Variety (January 1953)

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Terty^smjenth jf^BS^STT* jtnrnvermny m EARS, William Morns Agency went ‘ into the Mew Year <.viih two resig- • ! nations. . Ai Sehenkem. head of the - I agency's club date department,. the + ele nta bus- Schenkein will jam the agency T \&TY TUTTLE says . . shat; she detected. a strange odor about her fended by 'iis wife. .Annette bey triemi whence called. • Then she found out :.3Aatin. whu at one time was seere-. whac u was—he was sober. i tary to Mat Abramson, head odf . . . that men chase her aU day long. Occasion- ^ WOH Artists Bureau, ally though, one lets her stay. Zimmerman will book talent , . . that what this country needs is an ash tray r for the .Arthur Murray fele show. ] tiiar. looks hke one. ! He started, at the Morris agency ■ . . that she's a very successful secretary—she's! about LO years ago as a press- god something on the ball and something on the , agent' and then segued into the boss. . . . that the only way you can get a square meal' in tiie satellite countries is to eat diced carrots. . . . that a gentleman; is a man who. when he in- cites a gai up to see his etchings, shows her his etchings. . . . that she’d like a big record player for her ; apartment—a disk jockey about six feet tall 1 . . . that she is patriotic and would pay her taxes ; with a smile but that they always want cash in- : By HAXWEUL 'SB&ZfE HailjmroiKL mpy. One day I heard; me ri me <*ager ‘ T <iung man sitting it c nstiaHy mention that Harr” rjth(? r ‘ side it 'ny desk 'van Wilson, heart af publicity at IP’tTn. WaktmT tiv iosrtr 3e i ust: National Pictures, was looking for £*££« Snm SC. Sc AuiS a writes I dkbri know to get starred 3arr~ Wilson and I didn’t exactly in die incture ™aw wnst a feature writer did. business. He -V r tfnn a .ial£ hour I was in lie knew he had reception office a i First National the stuff. If ie Pictures asking to lee Harry "V f i- canid «miy ?et -ion. ’Then the reception eierls started. ;i «* 'antacted Harry Wilson’s ^eeretai-’ knew riiat it md told her fliers was a Mister wouldn’t J i iliane mt there sskmg to ?ee Mi&* long before ie “er Wilson about 1 jab. he :ecre- became 1 writ- tar* replied Hist Mister W f lson er. or at direr* ridn >f know my Mister -ihane. and tor. or at£t lesides here ■vasn**' mv .on avaii- a producer, ime. But low iiu l vas nit in f iie itreei u *x- me *et hat rirst toot .n he mor ictlv dJ ieeanas from lie ime i * T J. m T ;ust iave "o keen *r”tng * t • mtercHi. £ .vandered ip be intil mu inti “he /rule n he dreet. along he .ngh lomct rencs Fans. fence." : «irf. " hat F’.rrt National iVer I was browsing through Yahiett ‘Hole ceie sector. A Wkle of z Time -Ev AST BCCHWAEE- Vzx Sltane 8 i come across a very interesting ad- £ listin't thought about it tor .1 ong erfcisement. It read WANTED— “ime. £ vas 19 years lid. 7 .iad grown mustache o make ne 00k utter. 'urts from “lie curious vorru mt- -atte. In “hose "ears First National ronteti space it United "skutios. in die site it vnat :s low Para- no;int.. in l vaikeft iisconsoiateir along, -•oaiizeii that all that dona ae- ween ne and ;ny .imuitions vas m *ight-ioot nigh, lirry. v.iouen :ence. if L could -iomenow $et in • me nail. •aid. n “lie fencer’ He vas ataad. , comparing the Nielsen ratings -of puzzled. . , . tiuc her boy friend gave her a puppy with a shows I had never seen, when £ Whereupon I told inm "he itor\ diamond collar. But she didn't know him that w£ so she returned the puppy , , , _ . “iiac she went to a masquerade as a tele- ; SUPER SHOWM.AM to contract znr niione ooerator and had three close calls. : sole American exhibition to the f : . - . . time she'd Like to meet that guy Cash that greatest single attraction in the his- d made me m s .east all the checks are made out to. i W <J ^ aar Easiness! v^nle attending uC^A. - v _. ______ . . . that all men are beasts—“so take me to the * TEE GIANT NORTH SEA. FIN afternoons intt Haturn^s - P-j V [ 1E , -jther nae—and ‘hen L nearest jungle.” .WHALE MRS. HAHGY, 75 feet iov. officenoy. .mu deliver:/ j t , ^ ie ? aoge . ; 5flyarc ^ hanging ijy . . .. that you can find gambling anvwhere in the i L(ln ^» weighing 65 tons. ONE OP or vYins Meekly, a nmde paper C. S.-if you just know the wrong people. LARGEST WHALES EVER which ass ion- -mce been .ma o ,, . “hat those transcontamnitai trains leave with a jerk—also with l CAUGHT, rest. to^dhCT^Anth the some cecpLe that aren't movie scars. The- ad wenr on to say that the . . . tiiac she’s read so much about the bad effects of smoking, that ; owner of Mrs. Haray was looking 7^°, t0rera nerR v * she lms decided to give up reading. " for a showman with'a proven roc- iUJ ^* r , :vsntBd - a be _ nakin^ hi .memng about ’0 hiehes , . tiiat Harry Truman’ll soon be joining Herbert Hoover and ard af achievement and integrity. Wliar ^ *■ - T , : t iTri(x Z. r -lift Tho> Dewey as the only living ex-Ptesidents. > i tf such a« showman existed he a *in+ rrrA r rnc . . -.AM Her boy Mentis very ralm-bes rise most deoamposed per- |raUlwm pur ap m initial sum ^f^ anario iLid^be ““ “that shed Hie id know w‘iy a *al**leg in nylon talks sexy while An ad like that gas a man to ^Eo "ne a man , oniy looks soxy. thinking It cerramb" gets a man damped Cnooened and Unread.” vas ”1 .mngaimv. dill known as . mat there must be some mental on the football team since thinking . . . nus had been going on for ox ‘Hudoimi Valentino’s .lrossmg sx;e ^iuc they used an unoaianced line. “Operator. I wanna speak long months now. Time vas passing ne -oom. ‘ As i annrnaciied “lie Piuld- \:jc she met a telluw who has everything: Money . . . money . . . to Metro-Goldw^n-Mat^ \jy. Ac this ’ate. I might ie .is uu mg. ; :aw s dont man nside. dt- >n .n» r _ _ . v - w> ■* • Once Inside! I looked furtively up mid -tawn “he street. Mo me -was watching. I rrunrisiy showed the uaard isule. an 4 *^1 ime'' a discussion of the World Series. Taffy was asked to name her :: <;rine pitcher. “Tliat.” said Taify. “was ’Gone With the Wind’.” ! in Hollywood Tell 'em it’s Mer- as 110 or 11 uefore l wer got ‘o i? th: Wn IfoRoy calling . . . Lemme 1 screen ^Trter. £ .tad to io lome- ^ . . . , . _ . ,. speak to Dare Sehary . . Dore. hing u hut" ‘hmgs Jiang, iir .uiu leen dannfe, a much aider man. ^.ne explained to uer , Q nra . - aow devil are you. No Tiere vas miv -me iagLcai Tung "• He <laesn5 •°« |1 30 0id ' vban hes wearrng hrn money . hls LeHuv . Never t0 . 6tllD , r . !ng - 0 „ ta cK :rmn ^ i • t Taffy told her linle aiece that she wanted to talk to her about mind who it is. Listen ‘.o'me Dare, .mtsiae. let nsiae. riiere £ vouia ■i of life, the child said: “Sure, whaf'd you like to know”” r ?or ± I got “he greatest ‘lung jernme 1 ramiliar tt “he Tcenano ■sir's: “Tlie traubie 'with those darned detective stories is that since Cinerama. How vauldia ike leans, viio voulti recngaize nv ing tear m men '.vnuiaw, vnmg vth wo ungern. Call .t inuition. uim*n. 'vnat r au will. I uenned hrangh he dower bed inner Tie vmetow mti utclressed 'he man. ’Harr” ’ I sad. itabnmg n “tie t^.x •. le ookcu in. itarou. rnisj a r.: li'.vuys j-ape^tg itseif. ’ {Cuiivrielit; L'Jr.2. N. y Post-aail Syadicara i c:. c: i 1 KJ-ZLL Bv %RT Mf">GER Dosron./T’; Herald's patient 3di Canmng- S: jgentrv :« a. acinous ham vas vituperative. An import- .1’ v.iich rhe Niinoieonit*. ed thermoir.eter which served mm a whale. A WHALE! • “An Iionesr-ta-G'iid To-run. 'min- .lenng whale. Listen. Tore, hi; or :t. A perfect "ehie’e :uf lather ; .Viniams and Fred Art Lara. Tie :inaie. get “Ins Dare, he inaie 5. Esther Wiiliams iwnnming imier : iieatii “he .vnaie mu T rea mtuiro dancing ,m ‘on. It vdl sro>± oils. Dare just “ans . Dare Mr. Sehai" T . . Operator, memtur D '.? been cut off- Never mnu get ne genius os -.awn as Td iad a chance nave me. o sik v; 1 li hem. 3nt itnv ’ ‘Hr rr~ Duruig nv vors it WhtO V<e*K- v . nut net eve ml igenu van “ T sitect lie -jffice?: o nant t — r i , Music Cvirparation I’m calling collect, rhe name. “Lew. if imeirea. Gene 2£eilv tms now are mu usw. no. sn t Gene. Lew I vas ;ust Dore Schar”. He t been pestering tlie ;ieck aut M me about a whale I got under exclusive contract Look. Lew. I want you •n 4 yer mcteii -nit 1 -ust as a good luck piece, ami which t 0I1J t distance Lfew W-issennan d vu. Lien £ am guiity of accompanied him on ail of his .ng “he greatest hoax of worldwide trips, “fell apart.” :n th r I. u csmuiy. r . £ area Lid the ms cram compartmexit'. due to the ir.-: v. M '.ii.ims big shot of Lie en- tortuous weatlier conditions, t.r-r r.0.011 picture industi”’—Sam On arrival at the Maine summer Mrn.k. ' resow. T was greeted by a Maine Si:r. \Ltnik :s the onginai “littie reporter who took a sneering atti- rr.j,: who .s never there. ’ Although hide of the whoie^ffair. hr ::a;; ie the guiist of honor at “Wlio’s coming from Hollywood? ar. r 1 :r:rate banquet he mvariably Who you got? Where are tlie big 'Airr.:: us regrets.” That'■? he way shots?” shouted the Pine Tree* itA v:th Sam all of ms life,, fourth estater. I at i . ;u never had Lie pr:v!ege “Sam Mifnik, for one.” says I.} 0:' ••■•■‘•.ng him it’s mue ran did. pulling the name out of humidity. L:i\r ir ;und you at “he theatre “Does tha'/ satisfy you?” a " *' re it a testimonial dinner The reporter was impressed, k* r.e ;ua T, e tycnnu -aumg m an “Mdn.k himself'' Say that’s worth '. ta.r just beside yon. a story!" Siv ?aui Bunyon of picture 5>am was booked immediately as La: v.e 3«iron Munchausen of guest t of honor at that world pre- ■‘.or.. Where Kitro'’ has been, iruer^ ft was his debut in the world 11 lanctle he te:u. Yen, i v-iaie. ler lame ; Air. Jamv yin** je:aitimi ioav "ou ever *aw. Tliev wait 11 m :or ill Esther WTliiiin: ncriir '. £ ton “ ‘InnK* •:ght. mt .•vrai lie -.errut mu e*. ne snow M’s ail yours Lev, ■or 37a.J00 juciis. Lew. Lew. meratar. iperaior. ‘Look meratar gimme ini ■3cn\v;kr“z at lie ?5lacs Lieatro n New Y irk. £ wanna inane eruleet. Thil um Lew .V isserman - s 'ailing. “Sol. low ire “ou 3«1. Lew vno.’ A tut a ipen .1 mistake. You Continued m page 521 f:. c :e' t '>v goes. In puli tics or of banquets and headlines. To v- Vi Of : b: ; fo;? fiam has hc/n bor- lime or another by 1.Lairs he jotes both sides make ir easy for him. f sent a wire ’I'Oai’V’ ?;cki>r and dands ‘o the head table at die climactic h Ltvor of the mcvitaivle moment ft read 2 ieen claimed a native son. “Important merger pending..Re •“.vs Tram Houston to Hartv grer unable to attend. Jflyinjf^frr! 7”ss.s agents f!rom ^t. Louvi f^ndon. : 5?i<s^edi Mitnik/’ f.j 1 L’liHuseo claim to have 53mce then u..,v -.-.erefi” a Miinik in their; iwved af ond n;-'^ ; rvns. ft's about Lime for every studio m Hollywood and has; a *^ ■*: ii’.o'v business to get; die registered for every important' \fitnik genealogy on the : premiere, conference, or junket, re, ^ ‘; m or out of Hollywood. His fele- * oa - vas barn in Lakewood Me.. • gram of 1 regret always arrives at 0r - a, 1. :x. 1347 when die temp- the crucial moment, and it might * v is about 100 m die shade. [ he from Paris. Peru or Passaic. *■ This proves dim die Sam gels around. ' is oiffsu’ing from heat pros- 1 $am claims to have inspired that " Ln that day. critics atid ’ popular theme song; ”1 hear music '.Vs wero gathering from ; but there’s no one there!” , dm country for die worid Ever since the ove.nvhelming •v^^f Warner Rros.’ *'T,ife : Eisenhower victory Sam is thought •* 3 -''.er ’ f was ;n charge of to be m Washington , where heM '•» delegation. said to- be dickering with the Gov- i “. been a painful rail pmket : evmnent to btiy^fhe Pentagon. ovnr a roadbed that Sam savs lie wants tf for a rest' used in 70 years The home for all frustrated press ? ■*' -U'.fling, die air condition* agents Outside of Boston who claim j t woken down, the train to have known him- fir invented a couple of limes, air Iiirh • v-i snapped. All in an. it ; Like all good press agents, who err;, 'E: U-.s t‘i\ r.--.* a 7. ; P-'-v V/.* t:. n- hv: b^. . ini: hv hr., v. -., go: PETE SMETH' F-ir lie tenth erinseeitiiw-* year eetfffitatora ;iavf» ;u&£ vioted Pose ^nuth .^upcialtieK “he meat •jribttlAr live 'series* mwrc 5 «r;orrs? in .'M, &. Herald-- ... „ p V-.AE" pofl, knd for -lie ninth '.*onsef*utive» year m ‘Showmen *i Trade ■ ' rascdili* group ‘hat finally! should be heard and not seen!-*-. fieytew’* j.ioil- Also :oo* :n their at*id in ‘“BaxofScat.Musaztns ’i aui •’ *- L.i c.vvuad Ri»s»n die pos-’^sm Mitnik is the best of dtetn ill! 'Ezuihitor LlLqcczme* vigils. * £ aitt vuiekl’* n Mi:x 'ihatit'. ,na Lvm 3ova : diu. m» m:i -r:*‘*u 1 rKiture vr:ti*r u:a 'i ike lie an. ’ Htur” ;tt.fT ‘noKed *t ne tauu- ng lierr*. dl u ill. n lie nutale a li; leruniA jevt. He liar. ’ auaii- .IaiT" va* a lire I« .11* T miied. It* aid tie* u* t ieen imiKuiE; incmt imting 111 » nan. mt iann MetLirrmck. ’In* lies, nutn ’ iKAvea ,t. ”-V'*iL vrten vill vnt cnovv " £ lu -1 ?ted. Iii.rr r ' mntggea. ‘See ne text vc?*!:.’ .re *ani. list u fet era >x ne. “ / ;kav. r i waved .11m t -nea*- uit 40(Killve. .rareiullv .tepueft jfit n .11.- oetunia ip« sici -vent jack mo lie mtLide! .vtiriu 'lirrmgii lie ioie n ' he jfrace. ' •>' ! vent ifick “hrnugli he *ence wo tzvv. ziter. itofici intter "Izut*' •: men vmtunv inn rskea f ’hum * iaa naae i leeition ■♦??. ‘No.* Hairr- »nnleu. nnuEeu- ’Not *et. ‘ . ioctcied. vavea. *nd >. v.*nt K»rk hrangh the um* n he cmcz* .ex iine.s nT.he next ‘U iav*. tima miter Harry's vmctmv »at*n ime, .-met ’Men “ime lskcu voether ‘.Mmn' uad tt*eiaea m 1 uMturr* vivt(*r ma ■•.vfiether “lit.* .tm %;& nine. Nevor mee iid 1 41*1' n*iae tie office, til ji ntr •vmtereneer- vere '.hrangh he vmdow. Lie -nihil rime. Harr” ookcki it ne a ;ittle annoved. 1 ittie nerva- •umistv. Pfnally he am. ‘Look, cut. ’ou'ro rising up *n awnii lot n -nv rime. Guess- L ’.letter out 0 *011 a vork or I’ll never get inv- hmg ione. Came :n Mundav and ;’*1 hve you a “irr ' T *eip?d 1 thanks .ind isnimeti iwav o “he ioie :n “he fence, nv. learf eapmg vith mticipation. I vas n. Monuav aright md eariv £ vent o ’ha itudifl- l -darted for he tou* n ’he fence before I rositeeu hat I -litint tave fa nake mv *n- ranee “hat way .mv longer. I •oei’cct off md walked prntmlv— nto “lie Mudia through Hie from toar. I was mside. Nov/, all I iiaci o to vzis became ucquaanteft v:ih ■he scenario editor, tell him 1 ew d nv dess, and I'd be nnven :to from publicity La yenarui. It would wnij' lie at matter ji x few davr. £t oak 1L :’earrr-