Variety (October 1910)

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VARIETY •lUUHU .illliilL \A BUILD YOUR OWN HOUSE % LESS THAN A CONTRACTOR CAN BUILD IT I have arranged with a large lumber com- ^oo^^Qg pany in Michigan to furnish for people of the PROFESSION knock-down houses, (NOT PORTABLE), complete with lumber, hardware, nails, plaster, paint for two coats, inside and outside—for about one half the cost of the raw material. THESE BUILDINGS come cut to fit, marked and with plans, so that any one who can drive a nail can put them together, and when finished are the same as any first-class carpenter will build. They are shipped direct to you from the mill in Michigan and you save all middleman's profit, as you buy at catalogue price, and pay no more. If you are going to build, let me hear from you. I have built 5 of these houses this past summer. Send for catalogue. mo PERMANENT ADDRESS DAN SHERMAN SHERMAN PARK, CENTRAL PARK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. I have a few small FARM PLOTS suitable for CHICKEN or STRAWBERRY farming, FOR SALE, situated in the healthiest spot on Long bland, on EASY TERMS. Blue Print showing location mailed on request. RIN/1 AIM and hi 'THE JAY CIRCUS TIME ALL FILLED ic BATTLE OF SAN DAGO" with JIM OeFOREST and TIME ALL FILLED I will be in Chicago Oct. 3 (or five weeks. Any one wishing to communicate with me, address DAN SHERMAN, 1122 East 42d Place, Chicago, IU. When answering edrertleement* kindly mention VARIETY.