Variety (October 03, 1951)

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f nlnr«laf. October 8. HM M4.HT MI R *S — HlarbNam fc« I kl C'hlea#©. Re pi If .final! It Attynt r Jnk.Tim* t «r -» -•«'<* , Lurkc*. l-f rr k Nont don't pel maximum viewing Rut loot winners in every department Fan like baddiop by Run* Rie- del la ciexer and expedient Hark* ground mu Mr by the Henry Bran- done Mm. J*ek frund Pet ^Clona Fiona. Martin Kraft, don orrh Is exceptionally well \ Luckeg. Trsaie Caere no, in view of the difficult score ? 4 iUrtU b» M.rr*. ir.duciUm roordlwoHon. t:ra ?*o„r. scenery dejioner. Boru fi<d*>U « mMWmum. $1 cot cr Hotel Uilnglnn, V. ' tN AW All AN ROOM) L|nt Mclntire Orrh < 7 hue. Krokeolar Hwtbil J f dRI i MeU • 4 ; |l core r a free to p >t»„ SI 50) roiyf a/frr 10 p m* Fri. Sat. | drawing the peasant trade •of the few * } .»u|b H j-aiicd term Old liBlrli, >. Y. Paul KiitUrmt product q> a of ‘Aaron Stick f rum Lankin ( ru A," p’ith \at>itNp .VmwH, Dullg' Dew son, Connie Andmwm. Ruth Hamilton. ; , f ...-Mdcred the I*fonard C,. Out.# !.( . ■ ftoMlv Itarr.. fdvMrd «.^rd OU,t "-*' " "'*'**" *" Orrh • 1»; $3 •HtfifMiwoi iCvekcnds, 93 50 u < i k<laps Charley Rochester, Il»u1 le«in|< ton .prexv. opened the Hawaiian Boom th the basement of hi* hotel in 1117 u an experiment expected to last four to »u month* It * been a um k operation fver lime, Room, a romantic I Hands' Off.'* in Ha mqit opening night ‘2b', took* m for a long stay at Blackhawk H one ran judge >,» tenure by .omparirom with r nuer) * previous. 25-month-old *•***■ ■*% 2 s* jets.£{.t? sanf< ^’•sr^r \«***« e R’s ' JJU* JPtdlow a ? blending of ilminplery. Un|UMnm> A •Ml •* It • one Village apota in town a rhe r a gtrtg mv. dame with each other without eyebrow lilting For the itfii Of thi* h**mh». fl»»ro- * Mi haa collected a good dropiax There* a . degree of name value with Frank Yankovk- A hi* Yank*, who xe been mailing with the polka mu»ic in uptown *p«*i* f**r *o«ie .mhmrphhnHhPmppbHhbi the Handstand. they work ,pa port «*. the Hoorthux and give with unne rousing music. They r»*me Heal«*l lidlMHi. !*. 1. ; H.RFt N ROOM» Me new J* rt»me On h * It) ** ft40 IK Vim*; 92 aftt f in t* <*, : f ri 12 50 nitnimiim a/ter 1" hi .Sat tilth t A p tol ■ .HHP here the Green Room offer* Vxitie from duty on am roiylhm* lor dinner eastern l out in mlorful native costume* ai'iet, t v||1 ^vnm Henry /rrttmr'k orrh tin fourth iuOmi utixe >ear lean* late rxiaiQK darning It a one of the most »oinlociahte hot* l ix«»»iu m the w« yt nudtown are* The rone n d) and out post of Hawaii and mntinually draw a a trade maite up of those i wtio haxe vixited t>ie I’ai ifir ixland aa well at those who*e knowledge of the ap«*t it limited tu Te« hm i- g »*t«d along the aame line ». * ;«< es*or. only thia Mi \ .,„».«» older thematically ,, *tn*nger. albeit in Itl prea* ml torn) M « Munatderably more un- rM rt Othtrwiee. H i a kale bet to * ^ . l lrtr standard flltery fare In ! standard nltery fare t image, and aa ready a drawing ».*rd for out -of tow her* at the lijneUnum or Field Moteum : Again a* in the caae of lt» pred- fre*M>r. intnnalc vaiue of the me sival i* In the ahowraaing of young M*lent For the moot part they're generally rirelleof. If a trifle oxer- yeaioua Their bawdy eothu«ua«m *nd trrmendoua guato In perform- ing e*ri* the moat menial of stage U'k* are refreahing to watch, even if at tfmex they overplay plot aitu- !7»f|a giUM to the college prodiacthm lrv t*i Thia. unfortunately, la aome- "TTfiira the -ceae. They've been ■ Itjwitv I’udding* * and the like the Second tour ) ear*, and seemingly ran go Ml forever It a a Three but only by atn-l ■the Chria Morley *et al > Hoboken Hialto. metier faxe »»f the ) 2tK. Dlacount the Utter'a shrewdly ) ' handled acripta, skilled theapx and . hxpo trapping*, end add xirtuetaR and lt«|uor-— and the reakhae i* Old Kntrk Music Hall ewaying \amn Slick From Ihmkin Cru k H'a a I pi lo diaeeunt Mid perhapa not much to add* but the general ap- peal i* wtill a combo Coney Iviand- t amix al-ten-txxent -thirt concoction ' rhythm* and hula terp* haa plenty • ' of pop appeal- t urrent orrh. which was fronted by l^im Mclntire until deelh last June. <1i*he* out a brand of authentic Hawaiian tiinea and Hopa - llaole 'half • t aiuasun/ . rhythms which add up tu good listening and dancing The <tew i« headed hx guitarist Sam Makia. w lio also handle* the x«« aia Me laxka Mclntire* aniiabiUty and p*olection, but he co r nea arrow* wbey. ■ Show*, which run* about 50 nun in march Itwmatton ge nr rale the foot stomping mu*W. It go*** oxer Very well. , T wo turna are in I lie New Act column Norton A I'atnci* lut It tth ballroom work and tVHa order made f»»r thi* apot-} ► mere in i barge of the v«piare dame* and fountry game* l* Hurt Itilhrr who can also wyaxe a tune on the guitar and writs pa^abty Hobby ftfta tier doe* a longish *ea-[ ai«*l» of magic and comedy with good tru kx and Mt| it off well. Rubhy AAeverv' - ofch i of* «bow't and ha* a *trt»ng dance Ineentixe lor the cuatomrr*. . Joac.M Killiam a Hamum-txpographed ' ute*. teea off with the Honolulu which have *‘l^iugh It in calibre of pro- auction, but "Laugh ” even with-' out re vision ahnuld find an equal wr perhapa higher ntehe once aome of the kink a have been Ironed out Musical chooae* to recount ao*m »f the feeling mating in the de- ptr«*u>n era, and it does *o Weil by hitting upon tome highlight* that have nostalgia value ' good are commercial candor he "Aaron bitch'* a rowdy mpsi- cal termed hv the Satexepo*t "the worvt successful play exer writ- ten,** presented more time* than ~Uncle Tom'* Cabin" but nexer tn lirown tinted maud* warm up roimi lor la-ilrhua. xsho works expertly through some vocals and hula gyra ^ _ . ttona She * a good looking gal with far outdistanced yj r%k York, *nd invite* patron* "to «n excellent set of pipe*. Such Maid* in a aerie* of hula dame* good for plenty of * a. I ni In 4 aslaa. fhlllv Philadelphia Se|d 2» 4 ndr* ic* ifittm. Mi» key fh '-i.i* ■The Talfaw*. famhp Julc. b <t Hr*rt, I.aVcda Moray Oam em^^*^ | x of a gi*»*d t ulsine nuab*r» .itefx pi n* «1 and Jerome * mfee- to-os dan«-.tpaiitut siuHlid keep lh# *Js»t houwiung fhrtHighcMit the com- ing inofktha Hwom drgw* a lofty white of out-of’lowmr* due lo t»l Columbia Hi oath asttng System aod Mutual Netwttrk wire*, but it also g«tv %4>litl (.<•ilium trade Comprhwd #»l throe rhxthin. three reed and three hea%« with the macsira on itumpet the »*rvh work* :uimnmMx thiough a kuok W ho h Mcrfilt st*i*d.*rd* ami pop ballad* In a stxle m at w twvlU of the late Hal hemp. Ji foinr dishe* out * CMlchy danre able lo af Tum i, ‘ aeranvesl vo that the st.Mcato tium* |M»s and running -axis tltMld (Ml* . a« ro*s with *n origmatity that'* appealing J cron ne pore* his i1.4«im|uIhni ' with a* expcHly selected s«mgalof m kit h um s MMMr of hi* xwbMo n on The four ' Jv * » come and arc why ** Me also apol- numbers a* very df the : oguea to Paramount "for iu imping the ‘Slick* flirh** AuMHi tn he re- leased 1 Customer* come to Him the x il- t*m, cheer the hero-heroine, and tn pursue the genera) interruption route while sober or diluted Hans," Hlue ‘The Loxehr llmili- Hawaii' and *i Will a* so ” ,,r -«*s*ls The Tbro*r Jay*, com* • ^ i pnm d of band lurmbers s*h h I arrwaw i heir number* in a Mitt, in- giafiatmg manner "Jolly" J**n T* no me sinmi i — ..»>r t .rirnn. tenor sax man ro okax on wtaiwNiN, -Vif Orch t|0i;“ 95 m |m IM* M. don't Tl.ey expect even a nu»dkum of meUidrama. and they don't for tho*e who ram to recollect In get H The emoting is purposelx Remember Y«i’ net top aud re- sponse leafier lone, tn which *he explain* the huI* movemen t *, i* * hegoff Item ,1 Keokcolae handle* the comic tune* with appeal. She open* with' a riMiehhng terp Intel pretatton of ant of thn period addition to cm tine aspect* has a fairly which H rarely veer* Nelson, above all. lx writer His apparent starring attraction the I,atin Casino sremx cxomuitied lo high budget attraction* for Hie new sea son Indications are that the pre* ent nw nr r s David I H»*hoff and lialla* tieroMm. will set up produc ttoil* to inalch tl»e exlfnsixe gm mg oxer and fareliltiag given the sfmt under I heir regime Hooking of Sisters mark* best tune the trio ha* ai>*»eaied in a wring the bread-.) low-grade thus being funnier th*n 1 I tke H hat 1 Like •n**_ Hula Oni-OwM)" and then work* »*hifly eafni H point* up Hie bring into a mildiv comic "That * What ini m of some new face* Instead *»rong ter* I ■•how story line Merx y n orderly preoccupa- tion in geiting all thn piece* to tall Into place Is his big handicap It Mrmi he has done this to the detriment of the skit* and musical numbers by focusing most altcn- tmn on hi* documentary , Resides *n oHstagn ha r r a t i n a tin hkn if It were topshelf With his au- dience* superior to thn goings-on, hilham milk* huimlf • rurtou* kind of winning score Ex-ery war in the cast is in there pits lung to hammer home a situa- tion 1W fxncily togged heavy is after the widow* farm he think* is gushing oil The iWl from the filling station It all winds up great tor the widow ami her Aaron Sink suitor, latter vague j A is »ut ot the frguiar run of nitery Mat a Hat her t han dtre<-t mg atti action* Th South didn't net the mlrnded al uloon society, ** n results She winds with ' Cockeyed agrment i* oeekmg to n-qn the gen Mayor" a ««* number which get* an added lift from her expert tr ping and nmggmg. If s an unprrtenutMis lay mil okay fx»i hand holders as well as family i« *4rirtly ‘ trade. Room ha* two shows nightly ‘ “ ■ " C,ru$ his venal*, while Rax iM'Mimi pro- » le«t* warmth and lyric understand- ing Jeiome front* crew with plenty of st^ge savvy . tiros. I baieaa YladHd. *. V* tifH.Miwi ri . ; Angel la»prr* • fhateau Madrid has tight* ned its show considerably with Hie torient exitlion Klimma- Iton of one line number plus ditlon of a dam e the session, provide drsplax Althmigh the Chateau is ttally a hasd rwHij for singers raU'^e of its layout, IM Casino midterm in a smoother . .I p,Wlf-lurll„r 4 (<(1|y<r|| I U, »o4 . «.-1 .h..i.. in me .... , heroic couplet, no less* of historical played hard, luriousiy and pafeb- htrhspofa. tale la told of the job- j trousered by Sammy Smith Be Irxx gal being courted by three suitors, a hoofer, playboy and a f-dkral. • •. V.;.- Setup provides for an inter- ycaxtng of specialtie* Into the plot as each lad makes his bid fur af- fect ion. Natch. show bis wins out tween time* there are a couple of olio*, song and dance stmts and some extraneous shenanigan* Also some nek appeal. Top name* turn up here to relax, also to look see stuff that Is bnffo- like in it* crudity Oiwntsf night L on d on , Rent. 24. Harru Yi*Ole A I nun I K»uo Ian StvUmrl't Or*. Tomtog Ri*mh A Rhumba Bund, 94 34) minimum. which i* inclusion of IimsI i m cimum rhargr Few act* hair so mam s«d»d Hit nomhers to rely on a* do Hie Andrews Sister*. Such memorable' lilt* a* ' Hei Mir Hrof flu S* hoen ' I Hum and Coca Cola * and ’I ll 4Rh You in Apple HlmuoM Tune | tlfaw wuk re*|H»n>«- amt tap* alien f!T u " i '’Zy . tom right from the or* mug C cm- «nd the dealer and gal. t* mmcb, turn to burlesque p,xment Nelson's penchant for tieing spet iaittrs into the story line doc* mg make for good musical comedy ) tn a niter*'. A* a result, show chugs along at an extremely slow pan for the first half, with none of the 1 situation* bitting maximum effec lucnes* because of story require nwntx. Not until a slambang bur l< -que *ktt at the finish does the show hit top form This Is mostly the ‘IT*, singer Robert Merrill *ho.*ed Chief difficulty to overo ome »* ■ that like, ottier smg«rv ibex were necessarily bound to I be m»ke The -■ - cl girl* have worketi hard to over-! |Tbe Reckelex. one of the f. w »omr Hu* Itnutaium particular lr remaining l,«mdon night spin* that i l«r »i»e Comexlx wdlsiu and to} ‘*~~Miappr aram e of turns and drliverv llanduap here i* that lie most work with hit Mi In a good |»orHon ot tf*e aud*- enre and thus lone* them |«t timet. Hi* toms include ’Then It Isn't j. Ia»xc." a rati hy niimhrr with I In gitior trmi*o I t»et Jd« a* * and an a- -ortmenf of c u rrent pope He ■•pMlRflU’ •' Hol d o v er Santa Herro-ra lontm- I «le Pcmrt An mm* i w St rutty adhere* to Hie ex emng tltn* rule nmiiiaily attra**!* a somewhat Maid upperx ia*» patron- age The of cabaret act* that will appeal to thU clientele i has aiwavk twin a pfohirm lor ! Carrol) CtiblMin*, whose job a« Sa- voy impresario embrace* Hie Hi r- | tin* a keirx : Cnmo*’ Y aiauia 5now. 7 Mhen Hie Amrnran xdral team Henafciit Orrh, Ch/f Ja*k l n f Noble A King played Hu* Ber- the of ft*** up; he s in the “Slick" pic An- other down-fmnter wa« comic Joe F Lewis. Copa-curro-nt These w j- rents for m a sort of claque for the Joint. Trau. * < tnb; 93 50 iMtwtiwtian* ( afe S*w irty Doxx nlown. lung ■■ the Incubation point of Hedging nor to comediennes Pat Hammer- tafeni. reojiened thi* *eau»n with a I- _ .g /» t _ a.' a s ' J. — Ji... —-A A _ w.aL t«r and (Horia Evans, who hax'e Verne hilanous bil*. and Sonny Sparks, a bright young comic. H« pair job wo uld h e in order t»n * ngthemng some,^«f the earlier fcktu, piu* fact that transition is * nharravsingf^ clumsy Hinmghout t m the plu* vide, job of extracting Hu* wealth ot pop tunes out of I he ** is done tn .lutifully Ran ly h*.,ro| tor* her "Ivmn In l>epth* «*n umh f'U*or." is uiiltred to giwwl advantage by the jobless gal. Ar- h nr Frank.Other number*. ’ Hiasc." "Atoonglow." "CYicrrlui l OHe Earful " "1 ivket-Tasket" and Million Dollar Habx " are used to top effeetiv t ps aa . Cat Ha miner lee impresses as the Mamlout o Ifhe xtuing cast Gal has * ibench* fate and a torso that h-ro iioot of Hie nuoe ringstd* r\ gnawing their rlinnerwarr Her «*MMitlx antus ate the duinb-mou-r 'aiiety, plus which she show* off vv ," r tufty terpmg In a vhoct htt ' ctioreographer Martin Krafl »* s ripe for a Stem plucking any- t»n»e. ;■:■• ■ Yy the young radical. Sonny * ,t * r 4* Rmk* the promising comic. “ f *vMigh his soapiiox nutnhei i* «x*-d way over the hilt and get* * quentty past hi* control lie s -trate with hi* burlcMjtie x>n- >r "U und get* ;teady yock* Ar- r, e frank a* the heroin* show* * Phasing *rt of pipe* gu«*d h ’-k* and line Mage demeanor A* ; ir b *>box. Larry lasurenct relies m-vtly on his excellent tenor w|wr „,„ timr < 'h* v H ‘‘ ^-rbltng of "Brother JT number*. i ^ ZT* frU 1 • hoegie Item bidh of which a matte treatment. .' show off nicelx the >ir1uo*itv of •eh Friend at the hod r »* the crew s individual member*. pair of standard performer* in the layout. H* i wood CSD show, an all-Negro ui*|day . inasmuch .*« it <yn-Hlutc* a pitch for the Village Intel her id sia and hcpMrr* x*ho provide a great hulk of the club* potruunffg. IVarl Primus, who fir*t appean d at that spot in IH43 giv»s a con- cert aura to file pn»ceedingx Her haretont ter|»* ilepM-ting African teremonnd dance* are well con- JM i% t pw) (l ‘reived ami excellently performed i i. m Site* a< com panted by two bongo jU" hoy * and a singer. Her African rhythm* Have the feeling of au- thenrity. She ha* a keen sense of rhythm which, with a fine »cn*e of showmanship, make all her number* surefire afxplaute-grttrr* Her sole excursion into Haitian rcrcmonial dance also foe* off well. -V. ■' X Valaida Snow, making her first aptwaranee at this >jiot ha* a fine interpretive flair Mis* Snow pur x cx s a x ,»r in x of lad* tn Kilame her torn keirx Square hold • arlier in the year, they registered a maiked surcesa. and tubhon* immedtalclx signed them up for a return date < Now they xr iu*t o|h n«d their n«‘w ( six weeks' season and look like a repeat on Ho ir earlier bit llarrx Noble siaxs at the piano throughout and duct* with Frames King through most ot their mini- tier* alt hou g h the chanloaaey winds shx*w with a soH» <*ffering. I in their pop ballad manner they t. open with "Oh Mx Darling.' a no r numtrer put oxer with charm and stxie The Cmkrycd t>P«»m- id ' is a good contrasting *ong that a CJcrsbwin tune nm : M .A'.'.FHF Wt Neve? Met Before ** Duo follow v «ih their own version of It * fknly foe Ameri- cans and »vrr* fancy arranccnowi get* a link freeptum ‘‘Go To Sleep * i* a happy adilrtton to Hn'ir repertoire and after a pleading rendition of "! xe Got Y«ti Vndrr; xt • Sk»n Alisa Ring c t na e* the vhow w llh lxor Nou llu » AY e 1| . Gather'Li I Ac." ' • rhvHvm* and hal- Remote control lirhtmg arrange- her i m n ~ Tunis niefit* handled from the piano hx are mainly standard* which are given, imlividual In dmeni \L>* snluw ha- a tendency to oxerwork her volume at time*, hut it doe* the net effect ot fixing a trliury to her witter note* whuh other- wise wouldn t hr a* marked ftc-t in her tad is a * IV»rgy and Bro* ' medley. Except for an extremely garish gown. Miss Snow doc* quite well for herself : The Sammy Benskin oroh pro- vide* competent show barking. In opening the showy they do ajf-dr Gershw in Nu Me fin>h. • fix t the a< t a polished ,Wyro r Vlll»e W«ra. V. f ntiik Vrtnifiiv A Vaiil* Vorfoa l Pq’rnia. H**ht,*t HaA*r> Oha Cabot, B c kbp Afcp»r*' Qrrk. 9 2 50, 93 i <tt«i •• H't'f. simuiaie motion. Patti ;• tn trrttt •”"Hit'''.-'.Iilfl*..Rni'jb xiM-ally and In the toim dv depart- ment Alaxcne and La Verne, in addition to providing their *H< k and distinctive hannoninng, have Also hlosMoncd out in the laugh getHng They engage in a rally dim shout I'alli , * w htle she* off - J dagr f»»r a ehaufft •, s om ething in Hie manner of Hie HiU Hrua ’ UH j about the -’guy in the middle” And thev have a showy and amus- ing finale called “Girls of the Golden West*’ in which they take • »f! the wive* of Dene Autrx RO| Hover* and llo|»along Cassidy. One draw ha* k *eem* f«» be their' reliance on 'hand bumpy.** Hut kind worn out m many a -tage pro -«n laiion. aiimetv. auti<« fw.inted up) with druiivrolU, ra-p- bufhn btasls.j etr But the girls uwr with their “Salur Dame" and tally auain with a deadi»an item called * Hawaii. Path Andrew* i* ju-t atmut srii-. xational in her w*lo turn,, rocking ‘ the spot with 'Tin in Love tram and “If I VYere a Hell * tier's I* Sheer \ ocai impaci, plu* great artistry and a. highly; per‘■onal ■sty fe. AlHwMigh the show i»: set up in, Ifie l-atin's u-uai format the pie ceding act* suffer hecau-e 11 m cro»v d is there for Mw Sisters. 1 Mickey Deems, for example, is a * jiersoMahle young ixuinc, bill In* opening gambila are iou • foui: 'iai and he lose* the •ttenlfun <»? ring-..' *ider- M xhow caught, they hah t»Ud right through hi* routine avd if" was impossible Ip hear him oyer the"- cust om e r s a- cl»»*e as lour la dew from ring-Me . :Vv Hex or opens w ith LjA id* M< '< ax Dam ers, right chorine* U'Ho i <m through ' South \mcro ah r .ilt ti.*y /‘ Prowiuci ion number is Inh krol hy the xoral* of Bud Bro cs, local ue* ljo; :get the latlin-Aincin an trade that congregate* here Ex- ample i* seen in the fart that in announcing a Columbian tune, there were M oles“ frown Hie ean»- |wsm>x |>rrsent llei tunc* ar# extremely rneli*dn- af*d Varied to give her a lutl out ling Danner IsolieHta f'atwpo* is under Vrt Act* :•■••., ".•••;; . The WVnmc VfdVeler line dresse« up Hie procee d ings fore ami aft the S hod * ilalino On h prpvinh « < the I .at in d im r incentive and Hie E Alonso « rCw d«M w some |d» .»sing tAlien music for the dinner lra«le and cut* the display Jw.*r. . V K. I. Kaosaa t*ifx S« p» 2g Joti n Ihtrrr Hr* »a, TuH {li/'nriili r )nh . Al I peer. Tin- very flourishing club of the E.ddx Broei in downtown BaliiiiMoe is me*tmgr the opemug ot Hu- fall seaMHi with a double tiarreu d -how YY hilr It s an all tiiusu al Him- up ISw prrfsrmrn oflrr'....highly contrast mg • pro- srota ihhix and show tomes oft a* well Iwlrmid m 45 mihute* Dale Here is Hie find ii| town for Doris Dirw vising -mger firing .Mercury gyrndued along jump and pop luri* |iim * ^U li' is lively. full*. v«».red uqd vile Midi a I'wtl d« al of looks imrsonalify to the pica «*edWflgs . , . Hookinr• of John S'ln'lu* into thro «lulerc-t ai.i aitt )- * o*'i<)ikr* aide ihancir l«»r tiu- -iw*» usiiatiy. si h k K to the couv# otHmaJ i» • p, iomidv ami niusu kl' luiiw f »e hariiouin a viftu<*-n i» yroicr - n« r- ly. and equal Ire* Hu- ox. ail t u* pro -,*»n e Mil h.- cotMt CI i k< oH> r* me- YioarU t id ouiuIm i i- m<« »* -jter-c , d w >ih loaHer ell« t lively h« ui tu g minimum And i» i*or> n p.itl on- r- OjWT ■)» ) IS Malaguena ” f«>t . »<i Hx a (• • lx favored 'f lair ... d* l,uiu *’RI ap-fwly m H)u* ’ i> d**m n A »pe<t .al xifsion short romigh 'u tit Inn cen two'... radio «nil 11 **« r - rials >, hk< w oe to hei'X di>*k fork wins doulde- a* emcee W ■ ....... ■ ... , . . Begin 1 Hf kind* with a spaded Englroh Brers «isgi one number Mcxer Homwill. who'* been c«n-' tire Hegume,** 1 lie first act is , dueling H* \illAge Barn lor llie ‘ Bobby Jule. a xuong juggler who pa-t 23 yearn, ha* an extremely , um-« lieax y ciaawKal :• • huate; and Eleanor laruno, l«Rf, and niff lulls. Jack-on Mill does the piano prosprrou* enterprise going in that medley part of ions. He's hern trading on the fact Dial there are mnre unsophi citrate* c«*ngregatiag in GreenwMh Village than bepalers j It * spiurrofitly paying «#, ma* dam c tak« n froiU Bach* « i if mg* lor Hie organ and', snitebed Mw.ri ■(»"« ,n * * Us '" tossmg of plwtcs and Best received uf the i hospice has been 1 (luopany His Imliai i tub* supporting array are the Talbot* a ballroom dame duo who finish xirong with brief 4a*He* of the dance erases of the last 40 jean a fillip by ud 1 !>e cm ng • um inch ion he add* march tune harmonica r Hu t ontinur* liuHish at this spot, ' and e'Id* me is that the fall sea- son will give a vturdy a*«swmt ot OaytL iitseU heie.