad »»t nt.*ws «•»hro \ooorrt <«a M*dw*4rsr* slink are lr*l **■ on l ihtwsirh il* rile wan to net mw pwd sell i«h*lt»att**a the id ea of wlliat the slow kh-% took iw *he 1 m its i n I Vad tor 4<i> awd all h*o ton •* tw Plum hr r( « II »j»« ohm aH I lolls so.and had a—lew the wfonfch > usd th.*l one darted i*« »lop esrs l*>««ugb optaWrti npge doll m-Joing to the hisnf irr I t»i» k»—4 «d bu»ne%* »w a swale awd a ii'mpurari oltw 'mw Vo«n«r it s a* built «*w uw v**otwd standard*, I*ir Jare* la bod ntulits set thrs did to ip" Hui a* an* a* sdher n ow wood ttys «M»rwed op «e <nw fisMserid that the pot lore kwonr»« *e*l getting that TA» **w rsets •onto** ro* — .M A> h- I 1 '. -»•» f *■ •* ahlr »m bus ' r» If igeratos* «wd he s*a* tW* •** hi* e.»* .wd If ji»I to not* » h* *» r .p—ls esc—* »fo e*r R|sontheo g o% «**wsiw*«d that the yxiuir hiMo ♦« Mill alsnas% hr a |i«d h*o tin •.» and that por«, tww 9«o the foresaw ooarket tin nr «erd **w the i—einatMiWal irsoner H a rr A* s lo*ot S*' to *%4 *mm as «>i«nn<* ohal kooema ss ads I prf town a* » h wool m! 0hr IsorlpW ossarhef a% it • smM Mayer’s Contract t a w *m d f mm a* I • ..toipWMino Maser reeeis n S.* 4*i srrlls i*»o*» p 77* * «d ihe tool p«o»hl» aftn (*oU<« oh-dowtnwo 1 rod* f ho* odd ooaoloast post es to nd ed tor at m (Ho tie . **f re »'*oe pr*sfM« attei hr W-ases arlMP S ISM* «d Ms* 0 imi.|w*v Mavef % « ** m l » er < l Ia4* Inhaled *41 7 .f I l—I year the nos »a aws rirmni* ahme | «mo »m on |o(»i»s • on ao» hs *1 o ral vho«h*t •»* m<f ohr roop'o.eeo re too. inrnl |»l.'n o* iw rlfrst tno aws po o mod le-• ih.n It nwatli. Vl .srr o% lu retei* e I »* o*i iMRinm mw a s oekis * In »«*d«i m«w insirnl a ♦!—»s ho*n .« * sprw«< a*owwaf —a to r so red 4111 WWW \ miU lt|.|a>rl NS dov pm i -mw h*d» It a hwal d*soee te*w*«te* I am i to dosed Meg *4 all — %ule l WmIIs alt N* pW«M<lMW h*o mr-o on om «o»hd ,.w* o *lfs all »l* lh« atir ho*'**!* **- theft at .*os •••we afl ms h d*%e>M torrr ha* h**W ( '♦ • hMaWf oaMs « omoo|* 4* ltd • t»*er part . < N iwtiilr Mdlfaol hs MrdfeW *<Mnf If **wh hiN f i» %•» •■* eoopi*** iwrol ewd* sok miowih* ilorifdh-i ' In m*' eveuo of a d polo od» the «po law el rothsf vooh.fawisat di«. **oo tnot p# tw . o.oo.pp ln« .0. ■ . , . r. htapnrdy M '*wo m of Use lao .sd af d>0*Sl«M* M oft h I MP ItOUIfi H*.. i*wii«. i •% >o*Wos l iw all • * PPrf to . • * o* I hold* * pp* **s a I •* aWWooal fPH*| II % awd him* M f f nwfah 0pkin(li«s Hrpf.ll Meefowff m as held tore sede r d a s Mnwdas « brfutew M‘A off k sals awd •pokr%v**ew for the MPA A the v.woetsr o*f Iwdrpend*n< *t«4»«dl IV lure l*mdiiref‘ awd the Iwdrptwd ewt MofioiW Ptrture Pfodm er% A—W 9V—w was railed In M k to dm* r««o rerewf propsmal* that the Aim mmpaWM-s rrreosr wot «*slt »N*f of- paw kef r »pew*e% too |*r rpar Iwg (>Mfit% for (Vrmaws had al*w a prop* r pro p i M toe W wf i tie pr o d— loop nd« Aitwi n were Jos re O tiara wf iufsw %|*4 arth* ,d Ml NV H«*hrH i If ulna for HI Ml*f* apd I I I had- sell IMf*l*A pr* %s fHe-rnt fur ft A so err sUdw* s M« .lew **f the esoar n«*e d«s *iow afwt Nio*h Thf* fert of the fewer at tmwrl % wf tire ft sia% the Ar*t tionv that »P—he%— e w fnf The ikfSf j»r«>diferrr orcawivaftow* Hod rm *at dwwrw I os tether nw fjf‘% matters *oi rowri—iow* were rearhed t Oderstawdiwff *w that esk maw preset* would dtswu** the matter »w detail with ho* »•*»■ er«mp t'hadwirk fwr etonyh »h urwed to I. A immediately Idle* in< the rowlerrwre whieh la-fed ahopf three howr* \w*dher meelinf os ta he held mow The tnfelrv p r**p»e espial wed wtsaf addrtMowal ww— »kos fell ♦Wes were *wtdleH le *od the ft A nfnuis esplaioid that the po lures V horn — UMo lir inuns m—I —I I fs three towdithm* I TSes ro or -1 ftotlher the pur P*.*s wf the M A art 1 Thes mud hr row«*«iepi with Use nati o nal intere*r. 7 Thes m—l «hoM the best rle mewtn wf Intern aW Ilf* With p*w«re»« fw in* made ta* ward tame rmm h* .ro# wa!rosea ta <oermaws oowilat pntrru rs hrow# made rW Japan Iter hr* I Prlawper at Th« Motion Pufurr I \ptrl dMiafma has h* • n a teptdar * ta- ilor here f»woo«Mni d*t*i»« tsolb the Arms whwh .pHinh the him •ttaafiww there B’way Scales TW hgltflag liraiarklaa .* rU e*%* £ DOS Accenting ,1 *w on •• » lump fish* a Who ha* also brew ah*wad gets twin \*w > nrb #m the VH*on f.loaaheth osrsf Mandat • • ki*a a hawed so ill hr ‘n r ph t *•« ten he I too* A osodrart ptaser who stars tw Thud Man * Vl»nn k s odea n to set up deals far prwst u o o Hon on l.nelanu toarwe and ftals Mmotar to the oust hr ha* wrth Varda lie mas *w mas nd pr o*s »dr I he dors and one nf (hr i ad He II pros od* par«tal fturn ing out mi M m feed ruieem oe* He tl ai-a isaUthni* a a*n*<at -ort af iiper*Inlaw to lead ptoadwree* aal *d pdfalls — fa« »* the \ ioe roeaa merkef »« «s*n* n arot f he forriga po n dur e r would hr r more I' om ho* own however on the arlaal oh— i< af the foiroo Iw trlura low too* s »r >•**«• i—n hwimw* of m**neo .nf I a leal s*U onk v* arris Med rw I len to-phe re fights to (he . Id feed prad ml la hm MM» ia Id . g • A# leiMOoard dafe now her au * nf iaek nf pts and Vl—b « aoat is ta tehuiod M. Srl/nicls Maps ltal«» adfaso* Hard SIhmI* fgr \iflrg a H» itr H* pf 0 hosst-s# Vkas id t tfcrfnwnrh Ha* ter* *wd an •fools ih« the o—s-ohdti <• s m f tiMk Norm IWm w»iia .fwwl % tow iehs l»«aw oW f • it plus 'he m»o* *eri of w|.akt -prarr « prupww pl. »« maos #d nhoh had aw li#l the at oaa low a I* V tuu krone et al io«w% • This would mean 'loaf «it ait id- — the • r*i(e*lar- and nturrs here on spi* I lints w tow would o **llahno afe ww w a«e h Ihe hwal iiwdiflnkfWg would hr lor IV wi.rirr r•—oart la helrnhfc WsMiac wreklk Ihe wndtnafcmc the deal ha. o*4 hern -el %*| hoi they re fa uwnm ihe tails.w§ dage aaRmiM My*w Mall dill are hotdowf their |W4g nr ales The R«»\s realigwed it% higher pr*rr% ta IM the fail prrswd* wf weekiiay* but dill han rrtatwed M* starttwe ad«ni**om wf gnr Hosoesrer Use H«* • >e >» • all b iwg the ('tgllaii RTHe readpadl* mewl* k wd esew with maws theatres • hi. k base •eewitwgt- aRerrd the*r adW. tlaWoe level* So rs Mtle nd i—mmlk have brew m-tdr <howw ward *a that pr ak »e«*kr4as prsr— dw w*4 hi»arwe eg- e >*wiil i nrtork #n the eyrwowt Thew taw a number uf Rinwhav houses rw— e thrrr m ale arouwd to Awd Ihe t ro wd iw Mtewda—e If p eupV are wad IOWUWC thes Wi'l h**»d tw § lower *r ale uwlH far f*** 1 * up tVn eralls «p*4kiwf -'■ ha»e f .uwrf plewis of »r...tame tw lawtV pen rwepr*( *m h*t hull das* Tw rwmpefe with dane Aim theatres they ark iso*. ledge that M is diffirsrlt to get the p*«Mo tw buy <*ore Ihe w ate gar* err tl la—eriwg of dartfwtc prwe •*« AV hs the lap mere* that orarly esers theatfe he* ro»**e «t*«** to the level iawwr hrd b% M*r l*a» wmoel a b out two sears ano •>*•*» it »w •.fatted ihi* put limn taiiiwf 4a til I pm M—r Nall • IMaore The A Mu*h Hall ha* mat* taiwed of* wale the «aor a* a sear ago oowfewdiwc that it* reweral ad i*i»*ii* og wrekdas* »« a hargafw an ro—pared with mod Ho infs as *pot * The Hall mnwnprmewt tow put—* out that there o* oo sir •mow tw lower their prtre* «*me thee tailed Iw hn<l their *rale at the time maw* *4het Iheatn* were pwhrwt up thru proe* || the present time met Rrwwd Was hr-I now* wuso dart the day noth WV a* oprwtwg p***e Ri reptou** are Ihe Rialto aod (erthaw whu h tauru h their das* at 44* Few have dared tw go iw At gA es reptiwg where a log pwfaie like J w t u s w sow** A cam * iton k ha* brew gelling II ■ OW HpioeiLi Huwdas nights Rvew with lh«« p*r twre an attempt in in*tall tl A0 nw Trufa* ooehti •«« a— -***re*»ful • Mb the *4ate gsoag ha* k tn 91 NW after about aw hour whew %ah* re ad—« «e* rated 1*00 mg V hew the *Ur aod reopewed nrth «tagrAim polo* | M *et AAf a* f dg ••pewiwg proe an romps ted with • th m higher g* pres mu*to Aim H u ^led ol* pros* toss* #nl* all' at* — the It— esrp d*opp*n< the proe lor hagr* from li JM In 02 ***** *•»—. kern *rH— rs.<n •P*o Mate* i * mr * o Warn w «a >«Wn M*s*N the* H*«* l.'oO I* RM*<ta Worur 1 as f v. n •oast rarSae hr Ca«r|* W »u**i 0 a tea. a —da • i ■ in WdR^ad Ids far dm tn r* nT-T*!! stas .if A— Lopr ' PUSa gawds— <*.. *\> rs— | imo M Crop Mao. ****** Ha* 1 •* < ***a.s fS*a fa«*' < rrstt *o.f ON* Mas* fit*— Walter* l—ir U..l«* r*ot ho Wa* W*r oS hrt IVwnsA Ihtor s>>w»n*m tiff 1.. I*. M PINK TOOTHBRUSH TECHNIQUE FOR SPtf A* it* latest fartHal thrust atfa»Pd the mdPHs in tt« one srp Agkt for • new #w—t«rl hrreew IVhf o ids f »uoId rs planning ♦«• pre pare «*o--»*er% no leediog Aim r sn % lor pmhfo t sw u nnpon M«»se I* ho iwg grade to rmruler < hat ge* nf liro «pw»ihlii| made h* lire Aim • 'wwpdwu • agalwu the whltee—lat- Me* her ause d Ihe latter * poke* iwg wf t hr at res The o» s ailed do* sure* are espe* led to »»ke up evers ‘h*r . • «». n i— . -.o.^i and hu«ipe%« agair* nf the Aim top por* M*ns tawk and 0V puMoids honr-ser are uf>pr»*rd to ihe dep aod *. r.,ut .» .. i.mmw.i h reen t Ml ice A l*o **fe« %omai Rn» |»l—ers (iutif mraotrme h— propnsed a new *rt wf demand* lu Ihe mepu i mop woe* >w nr—14. louo* whok will resu m e at ihe rmi wf the muwth V along doson ft* pre s omu* fWmars.t tor a genet al 2V , **fr hike dlfBC •• won e*ktwg l.n IV . with a minimum nf 4 Hi wrekls for rletogf emplnsres Rutk awd hid. are aim dre%.twg n»nd *er utils clause • »nr tndkwg lOAiaaol| awd arhdi—mw wf lay wA* The Righting Kentoo-kuon trmk« like Repubio % hwsuflHe thamp fwr Ihe IA0A-AA uano John M as nr red iwrlwde* \ era Ratal aw Philip Tlwrh amt nmw llards There m *uffu orrsl nmett* tw th*» IspHai iwggrd Masne t*pe •tors tw apell pleats hnsoftne Whether the Mwrs wf tww hew Iwrks riflemen pushing *y ikrongk Alabama from helping (o-wergl Andrew Jarkmw at hew Orlea— t ir os mg tw the aid wf frmrk refugees dart* a brt tnrongrww— A dll pahs met aa awtfl an—twg ossein *ti «mj |*H at-w irotr.wtu* »•* f Miser Hard heller known — the r— o—d half af the Iaw r el Hards *iapatirk: team — a tough albeit «or pule— Re—wrks barkwno— tighter That he re gt aier s *pe*k* well tor h*» natural ihesptaa «hl|ti mugging and all A little kww* bd of Amernaa hid— s that 4 (RWgres* gi anted turn i«m«s%hip* id land hs Alabama to Frmrk affirer* af S spot run s de leafed arm*— and then faoooloe* farms the baskgrnuwd In the Mors Vrtpter f'.esnge M aggper follow mg —| we-tern rss* Iter lor mpla has these Freo h wttlen iobnuf »« hr rosrked os— nf then land hs ows<toi p iilwug Iwr a l polot w —wa and lando* urea Thai ta i•—•! Maine rm* .*f the Keoturks trwpp ers returning from final battle wf • he war wf 1112 falls oa lose wMb Mo** Ralston daughter of Fiewrh geweial Hugo Ha- has we god* hw regiment to pre sent her ma«oisge to wealths Jrdm Howard He uwr—ers the plot tw deprive the ftewrh p e o ple wf then land Ihies iru W aggner h— lol hosed Ihe mol In wf whew m il. Hi to *ttr up a light" he* au*e there is tunM*wt oonfipt with — mans fist fight* goon buttle* awd wild rbases — |p the rss—i t«k— Mas we osrt d wur thriller* A arw Is l o aded so Mb • ilUis* and ihiuhle-sr—*ong i imndi hwt whether Marne V rows— mg Mr** Nal.tun trsirsg in «—%e the mss lers w# whw |g trsmg Iw r heat the Firnk uttlers *u met els attempt ing In save ho m* hidr there al • as* o a plethora wf —ormrd I Visor has a • hah af a rlMwat iw a pstohed rifle hotile between Ihe es Aap si le u nu fighters *nd the riser had .new M 4— us er* od »he hewtowks ro* paws wf rifleossew snd perhaps ton uomh Mresa on i so st ef . relief from Hards lu— up the mr lure • length Mush nf the Hards rwmn gvra tmo* however are — well dune •hat e«ew the s la pm ok mo— wt s •on h as the u ramble Iw • >.rg of rum may he fwrgtsew A as we embarks here a* a prw durer ahd d*tr* set* writ e eW If >..e « sme-a towo.larotl. .. «ws horn Miss Ral*t*on is rsoo%i*nft% gt.*a a break h*Hk «• to garb and rh*m up* A* the Iwm— fremh daughter *he rs |iorn pie— s — rhawres fwr . t—hes with Masne Ihun — *a e* Fretorh arms mlorosM l and Haa* as a Frep h es general h—h «arrs difluull rhar arfeiiialom* —f well Howard u •uftniently rww* to twg as a «—th erw landowner Marie Moods— meh— a fat* hrng gal ft end of ihe *meibewn Vu (Sr a— Mother* the —her s it lain fs Paul Piv R—h he aod IMetle Ms till are effesttse r ■a •< *•** at < Sw • e a t •«.»« (.**'*•»«« a (hr < •• Ws»*» «.*f l«S* M..| I t'm • t !*•.*•• a latrd J— Pgtawkg apsr* rown Hir%* % romedv pugtlt stn art urn and a w h**dur»rt pit4 These rfetton** pi— the fart that the eotuo Stiff Ha* a lug following make the pr a ga w d duslier Rat— ingredie nt af Ihe smipl i« the mvder— theme, Jo* htrk • wd Jr — Patooka I* • us aging In South A oversea tw Affht a t jtm« Heass weight rhamy and get* wisod dp •Rlr'aumr Cilyas wt,. trr prddtmg plates iw rosmtrrlrilers. Whtw owe wf the run me w is hump, ed r*R gti the principals are Rt m slug and f^kwsk* |«lp» the Treasury agent unravel the *lr»—is of mtngwe to fwtI the scheme It • a standard p4— but hr—* suspense and p r—»de* souse tan H etc i» »ng se—oewce* kitl*i**< lur— m • gnpd a tf bough *amr«M Hh id performance and ho* • ten— arena when be be*"** u»t» A r»o* r I. an despite ■. that hi* right amtf is bw.uri Hu r on ra w character nf Pahu*k* • manager hnobby Mat*h i* w* n Handled hs veteran room I ««*o I »- r— Htufl ta on a «Aap*tMk level, but Is rsuorteratef* omu'in f There • s'*o * sosrpmw ad twee mtrrest pr— sided by' the quarrels and l**» ansi- make up* af Hicknaad end ♦ h rs«*s L*»'rr •* rhh • • the champ* Aanroe As—part tag piasecs —»• l« R> «n l«»urnet — g shady Aght yry.wli A* tso —p e t ewt mba Fa tag is ta*t •wd the rWg fo—age well directed •ItR—ch rhararteniatl— «»t 'he I — in leather—*her — a h— he«d rd shump iw tests a nd»«uU».« end 'drsHise w— e t oouwt e rpum h is a lung *» rt from hemg a Arm rale Aght pu but d s*a*i* up a* uwe of the h«M*r mines m the Palnsiha set ir* P.i nf Mils Ibe laid hen k R**M «.*».*«» go*"* •Wx . run mm** rdssu «r a*.*. .•»». «4 Ml I «•* t#*M SI *4 hsne < «ey. 'em *»■ hruio a* a* * r • > m * * *oo woo <•«••>•, **o n * M* . f •, »*m si > S ***k o< %•*• • s* H «MO* I **• ta so so w* RmRMI ho o *• # r •» w. *• a • >i* r • *» Ml • or te*o* toul •«O*0*00 •s-.tWr* N* n e hio.i to S MSh • ••* T h». mo am •use ImswIu »• *•• M*M h**t hu •et tu < •*»• neside* n aggner • *lu * dwee • ion I— flat ones lensiog p uMra VAMRM • dices ting is belt.. »».*♦ hn *creonplay absrb ten— ta i— tow formula R ear Miami M«e Onfbw* * — ’ Aa nf Rills the h*d * i* a is—- tone smter grsmsed dr—ls ft., the ••torn asrdte—-e It ssitl base tittle out •ode af th«« oprruli/rf market Pu •• based no the hop-he*** lhat Holts ihe hot w— p— m tssalls killed on lAAl b— tosle—l tned In Aef new rood* on aw— her southne*# erw '.ho* herwmiwg a wealths Hanker and a respected toii#«n un # dtdeeent nawse — r*tu* *e The oehahltMated Rid piased h* Raster I* handling its# toorwt* for the Iwral railroad As might he espeetfd a gang — —d law* ft—ted by g town*stag repl ale maw trie* I* latch — i,. tip • —w Awl federal WMr*hal 1a*k l a ft op f— |s i heir plans At hi John add* souse cornu ho* • • laRnr s wAdiioscr .Rdekuk f oggo June C’arr •« pertwertd ** '*h him — — ey-M—wgirl who ossake* a pias t— Ihe pm—cr <Jut* •rter (—nr Ratter »• helicsabfe as Up h —gone mraight aod kl*«. um t —bs is s d e—a le as the h—k r» » r • *u»ked no«* e ^krepg f— the yar—tom — the R«tty the Rid theme — »s is—af • no h —d-tumble nr stern fare « •mart . «uk «a twmprtewi smIJN. rdiiiwg HghL g o.