Variety (March 1955)

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LITTLE CAESAR THE KILLERS HIMAKERS Starring WILLIAM ARTHUR LUTHER WILLIAM 6ENDIX • KENNEDY • ADLER • TALMAN GENE MARSHALL »ls* starring BEVERLY EVANS • THOMPSON • MICHAELS Fortign Salts Dspt., William M. flror, 723 Seventh Asa, Naw Yort, N. Y. Cable Address: Gildfilms / with GLORIA TALBOT ADAM WILLIAMS Produced by Directed by Presented by HAL E. CHESTER • LEWIS R. FOSTER • IRVING H. LEVIN Screenplay by Hal E. Chester and Lewis R. Foster ^ \ Distributed by FILMAKERS A Releasing Organization . mma> The startling truth about teen-age crime ...starring FRANK LOVEJOY • KEEFE BRASSELLE • CATHY O’DONNELL - KAREN SHARPE Wednesday, March 2, 1933 t^Riefr i 23 MASS BOOKING-NEW ENGLAND AREA Starts MARCH 2nd