Variety (December 1954)

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38 RADIO-TELEVISION Wednesday, December 1, 1954 Churchill Continued front page .35 • » t1 44 t♦»♦■»♦ » ♦ >* »♦ » ♦»»♦»♦»»♦♦ 4t»t44»44444 4 4f» M 4‘ « 4 4 44 4 444444444«4444- > 44444444»44»44 i 44444 4 4 MM4 44 NBC-TV’s “Lux Video Theatre” continues to wield the brushoff on prime creative credits and Original sources.. Most recent case was Hour,” sponsored by Allis-ChaK “The Gioconda Smile ” with its former (short-lived) legit status not' m ers With Ben Grauer plugging. indicated on any information sheet. It’s figured nothing much was Hera was a tour de force symbolic it\t tvtUW VftRK C1TV lost by that kind , of skirting. But there’s apparently a mox^ rigid 0 f what the aural medium is capa- i V 11 1 legal angle covering “Craig’s Wife,” coming up tomorrow (Thurs.) b le 0 f acocmplishing as a one-shot - Mike Boscia of CBS Press Info out of Memorial Hospital after major _ . — * C <3 /*'a1i1TViV> 1 O 'PmtllViOC* tirfinPPrlPS . ( ntlTPl* IS - ^ 'll. . A«< ft 1 And . OM J Aftni *4 M «i L*m Twpfr ^ ho p tlOlTlC' PPrlCillS^ same web (CBS), "with same , .. .. _ _ .... _ ., _. _ i Payne) . . Second issue pf tliere^s an overall publicity line referring to Lux’s use*of "original out Was.a penetrating biog-in-high- Bill Leonard’s book, “This Is New York” {titled from his WCBShow), screen plays as well as films made from successful stage •plays. ^ The light, supported by some of the off the presses in time for Xmas-gifting . ,. , Singer,Lanny Ross heads tv adaptors are credited, however, Sanford Barnett *°£ ^aig and greatest past and present handlers • talent at Sales Execs’ Club Yule party Dec. 17 at Waldorf . . . WRCA Richard McDonagh for “Retirement.” of the English language* aside from program. mgr. Steve White blueprinting new stanzas currently very —— ■■ nit. Sir Winston's own excerpted prpse. hush-hush . Joseph Given and living Hammerman into sales jobs Video one-shots are in the upbeat groove again. As far as Ralph For instance, Sir Laurence Olivier at Italo language indie WOV during the past few days . ’ Jan Bart, Kelson is concerned) it’s a matter of faith; Nelson has quit as pro- in a moving passage, segueing into ‘‘American-Jewish Caravan of Sjtars” (WMGM) tenor, recently back ducer of NBG-TV’s “Armstrong Circle Theatre” packaged by Talent Marshall's recap of the dark hour from Aussie concert tour, hits Sidney and Melbourne again within a. Associates: to form his own “wrap-’em-up” outfit using four _ Circle . ^ Dunkirk; President Roosevelt few months , Larry Blenheim, WMGM gabber, is chairman of the shows he brought in as nuclei for series. Properties are ‘ Beautiful and Atlantic Charter compact board of deacons of the West Center Congregational Church, Brorix- Wife,” "Sketch Book” (with Fred Allen), "Joe and Mabel (with at ^ w ith Churchill's inspiring ville',. . Cathleen Cordell added to cast of "Helen Trent” . Michael Larry Blydon) and "Jody and Me.” Nelson continues as director of one-liner, "saving the world from Ingram and Margaretta Warwick new to "Lorenzo Jones.” CBS-TV’s "Mama.” .. , V. ■ measureless degradation”; the PM NBC, incidentally, has not forgotten its Fred Allen kidding the aga j at a joint session of Con- wiyj f'fllf' AC ft hews” project, with special events chief. Barry Wood Working on a gress> arid, a Christmas Eve decla- | 4T. format. ration about children that Will be Albert Behrens, ex-Coty ad director,'Signed on with Dancer- , , v. „ t, .. „ ........ v oc . w enshrined io literature along with .Fitzgerald-Sampie as Lady Esther account exec John Van Zant, . .Consolidated Television. & Radio Broadca^ers, Jnc. has^ grossed a wor ij S> J. Walter Thompson public relations .director, recuperating at home healthy amount of "coin from sale of 160,000 shades of common_put Last half incepted an array of aR emergency appendectomy . , WGN airing five shows daily* on the stock market yesterday (Tu e s.).... A groupof ^ybdicated^mv st- tributes to Churchilland the JBrM;-^the International Live Stock Exposition with the stations’ per- dll do his WASC and his ABC network shows from the heroes involved with Churchill in RftQT'ftlV he’ll emcee the show for the kiddies too. He’s making a victory, men such as General . for toys for the PAL members who ? ll attend, and - he’s Eisenhower, General Marshall, Several staff anr TV, Indianapolis; ^nd W OOD-TV ! , Grand Rapids;^^^^French wartime premier; Sir An- T i me v for another year on ABC . ..'j WLS National Barn Dance stars and WEOA, Evansville. There are said to .be some/ 600)00p ?hares of thony Eden, in art expansionrof the Grace Wilson and Red Blanchard doubling into Tv on “Downstate common In all for the company., \vith existing class B common shares text; Random House publisher j am boree” via WTVP, Decatur ... Thursday segment of Leri O’Connors* being converted into common. ^ u - _ Bennett Cerf, with some anecdotal AvMAQ “News On the Spot” bankrolled by South Shore Lincoln id Serene Saphar 'new Gal Fridays u(i the Pierobon, ex-N. W. Ayer, now with Need- i assistant account exCc.. . Paul Barnes, somewhere around $16 per share but only gradually increased to bus .» conferencier and his others Theatre’s production of "The Girl On the Via Flaminia.” nearly twice that figure. , ’ go to ghost writers ; — Churchill . * ; ~—~r , , v , . j v* rolls his own; Sir Winston him- fiy CJA7 FRANflSrO John B. Kelly arid members of his family. Including hi? daughter, self in the “i r0 n. Curtain” inven- ux ' ^ lace r!5, elly u tlie S v. ar ’ - e<3l r’ eS ^ 6d ♦ FC uo,n U i? rnn tio*r’'at Fulton^Mo., th e n . g< ^ r ' Television Diablo, Iric., which operates KOVR, has reorganized with shares of Seaboard Radio Corp. to Paul F. Hai on f geous quip on Sir Stafford Cnpps owner Les Hoffman becoming chairman of the board; A. E. Joscelyn $300,009. , , ... ,. flTirn barbing him for. words like quan- mov j n g from executive v,p.*to president, and Terry H. Lee, formerly Deal would giye^Harronmajontyownerslnp ofstock in the rm tify” and then off into a treatise on assistant. manager of WFAA-TV, Dallas, becoming general manager Winch operates, stations WIBG and WIGB-FM in GJ^ide,, phi^ d.I* the use of words (like why not an< j executive veepee .... Falstaff Brewing Co. has signed for a new plna .suburb. ^Operations, also owns ^4% of Daily News Television Co. ‘‘ scarc e” instead of short sup- tv news program, Falstaff Reporter, on KPIX, 10:30rl0:45 p,m. with which has a CP for Channel 32 in Philly. ply” and, his $iews on words in p a t Herndon . “Pat” Weaver, NBC president, addresses the S.F. ; .“77“ ... A Ar- a- nr* general—short words are best and Advettising: Club today (Wed.) ... Stanley Johnson, for the past year Disk jockey Martin. Block together w^^^BC, the AB£ Radio t he old words the best of all, a national sales rep and merchandising director of KCBS, has been flagship in N. Y„ have combined With etIC Q ^ ■ . handy manual for every steward of made a sales account exec J ; Gjon Mili in town last week, finished W'iwr®L-« u Chnstmas party-and-show StaUonand the language), (How come both sh0oting a tv filrn of D ave Brubeck for "Omnibus.” the. PAL have booked Manhattan Center for the afternoon of Dec. 20, shows missed the obvious—the war • and Block will ' ■ • —■— ' ^ ‘ “ ; stage, where daily appeal ror toys ipr^-ine wb mmup wuu.u ^u« * Eisenliower, General Marsnau,- Several staff announcer changes at WBZ ..involve Bob McKay, who also lining up talent ior the show. Already set are Les Elgart and the Field Marshal Montgomery* et al.) resigned to enter the insurance biz; Bud Markle, slated to join a real Gaylords, who called Block after be -announced plans for the party ABC slotted the hext hpur■ (fii to estate company, and Ken Mayer, station’s news director who is joining Monday (29), PAL will bring m outstanding athletes for the party, 9) for the self-descriptive Win-..philly’s WCAU . Monseigneur Carroll has banned all deejays who . T , .. . . .• . • . . . - ston ChurchiU’s Speeches Through feature r&b platters on their airshows from appearing at any CYO- AN. Y. radio .station .is going foreign language on-an allrmght basis; the Years,” edited and assembled and Cat holic school recotd hops in this area . , . WHDH deejay Bob WWRL. withiiv the next few months will increase broadcasting from by Yale Newman, the web s Lon- ciayton has inaugurated a nightly platter show in which the entire 19 horn's: -to 24. hours daily, with the one to six -ayern period being do ^ correspondent. Stanza_^as .program'-is chosen by a listener , . Stan Richards, WORL platter devoted t® .Latino gab and niqsic, . .. -•,ir. w b- T ' P f « s c nte 4 in-co-pp-.with the_BBG. spinner, set to handle an hour long tv-deejay stint from the Totem Currently 47V6 hours weekly are devoted to Spanish. WWRL has The Edward R. Murrow-Fred W. p 0 i e ballroom via WBZ-TV Dec 18 been slow'ly increasing the nbrnber of hours deyoted to that tongue Friendly production forces brought since 1940 when it had an hour a week. Last spring, the outlet added up the rear (that’s only a figure of jmr t'f WVFT JNrk an hour strip in the morning. The last post-midnight stanza the sta- speech) bn the tributes over CBS lion hadin a foreign tongue wasa German show done shortly after the Radio Santa Claus stanzas back on video with Glenn Rowell and Lawson station began in 1926, Sr 'm.^. S vi*anteinr^he filled in on Demine teaming up on WNBK on Saturdays, while John Saunders \ , , . . . , .. i. ,. .... it: riphiirf>hi11 Fra ” this was it. does a 15-minute^-5 p.m. WXEL Monday-thru-Friday stanza , . WERE’s First complete national rating on Disneyland -other than the d efliy Slled extra^ Walt Henficb hospitalized Glen Bowman, WGAR announcer, has weekly nineicity Tre^ndex saniplmgs puts the show and short^- from the PM’s most joined McCanri-ErieksOri NBC General Manager Lloyd Yoder nationally with « 35.5 average. Rat lhg* Ibat^of the Aniencan Re- s ig n iH ca0 (; speeches of the lafet hypoing color tv With mailings of new four-cent Lincoln stamp . . . search Bureau s November report, based on the Nov.. 10 segment Of g liar t er century. It was a wallop WGAR’s Jack Perkins stringirig Sheppard trial accounts to down-state *b'© ABC-tv er. . ^ but of the bag of Ed & Fred, broad- papers ... Bruce Charles rounds out first year as Bass Chevrolet film . competitive situatipn, the ARB breakdown shews the second casUng ’ S jja. 1 news-and^ditonal disker on WEWS 11 p.m. Friday stint ... AFTRA and NBC in friendly ‘ - 0 a IDisneyland' outpulling; Arthur Godfrey, 36.1 to 30,5. I partnership; .. . solution lor new twotyear contract. Mamed Joan,” on NBC, comes iri last with a 23.7. Apparently they had monitored ■ - - - i the previous programs because rjv Pit IT PWf A Mitch Miller agreed several weeks ago to a speaking engagement they worked in a number of fa- 'f-v x m/i • • • before the Pittsburgh Radio and Television Club last Wednesday (24). mous phrases not tackled by some In the meantime,. he was also paged for an appearance that same’ of the other (although ABC had night on the Arthur Godfrey tv program. Miller didn t Want to^dis- -Q* Lvuri'^to^hi^nolnt? 4 ' What drew plenty beefs for running film "Topper” on three successive Sat- % a'hig'wheel fn"the Radio and Television Club: And helped to uiake^ this.* “ih-ing” ^“vaclidf “"S Codfrev^ airran^edd k to^have C lii^ n< iMva?e^>ilot and^DRuie'^fl^ 1 Miller Murrow n narrative, with itsVillful, new pilot ot WIP's "Dawn Patrol," all-night disk show, has revived’ J bridges and lead-ups. One with, a Jan Peerce’s "Bluebird of Happiness,” program, fave in the eai’ly PittsbuigA at iioon toi' the lqncheon dale^and a tben bacl^.tq New York p ^ sh fof phraseology could not forties ... WIBG trying (o help curb juve delinquericy by spinning apm in time foi the leheaisal. Miller made both bookings with help but f ind a certain fascination Clark Dennis’ "Ten Commandments” at regular intervals . . . WHYY, plenty to spaie. in- rebalUng^such Philadelphia’s new edugational FM station, is skedded to begin broad- t. • e woif** v nt - "-nvi-fT.T fK« as J on ‘H. itlei !)=. ‘^t bloodthirsty casting early i December. Station, now broadcasting experimentally, Piof. Walter E. Bezarison of Rutgers U., wilting as piexy of the guttersnipe , this wicked man ^ji use FM tower and facilities- of WestirkChouse chain radio outlet Melville Society and "as a Citizen and viewer,” kudosed the six-part .. . thiff monstrous product of for- kyw tower, ana tacinties o.t westmgnouse cnain iaaio outlet, "Moby Dick” series on “Camera Three" of WCBS-TV, N. Y., based on mer wrongs and shame”; or, on II iv . TT - . Il.ill. _ 1 _ P .1 1 1 1_ ‘ A1- _ TTT1_ '■ 1 _ _■. _ A. * _ ' ■*-v’ J.I. _ 4 n t Preston Foster, star of filmed “Waterfrorit” series, in to visit mother and also guested on WCAU-TV. which carries vidpic . . WCAU-TV a boat on Dale Young’s “Pirate Pete” show on ‘sES^ii^t^r^irs«ri?ed to TVR the final h^ne^^ifomi^d Anything but WJBK-TV drew 30,985 entry lettersAvith a five-ye^bld boy lvinniiTg ?f«P thJ arianged to TVR the final toil and sweat - ; a $3,000 boat for the best letter , Joe Gentile featured on his WJBK larnei ioi tne Meivme ancionaaos. ; « SQ much owed by so many to so radio show an exhibition tournament for the benefit ,6f the . Blind few” . . . and that striking four- Bowlers League with a quartet of players, from the Detroit LionSf vvorder, “the swords of justieg,” National Football League champs, competing .against five blind bo\vlers Here was stage-setter Miurrow in , ; . William Balogh, One of two senior members of ttbe Aviation Writers a reprise demonstration on Church- Assn., to be guest commentator oil WJKB-TV!s public service “Air ill the statesman-orator, • the Force Reporting TV Show” Which features the production, writing ELECT SLAVICK PREXY Memphis, Nov. 30. Henry (Hank) Slavick, general manager of WMC, WMCF and WMCT, NRC outlets here, has been elected prexy of the ; Tennessee As- sociation of Broadcasters. The an- nual session was held at Chattan- ooga Yvith some 150 state broadcast- ers and telecasters attending. Hoyt Wooten,, owner and opera- tor of WREC, CBS Yveb here, was elected secy.-treasurer.; Other TAB officers include Frank Corbett, Maryville, veepee; Earl Winger, Chattanooga, F. C. Sowell, Nash- ville, and .John Hart, Knoxville, named board members. s Cleve.*Post Cleveland, Nov. 30; Mel drum & advertis- ing agency, which headquarters in I f^’the piatform^theV^ r’ 1 Alt A 1am J U A A J' A. M Attf a! a ■ I ^ . . .a' ■ ’ m M * prophet, the phraseur and theatii- i and acting''talents of Michigan U.S. Air Force recruiting personnel. 1 Show’s riioderator is Major Dale Hornnng, who was known as Dale Cleveland, has appointed a new di- England” g 1 ° T W s ’ rector of its radio-television dept a hd all other lands of the free and McIntyre to bis former WJR radio audience. He is Bruce Staudermann, formerly enslaved world, in war and in . ir/ ^ a New York City script Writer but peace. A CBS touche, with voiced Ii\ for the past three years employed credits to Joseph Wershba, J. G. . . ■ . . .. . locally as a producer-director at Gude arid the: BBC. T rail. Duncan Miller, ex of radio station WWDC-MBS, has been named WXEL-TV here. '. r-—-—r- .publicity and promotion director of WTTG-DuMont, replacing George Staudermann Avas scripter on the Memphis — Charlie Sullivan, Flax, who is taking over as Washington-Baltiiriore regional director , “Captain Video” series wbcii it was -w.k. midsouth .Sports and special of TV Program Week, new Curtis Circulation Co. fan weekly Woduced bv oiea»Druee at Benton 1 events spieler here,, has resigned George Henning and Robert Cobblns have been upped from time & Bowles in Manhattan. his post with WMC, NBC outlet. to salesmen to account execs at .indie radio station WARL , . Prank 'loin the Joe Bankhead. *f! e ncy. Blair, news edltor of NBC-TVV “Today,” returns to his former 1 home ** . . . Sullivan has also teamed up with during his tenure as WRC-NBC staff announcer to make * speech Greensbero, N. Co-Jack, KneUiMBill Killebrew, before the D.C. Chapter of the Society for the-Advancement of^ Man- Charlotte, has'been named .director' rated '-'KartOou TTme” three^times ^ ^ ' j * j" ■ \ ffb of news for WBT and WBTV. weekly over WHBQ-TV, (Continued on page 42)