Variety (January 1951)

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W'e^nefiday, Jaiiiiary 17, 1951 /awEff V ' *'• C* »’< /{^•*r« * “USE you; iXvS-r^^WtKi-'Sx'K-N.’.iSS;.; it'. ' V v» .V “f UOM YUVS K^i' m ' ' ■» . ,X' Record*** *>V Cap*dot Recorded bV Goraon MacRae -S Frank Ouvol ...Jo S+affof*! Colum"'* • * • • _ Lombardo Dacca Lynn London Straeter Vic Damona Mercury '.Vaughn Monroe VicMr • • * Associated-. Monica Uvri* p. V/. IW ••••••■ Lombardo “■■'■'.Russ Morgan ;■ Al D'Artega • “ ' ' Tay'or .Doris Day ,Columbia ...••• guy Lombardo Dacca ".Gene V/llli»"'* King Vaughn Monroe Victor y^<y k \ s \ •* \ I C* sf WORbP' II II II l> 'PW m o5^onHvs«o«^ ^ . 'rt’inat Broadway c»* v/Uh a ,. Greenwood starring^ Charlotte <=r on j Columbia Records •< ' .N •>/>:^Vx^:^:*xw; -W^'vV' J N vC ''M “I UM LOYEB” •.v,*.V‘.*. \ Recorded by Doris Day •■ T-Z Dacca I'',:!;' G^on Jenkins CapUe' • Columbia •.•.•.\*.v.\v.*.*.' ^ W\ f London Victor v/itb Vera Lv*'" •".'.Trudy Rlch»'-<»‘ ■;.'. . .Vaughn Monroe » riatcd . . Mindy Carson ^ssoc»atea . Lewis c W IW . • • Monica u ,th Al D’Artega LangrWorth.W Muiak R^^ Pran Warren Thesaurus... bran % ' % ^ v-^v “HOUOUY’S CHUSIHU ME \K Recor ded by “YOU nOM’Y UEMUND ME’ Recorded by frank Sinatra Columbia Stafford ' fcolumbia Monroe Victor “CHEIffiY PIES OUGHT TO be YOU” Recorded by r Sinatra and Columbia ••J^jemary Clooney "j \% 'si. /•.” % w*j' 'n> ^v' \ \ ^ "W >y. I \ x-: tfx V ff BW !f'’l -r% / ..» y yi ' ; yPi // V? '-'p '' ' V..''. ' ••;<' ..1 xs ,s — X 'p p' ■' >■■'•% '■^XVfc ■ \\\ :•:^•x•^^^!•^^!.^^^!.!.•.^^Js•.!.^^sy — ^ vs *' S •‘1*^ sX N \»\s ..I , , Jan Garber I-;' Doris Day Colurnbia.- ^^^ha Coral Assoc ,ted.. Frankie Master! -;m <^<1 V NSS '**' ..S S< A 'i / ..vsVv v.^ ' Sr.xvrv>^....r.i«^^^ ........... 'itSfiSS: r'T 'V. '••' MarTua . ji e-es and Connie Hame Dinah Shore ’. ;V.-: X t-:ixi sV'Nl Dccca Victor idulob . Betty Chappe Thesaurus * «s'Xs.\ .^s.c ., v' ' \<, ^ '* '* A ^ ’A'.* .V.’.'X’.*.’. ^•*yxWx'x*S:i. 11 '.■^.^;X.■..v^.. ^ .....s^ / < S /* S V 1.* V. , ' y Lee ■' :s?.kX.-iSi$i| /^> s ' ^ ^Sv v* .•'X %......s*.».'.v...'.*K..».<*^v.. it “CllMB UP THE MOUHYMH” Recorded by “HHHK TO the SOHO , ,, Al D’Artega .V/orth Lang 's' <'S Recorded by Jo Stafford Columbia .• .^.^ujy Richards msm “" i«.» s«^ .-.Pfdff. < ••"C'X r.K-0 Building 1. < s /a* s s , X« V •> o * *Ai • eaAAAA* I CH^PPtLL 8* CO INC.