Variety (December 1949)

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UMiim %tk Plays oo Broadway 7, in* Tllf I Imlni « •*#< *1 Cr» ■ « ■ »< eroOt*. <tM> g >.* ta i• * *rl« («»i . . a k>Mi •» *!• •• raaiiuM R«flia(4 l*r«» P>»« i#4 *> lr« Mr iW >» n wnwnj .aar«i»»» A AMI M ll| n N y |M p«a T» •**#•*• §U«ta tiallrit ( MW , . , J % *<4 TiilW*« F"»d rnwtr ah' i’ threclm* h Httprrn «ai film MMlNllI ft < I M hv»u s*>i« i>at IHm«M J* W« »VM 4W » j a »ta r fcv< f ■ l»«MP» Hrrr RR R4 % o . R .a4al|4l fa Wat# lUa VwmO tiwi (tMiaan W.rlHl There * prnunuiMv mi RuHirixr M« Hfodwa) for mm tl a st.iplr nun ri 4iti •« a mrkidrRiiutM thriller b<-v «t % doubtful if Tv ( it**im !>»air“ meet* ipnilk Hmhi« Thr r ky; hw« Muftmubiy ten*r M AU but the *u*|m no* u not (j ned m<t there tv ton me h tec te Riiiiff v *M h A Unit miftll hair r*gt*- I* d A ftmggh WrreflA MNM > «*MH ••» But net only are pi 4 )flMm r <■ jiwl vinttie th»n formerly but high r>‘ » hair rumW it frliuilli tt A b e t* nurse Al«mc a marginal p .■during* until N And* Ms public And Hu. Id* ta probtabie operation TNa even otto Rumman i heal re partie* U* provide iup|wtV the R h r baa little Huan of panne Hut tt might make an en g vstng film m the ^pelll«*ung lw CA fan ho) bp keg it-Him actor Alea- aaJrt Knot i« about a ubtre phrenic a ho hat mg hi* late father li*b« d Aim feu tent wai ev*r 4* » « homicidal He m eat i* Oar* lac a Are boar period Me wife ft(« nd o a «i aft era it maid who taunt* Mm aad trad* a»at Me mI aaa on vinti Hhe ha* to have her buubaad arat to a aoyrhiatnr clime bat be oat • r* her returnr home aad nearly n* -miti a murder Thaahi pan It ta Paul Morn«oa a nt«» o* p be ra artttag of a loft apart* •Rent a maud of Impeadiwg \».» I« m » aad horror ia gun kit eat ala the p ar t eteat* of the HH trip audience at laUlt passages and | *4 oat Mm* aad « hara* * ter* aaeh a* the emu*inr r are- track fi*il**oer atw bate* tmeses r**peaf#d«) let tea*Mmi evaporate Although mi eteat »a in % ambit re raptured, the degree of «u«pen«r di miahea h»4 all the deve lu pmi-ot* are clear aad tertain aeart are pat entkt the kiad that an art«»r author write* for htmse.f and aunt let the director rut Hat ta general the attuatoom ia ptausibt* and the atm* e* en up to the land dim** h believable Prrsu m abl* the p%*. rhiatro ccotfah i* technically ror- rnt, and K may br iRfoirtimr to apeeiahat* MR the M*b|er1 bt»t It Impdo tb« ac t n*n and nwrt the |h« 'Irn al rdev t Author-actof kimt ha* written h ti»*elf a dam part a* the p*\»H»i w h*» )ut( ih plate* p*a' * the piano *tng* and «hr* re* it at urn* besides • > < railing bet a era rraaoa**i-e p< o decorous huMMiiuu^irv s»■ m ra« ntcgRpm »*ueit» m I otNMPdieaa guile plavfptae** .red •term Madlv hr h im * it off |"* a* II hut Mine «*4 the length* IS to Garden* Denver a here it oar* farm ably received The romaatlr mi a up of three mat tied coupler cm a r«»hoa rrui«e ofTt rr only madrt ate laugh* and bmmn progressive I* ledum* It arem* q u est tuna hie for New York e the road but ma* All a • r* k for ptay-kungi* mnrorr dork managed Herau*e of the adultery ancle the play h virtu- al) imp)**tbie Aim material TW pc i art pal drsttnrttoa be riutterbu c k aad a tner ot farce* of the led genera* I Mm i* that ia thi* play the title enararter a p p e a r t briefly only t o ire aad ha* n« line* until the Aaale obra be make* a saltnear* mode** ending e o r t a I a sprrr h Otherwise the play deal* oith a situation in which too oomen And their former lower on the «ame *rut*e whip ohite their hu«haitd* discover they both had ore-marital H ap ottli hta olfr In thi* in «taare it *eem* contrived and only mitdlv a*rtu*iag Althoogh *ome of the plaver* urrm more fnrtoaatelv raat than other* and all are af lead accept* able they don t ■arraed la bring- ing the ftitoatmna altar Arthur MargetNoa Ruth Matleann aad Tim It* I more manage to be altrae* five and although Ruth Ford aad t aileto* are not a'oav* audible thev and the other* gat by Nom* H oughton • diced ion i« ade ZV a of bea t m T he oa* hv late •rveral Carty aad y Flay ho* Mack Donald's Dream I w.ept for wfnr j>lej Inside Stuff—Legit mu-ii •ss» flRar, String Frodur turn* offering* of "Mark D»njM • fHearn ** at the C arl Ftarher Cna cert Hall H Y . for three per* f»rnuance* oa* an uneventful af fair A mu*u al com e dy of a me trun*h genre. «hoo revolve* around the title character a dream of a magnet it i b vt rt c ap abl e of attracting oomen In addition to oritiag the honk Milton Hood Ward contributed to the oord* •**.« w«*Or along oith Mare ( r o r d o n Bert Royer Robed l.ippmoa aad Mare Weufeld Smart oordagr oa* noticeable in “I \ever Felt l ike Thi* la la U*ve With Me** labile it) **fm li«nu Magnetue Yt” and ' Fifty Million Men Mu«hal alao ahoo • rgaed *ome okay eorallrtng the be*t af • hirh oraa offered bp| fbviRf and John (Hr ■ Cheryl Cranford • p roduction t f the Alexander knot meii*dran.a which premiered la*t Thuraday <1* at the Empire A Y N financed at tdnggg aMh 41 barbe r * mm lading a number of familiar ahoo hu«aae*a name* General partner* are Mta* Craoford and Ruth hormaa IJmtted partner* aad their invent meat* tariudo author « agent Carol Rraadt ft filfl Theotie Guild director Helbura fdng. Guild * co-direytor Imoreare Laagner fgOQ At ilarvhall «Mra laagaer , ftuo theatrtra! accountant Jack 11 producer Rea la*reace SI XUO attorney Morn* Srhrver repeating Mink Corp of Amerna S4 ibm. Mriff Davt* re prevent ing a *vndicate f I SMt MRP Fwiag fgtg each th ea tric a l peogram pRUdgy 'All 91908 agent Mae Gale ff>k) theatre manager Lout* Imtito, HIS, nager Robert Merrill fiOO, arter-ad eier linvtna OReefe i r prevent tag a avtvdirate f I *» aetunk Alan Scott, ft JOg. theatre P-tV, agent Ignore Tobin SI fW ad Rfnav owner William Wetatraob Jr f| Agg nmtoa Wilder. Miaa Crawford • co pro d ucer oa Regina fgnn indu«tnali*t producer Anthoav R Farrell RIM lighting teeh- atrtan Fiddle Rook It JM Aim art rev* Anne Shirley Mi* C'harlea l^e sm MMp- •ettit perf« lly di*rupted vide* which given wtong the houae light* were mishandled at the Part of all three artr Hob* Their Hills Arg Scmrred ; Healing with postwar German) working on the premia# the* Sanvm a Pill alive there Slabaa PariAian a Their Hllla Are Scarred” a an emharraaainglv con- trived work Prevented by tbe Drama Imb for f«mr perform an* e* Now IS tt at the Ma*ter theatre H Y. the play ha* little to offer aa drametk fare Patricia Soever failed to roe vine# aa tbe old German woman waiting for tbe day obea Her country would alrike again Alice Union aad Willi well a* her grj graadann l.aulR Gi creditable aa aa ea-Gf. while Fat llingle Robert Mwrea Rylvaa Rurh aad Rill Jacket turned la acceptable performance* •landing a«pect of the entire du r tlaa aaa Walter L S Harter • C'op*i at rally rt«n flirt mg miieal apmion* af Rraok* Alkia*oa af the * Y Time* aad Howard Rome* of the At Y Herald Tribune, are arousing comment la Rrwedway legit circle* thi* aeaaan Fart that the two reviewer * ’ paper* are generally regarded aa naore or leva la the Mine category aad having aomewbat similar type of reoderahlp enapha- *irea the coat, aat la the tone of their notice* Thu* far thi* aeaaan they have aharpiy differed aa Ml ef the IS new %ho«« eirludtng two other produrtioaa an which on# of the ether wrote a “no opinion ' review Case ta paint ta Outterbwrk " which premiered Satarday night 3» at the Rlttmore Atktaana pca i aed the arrlpt but suggested that th# performaarr doe* not Mp much of the cream of 'the' )e*t “ however thought the play ' taraas e quential ’ and * tnoffeaMve," that the raat make* the moM af a anphiPirated verbal CHher show* aa which the tme ftitnv have differed thus far are Twelfth Sight Tbe Rr own trig lent.* T*»u. k aad Go -| Ri M» lavr" aad The TroubU in Jvljr 4i amai itat pan* a tynrbi i < ha* n Sirele July' ta a vivid of the *i u|M-ti*' I tear tha* a* rum ma down *ouih Thi* adaptation of tr*kme Caldwell a novel of the mhm name might have a chanre oa Rroadmay A* prevented at the Sta Fifth Ave- nue theatre * V by tbe Troupers tbree-att play la a rutblea* arr«»uui af a wtuthera town a reaction ta w«ud that nae nf H* ohite femme inhabitant* has been raped by a * «• •*• Hw w ui a* *«.< MOai mat ana team* wau* a r* * a» v« h** v«*i* •—4 CO Vw m O IIP lo wr rwtnm* ^** l * ,, ' nt of tbe charge RmmM Rs la bunted caught and eventually strung up The up i *avagerv of the mob k eff*«rtivrlv portrayed, ringing with reali*m and mju*i*re. Alan adding to the plav * puirnrv ore the Rtwema* »hai M te»i/atkoi* iangin« «i«nm the vehement I* bigatrd oMffe* t«» Ow»i more . toioaaal *1» a»«* afraid to defend the Arcmr* thruuah fral of being per%r*ntid yh emveHe* “Trouhie t r g a e lv at a rapnt ware aad iv vparkrd with an ahondaiwc of arimn Greg Himtet - Rul*-* a pallurtM figure a* (hr hunted hegi«« while R ob* 1 rt Rerger give* a ««*» *n* iog moil aval a* an inloierani while R* n Hammer l* g<M*d a* the «i*eiifl who Ami* tt pwlMirall) e«iu**l»«nl m4 to interfere with the ivtvhin* ot r*.d«ued folk June Fra*er l.lwvd Mm hard* Alice da Imv he Jmim** S n*l«»w T»ot»m*e f»o*i»>km* and hh*‘ppa«d Rrrman a>*o p««4V< « t»na p»’i totmaaae* a* d*» ma»*l *4 the remaining mr m hef* of the 21- rbaraa ter rant Jan»ev Ilia* rate* a vpea ial mad fm hi* ev<client direvtMan Karl Hues I in * *cf* overcome the *h*ut* i toning* t*f a mioiaturv Mage Play opened Thuraday * I aad U *rheduted to run too oeek« Henry Sherek denies telling a I oad o a t aiv lecture audience that he had keen o ff r r ed tbe Rrltl a k rights to Death of g Salesman and -Streetcar Named Desire " but bod turned them down He eiptame that he said T And no great pleasure la reproducing plav* which have been done el s ewhere with ra*t* from the other aide becau*o there M little cvwattve work Involved " He adds ' At no time did I suggest a comparison 'with T S Ebo# g ioehfail Farty." which he will present in New York soon m sooona- tnm with Gilbert Miller Ed L hut m aaiwrr to a quest mjo I waa of the opmwm that whereoa Saleoaaea aad streetcar are lot al and very Rgpd portraits of our time I felt that the Ellul plgp would Rat live* because M would be rated aa a great literarv of a number of out of-towa critic* to Sew York Uat w ahoo mg* of the Hamos and Delilah I volume of r rque*t* f«»r pee** aeat* foe • Pre**ogeot* fur some of the top kits g*4 aa many calls from visit mg reviewers Fort wavelet v the Chrsatmo* bos««ffire Mump had started so it w a* pwaible to dale ma st of them Factor to the stfwatioa oaa that although Faramouot was poy round tnp fare* aad hotel bills of the rmiral group R oaa not mg their entertainment arhedulea during their slay i aftsally oa proyert* the Aim c om p oay arrange* a full eaten thr pun • d «>nd n « wk «* perl*uman«e l »* tilt thie •» the aa J«i lift Fleet »* p>*p r|) frow *v I* thr im|iu*4«nt «en«AI and R»«herd Deri »• • «m* tm tn« a* the >'»**rtg d«M tor altlMMigh a* a tavi HuRUtr eMtthO to the i r*i hr m r*W4utiy |UM recftle* the line* J. '.s sii« »r I 4 t t O t ha M«*nwld AtevjuMhr and M «r»d*»i$»h 1. Iv*l* are ‘te tor * m *upioui r«4< * l/r sira«hi-rg ft it leth* av**id« fftiitcet dao in tiu l« *t «t * at * • *, • • . ■’• ■ . j. • « • • ■ . P »**-*ge* . ' .ffidfte in n ndtt i W ifa fe • *tr|fn 1 * * 1 lefth mow **o ■ ****** %0 ♦ •• *S- m»4 I jllM ' i «* run »» to ti*4*» *• « h*ft W (rvi IfftHt* A* 'ho* Vft»r Ml Vo» a<uv ft* •’ '.♦*•* ft*tfc ft Mr 4 I U*t* * mM< 41 ' V, I .» ftft-4411 M WMQ ft •*' l • * ■•'« "»< VI- >• I .« %« v v iv. i a «• i«M u»- ■#••••** •HImw r*m fk t.-* Moeo A VM«lr • ft " > 4 >Hrl i :>‘k4ft' i S* • r. W ft V . Ml Spoiow lu.i* ft uioiwa 1,1 ttdon •00*1 • nth **W : A eeriam k » '♦» ; a CuttertMok ” ohu mi.arnr >a ♦hi* Ttr<^otom prv*eaRa tt«*n The Renn R Ie*> «««medv a a* a AM la tbe WgM Fad a name r a*f V and variouv New non* r«-meat * c«nMdi rr«f it lev ag I. Jarobft o« o«* rd fire or not and gave it a «*r**ft»* trvauf la*t ftammer at ElRrk’t V mduled Rfto#dw«o pen fell'* ta MM I under It* oftigmM IMW The Admiral Had a R»<» bui t amelled he* au*e of the war thi* pi*) wav offered a* New York * Manhattan College to three prHncmame* An mm*i». •*u« lemiedv ’('nmmoader * Rife * % "• ,hr prewar *arni\ and Miight have made I ho groftfr th«n hut new ••'em* like a «p*4Ia pi tential for Rnftodwa* Show pf.. Ilde* a feu lough* h» t not enough M« writlro and brought up ta date t» v aUitmr laftOcll H.i.w.i., the play frvalvr* around a lout I .unniamh W Hu 1m af ^ hi* gdimra •t war gome* M Smith oo* -tr-ttrr||r % | I 'Milmood. I •bib lhano Ihmglov a* hi* otic «rca*ionaMy overacted Joy Re« *e and David Tyrre | were both g«<*et a* corned V a*vi«tft while Jdo G Hare Paul Reed Thom** Revp- oid* lk»r«4hv Paitora and kM; Cng*grrff Fanned the*r rule* pro fe**M*oaii) John Perkin* Although the theme af Irona R Franklvua new play la a familiar one of tragic unrequited lave laid at iin*t a *h**o hvaaine gt.»«iod no the Rower* Rrnodoay, there is writing in it nor Ae«he« of and orrewiing drama at the Rev theatre al*o verve* to d»*pl*y the Anr abililie* of Denni* ( raw a* the Rnwcry piooo-plaver who riftea Hi riehe* and fame a* a nwipurt of great mu*M C r»»*i give* the plav m o o t of the little pumh that M ha* thruftigh good artmg and a rompellmg pervaaali ty Rut show h**n t much i home either for legit or Aim* Slorv ha* HrRRi Hard muaMal rwnidi Mar coming to a Rower* dump operated bv (George Wallore *lurr»mmg with h> r pr« d»ecr J«»hn ( ham!«• rlain She fall* ta love with C’rwMft mar Me* him gives up her *tagr rare#| to help him with hi* oiuk I nna write* arrepiahle *rore« l«*r mii*iral vhowv but fail* in Rt ik< m«m# He i* fru*troted bv a hunger In write greater MMArR dr tr.k * h* as I Iv break* hi wife* heart in aa affair with an other woman She disappear* fm more than a year turns up fatally ill in the la«t «rear iuM as ('rw* ha* arhrveded rarr m a* a nm r She die* in hi* arm* Thi* tragic reunion take* piece »a the R»»w «*ry dump where they Ar«l met Scot to Cross Mi*« Rord la the hr-1 of the plater* William Mark* onrl Harrl Franklin are ear client a* a g*M*d hearted pair of trusam Wallore Cbri*tinr Fortune Ernie 'vnnert Frank Jurovieh Joanna LiNiiisd and Ghomherlaia give g*-*d *uppnrt There I* *ome adequate mu*h la the *b«*w i o n w a r d h* Will r *wler wo of author <b-ne Fo« Hr R* g o n e . *" and ’‘Fveevune Mi»*| Have « l.i|llah* l«4h call mem al ballad* reveal prauMatag •deal in vuaag Fu** Reeaord AanM * t.netMt is g*n«d Se«* h* Rea Met lellaad are akav flo«r Pb*l Slater, br manager f«* the DaUav little theatre ha* re Mgned and non 1 hr replaced Group mil Anrvh out tha vea^m W.HOMII a m anag e r <Hgamm tn*«*al d ffn ultte* '* ore reu*e of hit eav mg schedule foe lion of '’ClutterbsMk * Rena Lrvv urday night <!• at tha RiHmore N Y , r* An a n rod si SHAM Of tho SI barker* 14 are Iran* Denver, where the play oaa tried out loot They put up SIS Ygg of the com lr wng I Jacobs tbe co- ls a>de general partner b eside* being a limited partner with a SI Mini investment Other limited partner* and their roalrlbutum* im ladr Mar* Covie Chase a dlit of Harve* SI AM gewdui er R* a lawrenrr St SM arena designer R am le\e |w ri cu*pcod w« m 1 Lm 4 Merruk S3i»ai the vhu* « direeiwe Norm Houghton SV0 and Ruth Moil mm featured m tbe cost RVm Frame* Mawllle la a student at the Carnegie Tech Drama hchowl. PitMhurgh where he evprct* to get hr* bachelor degree m June ami ht* o*aftl er • nest Februarv In a chin Mm May* ill# sponsored the Rallet Theatre m Pittsburgh loot week and is bringing m Margaret Wekwier * troupe taler he hwught the phvmal p«danh« at Medea a year ago and evprct* to wad it on tour after the ArM of the year and hr * a'*o instructing in drama at Duquesae I Mayviile also ran a short sea-m of summer «tmk in Pittsburgh Iasi August which folded, however, afier a few week* of had busmrs* He ke*p* peril) bus* t *e ot aa off*i«ge rhororier • name with the actor supposed'* plav mg the part femfused Arumghiers amt *u h seqm-nt plovgorrs al the Alevander Rnov orltrr The C losing Door ’ at the Empire N V last we*rh D* v m# •' lamellar one a general ton m au»re ago ho» not hern u*ed lately lelra »• merely to mislead anyone trvmc to Agore out the pta> • p ot m advance In the rase of ’ Door “ at least «wr rrttM rr* Ir rred to the estra caw name a* mdieaimg evtrnsrve try out revision* H i *« rwreeved trvoegl gkwnc i all* of Intpcirv kilW de t himpagne romhiaatioa rale■corkiallm art gallery m Greenwich Yillage T . emplus * vwai ac tor* singers and artiat* a* waitresses and hod eager* on a between-engagement* basis Spuf no hard liquor only wme« and champagne aad M has no formal bur thr waitresses rad dr guest* mav pries and plav tketches for eahihrt* and act* a* agents for pointings ■Flara a owned by Rernard Israel and wife Ihscotby GiHmptg. an artiat FU. Stack Trnge Sd Rt Pdrraburg Dev • Opera!ttvg for tbe prat two M tbe Imke Summit Flav- or M< nefterurn* tile. N C . the Yogaiomd Flayer* will open then carnal pMaar winter Mark mourn here at the Pinellas latrmottonal Airport s playhouse A It) week •rason oil! get underway Jan It rh **f ■* Rt)i to be presented bo* M )#t been decid e d eacepi for the teqtolive peermcag <4 a •co w«Mk, Toodkyr I* i * e > <» and FrneM P 4 pr«4e%> *smai acting ramp * '•4*1*t*»g amsll) of New York tor* thr group la uadrr the do’*«'4» vuprrvisftoa of lo Itrutrain I m Of Krd Ham THralrr Name W iMeesier Dec A William V Met cm mack owner of the Red Warn theatre in oubur baa entered *un in court here lo prevent the plrvtM.iise » name bring used els# o here He state* effort* are bring made lo c u ndn r t a Red Rain theatre to a ices ioraiioo in either Westhorw •r Graft oa la IMS and be oaM* Ihg court lo haM the u*r of the earepl m Ms prevent Ural urn Named in the amt M Rohrct Hog gett le t ft e e of the pia>hou«e 1*4 veveral summers ( urrentlv be t» *hg the Red Rora I’lay at the Stale