Variety (December 1949)

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n% T, Circling the Kilocycles U Hk k Util feature Miff DO H 0 NTS HATINEE' SET TO CO OIL 12 af OuNoat’i Itvtlw nf »• the full tersural student a» t »rn»*»f Tech ^ punctuate* this irwi > w tth Iniltlfo inolnfl from lHr — A New full-H«n«r program •»*'» omiottwH iHrit fnu|fmei»t rkMlff about sundry msttm rang irrttr 4r«*fner* •trtlr In TV ti’ led HtMMMn* Rack—ge Is hr- mg (rum pupptrs «a (Hr • eat Her Vw>« u oh op — BMI Ing Heard Monday through **»«»- t«Im — Pern W Ward ha* tbrrr a or. ^tilpoint to the cHM- a fg||* l# « raa aril (Hr IS spots In «*•' *•"**> tHr «ta(V ot h H VffJ nr« V> rhat —rept to build an mformal ^ »hlte * |h * ^ t,m* gain frrtan a« m f THr program »* nnn-watt ARC nutlet in Tul*a a* 1 "JTT SfJS mg tHr ad.asstage of Having after h-.rd on a tmrvretpwttnt fc**t* and pmgr iftreeW Ward baa Hrrn Maafcr ahn Ha%r tppi Bf d — Ml programmina to offer vim Ha* a lo«a* •* *J '#*••«•■*•• frrriam mg «nr pan too - u **< K . ^ ' w., ec* t or maC alii ulinnr inr so* w *> —**-""vr, mm '£:;:v.rz~:\;r .•«»«*» >a_ u. a.u^a*, a—# A at r um—tat aaaaat from tHr An \ an •«« *■■»■*■* to «*«P S—rnta Hon %lta \thr»^a* *«*’ — llammr numin H r** •" *• W linked hi H«nnie Jo k ^tadj n dj l»*r ta Dallas S uthwe-’crn A «n o# CgflM aa an rmfdmrr at tHr aHopg h ' n«ttT Mama RmadraM SrprnrtMr * nU> —am In —or • Watt— Karo not aril a of radio Harding Rranhawy ditto#— (m tHr Sat too a) Taun d a Rrtm Kelt #grar» ——l —Bi* ft— for Infanulr Par ah «i« ram- %an la*ne Mai Oiam Kuril Met r iga t«—rral rkatrman for ima man Edward Petrs Co R— Sib Char'.* F Kurttmar l**ew « aoo Ra T» < la kr Row a Trmaa Hew Inrliid ntrt I— maoag.T *t*te Network and Civdr MrKiIlr Tayln Roc r off r w aip t o I Hr Her*h«p of I Hr group irvo» A arhie. cd with tHia > iraaror wait re. ‘ Among \l. Sou «—ir% * ’ Ramona ~ IHd Your pammmm —HP—o—— It. » ...> »»4> ‘ Mol hr. Iom* tr* lirUM ’ mm —.mmm •'< •* ■ LMM Owr<- tk. >.«, ,o 0 , iM mmm I FPC.gfCCT «bo IM hot IrnttoM miiiprrtiti.ifl« k| Mi mM Mr* I ■ •• WO#l illMtr* M • fir r «Kh h I>u4. Mol.M> hrawrnup tl t^_ I f fmm r-|- M - * rtt Homr it bring too* Wrtninn i« itrummrr \lirit Rom ~ Jark < raddotk f«*r H*rr managrr of kAti’K in \l* k-*rt|*f»M Kao unnrg that toon* *an k •nltrr nation WEIto a* rtuom. r paign in hrhalf of ria' manitrr Rrlorr got at oitH ran u W \li K Hr Had m—aged a otatron and thrrr r hildrm In No krnoington Pa for a Umg fmrnH tHrir Homr •* bring run* Wnntnn ha drummrr Marti timr Marty Cobra formrr pub durtrd Hrrr otlH KCOK aa tHr tHr Hr am In tabbing ItrUy dtrortor for tilt and non central rtrrtvtng H* f«w tHr k. — «rre giorn *n Spaoioh oith ron- triHuinm* O oor i ng in «H«h 1I\ attn- • ard* Slatum off trial* that ««»n»ribut (Hr a it! Da— lH| Mothrr ** • Htrh S#rr ling Drugo mil ratrnd tn tHr art *!thi*u«hiwrMMim th* , rau i tMM , lo Itvr wart of P*« rr* •• «•« '• *•- th# UMMpor.' pr«Mf *m I all or i. T*’" •OUT «f«" OH- „ w . lrv4 from t « a « .m tHr aH o o far tHr tHidrvrning Hall • mrdlrv of K««r nor yrt art oaltrr* hiaunf Mv * oh — tHr an Stan Hubbard’s Sports Showdown Minnrapafi# Dor • Poltrv of tHr Ktatr Atklrtir Com- ha not lo at t rmp t ta * control oorr a Homing tn tHr lattrr't gardtng * Hr radio bra trtrvy ng nf bit ftght Hubbird HSTP prr told obrn Hr apprarrd brforr « to atr bio gnrwanrra at a brortuc Hubbard Hratrdlx rhirgrd C—cgr Horton rommia*ion rkair- man and Imal aport* o rit-r m<|| H wi iM otltM onirit ftTH.' •wanting tHr At Paul lovng franrhiwr to Urn Kaptan In an Mjn tiradr Hr raatrndrd th*t Rartoo hod «prc*M that pr«o* to tHr aoard thr St Paul fraorbi'T Holder mould ba%r to ru«*prrj»«r oltH rival R'TCN TV. Hr rUlnwdl tHat g group af hi« Hubbard », Irtrnd* Had tHrhr franrHior ration rr|rrt«d brrauar It Ouu24 bavr nuaat a KSTPTV Imp On bt« part Rarton an««rrrd that Hr a l a mr bad no authority to laour franrHIaro Onr of tbr other tun rommio M oorrt Tom Totman. •aid tbr rommtaaton km* all about thr St Pant situation aod ev pi lined tbr poll— of iMnmirt frrrncT I htft u»»- ’ rd tn gr* **.♦ rrrord atralgHt M aatd Hubbard \rtibrr tbr kftnnrapolis mu th# 9t Paul dgbt rluba #a pmmttmg tHrir raid* to Or imrsto— at* though tbr main —is arr rolling for a prr JUDY CANOVA AMERICA'S NO. 1 COMEDIENNE ft.wn *11 l«p*> <>f IM tbr appr Station aid if >* raiurd to Help build • furnish it at LackaiR WM. N. KING 2021 M. Argpfo A— u.|| m M r -iii nuted an I In i it tr* of a w<;st nt group of contrary led t a get < ommiasion dn larrd it a complete rnamp oMbin Ns author its tn At the moment (Herrs rsrn »ng the renew al of license .m tbr **mr ron lecture as to abet Her aHafHh*o»nrni •*# a cu«Hra«t II coo Hf«n Wolf iHr Prpnod—t press, ardered to uniatum at tHr law Paul HH unsafe form »»• (Hr Wan Hat tan move ( n n wm o a dan sum* brief said i foe KWtiX St tm THat tbr l.rser switch mil rf can rdm an alter at loo at private Ijiauas is a ars.unri la tbr WKR< mrious lien. dtslura right. oH— a denial of that come staff surre—iog Harney Can aa t*«n* Ha. previously Her n detailed gu—re would fruwtratr fsnmipyuy progiam director Can filled the Ranelt meanwhile Ha* — w hn h a*<thon/«-«i for Hi nnattbs and Has Hrrn rminrrd f««ui new gppo—tin—• s to 1 to the «tat>.«o s tales fKr ad department rdrrinr IW lorer Handling Miami and Huai % Jhmm9 tor I ode H — rd H Rl. MM n annual* rted OfVfli pii*f ad manager of the Tom to. ,K# i > * r ' H—s util Hun tbr I—er outfit a* WKN( nest or • m«. dtre«-to» A i—Hi when f'Hartl transferred to the Mat Sr.t affiliate Tom oeekty w rest I tag card* la ktinorap alia aad St Paul for man* mats to ven profitable attendance aa •eH as tbr Mtooeapol i . Hw-»* noa t ev— permit the grappiers' •Hams to go oat 0*er T\ Re cent 1 1 Hon ever. a new St Paul wrestling rlob was organ!*ed after • KSTPTV tteup and Na nrekltr m jj. ZTTZZ i CZ 2 ill" >1 m || ^ kWfff R ftl r Ml# 'V* •« rime,T Cone k Helding who will lake met . a. a on ’ *i- o .an ^ * a* . o Nit I Spot Radio other I I with C III liabiliii iatn an KiHSi w Jr . than also a la V V . disiag angle, a**'slant ad manager Hew % _. » . r _ v * aho will Hr awatstaal ad manager N— % aluabie Tool Richmond CwoM.w« > * f<M § graap of p roduct. aad OtHn disadvaotagr (Hot spot la uHu- W1 M from a l*bw.r ta J^ 4lr ^!: ,t H ^T ** artwork a.rem tma to a I —-alt metmpotMan ^ ^ ^ ^ U rr 1 #!* •pm^nied media direr tor for hi the Natumal Amo of Radio Sta- ta hr co m pleted la fdraan |n | mg (He Malum the same a**wet a* too other Huai out St. W RSI. aad W\IRt; m Mum la managed H* I ram A b e I off I Aa— af Radio Sta- atne. at a com of for profitable selling INVESTIGATE dt«e< t«*r for by the Nat I-ever ting John ft Allen Ha* been named tin la the new i% created p**» at tele time aad aaaoua* eo>— 1 « '»**“• nonage. Hr - .« vrepe~ than I t—i aaleti True the rge of TV for l Hr (Man! N A MSN admits there iaat a sample mathematic a* formula la Agate e« —n «* hot. «m a .put ram pa i I its Em total«u a * Ctdnc Adams I ■ Answer yog the charge that art oork «Hos« Ha. e p obl u ilv aad ceshag with f adillor to make re- glam o r valors spot ad.males ad nude HruadraMa aad oMH all ei aid that man. spunwm* are lo the pert Help Hr need. He id ma% be ember* a~ed at mu R.*ekl. ruad ahou We d aesda. ha* king • Jatk Renn. Ring C nigbi. replacing four and A*e b. ar other web prrsnaaliti time* a week remote new. broad ever N* added there, pleat, of .aM* Ha* been roastsl—t sellout allure m a rash regiMer -and that a »n Hmtriiandi aad b kas bring whe r e tbr Jiaglr peer thru H*»*kc«t § year ahead An eas. g»» north »ag reiaved —Imvrrt Adam, la g sp*.t HaJlyHon Ho*, rde the sar regmna, pHfo.tu.eooa in popular ,e*. af laded Fruit, tl— appeal banana aad the tan (Hat turn— W.m. * . IV, It s,,*. * mmu '* 1 :'Jli'. T"'' w ’ i“~ hr *? ** »* •*» m **'*"• .»•«»>• •« - - I H' | with Mr. Klet N>mr.ri( Arthur to the I lakletter aloe to de* A sod foulfrr. for uunr It Stan r Of t! ally la sriertivr program, and an rM» IM— an "■ t,UL 2 , 2 L"!« ^ 4 M “* •*« rt •* •«** Tribune ads lift, from Adam, col anutio t ia d« Held vs.—* umn in New Yorker magaWne have L n-M ^ ^ C3 %d — — .™-ul ^u uarr. And baiHAup ^ Figure Involved la CBN serves ^ V ***• —> resiaitd Ad«ms b o n e vrs a?mi iuai % JV\ k " a.'* * •b»u' dror.Hed b— as »*. I:!!?; * * ' gpg g' Perk»a. looeM paid art .*7' . rV**. * ** *• radm »» f • a«cb ladsaatr. ^ TT .. THsmr ubo favm network arrers Iwrt Worth !• • • Hotk Wagon •P , * < ,h al wrhs give dto- fcang i '«mpr icing the f.tur mem •bile U#i time cnM. prr Her ■» lie tarter fan *««.#, (»atr»e. higher In irpi N ARsR . Hre.. . At. * "'•* ’’ 1 pv» ule-rfntif v »• *1 '#*• a er < ' •*’ " **' He me# «ii* e*t And a d. ICb year on WRAt* Here and Ibe^e term, spot iastm •% arose ero- •f—FtFd H mem he t Mat uaa* mi the hma*( her arise nf the impart of Mai Ch m a. knailj psuduted dotwp JOB HUNTRESS! Mora th— a ore th— my aanae to ligM* th— • miltVoo dollars . , ... I u«nt ta be — awsiM—t •o a dtrector of radio os tele- v— •t*«!•»• ahsew maoship | nritiag produrlum art mr I was It pears old •he a director or da of dtM r art mg I I o#M I am base ui long and an —rrgrtt rally in radio la writing in the theatre Hi advertising I util Mar k nn 2 and B» agate— oroat 4 and 4d • I Have oorked oitk Wt rvpriieme rrtrer* a t# rteti of chore, ia a u» -aa* natt Matwm la a large cm writ •ng rewear«h aamtaat dtrm tru and prugi am super. i.nm In i 4 A advertising gn u aim arript or (ter aoa#M—t tn the direr lor . . and rewrareh dire* g amcesaful Half-Hour i. network sh»s osigmat >og in Nrs York I hate Miuk r<mi|»an. npr't eme Isah in art mg and diiert .and a* Mad mem Hr» si a Trley am ParkagiHg IHodin lorn ag—rv mi per. ro or-1 tilling and pre«enln lire Salary ia 1MIHHFN ANY ''V.^IVlirN filASON Wy Addreosis MK.MR.NT My Phone M . . . Pt aaa F4T— THf GfflAT AMINDOiA •m i—e r.i row ft— C 4004 —NW r.aet tiUsi vp • aa p . **** Up.: LOU CLATTOM