Variety (December 1949)

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7. 1*1* Natl Spot Radio Up Despite General Lull; Heavy Campaigns Dne to Roll : , Although ktlltim are •■■■ ^ it S dft t1n• • r>«. I#i pl *^a * *vw mbm ■ gtAg *- „*- *' ■»*,«* fr •• • m AND STILL THEY FOLD #rrll— m retail and •’.•ce grtmt v R»tio« ftp lift Keaton Hi that taking Kept to tvtrtMM rntmuni ( leieUM Dor I leveled at H Onr af this rHy i three FM ftp TW W thttkj Story !. 4 Nor JO Hooper*) -cun. ftti latest PM • JO—Dr Christian o 00-Wor— 0 Allan off tM Olr heeauae ISO ISO 10 0 10 s IIS 0 00— THia D Votar Lifo OS 0 SO OtWiriWeTH ISO 0 HO Break thr Bank ..lit 0 SO—Sir pi A US 10 00 -Waft Rtory ....,114 Cedric Adams, 1-Man Radio Industry, Adds 5 Web Shows to Colossal Sked fHrtr ABaana to 4a wet* IT loral DeSoto Gainer As Groucbo ( hief anfagr* of *pot ar- tioo* ha* Cording to tr« tntwa arr that it la ol financial t; . ■ . |r«% glamorous and erneiomiral SI.AI. which employed IS per harder to buy and *upen iae than torn Including l.luid Chatterton a»’*iwl radio It i* thme href* manaftrr. haw reretird FIX’ penaia fthicn «tati<m rept arr uyiaf to tmi tn mat omn ioniei Ihriwv, •'rnome And thr fart that they pretident of thr /.near ( ah Co and •re waarrerdific *• om ia better weeretar) treasurer of thr I mted •a lew ftfuret (karafe A Son Ire Co. thr hold me Rig »pwtf rampaiini hwvr >«awt unit nhirh controlled tho Nation hm lawn* hed by thr anfi-hlsta- dec lared that operator* had ‘ roanr pi ne drug*, which may total we* to a drOnile c«»oc liawanei that an FM Oral million dollars (la Jan I station b* itarlf In tha area m not S*r m ter A (Gamble mill incept a eeonomlrall* fea««Mr ** drive for Prell ihampw* t« ronantrr Cleveland haa too other FM era ( o'fate t aUtteoful spot pitrh for WCt O a CIO station and ft l.ftS i H • « Automobile manufacturer* the Arrtppa Howard telex iwloo unit •r ■ aUo wpendtng Ikaiily in the BI.AI. hwatrd tn suburban •elective held h»»le real problem Lakewood oa* built at a cost of lp*>( fare* at present a« wording »o apprommately )• gist ton rep* Iw thr lari of adft- ago. P’**' i» to « rw am program* Pat - ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■■ - - - Mor S§* fVllB|i IbJP •h*y eiplaia that there are stall D I* Pa # || V • lively Brief career •« < artsS.."'** K—i Mill IJva u» -t-m v* l* *<>me« • participation hillbilly di-h >ochr\ staruas »hi«h ran •r rlertnt selling p»b fc»r b- .a Objftft fcwfder to wopriciar i« bring hi man* hank toller* adding travel lr« wo pro i *oe* • ho toor the rowan- try chet king cm thr handling af giaality of thrir platter* Hollywood Dec of spot* etc In addition Radio in • the itinerant super* laorw visit wta- up th# RADIO GUILD, CBS NEAR SETTLEMENT «th r *JJ ftlo Jan S Adams mil 4a Dee g 1 Settlement of CBS the Radio GoUd CIO* likely this tho w HI ng unit ^ Art Lmkletter I Gi at tM ft e—at alert mnntli *** ^ *4* wig b h«ld y nd rr tdiuul Labor It- ^ hcldfted from I Jok letter Man « Ibvard aumm m%tk 99 break *pon*or The writ contract mth tho RG w1M ** * l,u Pegging H p tf id War 84 Meanwhile tho ****“* mi * union ha* boon condnrtiftg a cam- **"* n»ll consist a# column tip* paign to mform agrnctow and span- maternal delivered with piano of tho all nation First agmry hnrkground devoted to reminaw- waa Young A Rubwcam oddities random thoughts to tho union, a ■ *+* longh* wtuff at ohtrh Uflfm Tan- 1A drtegjn—'rt^BsT white ”lerit— Ydamw ha* h w mr I | IUU 1 VIP IV ‘ revetved cordially " Tho «“*•*•> d cnlumning \© poetry ■ imaon mad thof YAK due wed ton- ftor pbil*a*pAy n4B Intrude ho nor la which Groucbo wider a bio conce na and m tercet in M,<i Ihtrh mil bo wianted at W. u . r , . M J lHj the cwtmt of our artivity in«ide h«»w*ewi*e« Material mil he wnt- k. '•*" "*• h " ,h * .« ..u .. caw ..«h •*• *» *«•—• *»<i ««*• Bo ? H a*por spot In Iho —newt m C BS to bar * i ith of la In of CBS relay out of New York Initial aerie* nan* until M»a hot ran t r b f t t* for four year* mth ap turn* I ink tetter (dhow *witrhe* from NfN to CXM at the mar time and both wlU go out over ITS NAB Doesa t Aid live arlhng |ob for apnt f|T f\ "* ^anr tho progra m i* one o* • * ^ ion that spot radio Is l/D lO l/OdSlCTSj crash tho perennial* that belong 1 0 II Ilf . * ' Oddly enough the Mara a trend U more Wan In SSSkstSs Sez WNLK; Quits f budgetary cutbacks wHh DoBotw l/v * 111 • wertion of WtXXra operation* her* k i_ Flymoutk hr coming tho ho—Artary A are geared to Adam* Move Into tho national Arid waa m aw preoagmg eventual light - mg of local U»ad. which ha* nuda to learn their •pm c effort of copy an wale* .. 0 _ & i^..... ft *^f Sff^f nSBg^f ^RB^J^BR^f^f . *** l \^7 Blnttod hnrktohork with Bing •erTTnwnr^ir their ' Burl*. A Allen In CBN aUwwa thr u t7 r rn.. f Bed—oday night lineup actually V"* llh _ rrr Aj '" thr Mara aboo which la parhagrd wfw W \ 1 mWw B|T h m - * m *. t _ | _ b . m call letter* • noa Now I plication* from IS and r or poet ion* petitioning for ffi in tho mm kilorycio Nonwalk Dee | Calling tha National A*an af of thr big Dr Beniamin (. rwtmrg. h,m ftBb dent g m af WN 1 .B ha* »»tb •»*•» In bv John Gurdrl i* a cmwiderably drawn thr tatmn from N AB — ■ iCont cheaper item thao tho mm brr*hip ( rmb wiania or tho BUM BAA •« • Mtor to Jutln Ylillrc NAB tho loralHIe* In iid D Ora ABC Using ABC |3rssr John Martin and To S^ll Shows 10 JCU J00W5 NRT Fmnnmv Hitt ^SZnJSTTiSS^ J? » >«.i ii _w^ try* NDL uCOBOl IY Hfta 1 55 >■ >«• *••» 5 »«►- 2U ermeia nr am raa m tour unfair trodr practice* against ^ You Ret Your Life** ho* • cur had coma to the conrlu.ioo that out aurh *mall station* don 1 get pnrtMuiorl) the NAB im O pre—radio , mf mU _ rent 14 4 rating awwm| out work station V n it im Heady Tap 14 Roma a* Bab Maps m— Count* *3 fJ ** r lM « r# *** * ^ 5 u... »■« 22f* ,fc * L - Mickelsou Into their Loa Angela*, La CBS Hone Spot Heath. Irene Kuhn ideoakv. Rost land Hoi arr L l nuaual commercial pitch of • Oft Bonta Ana Wek asking for apo n ron eta Ita mating Co. o*a airwave* »• being made by lie ABC an t«* 1 sandu thr Magt nan * ro op Ainrr tho atanaa atari od tn nddOttohoe onr r nmmr rr ial rely Hill* Boa boon 4o*wtod each night lo and Frank Mullor I tolling prawpecilvr rlienU that tha Bruce Taylor t^ong Boocb program* l* a valla Mr for sponsor Radio • gr«>mh la thr C i' and that further detail* can California area la rttod •brained from loral ABC out cant survey af thr Don ISlk. : work la lMS ifimf A* yot thr web ho« — cone r ate turns In thr L A area and 48 report* on thr pitch* pull Only throug h o u t tho root of the state sal loa • hall doom ho* bets have been This yoar to dot# l hot a arr 41 picked up by loral station* the AM FM and TV *»atmn* In the pet captaining that ipi la dwr L A area and 114 for thr lo thr program s upcoming tune of thr stair of VCTO. thr CBS • A o ste- la atsium WEol CM nr burg Miller the NAB how not lo support tho radio msUL h— hod a «0 V oeh a Depart •f I M • ^re wM | Norton Heath dirertor af the 14 and Irene Kuhn railing the Mp—f. the depart iimr to function mth A ita Bomord taking over the torial reins mth a staff of ala the ad- of 1% man M the public affair* dtvv dm eBarttee J— IB Bn— has I aetlded the web that he oants in > retire as — administrator and ren- aming nrtt- leaching He'll alga a new ract effective as af Feh I as ,T KL2 Gabbar Dcniaff Right mm Tt Air Craft Hetnacs; Ci.iL. r E Mirbebum will aaaumr the HHff Nation ruitorlalues ^ 4 ^ dtvtamn of m- •Mft On Dec 17 it mil move tn - — — Mm* Kuhn whn haa heea with •he 7 Ml pm slot NBC for thr pm It wear* leave* . While thi* Is thr 4r*t time that CfY AA* Cooegosg r—4 Dec IB for aa eatended stay m t l»»r artwMk has skwddrd program * ^ fl^Bn vBM* Rpnin mth hot daughter novel— | •riling commrrctala it* loral sta Denver Dec 4 hi-/ •tons In the pa«t have cut In on g*» op shows to point up their avail ability Feeling |* that using radio •«> well radio al*o implies a plug for the medium a* a uhole AIM la taumhtng wo Dec IS • r c osi the hoard coop with Ted llalone hi the It lilt 1ft p m Fvr wlei <14 IS 14 M pm In *r* peal of WORT % ABC GETS WHODUNIT ! . TEN FOR DAYTIME of a eou- Hlegal by the FCT Ft f w«M appear lo aopport of H The FCC last week me ( wort to throw t oon of Appeals WGRT. Allan mth Id Morr»o, also hold thr title *f •ellor wf public affairs 'n«n- Ut h r a u r the Drover City Council to f * r1h • — «— cou n arlor>h.p a bearing mvolving . •■ r Kuhn wba w curr e ntly work • hargra which had been brwugbt Mk kelson uoa a farmer io«t>uP» to tha t’ 4 tnMn, ia bog wgamat a— af thr Itrover coumtl at the U af M i ooe* nt 4 l wf Herbert C Dolpb Re . ar- l ou t si ana Rtatr of taking a 4Ma4 gift" to mo mth a ligoor Im Si» of the aevro —until ( •< America bet* voted to deny bewedtwsi f — Meanwhile V h« « |»rc*> •„ »„ i r hl.2 snd another M • Joe McConnell summoned I be — station KMYR after 1 BR *i— network *«sff at Radio C tty Pete mm — whether thr entire Into Jbisdio 4H lost proceeding* will hr y f talk He would hr — drastic staff curtail turns would prrvanl air mg of tl menu or cause for alarm and that —tire haa ring and eaplatord th wo Dec 4 ‘f ia the current reargoniaotm—l the intent was lo 7* Nil Georgia's lS5b 5 Rap n. AHuU'i WCST “X-. - - ^ - . the post right year* and prwr to awningmn. i«or n gyg uaa aaoociatrd mth Rodm wreo ipolls Dew 4 Maiw»ne\ has lor wf new* and special events for W<TX> b* •II 8 Campbell atatum B iloy t Mirbrv t raid that lime li > wn.hshh m the •• V p it .T * **• which Would femme ( a usual deport tars , % flfiu— or* and audienwo- c#ii ^ |H# f i w ho h are tradl- ! ^ _ (led M <>w%* the ho *1 4 daytime who- don it serve* w«ll he taunwbrd by AIM wo Jaw 1 4 p m slot fr«*m the **»apr«« —rtwnpat l tmer* w Hu h are t,«*^ .hr.-.i- . ... * Inr# will present ." *** V ** be >t hour mysteries ewwft i wmp ie t r ! ' luT-blof Iw it*etf ** WP * *• S.,... .ill «... HwtWCW irTJSjT! ,K ** •* k * -ft. rw “• | • c feature li lu« brea pork r ** # ******** *—*•* f ftged bv ABC m <*mioortmn mtb * •—ftMaadoo argumint* were art Mildred F—tun *».ttr *f Imuk a fwf,h '* • ***** •»*•» the high Fleur F—tan Conte* and the ft il ,rlk unal much mil anno hoar the ham Mnrrt* office ph« 4 M rime ' •Ff»ftl *f BC,RT operated by thr ftr* alto used a* the vprmgboard L mversitv Krgrni* for the Owcgia lor — ABC TV package RrboM of Tew hnotogy againot tho Idea Is lo cash W on thr pm fw1 » la appear •otoatJ value* af a magarme tin* |y pp»i mi the station a* thii * lo dill at *i the limit np it ABC ho* mrn '(M w ,fc - — _ „ Mft c«* fti~* •• • True Story “ both of nhirh are of the Iho autmo a ly dramotaaa complete Haelf «f ft M |8 *Moioft. | iC 1. It of the — It nd light* of the trotimany technical legal argument* ft tertwo Mated that every onuld he mode lo he I •o give both aide* of the B«l» Hamk NihIiu'b hihultmt I* rut id 4 If A Veter•• newspapermen hr left l sited Press several year* agt* to > 0*0 public relatione deportment wf Ptllabury Mills Hi* are duties • err beaded up by Rig Muhet*eo a* dirertor of i> .r ;r affair* *od for Iho Mat mo mabes move Dftf U Month later Mlrhriarw leave* m head CBR department af talk* *od die — asiana la ANYBODY WANNA MIT PIECE Of‘STOP MUSKY Mill Shortly after thr Council luar Kl-1 the right to took to thr air — a Kl J. Voice wf thr News' broad cast tw * wlit octal tee for the Arst time in the Denver Malum • ten la »tew af the a<lien tak— by Rod a hawker for the *#gmew» <f ' city — wartl this morning. ** Atop thr tfmir~ which P I cut I Prtrrmn told KU listener* “wo lard Old Gold • mil drop at tha «*h drsw hut par —n« laM«m Thr end af thr month • Giggie w*.'t»t p«vs><»rit> af thr City Ctownril does mil continue to hold thr Aiul *c# not wam you to hear the p roreed meat and half af the TV Mama » •ng* nf tho Dwlph trial eaortty pa One of the difArultie* laied « the* occur and tn the actus! vutcaa that several willing honkridtet* of the sort lei poo fa ** are —petitive to mi mat si All three ma)wr wire *e nr trow, tor* Anti ftp IP and INR carried the Mary to get —. a— competitive «db the Denver Port »petud the Rmtth Bros rough drum *** ** <Hl |ono of Mi city sdk monufartu—ra have be— aurd kg I