Variety (December 1949)

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1 WB Deere* Cooing rhtoitahle gem u re •». kept .rn ftuiet Dietrlho that r w im pvMirtty on ti wu<e they Mb i «mHUb BMt t« to* ««mm# a precedent »a m*h*r am* that might to gftmftleri* a#h«ud • » *«*•* fiHurf Hwf tto ff»iH pn—n ntftM to (H n '*+ m Mr m »trt« not %o vrrw»u»l> affect e l a* thm* IN which I to rN to lMNM met* granted \ <• >to l IMh permitted rttot id take aff waa to »r. normal ft*m rental r ompa a* . action <ame to light Ib a to »to Kraturli Sian to Theatre ()«am RATO ttartoBi appreciation railed K*h • action a popular m ' "’ m H » kmmmm that to tor eumpanie* I to toned Jftth. tot ohorh the* «ere and to« -~arh thy, »uanl dtoinaia to maun „ MlH tom* kept tmder »i»p* In tn« e%eto. had the strike Marled agam mm Dec I a* lmi« Ihteaiened H would have rto ito d>« Into rtmaideratoe nmet in Mh the no. mat decline in rental* resulting Iran* par to and the evtra good mil deduct nm « allowed Rtoie-Pii Reps Itoint iNk»4M chairmen nI the VI l 9 Ik • hut **+ to* radm rnmtott tee la hght If tMT f IllVK III nm far pitortm d htoh med a o * lAdllA 5 l/dflO 111 rM t« named the p«l «eek «<i«e Jr»%efdi Maren t*ce*ideni i»f It p i miU Mr»n vs , . h i dn ttaa* II \ f A A PP£k I DP OI O n , .ad ito him induti* *.<ftr h* U.kJ. 10 /ittClCI dlV l> |t ito Hmadr toen the r hatrmnn wrfl w , , to < .ti m uro Nunn toad to riatwk B a |k a .1 *, «UP levington K* U K Pllllt I n»* nrito i —lawiltee oa* farme d 4/ L IlClIIIIUUIvCO 4 . rt inraMt at a e**an of him and rtran radio longer Himment to a dm ( htef purpo** a# the rurrtot ,e to tor tore hi Rrtr John*ton John lhu« tM to the I % t* t« rut a Itoture t«n to Atorrvra prew tan* a theme aimed at J Arthur and *»d JuMm Miller president to the Ranks tna A m erican dt*«t»h* I ui ertl National l**a to Rrood* **tei* vernal and Ragle I ran ohBh rum Ige* ■ - — - ; parallel ta the tod ‘ ’Now a I Rep’s 2d Mar iea»i element In poonfttng up the Rritt*H is Pfi Divvy in Row “ ale* I and FI pre*a fur a* mam hvA C **-’ '* nflFN intiifcli tn the ear ►dog to"*** Ito Anal to Help Ranh meet h»* Bm al oBiig# l ot *rar nhnh ha*rar<u-d a »..mto« to (H m in the ruontng war R#nk * end th*a» min Ito prtort >»*4*ei «a* t tt p ar>»i»tant a urking a tgmito i in sRtoliahted thr* week * ton Nepth m the rate to release In* kh pi* in laMe M declared ■ dividend to |V per Ito I A Hto on M* preleired stmfc Mi- T*fur>m* ito need* to the Rank •me n»Reant in the »nrw««n ement urn empire tor a toa* let Bum to • ^. r4 *to fa. « that Rep mil..led pi ,* ,u* fart that lla«t« •».. ito g.«« nigh prefer»ed dn % »r* .« a reRulai time r* aNn premipg the tun di* iCHL..Rtorterl* ha*>* Mep i% inter p rtoed 'ttb* in mme for f#-r-. ^mMfanre* the •• di niadratint that the • m- to MetiHi* frurn the I at mu irrn rtifd to**' * hoard i« %aii«Red future tw re* uhrre Ihel a tor Handle •1M* eamiirg*. are on a remiinurrtg hid* Rank • pMtouri I" »he p*«t Rink that ‘fi*%> H the «e*r«nd lu hr ha* shnun little rum er n w itH ito the r "ade h* Rep for the pre trued *e« lor* Hr loo the Rm (it and huf •Hate* after a ong lapue on pu«* ha* r••mentrated on ine hurmup m rnent* It M the Br*l in to lato'ed dellar earning* rn the I 9 Ihi* i* planed into Neu %urk met tto weekend Hot >m+ »* fto Tn .onto within 2 4 Hour* Me t* due tork in N A fur «e* er al due* dur •ng Ihw week lu t anada Ito i* .* metoin g with Far le la*we and Hwvid lit leudorf to«d* of tto i tdr«m r Hutu Fur the *eeund month m * l«*l*«*n Ring* Again % eg •df with national he* off Me h»«wi h* a toatvhy margin *ur*e\ .u a # •eeka' htr m 14 key ettie* it^rr,# h.% V*a»rT* reveals Thru to V *atrre r or respond* m * n trmur WNt* that the Jot***. November s Btf 10 S A ef loo Rlhhnn RK< 1 A Furwvte Raman 4 M C . ft ‘ Out ago K. idRRg * l*ar ». A Pmkv * J»MH • * He ant if ui Doll* a*h Fvervhnd* Ito* It'* Jd*H * f| r% | • T.*k*u Jur (to fawr t Brwmd Fureat 1| . dun u * Adam i Rift Mil Ri C f leave laug> ' « k|>. ^ •*l*ua Irving Mass Big Mass Profcctna Auditions Oi U.S. Pix lor Rassiats •me week However. N U a* *♦ t «mg third in luu other Mam#* #nd m ade unifurmlv virong %*> * •# Inga,- Fourth pi are went to I Hw «gw LVadline^ « Rg». with Alan l^dd I'tnkjr’* Both , aooatto* hinting •tout powalhUMIe* M Otiobtr • mmd m Bfth with lUatortto t toll from the lame ruo.p#uv taking *ialh A purl a* the month ended enetted Dull tn he Btst la Bnal week to month and to*t no tk a«h.'igloo Der i tor* to fhe theatre (Swore* ml are toateging the ted iird Members File Affidavits vs Cal Oo town doomgiam aoto I toumtoa pr*»B«v dr*« Urn a wmilart* health* uphral For the B' e numtto ended lie* Mono ha* regi««eted m the HI ark Hv % I A© mif> ag#m«i a low* ml tgAOWNI tn the If p« eroding mom t to tto* lake In ft**ai d ended June B> uaa ft! BT lift ag#n**l IMSBR m 4«t PTOotifd dfvvy p#wnem* nv Rrp follow* the ie*umpr mu to • nim Mmk paimenl* hv I to taller ««m«pan* r* Itkelv to put their divl druoft* on a tegular ha*r* al I He rod to ito *ea« Rep will tone rt* iur rent me too Jan 3 diM* tftoii mg M *HMNig *t«« klMdden to ir*u*d lie* Kith Fo* product h •eventh place, i meawut mg uu I# at Hr hupeo Tokyo plaving »l rength f •lipped a* hovemth 'Hal f toumlua .* i m«**«un u ale* |< Agam * The aRidavil* Here from Allied to Mrengtt* were Rk< i* Ito* iwe I. ha Ho. I Rho. AKrnit HnvMMi*. Mwrplh, ****** m *u »-mo „ . » * u*ed Ito iuiginal p HftRN. (Naff .%rmtlR •** Iea**»*i fur re* k' to* AHetne »Im me* pto* M,,n •** 'He *r«nto ft ,p lli#<* in IVtri I joiriNt * ie t•uldwvn'« lea*e Vi»al cl iVtn I * a o* •* •* Vritu !ni pne* Ihi «f I nl |. a*»vi • in New Am A t«toa* •" •greemeni wHl Wed om »*»e ween FlMatoih Hv (Hal time to n / ode i iireMK; ka* Been made worth to I i a< i*M red He ll talk o*»i trim 'He ♦••* or p*m*l ii. i ». , i a part to the prupr' i w t«et meoTU»Hg l on t He to*ridu*u Ha* tv a • '» * K . . 4.• *. » ‘••'■or of Hi* e*|ota a t**** w ile R«o#|rud h»«*e!l ••••trio »u .* p| *tto Arm NnIn.-i 1 lorn lot a* lltn alleroUrt H it art* * 1 WNltard drvpwSe W Mh Mat | t*» . I«m !<««• « * N«*% I" \)*o i#n*e« ft Mol** Itwted are a«lr*« Jto**« H« 4 * % laure* *•* 1 f*«tow>u fV*« I ( < S • m#ua» •<• Cun (<4 '•• 'He t * » ■ F »* i o uv ri si ng neadofua* ie >' r.< e ♦' *atoih NStmuNo and pi#t» Huddle* uuh «... r let knl N I'tuhi f lei w *lud«*« l*#nle ge Aftur plrv * fork to* ^ • 11 let in Orn*lriu I .or lew lhana l.> I I Oarte* f* Shout a* Arm srrftoiu Prior A ale* N. Y t* L A 9*f«tie f anSwi More* lioWitri*/ AI Hall ft • auk h i ng Mao roe king It * «og I ever ft *1* aid J Peakat Se vmuur he to# to Hv Nat (to Vamata l u umau u v a lawieme Vbetugarlen Mar gar* I B>rft|r«(| I Zip f rmUr «/ W<i# /* NpftC 19 filing 7 rr/rro# Mai gar e! Sulla van MUMS AY QriCRIE Nur mam Vrpl Far amount • ft « * ' *f 1 a • *» i* w Nr o \ to k Mrmda* A T..I i«lfcv m«lh Alas A r«wng»i* .»♦ HOtmul #d P. H dire* lor «*a I He raorpeigM lor s*nu* and lie Iliad S*r#tl o tff plane hark to 'He lu f l ida) 9 Litvftk'g Indie P»c A /vtan A a ftleor* Wi