Variety (October 1913)

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14 VARIETY HICKEY, OF KINEMACOLOR, LOCATE S PLAN T UP-STATE Elected Vice-President of American Kinemacolor Concern This Week. Is General Manager of the London Kin Company. N.V. State Enterprise Involves $500,000. First Picture Will Be Weber & Fields Feature Film William H. Hi.kty, general manager of the London Kinemacolor company, was this week elected vice-president of the Kinemacolor Co. of America. He has been in this country . for some weeks, but his mission was not made public. Mr. Hickey has completed the de- tails for the establishment at Lowville, N. Y,. of a large plant for the eastern business of Kinemacolor. It calls for the expenditure of $500,000. The plans call for the erection of a glass covered studio 300 feet long, built directly back of what is now Lowville town hall, and a theatre seating 1,200. These will be connected with the productions re- WILLIAM H. HICKEY hearsed in the theatre and played on the five stager of the studio or in the open air, according to the demands of the scenarios. Lowville is situated in northern New York on the Black River Road from Utica. It is close to the St. Law- rence River. The local Board of Trade has made special inducements to the Kinemacolor Co. to locate in the town, offering building sites and other con- cessions in order to secure the boom that would naturally accrue from so large an enterprise. One of the first big i)r()ducti()ns to be made at the new Lowville studios m'\\\ be the Weber and Fields scries, writ- ten by Roy L. McCardell. A special $500,000 company has been formed for this series of feature films, as exclu- sively forecasted in Varietv some weeks ago. Its directors include Jos. M. Weber, Lew Fields, William Klein, Morris Ely, A. P. Barnard and A. H. Sawyer. THE HALT, LAME AND BLIND. The Mittenthal Brothers were mak- ing a picture last week in which 26 horses were being used, when one of the animals bowled Director Chester De Vonde over and stepped on him for good measure. Some of the other horses became unmanageable and caused a panic among the movie players. The picture managers did a general Red Cross stunt in clearing the field of the "lame, the halt and the blind," as one participant put it. The Mit- lenthals say all the excitement was cameraed and should prove more in- teresting than planned. De Vonde is the former stock actor who almost lost his eyesight a few seasons ago while playing in Hoboken, N. J. In one scene where make-be- lieve poison was supposed to be used, carbolic acid almost gave the show a fatal ending. GOVERNMENT $100,000 FEATURE. Chicago, Oct. 1. Lieut. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Brig. Gen. Charles King and numerous other distinguished soldiers passed through this city Monday morning on their way to the Pine Ridge Indian agency near Rushville, Neb., where they will pose before picture cameras in scenes of the Custer campaign. A large number of Indians will be used and a detachment of regular sol- diers sent to Rushville to take part. Buffalo Bill will also be on hand. He was a scout in the Indian wars. ' It is said the government will spend about $100,000 in efforts to preserve these scenes for future generations. O. F. EXCLUSIVE SERVICE. The General Film is out, beginning Oct. 13, with a new exclusive proposi- tion for film theatre managers and theatre managers open for occasional film service. Three special programs per week, consisting of 3 multiple and 6 sin- gle reels each will be delivered to ex- hibitors and their territory absolutely guaranteed against duplicates. The charges for the new service will de- pend upon the section protected. An exhibitor given a radius of, say, 20 square blocks by 20, will have to pay more than one asking protection for say only a 10 by 10 acreage. Similarly, smaller sections will cost less. Par- ticular stress is being laid by the Gen- eral Film upon an angle of the new service that precludes contracts. The company takes the point of view that the film business is in an ever chang- ing state, and particularly susceptible to important changes at the present time. Anticipating the apprehension of exhibitors against sewing themselves up to any particular way of doing business at this time, the General of- fers the new exclusive service practi- cally without agreement as to the period of exhibition, the only stipula- tion being a mutual two weeks' notice of contemplated discontinuance. EDISON COMPANIES GOING ON. The Edison Kinetophone Co. (Inc.) from its New York offices makes em- phatic denial of the report from the west that all the western companies of the talkers were about to close. Since the Chicago wire in last week's Vakietit General Booking Manager Jos. A. Daly has had the middlewest managers writing and wiring in ask- ing whether the Edison Co. intended to book any further time. Daly re- plied in the affirmative. Some of the talkers changed territory and several of the managers are to take up new time which is said to have caused the closing impression to gain circulation. WANTED GIRAFFE TYPE. A picture concern wanted an actor to play the role of a banker in a forth- coming movie production. Among the applicants was one man who looked every inch a banker as far as some bankers go. He didn't go far enough. The company wanted a "banker" six feet tall. As he quit the office he remarked: "They want a giraffe, not a 'banker'." ALICE LLOYD RELEASE. A regular release in the Kinemacolor service will be an Alice Lloyd picture, taken aboard the Mauretania on her arrival last Friday. Miss Lloyd was posed in several parts of the boat by J. F. Hughes, who directed the film. Harold Miller had the camera. The Lloyd picture is one of a series KitiemacoloT is putting out, with the- atrical stars as the principals. TAKES TIMES SQUARE. The Times Square, a picture house on Broadway opposite the Broadway theatre, has been taken over by Sam- uel Clair. He is showing independent films. Th'e Broadway is a Marcus Loe"^ house, playing Licensed pictures. BIDDLE BROS. IN FOUR REELS. The„ Mittenthal Bros, have in con- templation a special moving picture production in four reels of the escape of the Bid^le Brothers from jail. RELIANCE LOSES MISS HOLLAND. Mildred Holland, the former dramat- ic actress, with the Reliance picture concern for some time, left the cn- «:agement this week. I.1OCK-OUT IS OVER. Cincinnati, Oct. 1. . The union operators locked out by the moving picture house owners re- turned to work to-day. The employ- ers have signed a year's agreement to recognize the union. No wage in- crease was asked. RELEASED NEXT WEEK (Oct. 6 to Oct. 11, inc.) MANUFACTUBBRS INDICATED BT ABBREVIATIONS, YIK.1 GENERAL Vltagrapb V Blograph B Kalem K Lubin LJ Solax Pathes PthW Sellg 8 EdiRoo E W^^anajr 8^ Klelne K Mellen Mel EXCLVSITE (Taumont 0 GN.S.F O.N Ramo .R Sol Eclectic Be. F R A V Lewis Pennants. .L.P. Orpat Northern...O.N nrai!on D Itala It U.N.X.X O.N.X.X. UNITER8AL Imp I Grm Oem Bl8on B 101 Chryfltal C Neator N Power* P Eclair Bclr Rei Rx Frontier Pmt VIrtor VIr Blache Features Hi MUTUAL American A Keystone Key Reliance Rel Majestic Mai Thanhouser T Kay-Bee K. B. Broncho Br Domino Dom Mutual M OCT. 6—MONDAY GENERAL F—His Secret, drama. 998, B: End of the Run, drama, 1000, K: Counter- feiters Fate. drama. 1(mm>. L; Pathes Weekly, No. 66. news, Plhe: Conscience Fund, drama, 2000, S: Ann of the Trails, drama. 1000. V: Birds of the Southern Sea Coast, dpscrlptlve, SOO E: Short Life and a Merry One, comedy. 700, E: UNIVERSAL F—Trail of the Lonesome Mine, drama, 1 reel, N: Stolen Love, drama, 2 reels, I: Motor Bug—and—Our Baby, com- edy, split reel. Gem: EXCLUSIVE F—Prisoner of thp Harem. Bl: MUTUAL F—Pitfall of the Installment Plan, drama. 2 reels. A: Across the Alley— and—Ahelone Industry, split reel. Key: Buf- fer, Rel: OCT. 7—TUESDAY GENERAL F—Wilful Colleen's Way. drama, 1000, E: MntJ<>r of Dress, com. dr.. 1000. BAA: Flower of Destiny, drama, 2000. KL: Plants Whirh Rat. botany. 374. Pthe: How Mountains Grow, science, 354, Pthe: Journey Through Crlmp.t. travel. 300. Pthe: Mission- ary and the Actres.s. drama. 1000. S: Home- spun Tragedy, drama. 1000, V: Two Cow- ards, drama, 1000. L: UNIVERSAL F C.lrl and the Tiger, drama, 8 reels. B 101: Drens Reform—and—Baldy Belmont Wanted a Wife, comedy, split reel. C: EXCLUSIVE F- Not Announced, Q. N.: Ballet GlrrH Romance, 1000, O: MUTUAL F—Heritage. 1 reel. MaJ; Louis, the Life Saver, drama, 2 reels, T: OCT. 8~WPDNESDAY GENERAL F—Pink Granite Industry at Milford, Maf»n.. dencrlptlve. 400, E: Boy Wanted, comedy. fiOO, E: Riddle of the Tin Soldier, drama, 2000, K: Dad's Insanity, com- edy, 1000. S A A: Smugglf^r, drama. 1000. Pthe: When FrlendHhlp Ceanes. comedy. 1000, V: Dream of Dan McGulre. comedy. 1000. S: UNIVERSAL F—Love Trail, drama. 1 reM, N: Chivalry Days. com. dr.. 1 reel, P; One of the Rabble, drama, 2 reels. Eclr: EXCLUSIVE F: Not Announced, D: Weekly, No. 82. news, 1000, G: MUTUAL F: Forgotten Melody, drama, t reel, Br: Once Upon a Time, l reel, Rel: OCT. 9—THURSDAY GENERAL F—Never Known to Smile, com- edy. 460, B: Scenting a Terrible Crime, com- edy, 649, B: Love and the Law, com. dr., 1000, S A A: Breed of the North, drama, LtKM). L; Cast Amid Ilnomerans: Throw- ers, drama. 1000. Mel: Two Mothers, drama. 2000, Pthe: Saved from the Vigilantes, drama. 1000, S: Heartbroken Shep, drama, 1000, V: Pathe's Weekly, No. 67, news, 1000, Pthe: UNIVERSAL F: Their Parents, drama, 1 reel, I: Shadows of Life, drama, S reel, Rex: When Father Goes to Church, comedy, 1 reel, Frnt: EXCLUSIVE F: Leap of Despair, It: Not Announced, 1000, O: MUTUAL F—Taming a Cowboy, 1 reel. A: Not .\nnounced, Dom: Schnltz, the Tailor, 1 reel. Key: OCT. 10-FRIDAY GENERAL F—In the Shadow of the Moun- tiiln.s, drama. 2000, E: Dear Old Girls, drama, 2000. S A A: Pete's Insurance Policy, com- edy. 600. K: Sea Scouts of America, educ, .'.00, K: Millionaire's Ward, com. dr.. 1000. Ptlie: Ceylon Tea Estate, educational. BOO. .»<: Only Five Years Old. drama, 600. S: c'utey's Waterloo, comedy, 1000, V: Drum- mer's Narrow Escape, comedy, 600, L: Oolng Home to Mother, comedy, 600, L: UNIVERSAL F—Simple Life, 1 reel, N: PIlRrlniage- Messenger of I^ve. split reel, P; Winner, drama, 2 reela, Vic: EXCLUSIVE F—Not Announced, F: Lov- ing Water. 2000. Sol: MUTUAL F—Revelation, drama, 1 reel, K. H.: Girl Worth While, I reel-, T: OCT. 11—SATURDAY GENERAL F—Girl and the Outlaw, drama, 1000, E: Broncho Billy's Oath, drama, 1000. S & A: Higher Law. drama, 1000. L: Talk- ative Tens, comedy, 1000. Pthe: Test, drama, 2000. V: Influence of a Child, drama, 1000, K: So Runs the Way, drama, 998, B: UNIVERSAL F: Thou Shalt Not Rubber— and— Hilarities by Hy. Mayer, comedy, split reel, 1: Harmon and Discord, com. dr.. 1 r(>el. Frnt: Fighter of the Plains, drama. 2 reel. B 101: ■ EXCLUSIVE F—Not Announced, 1000, G. N.: MUTUAL F—Calamity Anne's Sacrtflee. farce, 1 reel, A: Iceman, 1 reel, M«J: Re- bellloua Pupil. 1 reel, Rel: