Variety (December 1949)

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T, IM* — ■■■ ■ RICHARDS WOOS CHURCH ( ugaiArMit f Is Seme attached in the the lm time Ml history the Washington A4«risMrati alerted tn the mie that advertising is ph)isf m the Sait ' STATION VOICE Spot on CBS, If He’ll Shake RexaD ■ *. —♦ lit time Phil Harris oant* Hon- In s mere e ( u sMs m t Is abteh util he In DC snnaU the herre t arv of ta mr? comm in ee on adven t stag, of representatives af radio televlsum t. wilt he laid at s meeting railed far this Fridas '»• the 1‘aHonet memhei mil sit doon mth Hrjr tn erent TV report issued h- the Dept al ( the mwl evhaodive studies nl M* hind, gave initial the tKnemine n t t attitude tsmsrd advert Although rsnirmstiaa Is lark mg there are re parts that G A Richard* m negalU'iag a deal fm the t athollr Hierarchy ta take aver at least tan at his three htorative operations Parkagc it % reported would include WGAR Cleveland and WJH Drtrmt hut • mold n**r In* Node KMPt* llollv omul the station • here Richard*’ rlatmed biased infrartHm* landed him in the FIX* hut Ju*t of the < involved Rut the nusruver sssM nut omlv PrHtjr Politics Week* »■»**•.» pMi revolves around t HIV (he* ter A Houles aptmmtment af hH e%- •tfrart partner William Wen Ion Hentws A Routes la the Hettale Whut *' the trade U a*km« I. >.UHUI dom< Ruhr, am w Ruthraud Hrawr* Cooling Off Process for Watch & Band 1"£ Ch’field Wants Sponson; Casualty List High Lately SvsSSHSS An Ad Arencv 3*w him la Have hH IMgffrh rahe and * •** 4 4 W^vlIVJ ^ . ... . ^ The artaarkv sre g<uag through# ^ 1 !" ng K ups hv . tiltarv aatrh Hand units Too murk urn evlslat v. to** seasonal s Hi and too manv rsnretlatnui* runs the ronvplsinf al the srh* Fven the fart the* Hr thro. Wetrh <*a . nhorh I* ran ceiling nut off Quirk As s Flash s*r \tutnal »♦ shopping around l«r s srs »hos i«n t rrenting the »mi«I ev. itement that pervades s neh * department nhm a pro»prs - live client rears his head Wuh Mir pitrhmg up iHk Pmselt's * Ru hard Diamond ' to Melhru* ( Rh i* going through the twndioa si ottering one of Its nun rtihr Rut the * seasonal »*peet hankroiling d«e*n t hold anv ton great allure 1 he rssuafty list among the natoh and band rum p a n to has pariMularlv an usual in re seek* lamgines W.rtn.-o. I* dioppong s full kt mmuit % af hundav afternooa programming m ( oolumksa m*u that the holiday Hup m« season Is la the Rame |)wk tlretrh although in this instance ( Rs did Have the Hmefi* and Fred Heywssf Is Bake Fred % imi event* uireritu u WNm WVR1 HIM i key * V radio |%|f lR | ||^|^ y g#Wl^ min VIAL and VlAleTY Walt! Jav J Men in until ns chief at WfHYH Hoi*. ( *i Mass Lockmu To Leave 3 Ta VP's Behind eat n- laa / As far as the C afholle rhurrh Is M n ou Id He a las free Ru hards mid get a oilh tMimenl for Use ^ stations rtsatnf out of inronve Rut lo furthev »a vies st Ru Hard* pro . . lKj * |t I'Hoitr .onkectum* H naald put ^ ^ km M Ik* nnitW ' ' — inji.nirri n uauing to have an adv the statrom adorn k f.o a fHoresan ^ in had been laid wear* am* late Hupreme Lou* Justlee Frank Afturph* oa* aloavs la the It's recalled tuo That Satisfies ♦ An* time Phil Harris a ant* «!av night 7 SR an ( RH f of loo mg Hrnnc as He did on HIM before tha latter, pledged allegiance to Rill Pater, the lime Is His far the ask* mg Rut anlv if Harris i* ot'tmg • o for*ake Hu Regall sponsorship more In nitH Charles Luck* s lever Rr «** Al the mo usent the pm Renne pet usd is occupied Hv the I ev ee- s|*on*#ocd Am n And* oho era slugging M out an the H«mpct front in competition ndh Ham* Re virtue al the fart that both Ha*e * M seems Ms R appear* fa He Huitmg Hath s kww. orth A A \ »» rating adv an- . p%.| hsppv err the sp oat urn In ot the lever « spans*m oith posMldrt* on the mark. • l ari I oiind taking mi Harrl* and to shoftHse % a % of Father Coughlin the tnRoefue he wielded n*er A user iran listener* Should Richard* and the f alh oltr church get together an a deal . • it oould leave the FIX rumptetetg ^ ^ M Wrargannaltim af the Heueifc amuHrr H Fmissrft agefu * is reported on tap MartH pul Himself on reeard lad setup bring season that the c o m p c mum oMH ge an o|» A A A was far from health* and rralum assoc i li—e lv Ited m nitH stoosldn t cosMtaue lately Rg the t Hedeeftetd account far arut understood M's hi* feeling (Hat far anav the Hrm-e s >.» I psear af fr.oo being a %Hirttatl ta the Rennv stmaa. the slums progteme d to a The protected Hco-etl Fanosett pmM nhere He rsmkt pass th# upri sndt It* repsuted A 4 A tisosper mark fruso dts*att«farttoa oa the The fart remains that the kev la the shift lies oMh Mam* himself V A* Uwsg as Hr gsrrs aUosg oHH ted Nt HIM . the Hnsed For oh* ton res. ( iomimus o*mtdn t run ta the t atHolu Hu-tarrH* g ot«hrs WMh C Harles larkmst mss*lag Hui at the same lime it oould He His lever Rros nperatlsm Usck rourstessarsrtng g deal nhere RmH I nut af C am *rd* nsrr It s felt rertala nmrtd ae %las» la Men York MM* tmmmmm ta amen itself the Richard* mrdoesi stations latter frrflng that N*W Df*W VMHM la the initial tn^ arerumg from the cigaret Retail He's r haaneled into *wsrc \iU** Trammell and R %«l| laser* of Use agrm * Hu«i pres* Justin Hart Have an agree mem Rut m * leu af ManaM • railing the Weoell Anaru tal rtsnedlse I beer seem* la e guest ma a* l*» i| of the Karri* nm Mtrollflked nitH the • **unt ACaHsnev it » f lake ski Him the Autu Lite business the I use •»! slmr ad ids I into the radio IV *er*s I -rr Allen Wants To Get Coin’ d OMT ww»w the l^m rvrle eapires neat manth ^ H Hand maker* is railing it I irdrd Kd Wvnn video staiua rente ti ng H gclf o ith ' Hiup (he Wok *' Blgt Al^ ... a fall year mi ma- ,H# *+*••«•#** methaul There .* pr cede me af ruursg ft g aim reported (Hal t R Hem "d % nill He ma mare drastu than oa* fur the i at h ull s rhurrh s phere mi ^ , 1 ^ miml aartrser* mav . , k . ^ ^ -**«Nmllv imagined Fm eaaovpie lotluemr la mi a* trT^ittH J P rTn ^g^ " •luen • ' ' 11 .. a*d aae af the three tup I ever fouaaatc* I tdlege ■* Seaiile enter , .|. r me*idearv Flder A lea Rfeuart prise and lanola I *s operatioa of "" ' " ~ L- ^rusn all Mr It am -a til He WWL the IMP MMIsgt sip rearing ap and la r arm la go ... « . s . - — ta the Manhattan scene of turn In Men f h lean* M L.. .* * AltHsor.H Allen Has vigued up as purl* on the highly * irgardrd Ad apartMP Ht are esiting the mm n.mrre* ch. c lo Richards In HtfC Wm^DUSlfri sn HtM n. luiae He s nut srHed f'leaeland lletrsut sod Washing f pg thsuMes Ha Htlilng* an H* *** >M> A M Hits HRt mmmftmenf I on ohile dlo (aiming kns*o testge y^turdav rslghf t iaaghsrsier * **** * *?''**'''T* '* * - lake It eass during the a# aa «e- % thslr «soe brand man ' Ri « Rn fo« Thank* *" ,hr ad vert sat ng setup util „ I M .Mee«ed *^He (He *oitch H* a naeid Ret *** ! *“ >kk*tn»s k» l».fM •• ih# tor ship Ph 'u.e rossvplelel) t IIM# «f rhe Pepsodervi a. Rulma alone rutmuea ta P*«c * lf , m Hut mu and steadily into *•* spot s reaping (He Hrne lime break* Urfh tele fils ot (He Burrows’ 4-Way Spread for ’SO The new veer shape* up a» a He. to ruse far Abe Rurrun* msdet Ha* eailusive (’R'v malt at ' la addii «**n la His Haft Hour TA shoo po« in preparation Hi* poHicipe tus ta I He C rasAey v p n sw ed IHrs Is HHuu Rusiness" and Ho a prom lag rum mm* if an TV nm*«li««g .see ae par ale alao 1 Ra r r o * « *»H part in pole in a Hart Hour neeklv • r—rri osiiif pi tea nitH a pane* nf eapeci* letter l* being designed for • late pmn.rsg radin ah.»s» a*e with Liman Rr>*an and VfifRmaa ivtet son the luusk rrMir jnm«ng Rrvsun in a kiekanmnd af varum* lacaia af the Fngllsk Uaguage ih slang usage* etc HHao al«l He tabbed "We lake Yuur Ward Clnrckil ta B A B ( o ho earhd rat *W» eau John Rruadc arvsrdl RVIM % earl) ca*ual»ia» »■ *He or fanttainx . admmtatr alive upht a* •I ia pun mg Reataa A R«.-lr* C fc e rrt R H prmr ta Ht* RAIR re nas fm year* idealtArd aHk U«e C Rh (ckcarrH div anv reported deal none’»srloss ,| MI « • Hen (he cereal dlv(**or> of ted that au> sack husk Hush Food* the sp o nso r Rant enng oosrldn I particularly f w || starling (He Rest nf Moo ever Allen Is non pi P any surprise tn I Hem iPo year • ,r, F *• f "••• *ome time m J to. HRt la rnnuire Program M r or rent tv Haard aa krv oHH repartv that Hr s ahead* • me the NM -na r g« gun an the Ml datum* ahuui halt the nebs m. up a srbedule for • serie* u# gvseki yrrfuriMwev mvertng a tun or three week *pan l»m intriguing a*pe*. uf Aliens pro ye. Vest |MC*1 rrtlrv hooevrer IS NH< oill rear! lo 'He mmo, S ptoposed agenda in vieu <d Mg MM escius.*it| angle While U s all very srll Urn Allen is give tilth Hope the goe«t hv po treatment si are M*.|w • at* MM* Hebv He s al*** planning to re untie w.»H Rennv »o* the iaUe. s • how Only Rem \ i* now Rill l*a »ev * properly <u» t Rs *n<t the relaloar He. ween (he loo srle al (He "souscol are anythlkg Hu* dial hre dally Allen i* • • ••of ». doou for a HjvpFge^ «ho« That i«m i* si net I v . t Ml ''df notf tW Sakjcd, Bsl Paley the Hero li Newsweek's Prafilc \«o*oeok mag * eshaustrse ap pra«*ai s»l David Am.mJ and has Radh. f orp mi Aasen* a dynasty Ha* esc ited rsm * i4r rtM. rom m sul dp i ad«*. 1 A rifcie* the pad week t«u the mod part jt reads as «t-uyA the stoO had been I W* (<« the Hero p<e«r far fr urn Hr mg bar asdl f muh.Ims * ssa H II Rales Ves.srrk • trrittral Hr »hsm« ♦m.s on three asa>»u fr< ..axo v « mg« a ding r* mdlnga I V* (r* 4S r pm * and rtdm t loss l H* Has ma*ad la Is ■ ■ -I * S.M.I . hold S va*t (wsiOssM at tons psrtuon-