Variety (March 1915)

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22 MOVING PICTURES ture company, who came east several weeks ago only to fall belr to a severe attack of pl» tiro-pneumonia, Is able to be out and around again. Balshofer Intends to remain east bere for some time and baa several plans pending wbicb will result In new con- nections. Fox U to make a big feature out of "Tbe Plunderer," with William Karnum featured. John Zanft will take Farnum and supporting players to Arizona within the next fortnight to Htage the picture. Hheu Mitchell has been entrusted wltb tbe lead of 'The Fakir," a two-part, shortly to he n leased by the Mutual. Scllg is now sending out a small weekly press hheet. In the Charles E. Van Loan film atoiTt "Little Sun.-.el." Gordon Griffith, tbe boy ac- tor, appears as Sunset Jones. Lubln may shortly organise another west- ern company. New acquisitions to tbe Lubln western forces are George Berrell and Jay Moroly. The first of the Frank Gotch wrestling match series to be made by Sellg will appear April ">. The picture will be offered In week- ly Installments. Maurice Barr, who Is looking after tbe World Film branch, New Orleana, was ahead of "Alias Jimmy Valentine" when the Llebler Co. had it out as a road attraction. Estelle Tbebaud, a former artists', model, haa Joined tbe All-Komeuy Co. of tbe Kri- terion service. Hen Drum, formerly stationed In Denver, Is now In charge of tbe Washington office of tbe World Film Co. Sydney M. Oaber, tbe London office man- ager for the Famous Players, sailed for Eu- rope last Saturday, after visiting tbe west- ern and eastern offices of the F. P. Co. Tbe Famous Players announces March 22 as tbe release date for the John Barry more feature production of "Are You a Mason T" Donald Brian is a late acquisition to pho- toplay feature work and Lasky announces Brian will engage In film acting at tbe close of tbe present season, under its direction. Lillian Elliott, of tbe original company of "Help Wanted," has been specially engaged to play her old role In the film version of tbe play by tbe Morosco Co. "Tbe Lone Star Rush," a camera adapta- tion from Edmund Mitchell's novel, will be the next release of tbe Alliance Film Corpor- ation. Tbe leads were played by Robert Fra- ser, Rupert Julian, Charles Arllng and May Gaston. Southard Brown Is looking after the pub- licity for tbe Alliance. Croesett a Dunlap, New York book publish- ers, are making a reissue of novels from which late photoplay features have been made. The board of directors of tbe Kentucky branch of ibe Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of America met at Lexington. Ky„ last week and chose that city aB tbe meeting place for the next annual convention April 21-22. Miller Bros.' 101 Ranch, now showing at P. P. I. E., 'Frisco, la preparing to produce several Wild West films. W. A. Brooks, a southern producer and director, Is organis- ing the company and will do tbe directing. Tbe films will be posed for In tbe 101 arena. George Fisher, wltb the Jamea Young Co., making "Hearts in Exile" (five parts) at Sar- anac Lake, N. Y., bad an icy experience laat week while In front of the camera, 'lue company was out In the open, with the ther- mometer 10 below, when Fisher and bis horse broke through the ice. The Lund companies, which have been south photoplaying "M'IIrs" and "The Butter- fly," have returned to New York. The New York Imp forces are getting ready to take possession of the new studios at Coytesvlllc, N. J., July 1. The players are glad a bun is to be iu operation to and from the Fort Lee ferry. Stuart Paton is putting the finishing touch- es to a five reeler which deals with tubercu- losis but has a story. Some new changes have gone Into effect at the Imp. lien Wilson will hereafter direct the Alms in which he has the leads. Clem Eastman, who formerly staged tbe Wilson pieces, will Join the James Garwood comnany as director. Garwood was formerly with the American forces. Charles Segall has been elected president of the Philadelphia M. P. Exhibitors' League. The Joker is going in for a new line of comedy pictures with Fsy Tlchner In new roles. John nrennan and Dot Gould are still plny- iriK prinrlpnl role* with the Sterling releases, having houic busy scenes in the March re- leases. Hess Meredytb wrote tbe scenario for "Their Hour," a two-part Gold Seal. Fred Mace will very likely be engaged to direct tbe forthcoming multiple production of "Why Smith Left Home," to be made by the Peerless. Charles Murray will visit his folks in Mun- cle, Ind., this month, his first vacation since joining tbe Keystone. It's understood that all of the proposed Vltagraph comedies, wltb legitimate players featured, will be more than one and two reels. Madeline and Marlon Fairbanks, the Than- houser twins, have the leads in the T picture ••$1,000 Reward." Paul Gullck, of the Universal Weekly, has been receiving many compliments upon his newspaper ads for "The Black Box." They were written in a snappy vein away from the old style. A report Ruth Stonebouse has left Essanay. However she is slated for some of the Essa- nay March releases. Ralph Heckathorn, 14, Oil City Pa., haa gone blind • from constant attendance at the movies. He was In them morning, noon and night. After the World Film photoplays tbe old meller, "Women and Wine," which waa pro- duced years ago, It will follow It up with a big production of "Trilby." When P. A. Powers departed with the Uni- versal bunch for the Coast last Saturday he carried awiy about three weeks' growth of whiskers. He wished to be disguised during all the camera clicking en route. Some of the men and women In the Uni- versal made that trip to California and back In about 80 minutes and 600 feet of film— tbe time spent in the auto ride to the sta- tion and the number of camera celluloid used in making camera note of the departure. However there were enough who departed to make the getaway Impressive. The Broad- way parade almost forgot the band but some- one suggested It be piled Into a taxi. Billy Oane says Philadelphia is the great- est film eating city In the country. Wally Slgler, with John T. Doyle and Co. in vaudeville. Is appearing with Anita Stew- art in the new Vltagraph serial. Rolfe has tbe picture rights of Gilbert Par- ker's novel, 'The Right of Way." Orvln John- eon has been engaged to play the lead. Fred A. Balsborer, formerly connected with the managing direction of the Sterling pic- It's George Soulle 8pencer, the former lead- ing man In stock, who has tbe male lead In the Lubln multiple feature. 'The Evangelist." and not Arthur V. Johnson as some papers reported. Barry O'Nell did the directing. Tom North, who looks after the George Klclne office. San Francisco, came within an ace of shuffling off this mortal coll with ptomaine poisoning resulting from a feast of mushrooms. Quick work by a doctor saved Tom's life. RELEASED NEXT WEEK(Mv. 15 Is Mar. 20, m.) MANUFACTURERS INDICATED BY ABBREVIATIONS, VULt GENERAL Vitsgrspb .... V Btograpa B Ealem K Labia L Pathe Pthe Selig 8 Edison B Essanay .... B-A EJeiae JU Melles aid Aabrosio .. Assb Colasnbaa ... Col Mine Ml UNIVERSAL Imp I Bisoa B101 Nestor N Powera P Eclair Eclr Res Ra Frontier ... Frat Victor Vic Gold 8eal....G S Joker I Uai verbal Ike U I Sterling .... Ster BigU BU L.-JL O...L K O MUTUAL American A Keyetoae .. Est Reliance Rel Majestic .... Mai Thanhouser ... T Eay-Bee .... E B Dossiae .... Dean Mutest M Princess Pr Eosaic Eo Beaaty Be Apollo Aao Royal R Uoa La Hepworta H UNITED Gaamont ... Gaa Tarns Tasss Gaaatler .... Gaa Saperba .... Sap Empress ... Esap St. Loais ...St L Nelson Nel Miaasa ...M N A Uaited Statea U S Lariat Lar Hasaaaology .. H Lane Laaa Graadia ... Graad Rasas Raaso Features Ideal F I Starlight ... Star Regeat Reg iaao Jane Lars Mars The eabject is ia owe reel ol about 1,680 jeet onlesa otherwise noted. MARCH IS—MONDAY. Mutual—The Two Sentences, 2-reel dr, A ; Keystone title not announced; The Reward, dr. Rel. General—Saved from the Vampire, dr, B; The Master Mummer, 3-reel dr, E; Love and Trouble, com, S-A ; Unfaithful to His Trust, 2-reel dr, K; Patsy Among the Smugglors (12th of the "Patsy Bolivar" series) com, L; The Fork In the Road, 2-reel dr, and Hearst- Sellg Newe Pictorial. No. 21, 8; Mr. Jarr Brings Home a Turkey (2d of the Jar Family aeries), com, V. Universal—Wlfeys Fling, dr. I: The Ref- ugees, com, J ; The Storm, 2-reel dr, Vic. Kriterlon—A Voice from the Sea, 2-reel dr, Par; Billy's Waterloo, com, 8 B. United—Retrieving the Past, 2-reel dr, F I. MARCH 16— TUESDAY. Mutual—The Master's Model, 2-reel dr, T ; In the Mansion of Loneliness, com-dr, Be; The Emerald Brooch, dr. MaJ. General—After the Storm, 2-reel dr, B; When the Fates Spin, dr, S-A; Ham at the Oarbage Gentlemen's Ball, com, K; Her Country Cousin, com, E; Here Comes the Bride, com, L; Sage-Brush Tom, com, S; From Headquarters, 3-reel dr, V. Universal—Tbe Blood of the Children, 2- reel dr, G 8; Tbe Mix-up at Maxims, com. N; At His Own Terms, dr. B U. Kriterlon—Spanish Madonna, 2-reel dr, Mt; A Devilish Dream, com, Tbtle. United—Lady Audley's Secret, com. Sup: With a Girl at Stake, dr, Prem. MARCH 17—WEDNESDAY. MUTUAL.—Competition, 2-rcel"dr, A; The Balance, dr, Rel; A Case of Poison, 2-reel com-dr. Br. ' OENERAL.^-The Animated Grouch Chaser, cartoon com, and Seen Through the Make-up. torn, split-reel. E; Tbe Trap Door (An Episode of the "Girl Detective" series), dr, K; A Tragedy of the Hills. 2-reel dr. L; The Puny Soul of Peter Rand, dr. S; The Fable of "The Oalumptlous Girl." com. S-A ; Postponed, com, V. UNIVERSAL.—Saved by Telephone, 2-reel dr. Eclr; Hough, but Romantic com, L-KO; Universal Animated Weekly. No. 1."»8, U. KRITERION. Love's Tribunal, li-reel dr. Trp • Steve's Ste:idfnst Steed, com, C K. UNITED. The Verdict. 1! reel dr. Grand MARCH 18—THURSDAY. MUTUAL—The Mill by the Zuyder Zee, 2- reel dr, Dom; Keystone title announced; Mu- tual Weekly, No. 11, M. GENERAL.—His Desperate Deed, dr. B; The Only Way Out, 3-reel dr. L; Hearst- Selig News Pictorial. No. 22. S; Tbe Battle of Frenchman's Run, com. V; As He Blew. He Blew, com, and Tbe Dove of Peace, car- toon-com. split-reel, Mt. UNIVERSAL.—The Funny Side of Jealousy, 2-reel com, B U; Raindrops, and Girls, com. Star; All for Peggy, dr, Rx. KRITERION.—The Stepbrothers, 2-reel dr. S B ; Cy's Triumph, com, Pcb. UNITED.—I'm Crazy to be Married, com. Star; With Daddy's Aid. and Ye Gods What a Cast, split-reel com, Luna. MARCH "li^FRIDAY. MUTUAL.—Only a Tramp, dr. Rel; The Phantom on the Hearth, 2-reel dr, K D; Joe Harkln'i Ward. dr. Pr. GENERAL F.—Seekers After Romance, dr, B; The First Commandment. 3-reel dr, K; In tbe Shadow of Death, 2-reel dr. E; One Law Breaker, dr, L; Why Billings Was Late, com, S; The Wood Nymph. 2-reel dr, S-A; The Capitulation of the Major, com, V. UNIVERSAL.—The Golden Spider, dr, Vic; The Black Pearl, 2-reel dr, I; Down on the Farm, com, N. KRITERION.—The Romance of an Actress, 2-reel dr. Al : Kriterlon Komlc Knrtoon. Pyrd ; and Cigar Making, educ. Nol, split-reel. UNITED.—Courting Trouble, com, Emp. MARCH 20-SATURDAY. MUTUAL- The Slave Girl. 2-reel dr, Rel ; Keystone title not announced; Doggone It, com, R. GENERAL.- When the Tide Turns, dr. B; The Railroad Raiders of 02. dr (l'.Hh of the "Hazards of Helen" series). K; For the Man She Loved, dr, E; The Wayvllle Slumber Party, and On the Road to Reno, split-reel rom, L; Jack's Pal. dr. S; The Western Way. dr. S-A; The Millionaire's Hundred Dollar Bill, 2-reel dr. V.. UNIVERSAL.—Madonna of the Moon. 3-reel dr. ElOi; The Rejuvenation of 'Liza Jane, com, J KRITERION.-When the Fiddler Came to Ftig Horn, 2-reel dr, Kriterlon; Syd. The Ath- lete, com, AI.- UMTED— The House on "E ' Street. 2-reel dr, Reg. Thomas Grlndley is again managing the Bell, Chehalis. Wash. The Universal press department has taken another step in the right direction by Issu- ing tbe notes regarding the forthcoming re- leases of the company in the form of galley proofs. Supreme Court Justice Platzek laat week granted an application of Marc Klaw, A. L. Erlanger and Robert Hllllard for a perma- nent injunction restraining the Goneral Film Co. from exhibiting a production entitled "A Fool There Waa" as a film play. The court held that even though the plot of the piece was not similar to the play of the aame title the use of the appropriated name was noi justified. It waa also ordered that the Gen- eral Film Co. give the petitioners an ac- counting of the profits of the play and to pay over the same to the plaintiffs. Jefferson De Angells has finished his first picture under the direction of the Universal. It Is entitled "The Funny Side of Jealousy." BUUe Reeves "The Original Drunk" re- turned the first of this week from.Philadel- phia after completing a two-reel comedy. The Clubman," for Lubln. Reeves left Wed- nesday for Phlly to work In a new dramatic two-reeler, "London by Night." for the aame concern. This la bis first attempt at dra- matic work on the screen, all of his former pictures, both for this and other film concerns, have been of the comedy variety. Edwin August, tbe movie leading man, has been Informed by Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Fox. Franklin, 111., that they have named their newly born aon after the picture star. A gold spoon suitably engraved was sent west William Lord Wright now bandlee all the general publicity for the Sellg Co. The Lyric, Atlanta, dark for six months. Is now playing feature pictures. The Kanaaa branch of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League will hold Its next con- vention, March 15-16, in Emporia. Among the photoplay features which the Oliver Morosco Co. will make this summer are "The Son" and "The Witness Chair," which Morosco has given stock productions on the Coast The Renfax Co. has recently completed singing picture productions of "The Holy City'* and "Orown-Up Ladles." Parker Leonard ap- peared in both pictures. Edw. F. Johnston and Arthur Depew have been engaged to play the organ lately In- stalled in the Broadway theatre for the Paramount pictures. NEW INCORPORATIONS. Whitney Theatre Co. Capital $100,000. Ed par, Gaston and Alphonse Sterck, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pioneer Peat sire Pllsn Corporation. Capital $5,000. Augusta and Nathan Hirsh, Julius Belman, Bronx. N. Y. Neutral Film Corporation. Capital $21,000. Sidney M. -Qoldln, Louis Win- keer. David Krakower, New York City. Salvia Fllsa Corporation. Capital $75,- 000. L. A. Brown, M. Silverateln, H. W. Kahn, New York City. Mlrogrrnpn Corporation. Capital $10,- 000. B. M. Costlgan, H. W. Pawler, C. A. Tausler, New York City. Proflt-Snnrlns; Film Corporation. Capi- tal $300,000. O. M. Healey, L. P. Little. J. J. Fltsgerald. New York City. M. A S. Odeon Theatre Corporation. Capital $10,000. J. Barodkln, L. Schneid- er, E. Mayer, Eastern Parkway, Brook- lyn. N. Y. MOROSCO IN BOTH. In order that no further confusion results over the Oliver Morosco Photo- play Co. and the Bosworth-Morosco Co., it can be said there are two organ- izations, with Morosco in both. Frank A. Garbutt, viqvpresident of Bosworth, Inc., and Morosco are the prime organizers of the Morosco Pho- toplay Co., while Morosco is also un- derstood to be in on the new Bosworth- Morosco studio arrangements. Hobart Bosworth has withdrawn from Bosworth, Inc., and Morosco is reported as having taken his interests in the corporation. New Film Corporation. A new feature film company has been formed with $100,000 capital. An elaborate screen production of "The Birth of Venus," which Captain Leslie T. Peacocke wrote, will be its first work of the new Venus Film Corpora- tion.