Variety (December 1949)

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Bouifeto* Hi ik ai Rmom Bt Bay R»tw. uP Pi urin i i I o*|i UffAl KBft K*C TV from Mf. |« • J Wmltrr TV B at Rvwr » kM*l H Mitral * eseeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | Tele Follow-Up Comment | »♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦• ♦♦•♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦a 1NIIV, n. T Tab* CB^TYa Tbi* It Bhoo WA TT I Apr* AnhtM » mu Ibrm *(HI shift them over to W(»B a nes iw ml video ayrraMl and mil nan IK* arm Roil»tr Arthur Ut SKu« Rwl IhH mar r §«1 There sere IM | W mill rryinrr caiudrt»mt be tht takeoff hut | «V« |hat hg« firm* prom for the ktw nmiif Vk mil* ha n Ai Wall Stanley • a# Grnurb Man to the T\ cr*-* lwllkM»ll#l • ' least «m rrmtrr* l*c ular i* make lot hayy> or ta il , In* ndt« fare Mrdrtl la the • to It m segment «a »he SIM 1\ • ttarknl u* again*. * u lift I ho fi art t forr «aO a p y r tarl either of hovelled off M < V oM he rlear kail those for entertainment fMliltf »a* T *“ M,r While it aptoteelh hral V«*rd Dealer* \ mt a talent end iroao.itoo hacdgt i it u one of WO* T\ i of loot meek * t ■ embtllous wn<W .taking* onH • ■ B* r ro»*h no fHro tuft*tent polish To earn the r * - ZZ v •man fraaa that TV atreea VhAh Wff*. u #l u . *’• That • potting three «tnhe« — ta „ ,, - ire % shoo mith that . T Chafer HMMeu* Of Betty Hutton lorry of Dunn* Borne a«4 4 HI « r 14 •no fetU.oo on the title '* di«imfui»hH ohty ho It# irritating ^ | a h urt Mi la that an y the aem er Ht a lor ilr liar* at' Mi spun • pair of «eemord rloma# Ml Jum the r orient Ike I let* <te Parti ffortu* of the kllonrlei and Dirk taler liarden N \ hroaa W m»o of I he iKertei 1 «■* tbm« •< 11 »» ir;r:.vr-.:r,r s T»«»“ C»S' r.n •>« «< « •»..« pwr **" he he# 4 evening d*ac »l ift to art# that mere oa too Hit their metroaoe ton oa* the Watte. hip mh#rh hod ao trouble ra fi *\aa rmmovtit mT oTrlt# rhtlded tho •horn mharh #r»sent» »o«h* ia a hotel koV) mhirh m the prat mbtrh hod ao t re mh te ta naa n»#ht «Hdaa aeee AM* The »H UHMt to leaf brought Kef ore the aettia* for (he aerie# kept the mo* noay • ith the entire shoo he ad leader a * nmd to*te aad touch cameras V *hmm hi/ par semantics laugh* nmrotiM frota the Boy Thia art tremeodouat* effective •* gothortly help* pot thi* * or tele B.geloo and t hie herooee of the i lose attention In laaoot to a aopertor rate goes The arnpt fare mith the old hot the radio formal e» ahS I JBBI _ torn »ap r , . , . „ . Aeol Badly Berk a fair l Norton* 1 » ' B**er he* ei f |rf dlao iaaa«ref hy Mam Hatcher laMfi atop* and . fkM a TV ptrhup mi the old AM ^ fafaa TMffad a Mr doaerr ntTZLHM ff •i.«ua ». ■or' *** * **"•* 1 oar* creative ■ n.i.o-d h> raritc *•»!»•« Asia nri , mien armed t’l kef |h plop* for the * *• art H*' / I e*aer a* e iW _ the latter aim rot ia fmr the mtautest detail tme alive oa a rmaned* hat At tiOaea Backus der the lea* treatment tt pot Tor hi tapped tola hi# I pdthe character tir«|*rly tho ronreet pieoial Ml in alma** aorehre in radio aaad We* oharh the ■ ana placed the bellhop mith all the y atiohrmoiied mith or Itphted b* a too plating *noe* * mWI fnr Gale Bohhtat* to ar r oanpaot tap pern It < rented J«*a l^der tune and tho Tape ao aaoooal kllo«ion furthered h* nem* of the of the deft # 4‘ *•« from le**e «*r Jane lerkhati end The e event lei light aorted the »re *remer* Aa a mutual m— . ___ M. . .. . % _ . rn it • n*r ho »,f .h«te fit^t I emer e* rarer inter* irmed I at en o ug h Trio to uham over «ar the rtoeeup ten* •hootin* Ao d the *hnu hot at the ten# time in *ht hate g*»|i# It m«»'t«t>« who# the *t%itm* celeV Hmm* of »he*r am el arraagemeala If a other highlight tea the cigetet diminished the Impart that both mg - m hru tidru e-t mim Thieuah m vnomgh ploga far the ahom* Mi a dr*iro B arra■ ed from radio lo puffin* poppet theue per f orat o r* might «fker«iu «V .n.tialTupta* *i«pea hoi uHh each ,v rm renify •fpvmf ptMkr imam a breather hot M Bolttvaa had AH* a W, I arte *nd VjraMe 1\ a Mato emertlag prepraoMnUr lM "Bf that veem the petmd for no# At led iato a f*ra>l that el* hpiBpaad . Adolph fueen offin The a**gaoaa opoa of thi* pm the prrleUriM uuelHt r* 1 heir dmhf I he ttdeo program kem* for mhA o*«»m< el Mil eri odea aa aa arlgmal meludt railed la gram no* the *»Mi oene c gM tie oh* i Walter Thorn p» o n uith * fat ehonh of hitting* at vtahe ha* a* oianed a formidable rrem of *teff e»» to the *hom ia« hading Karl Thi on the directorial end it •4 at W > igte* and Urn Math* »nd _ , I ird Bell> hepdtin* the ihur# a *».« •• «i.«.r *' , h 7 . *7 •• ptidurtmn h**et end ho*« fro Ur .. oJ- oaniMi V iap and gmmn* To po> IV ahom ta upp n ae d lo If thia t*pe of goeatiag roa he apirotioa mhtrh hrirall* and mo graphed mith • mide aueep of are fku aem talent homever, memleimed the ahom dtould build alraJi* told af the manner in Imn hv \ alerte Betti* Teipe bed *• order for li* a po o d audtenrr and pei hap* amoke mhtrh aa r tooa la> enlor* com pirtwrcm q u e movement., ft*tmaMe to Mttemtem them Thai mould up o ne ipmmr mterea* poaera ttr , out* he*r gntlen in- moatr and evrellent dam e *elo*« lead mohe IV progrem run With (Hr home koohera M mill *p«reltoo for their *nk from Vought out V fVrothv Ttheedge **• fh# mitialer I e**er rai.hon M.mrd> br.n* »M •• .* *n«' |t eel i door r>*.» «*> * » <~oif!ena Wenni«trr v *•<* had to pad h* he* to* Billy I Vo »el* around these part* hut Ma *al«a- long toral backgrounding an the ahom. da turn Ilea m the rmeptton hark ee*4 Borah \ aogho nom at the Per a- In Ihe «ong depart meat* fe- tune of tV |f , 14W rutiv fnT ^i, »od par mount hem York me* anotVr genie Weird aold Mem Ink Blue* * a*« «Iim turn hv*ri end V** mm ^' r *' r tirtpaUon* *nd *hei * atuH#t ell name art Mnng M roua han d le d in a pfeioreugua setting and IV a«<»und •# »ap and *omn* T« dm - •B* Irmm the f^ntlemen Pro the* re hu* in* not korr The ktne herself edmtiehl* in rhurtung up veat «4d Junie Weegen «a*e an at- •ot ilire ihr ao m *e«ueme* *urh ,rf Bl o nde* More mill have In aril M if not AIK' milt • mm fa.ies and looked mell doing A peaha* rendition of AH Aboard te voted performer* a* Mu heel Whom had fem pv odu i torn * aloes have In tote the tab fmr Horn long Aa eareUent ao*etts art iohaav for Bleak el Ba* Ulirr Hem #ug Bmneii lue Palmer Iron and his aur*i« talked V «ooMf K ra iM the nett prnhiem lender featured hi* he I am in* on mold hove been pear fr app huff vdreamer* quintet re*ori hmd * *moM tebie mhile the mem -■ N«ln • toll ladder throughout the tma fortunatelv mesnt fraud of (V oeeh led V 1 art teleni performed dtrevtl* m front — - pie* in* tmlin roar are* elr He* - -— Ht.M uith a *opplemeaderv angle of Ikr onh le**ei demoatslrated old €• AI ff»hl BWh * musu me** Vud Btrbard hallmar * Vomf ad three Vaided )oeur* devlgaat «kr peisuhelit* although too P.ih Toni tdtaneo I herhe ftvoo through mo*t of the shorn t heme ('tot. appear* to V one of mg IV mtehrr* among the pertlri »»f!eo tV len*e* caught him taking pi again MfllV Aoihoo* Rum ^ the feu WOB program* the! *he«* pent* the trio abm doubling info ««ma from the dene mm a pe . ** Mina In t pm !>•*» t.erroue* • • o nrigl aWt o»d*r at ion of beu*a - an arm bit The inevitable l*h Or* h ««o*do*ied V WOB* Avivan P ABTKIPATIMt. me led * ide*» progien \#M per- B permanent netoorh slot It a h«luhble i* in end not for u«*e harked Hu art* mell Mai Wf AH TV . fTdrago Hep* *V mad M*.eg»neiive '»*om r **en«»eM* a vanet* pattern hut •e* »el gnmer mg end a rumedit Aa inter* tern *h«vu that rould '-n the atr at the m«m*en' * booed of havmg an art lineup a^ist a«*d Brn Uteuer de*igneied ea*il* drag into oblivion rn an mhet ran he done tele »i*e uith , H#% d»aplev ha* a *ur«e***#m of a* ihe ftean «# PuMn nprekin* WOBml hi OW\* hour » lime * (hr (VI 1 uni »* kept • Pd um* on hi* Sunde* 4 eve* % *»t* The *ketrhe* are enertment* ptariu Mot Ml I Mdh Move Pflhhaig W aM« Boh mov In* Ip 'el* manner of nmg **»oo II. .-d pop tune* in ^ trt'er* put pr rir J m hv • lesaar e sa mpl e nf Phrpitas Ion K4fh Wiehner n4eole« gpg NunhMkg T*ei i.ilman iVr artion a* the opening and ♦ losing I mi oners ashing h> • hmm ■ r»r •*. r.H- M"kr ■»**» e—*L W ‘. r * " * r .» W- U.! rt... . U., ,MM ' - , *' , ' Ur " «*» ■»• w* mreimg «*•( Mirtirt " n **■* • h**e-r htstuH is m fhere p«««h- lo. tror*» ••penmg to • Ho* living iHr Vili/initv lo g»*e ihr etude 'King IS e hMio e hut hr * hogged dv»» n hv mmm unm^tunng u tip# mg end the WI.S ft rhiraga hur«vem* begins to pelt alter a • Mpgprf Koha« mhile Ihe hord f n a mn lei* fv< * ’ me* *p«*ed «*ne a Alvned usu m«th a ««*ll*«e hark*i*«und uptime. Ird b* flave l*i*l«he»«l ihe t« *• i e«npu* • a* used for the tm tt hloona run through soma rain and Bo* K Mat*hall mho ha* hi* i^mog but rorpv rruned* *itua oun uieorr vhoa ••# N Bt I ' i ton* otter out tent I* thr««a*ng on log a *tlentiAt evaluation and ea an d op loop uig* fal*e muUarbe* olaoation of the lord mark.auin rod arreuv hat* The mu*ir uhlrb Bui the latter hri lar k* the »a*r r M gtwut doesn t d>*lrart from the *»*oal eder tivcors* of the ggl lint' H r id*.*«i / tOg >lgtil * el i«fher than sudrr* 'I**.a i* *v«*d t\ mg inter um* a Hh opera *lar Bo hard *1 Mon 1 IS pm Baph««! Buhrlik svmphon* RROv MIMURI (O or I) war old I iron** i I ao i aliloHit the »*oart | a«.ik inter \entng a «ia« mood * emit linguist Misa (Tilmen 1 % ng ‘Irndt Bunrh of f roriie* no ami mhile aturoblin* aut* aa the debut I as* and hi« III AI >og made the ^ Ifce ae»MB K.r (ierro hollmar . —ByB* ^ *• •• from a hat V tractive setting and routine around J t-'mnrn Id have liar m ihr *Hoali Ma'hr the shoe i*rt ia sutfn rent matt or t»*e Ire* vent VO do aH Mlgpe*4 *H- uatHvn* a orth dramatir'Mg *♦#*•# to hr iradior kiln* « like the **•*»• b*t of *te*mnen ihe Ivtie snd pul it tore uith a There mere war e*»od esol Ihe rsmversatHm hang B«d thp iH mg idea emu lW>wt< ^ Thor*da* • l» *hoo no Informal format allou* irenr* to fkrd to the pop Mippm 4ir»und |*b 4 * that hetueen uriiet direr ior rhange from io > a t table to root h man Ihe rlmrher ft ptrtyred throe pr rvit# (ilu k*aua and Bill M* »g* lo Mark hoard I o piano *o tamers lean.* nf hi* at tors meeting rSa*«on • porliov*! nt a dovsnf bog di.un Mim tvilmoo Handeetinct* and at moment*'* »orr»y si rh ken iraelr* *—♦*•• ^n in* lode* the rrea dateciocs and Interval* hr fore an apartment «gggmd Ion phone* \ll the ahrM «.gslept personnel a* pari of the Hr»u*e setting ea* h handling part* trfrwr<) ^ mu uibr n« 4 r progiam almli give* Messrs feel- «f the lira A* the hit pr«gire**ed «Moatmna for vaudrrm* In fail H»e mg tb# * are part ol *hs*u iw Par* *Hr pairings mere m*nrgg|||pd (satribalao b* Bernre W#%i and plavcd b* t*harlre ft*nn male mr sneaking <.ff separatelv then get \t.. * r * Bo** *m.M ra»i , « hr part rompiivoent* Miu (filo an 11*no »mg together again 4* rherar ff **•» "• ’.W IT pl/ived hv iWarlie f »*nn it-ale m r sneaking oP *eparatet* then gel \(h lie* ..Id of I heir vaude and « afe t a to log ktllllh VIMt At B4MIRI * f anom wb uhuh are im Aim ming .flaMe h#m*o4f ter* smi in and oof <»f uindou* ^ J H rib hall* I ion era Bill* hstl »hH »tide« are ipteresging *«hre I Ha.iann.1* tegular Atm par ami door* the thing built up lo the tom l.lehe ■ arson, r- 'he* depot in*»de *lorv «•< the In ipaium *po«* are inlei revird ai mat uhere diAerent males «ere Prodoret Waller Jarohs «p*m*or • manofariunn* plant The odd lime* uhoh add* to informal l.vinall* romaauing dtAvient ht %|ius Moo thru ffrt • M p m Aim* are short and ha I a ore meet* theme Mi** (»ito*an and Plvon gal* earh lime in a metier 1 aiin * hour-long MiMlBf v vvtiRI v IM uHh Ihe rest of the pro*«am team up on live present at mo* aa planned t onf un i on fk IBT. ( »l ombre* < ipening and .losing the prevents contrast to those ««n Aim Per or«*a*hed ■ satire hall* Hour** a brllbrll* singer ,tm * *’ ,K '** Bloun* the milling gim*i* lo perform mr a*ug H»ghly amu*mg and entertaining . * l^R I rommerriala make the vtroeev ailv a gm«d idea providing addi - - A* inno airn n*^ mi* p. • r WHNN for hour t* .car* aiienlive Mul* the *pon tomal mierr*l and relieving Im o* ( or rent I* the «i**ilu*i of the haiwida* n«ghl T\ mt tie* Ja« k — (after* hour-long t'a*aheds •-# The tKina •■ h(*i* ma* M keep *et euners -mi iu.ame «°" | g ^ Hr.g for lha *»e*- at homers it a an entertaining d.*h on lua centra! chaiarlera |o’ aflB* „■ ■ . „ a* waaeia e im ■ ng fee Mil too Berle delivered ami her < grtro l a oBermg^a wall saiisfartor* m a aian *Hk a hat. h of Aaiamed ih dm ^* Mu Th. . » Nude grout tglent romhmmg eA.ui* to vmkful hr. .adi at It a* eh -I keep the shoe on its previous high • H*a*ehl P^ »«* rumf level# |la herorurng inrregamgl* ^ .< •*'*' *** »«— •*** apparent homever that Berle la * rl * ... Rnsoid Wilkes i .roe to ^ foco.ula mhirh *Buu • 4 5 Mon lo ffrt I Ift p aa starts out uith an atru or noveMv ,h * '*B *e#m nf leu»* A v *** ** ■ IR BAB!*M. (O art fotloued h* a inter*teu mith ,Kr Bmng a grmd nd on •lurtled the »• .He •* ( «.ion*lM»« (hi* mn • peudurt fail «hen *l*e severed relalom* Given greater .aar before the u .i h iii^i bill ti io«t a* «he m a* ' gnrra* the Born* Blot# an hi mg prepared for BTBNB TY p«e* m *«Hl shorn more pep A* Ihe* re BB» AH TIMk mfOBIhh #»>•♦*ir«n hKe sen. In Wl W ( •*♦•**«■ surr.umded hv mlf« BMh Balgh Banna mtsere Miuir. umner «f ^his and prip* the* *eem lid. store* »n (Am and three sor B^ird M tftnf gfMihBh iM«adni *tate* h**ughr Ift mmwte* ^ k*. her slarimg (let ft With v% . fft . . h. ... .«*• .i- ......... -i » *•»*•> ieqoe*ivn« umr* of he. »a» -* MP L . V**' M.oleralel* entertainmg *ior»eu aeolu' |g tftb .a*l |«essi*e »hal M.rur u(*prd Ihe — — - 5*®** uith gus ts half an hour Mis I U.s » t * .« r».*s ttidiai .ml I|B( hr * *iOM|*ce hi and of *«*.n sKwh T\ l/m 0 . r c ••»enrt«»*«* vetpa** m pcnalom of a fhr*e pails brfo.e a Mudm audi pu,tn ipuiom sht.« I Mitring emr shot. *he fire * poll* mt*. , ,ae.a eve * let hmuoe this f«*lloo ed hv a femme sing f?*.W lM roe* the Arsi % ffrt • Mam sit ts a neat c. '«al depailn»cr*l hr*.h *r* ir.inaua Mories- numner In ihi* insiame the Ba*arra ‘bo o«»am for *mall Ptnru B.o* I gave the la*not a '* ■* m4 advantage Mis* Meet Baiph Banna hoi sendedf *nd Rduard ffverett ^th her marMing of Bmg Von WBOW maker and neo partner m Horirm pc«*iried aa eom^gomg-dis. '' nnec* andL IJ.m \H4 H. Isd an 4than* adveitisang agen* * ru**om a .»h Berle M«i* Ao.all Na*ar«a milh his vo.Vrihg'of - l-TTT Z • m>*ell* number and Thera • hr pffffkPT a re Taaurraa laorff* *k«M • *• leena r npnbi * handled h* Yera \ ague cation la all pervasive Moue*er hi Ir ** * * “ 1 rom f»up» the title through video hoc ft delivered Tene m ent A* •" g.i u md and into name of prosrtpnf and Bed# Horton and ■ M '**+ animal .ha. a* let sponsor dmllft torned in drag uith iruso * *Hou raimn la all pervaarve Haarvrr •• limh ”„r' iiit* 1 ^ memneen |>BB j 1 ^’ ^ ^ an (hard and hmd irlnroai v reared Vaalt g hkid the • rsgg ftppe Mg tneii nais or <aca »»r nan. and or center id the action la pal up ■ d* *. *.»du> deis the ramere lo pm pom. our relevant dues In the reenartmeni |fte* n.omk ftaodsod* eM| gp. dMB t come oo* *he knooft of dime varns The plot untold* f^|«o In the second half Ihe M Billy fcoil *oong folk singer like a straight metier right up to Bann* veteran al ~ nr lime an ftftftgf I I* her »lc*«gK. mu ai'lmogh hi* the solution of the mvsteete* shen snrlnted #l“‘M»e* ace deAoilet* limited In Ihe bsikta# gas4* and gimrtfUg lw*l three |wc*l *leo»h* In cr phly m« *1 nf the 11 roe The shon «a*e m, u ...... ■.mole saems n*u»l mu off o is. k* M*.s* Mosers' "and *he gives On the pteem 1 Ihe drama an dras* poiuren cESf ffgp ftp AniMntPl ^o|Sl •*.r> mdo..-m of running M mdh .nnM.mied acound • mor „ # .»hhat named fredd* maimed op the Head to the eat dpgkft nhtgB kaaf ssmy eufta sere f mhnfer an et h er la Bnpeek* »hnt he mn verted hie torn Bhe ha* ns partuular formula mvof* ed Bv fad Ion mg ihe iaa t mouae Mr ('at and ftfr Bnnr b*ll_ akan registered Program . based s.lh a «ap***le version nf the M.Mnn Beth and Td W*nn tele ahnu* Carter rm pth comedian* and got fans* hris Pa*/ Wmaheik me.irr .*p i* hann* veteran al nne lime as ABhadt damn.* got things goer** m ** —*** #n«»n* hits Pn*. w ma h# h . he mvs lerte* shen mala ted silk ftORO 4lh«n* and • high *am mth (heir 4 cam he *•<• lerrv Mahamr* mere buff, damped in •»•»•* Inter siih Hartfaud siatmns dr* dance mth Berle adding a further *W*»ed ft * g**d results Plug# »uc u«hs In cr aa k the pik'cd uoevperCed sketching Ini Mt of rnmadu* Phil Begaai *• i. ^Belan Thug «4nres and p e n d o r ta . _ . enr As he sea*e« o>np»e * am* naunl got adf cm the v»gh« «« 4 e *| frequent had moden*r*e '•* «> acoa * aa *e has* po luces Chief char the audaenae nnrntdtalr 11 IM | unre the* served moat. * •• a bee ah a led around • mne aa .er u a • ahhat named Fredd* maimed up the ctond la the evient Hetueen the arts 11 * ,,f ffiaihada. u nather la Bnuenhy that he hie ha* n*. parUauiar faumuia **** ^ ' •*•* a mnaaae Me f'nt and Mr Bear ram mu net* smg r b* *• rhsiter at great rate c»a • eaao.mairon t l rhe mouo m Wf MMS| ...hers Third shot The prmeedmga wharal** »pr mg Ini her talk sMh •A**h the rvime n a* imiimdtrd ^ aaaoat narration the am an en.arlalaung pi Aer favaurte .*#71 phrase* Bhe alert vrenerv mere •> ra enoonb ^ta htng and .he mnd inter#., picture Alnava Bb* a asm i s >.ft enihuslgim and , *" 1 ** 1 *• m f m T * fT ** 1 Atudto voonnatera aa airbed oath ah l^n^lBB.** *n oh JpidWv skea ift# pint aoa* turn pomt«d ■ ' K*c*ded uedna nm rear led spool **e performers turner KMI *• duet* fWea t on unwed am HP Mg nual* and aedlh. Jo* the »k. .... nf earerpi* f« Inga - rund up «Mh ,K# kegiler Tevaa l.ll fhiilio BMtty tskea .he pin* aon* Iroan P^Med to a bfi h. •roll m duets He a* t oatmoed an psge SB/ Watdao tcmyMei. sataht •madiun TW* cent led n*m| * J BMvt BMwl mvp ’Ke Hog fur Ihe Berle •• *• leave Them I a * a. set* nff I me «f J aa hag «T a* d*| of the y ntghl ft*.