Variety (December 1949)

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T, )*** tec . . WOR-TV «111 air • a s uo rtgl a cknrxt) ►ard l« BHkwt Hospital far H« •ftli imiuI thildrons fund in«r Inside Telerisioa I r-rop*# wh* Iiv 9 out*.fa tSa • Ufa •• mmi nuiiin Mttrfai la a Dfalv Fnterprtao published it •nil ( oost.tutiow iMTidm all af us IranMiHim foci) tfatrtaJ la tfa A dim* Hu «• tut ail Ik on ao« h J TV* "t I tli*| af DuMont * Hands of Murder ~ lectured the l an of Penn.)hama ’• TV arttkac and C wdurtiou rlaaa yesterday Tam » Philadelphia N If. I Trlrfraa radio-TV editor % aa Horae sad artres* Hope guest Sun da x 'll*. laHfaf tadio eiaree Art I lot teller aa MH TV * ”I e-axe ll to t*e Girl* Ralke Cullender ( a t.i DuMoflT » of like lam (lac rhamptnushipx I S .nd* II Hal B Maafat C ar ed Rater Banes as director o 1 OR TV • Gd Together with «. a a» k 1 1 a * DuMont * •Easy Am* aimed far lauurhmg nest Wednesday 14 la the 7 4V la I p m aim Frederic k W Zh Alai Pis are fa F nirrprliri t» realm* Fight a a i scheduled la add WAR-TV Atlanta la Ha Hal af el at tana starting mi J anuarx f.lrsxda Farrell multmg a weekly Half Roar TV titled Angel af Hell a Ritd a till the At a* toed h' I eater I ewis Aaaariatea la script u llHM Sahftea the Star* on Du m4 fa roaaba atll ( aaaitetloa euaraatem all af as equal rights fart fa are get them «e aura week!) lay »• »fa Adif o u da chs— the editorial a aka "We along with other on Dec IS Pro- ** rU •* **• v * * do pat Wfale half af America haa hie Hkrnx ^ TM Aaaftta War Uxr-mMRgjpen* of MiUou Becte o » i r l r rt daa are far# aa Re. i# Titled Tallrdafi ther tnaxV tfco* a ta Whit# FUlaa ar Tankers It arama them hear!!? Hollywood Red V atari a IS- out oa RTTV |khan Titled Collectors ther maxe^doa ta Whit# Ptaiaa ar Tafam It Item* i oat fall feature H I H i ala that a singing rammerrfal leaks me warm than H wtia a ill fa »»• tfa fasten mi fad the teleOdon romediam Rare already ma aa far afa af fresh Rfa |aa rlaaetcs and tRea tara to hit that Milton Rerla h already r e fa ced la steaHag front ktmarlf M tn "TTiTj f Tn 7T?y ?r f [ m far * H ""**■— * present TV programming mntlnues the migrat,.* ^TlVa r rit | l ‘^yV -iT iSr TaaT ^ r+mm^Tli^JkSSZmr* asary afafa and • '■snrtMaTffR Tela Luieviii .n eirtna x fa« f * r *** tnontR rare ta escape television and ta settle behind th# iJjT R^b^W.iVitr <'*«•"' ^ da« eur proa fa a t beast ap here may| tape Must ratrkatAs gg^R. % ^ W received " V.' / • Arm haa no eeppertfaa with Ris ^ . jr, iairfafa Pradnrtfaaa . . W Y Dr« x v*» WPIE continuing Its afafaR an pukMr (mats also former!* with ARC TV. as r ikage mil ARD fa It Aim star Canstanrr Ti wtakea her TV <1*-but Fnfax aa Clot Ret »how via DuMont Telex i«w* Dealers A«o ewtak- ■l u lled as a se n rtrs organn v i n smRi to providing a fleet R«»uae for vwrydtM a group Rux mg plan Rani * FIR tw. fft r e »» tAx!re*«* *•# a-«o tearing lae and in ,«*m !*,e Rj ix af As Van Like It Dec fa Issue af laok la carry three page psere aa HR’-TVi ’ Howdv Doodx WRIT chief todax Wed I at ATV mm amdurlMS . . A fires* Ft Re I Fveeett ta make her third a p pear an < RVTVt TRudfa One ix 12 She dees CRH-TV a Rig Si or x Dm 21 ARC TV • ( rvaode In Europe ~ co-op Ra« Rem hough! fa Detroit Fdimn an WXVXTA and fa i xrlwo oxer WHIM TV far 13 weeks fa Central ^Revrw- formation on Hoax lock City's critical water shortage TeiePlX let Program is Reamed fa KTLA reel carried ihrea different pictures aa candltloaxa #f the cH> • t arroll RftgRter starts a once vmrv M well as aa Interview with Stephen i Came* C weeglx serxm af II an RLAC TV at Ca« Ftectrwitx tad Water Carney alaa guested Set. lecnorrww *V . . v RlrW Dirk (|i aa John ( raaaan s TH| Hall show aa WRIxl oasj" RMfa *1* «rxi tcn and Station an Friday *1* started string af a twice-daily Aim spat urging w RMfaW. noun^ viewers la conserve water Spat fall continue a nil I the crisis he« been "m AR^^'andUfaT puT ? * * * •** WSRT are far fading the phrase have WeR will bu> the series If I far M Wales T aa all statiaa breaks it ran CRM ’ WIManm RaratRi Rr«nk Falsam new R( A premy la given a w a r m prpRIf fa the N« lard frcocgc OfVevsaan Ran ffsl ^ w ol Vatxow • Business Mag saxs that Folsom Is a*kauwledgr d dan lee PstrVk Joe Dev Mu and •* ,K * mSn mid the l mted States an teiexris*«m He d>«t ti «o Pan! Sew Ian comprise the rtd. effecttvelx that nxast sets are being bought fa law and middle income Terrs Mars# directed Rlr was imp asue repstded as n u t s ide the matkd Afftlrie reca t a that jj rwned at Fllnvtune s Darmaur atu- Marrh IA47 f ntwr InvHad IdA af kts actual and potecxtieJ case dxos * Ranch n • tup head fa • meeting In Philadelphia where Re showed them the b dms . . . *pHP limn* T. Tease Tyler fanes, debut* an RTTV fa • meeting In Philadelphia where be showed them the blueprint for RCA • production and acomotieo plans and then took them wo • «gi tag »f hi* met pan» s ( ainfaa TV piant sa thex row id see has inmgs Is few* owshs TW Mat me • Aiatras rmrh*< focr rtmsa as :• «r •« um lassasa i*k* hsssss • flu* the W 1.0 M*n m» S o AM* Arm hvtseew t • at s-4 wnWsighl * fba* • lu- mp' Of aP hcieni'g smswg aa r*A* Im w ketssew • S «s *«-4 etg .igKi iv>a* S«scSg» »f»k t» I U rere-ve# oa tlnms S'St Mulrg than ti* s f'U* sf the **se ms pm ssupetitars * That • Of ih tl* wsosm h#«f4 Ir SLk ta«4 TK# Note*** • Riatoa r«cu»ui ONr tlATh Ml'. - ar sa .vu*» . § i« aa si•* term • TW* • Mauaaave* *-t when |NH pi ss*xrlraima a>*4 j Rsimsii tsgPhac THA r• *MFA< T* P |•» ## i/f • f s I « • a | / e> *f*cj< 'fSp. i * i • ♦ fSc 1 ran* « IfO M S rn *SS * id «•( St »*# f dr.v <| a I a IA O# # ISS P#»< » • t G* A fis Ms V A,» ga. (ihff* |. Rf. •«a f»- * a .... fa rn is w r AMI acd R4 WAl.wS JS. id FyrlKff MriRk tf Iftfll iiW M • MlM mUm Iff fxpntH lit irulU from the lie la betoeea malar beak publishers and the Hut ho* Meets the C ritics show oa AM TV first preservation af annual Wit • faeratx •*ard« at# ta bo made an the shew tanight < Wed famd aa palls af erttics Ihraughout the country (ar the Rest Action and non- Art .Rn Rank pubs wbu have publubed work* af the winners sir * — paring special p» ■ mo t too material based an the awards and wilt thus take ad* ant ago nf the rstra puRHtWy to Re glassed frnm T\ Martin Rians age nr x which park spas * AutRoi is building the • said* a* an annual p c eauge event far the show an tho a*au*i«uMow the* ran l e nd added impetus ?e facum type program* ham l aa l lng rmn mil lee includes ptwgram mo^-r si or John R M M cCaffevx iswfk Hem > J«fk*ofi Fann> Rut< her Edward Week* and l^ewi* Gannett Mrs s ip. pt wfrssianal aff Riaaduay g r oup la rurrenttv I n ng up S »erir» of tele* isusn program ideas far suhsni*v««M» in netwock- and ad agent *e* Plan ia to specialise in ineaps ns ixo sum kage* w ith tw a* tors do*ng a* mu* h ad lib dialog as possible tn rut dome an rtwulv rehearsal time (•roup Had been working with West Hooker TV Features on a pro. p aw ed *Pee«e of Mind series hut severed that nmiaimi through it a hi i tlx to rome to terms with Hooker . Cacs KM a Bakery Dssfk Interstate Rakefles hex# signed ( t JT*hid lekmiaaon Alms in a number af TV market* on the t oast and te the midwest Weber • Hired en lnles»«te«r *ub%*d*arx now benkioll* the ’ Rid show on •«!»«» Vgen* x on the a*fount i* Dan N Mine* Pix are hring pinduted fa Fix TV Pi wdm tto*'x w »<mh ijiMifi W’tth Philip \ ki*%iM who turns mH KmI wesierns for I ntied Artt%l* ihe#** t* #I idease Thev are to be •lied a* a half hour mm e week ll prog* am sith i»e rosxiraH falling Im S? a »e*» foi the hell IA lease Tele Authority H sides Is Face af Wiiesfa I Rft Anatf Perfamers Faied with a w tdrnmg rift In prefOMUet* tens- the new 1% IM* fixed Tele* f.fon kwthorifx t* holding ti«e A*»i nerimi of in ci erufixe hoard at Me lime! A dor V V todax Wed > «o map the tii^r Mrp in organ#**** lixe lei cm I* x do* V. M p hx all the **♦,»,' 0*1 gimd- «.» Do A Mortal ad At to* a *id Arr*»ie« of Amerha ex.epftng the S. .eee AffafS l.tuld ' t-e 1 1 *•.• ■ **ri» • >tart>ng lo w*> ate eva*11x on i *•# «• i«edwie bit** ptM 'ed too m«»nt*x« ago Initkal prohtr*f> fa* mg (tie TA rinaid will he if*e trnnlng out of 'he fuiMu lOtdtoxerxx with »he Mf, w hu >« i* RUo king the he out Af * i **fg, n| ox ci Aims lot video 1 t made** ha*a been tn "d to iea« h a ntopaiMiu wetlle mrnt with R\f; eiurfa in hi dsf to axotd the libelihood of a funs dtrihMie' • *« r»( prrf«omer• rank* RAt. ha* re texted p« ex mmi* aver /•pres w*de h* the easietn talent gin Id* hut the T% hoard is e« priied in moke s»»M another fad to rcxiof prate In the tnifiai Moge* it « espexted * haf 1 1 o ill i xufhne its wrgamaa tMxnal aiiritfa lo the live TV Red whei e SAG 4or« not rwauest Itx kuthusHx %\a IN, Itx %M |e Is Uarffng lo ,a| pot IV w ith tMl. tt n»*«dxoeis to *rw up that TV tec Three Rare TV Skews la Sight Ur Wesfy Barra Throe v ide a show* a<o m po- ped for Wendi Ran»e on AIM A*fde fiVw hei iu«im' p«ugr«»fw. ARC la propping an audtesne paf- ttctpaiixm tin** forfeit* *4a**d to start wmnet4it*e after tlie new x ear and »he « at**> *. *ied Ian an aftem.woi rtm* hat *• .->«m Tlu rr • a pfXMMfaiitx I hat i hr laftei auiy emanate Ihhu her Immiv fat# il s ad definite a* 1 et t urrent Wend* Raitie *n** * will shift from Wrdsxe^fax to Ikutsbr exenuig starting |Vi 22 ■■ ~ Wants To kup Man Fro* 6oing Berserk Rome.* here *hrfi I » ’a-j diu of telex l»»«m rm nf.'* sImi i*lue* h** d ml*** **• mu< H that l»e «• ould d.* .n» thing I#* kr^i* li*m !*»••»- !* «•»* int his t«*f» oi going fan xe* k Thai * * lie* t I »M«te ii» hope I w a«t a )**li u I** **1 espriieroe ami lo* e •*» ■ fft* sad telex i*mm ac«i mmi* detail* xm«4 irliexc s fa. «t rntii* ho »«MMf i<ni»*r».«at • thiuga F-en fhawtgl* t t*«»e 1« » to listen well I haxe *dra* galore whnh I • «n gi»r *•* know * pi lt»e d*op »*t a pi * « *»' I am posxi xe thai «n ad..' ''’HTTlVIirN HIASOM My Address H Ml MM At My Phnua la . . . Flaw fCW