Variety (January 1914)

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34 VARIETY In New York looking op at the tall one*. For one week only. Have yon heard the story ahont the dally mall? PANCAKES 8 times |»«r day and we rare hate to leave them. Returning to London on 8. 8. St. Lonls Jan. 24. Iladaffoodtlmely yours, Vardon, Perry and Wilber LUCILLE SAVOY ■INGINO TONUS Toartaf Blekards Circuit, Australia Agents: Sullivan * Consldins Permanent Address: 404 First Nat'l Bk Bid* Chicago, 111. G/g*vt-/g 3*c*eD SPec- TVfCLtf" IN itMtCH Tnev peoe*&*-Y *****~ T^ovate RH Q o?/*e~t-5. CHfiLUGLOGI&r PlaV/VG ToK 5ui.civ*fiJ v .*-> yboi-i- he ^*o-^ were* ^1 To"Jff\. * N ° l* 0 *™ niMowrw Millers 3 Juggling (C) Minstrel Four (C) MonarchB Melody Monroe Edith Moore Frank E Morgan Marven Morrell Maude Montgomery Frank Montrose Otto Morart Fred & Eva Murphy William J N Naylor Marlon (P) Nellnen Harry NelHon Tom Norman & Marshall Norton Dixie Nonvale Jas (C) 0 O'Brien L C Owens Mrs Palmer P L, Pander Billy Park Ifert Parnell Roy Pellvelet Ralph Phillips Ooff (C) Phillips L C, Plnkham William Plstlo Lem Powers Frod Prag'T Mile Q Qulglcy .lark R Rao Frank Ravmond Ruby Hatkr Ow* (C) Kavmond Flo (Ti m-ddi.k Frank (Ci R.-dmond Rita Reuschla« Mr AMrsCiP Ke«'ves Hilly (C) Rice True RlnR'-dorf rh;is KoN-rts Bohhlo Ro he D»n W<> I Imwh rd f I' I ){<)«• Fr«»«li ri'k Rosrhud Fthel Ruhso (Sj R'Tiiina S Salto Mr T Rawyer Delia Bctaug William Bcott Robt Sherman Sadie (C) Sherwooda Aerial (C) Shirley & Green Slrlonlos The Sllber & North (C) Sloan Blanche Smith Max L Spe.ce: Margaret StBrr Marguerite Stelner Mamie Stevens Clara St Onge Mr A Mrs Fr Sutton H B (P) Swor & Weatbrook Tempest Olive Thompson Annie Tlnney Frank Trary Virginia Travollo Mr U Umhoults Charles Vanderbllt Oertle Vnughn Eleanor Voss Eddie W Waener Bob Walker Quelle (C) Walton Fred Watson Oeo S (C) Wrhh Austin (("■) Wellington Art M Welton * Marshall Weens Walter West Madge W*»«ton Horare Wheeler Henrietta White rinyton Whitehall & White Wilbur riarenre Wild Al H (C) Willard .Tos F Wilson I,lzzle Wood Franeln Wondhurv I>ee P Wood Al Wn-id Nellie Wvntt .Faek Wver Forrest York chieken Z Zampa Essie Zeller Jacob H Zeraa Juggling (C) GAVIN and PLATT The PEACHES TOURING Phone 1S81-M Passale 7 Hawthorne Ave., CUftea, N. J. 1 ■^SHCSClr^ CROSSMAN'8 B-A-N-J-0-P-H-I-E-N-D3 S-C CIRCUIT JOE MENDEL VIOLIN AND RAY NAG EL ACCORDION Street Musician Tkit Weti ii Chicatt GtiH East Louise Mayo A Girl A Voice A Piano g-0 TOUB JULIA CARLE On fmr with the (iRRTRl'DB HOPFMANN SHOW. AERIAL CROMWELLS The FaHteat and Moat Sensational Act Brfore the Public HAII.KI) FOR MEXICO THURSDAY, JAN. 22 Reliable. Al Professional FRANCIS X. HENNESST Irish Piper—Irish Dancer Scotch Piper—Scotch Dancer Violinist—Musician .„* 822 2d Ave.. New York. N. Y. __ or care VARIKTY—Agents. Keep This Address Joe Stanley and Frankie La Brack DOING A LITTLK OF EVERYTHING IN AND AROUND CHICAGO MARX BROS. ROCKWELL AND WOOD "Two Noble Nuts Navi- gating on the Ocean off Nonsense" ALFREDO HIPPODROME, MIDDELL8BORO, ENG. I FRANCES CURE m AMD HJEB 8 LITTLE GIRL FRIENDS In "JUST KIDS" with GUY MWSON Direetis* CHRIS O. BROWN NKD M. FAT Beckers Adams Basked Until May TOURING W. V. M. A. TIME. Direction LEW GOLDBERG. EAIDA The Barkers "DESTROYERS OF GLOOM" Direction SIM WILLIAMS, 'PARISIAN BEAUTIES' IVI J. OUR' In "GOOD BYE DOTS'* By Jnnle MeCres. Direction. HARRY SHEA. I JU I HOWARD and RALPH ANDERSON "THE BOYS WITH THE CLASSY ACT" CLASSY NOVEL ORIGINAL THE BIG HIT MABEL ELAINE With McINTYRE and HEATH in "THE HAM TREE" PLAYING DESDEMONIA, FEATURING HER ECCENTRIC DANCE Author of "SEVERAL THINGS" FRANK FINNEY Chas. H. Waldron's "TROCADERO" CO. KINZO MAKING GOOD EVERYWHERE Working all the time RUTH CU RTISS A CV.n Shooter Now Playing Loew Circuit Booked Solid Lola Stantonne Paulisch "THE GIRL WITH THE VIOLIN" Now Touring S-C Circuit with 'THE BANJO PHIENDS" CLAIRE VINCENT co in is fP RIQ SUCCESS ON LOEW TIME