Variety (July 1919)

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I. Ml ILLLR SHOES THBLARCEST THEATRICALSHOE MANUFACTURERS INTHE WORLD. WE FIT ENTIRE COMPANIES OF ANY SIZE A1S0 INMVIDUA1 ORDERS W£flU EVERY STAGE REQUIREMENT ' NEW YORK 1554 Broadwaym *6-- St. CHICAGO State & Monroe Sts. Guerrini & Co. T?ie Leading ud Largest Accordion Factory la the United States The only Factory that makH any set of Seeds, mad* by band. 277-279 Columbus Ave. San Francises), Cal. Beautify Your Face Yob murt look toad tt make good. Many of the "Proieuion" ha«e obtained and retained better parte hy having ma cor- rect their loatural Imperfections and re. move blemishes. Consultation tret, feae reasonable. F. E. SMITH. M.D. 347 Fifth Arenac, N. Y. C. (On. .Waldorf) REDUCE YOUR BUST or other FAT 2 to 4 Inches with ONE JAR of COST OBE8ITT CBEAM. External. Absolutely harmleaa. Reducee fat on any part of the body. No dieting, starring, exercising nor taking dangerous drugs. Have the modish figure. For men and women. Price, post- BUd. 47.00: (ample. 10c, CURRIE & CURRIE. rucglrU, 2909 Avenue 0, Brooklyn. N. Y.—Phone: Manor* 4442. ACROBAT AT LIBERTY Ground and Lofty, for Com- edy or Straight Act, or will consider as partner good comedy man; 8 seasons with Zoeller Trio. JOHN SENAY 79 Peckham St., Fall River, Mass. Scenery Wanted! Interiors and exteriors. Drops and tack wings preferred. Must be in excellent condition. Ad- dress: FRED FLEMING, 224 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. » WANTED Comedian who can play piano and sing, for recognlied vaudeville act. Apply any day at 2 P. M. E. K. NADEL Room 320, 1493 BROADWAY FOR SALE Lot of Flash-Back OPERA CHAIRSI Write R. W. LONG 223 West 44th St.. New York City BAWEr^&MAKE-Upl - Let Us Prove ^S^W It Is Best Send for Price List and Color Card •113 West 48th Street New York City HAZEL RENE HATS GOWNS COSTUMES 806-308 State-Lake Building, Chicago. Tel./ Cent. 1899 IB EVE DUBUQUE) Formerly with ■ HAZEL RANOUSj Edith Strickland GORRINGE'S Shipping and American News Agency, Ltd., 17, Green St., Leicester Sq., W. C. 2, London Phone: Oerrard 7417 «. Cablet Frankogo, London Artistes! Don't forget Frank. Pasaports, Panacea. Personal Attention flven to all who wlah to travel. Largest selection of American Periodicals In London. TO CIJXNT&— I hog to take this opportunity of advising too that the partnership B. Daw and myself baring been dissolved, I. am earning on the b et wee n Mr. W. business formerly known aa DaWe Steamship Agency at the old addreee as above. The booking of panagea aeaaeJaBj theatrical—baggice forwarding, care of mall, and foreign money exchange department* will be earned on aa efficiently aa heretofore. Yours faithfully. FRANK OOBIUNQE. FRANK m HICKS & SON 557 Fifth Avenue, at 46th Street HAVE A LITTLE FRUIT DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME OR YOUR FRIENDS—TAKE IT TO YOUR WEEK-END OUTING ' ( THEATRICAL COSTUMES Evening Gowns—Street Costumes Lingerie and Hats SKETCHES FURNISHED 86 West Randolph St. CHICAGO, ILL. Phone: Baadalph 1730 ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? Steamship Accommodation* arranged an all Lines, af Main Office Pricee. Boats are going very full; arrange early. Foreign Honey bought and sold. Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold. PAUL TAUSIG & SON, 104 East 14th St., New Pork. Phone, Stnyvceent 1860. ' CORRESPONDENTS WANTED VARIETY wants correspondents, newspaper men preferred Address VARIETY, New York Leopold Godowsky will open a master class here In August, according to Mrs. Margaret Hughes, his advance representative. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Tacoma is ready for the monster test to be known as the Tacoma Peace Jubilee, held there June 30 to July 7. The proceeds are to form the nucleus of a fund to build a memorial for war heroes. Lorenzo Jordon Cole a local negress, and a pupil of Marie Qashweiler, was heard In recital at the Fine Arts Hall, Tuesday, 17, in a program of popular and classical num- bers and negro folk tunes. Miss Cole's recital was attended by a' full house and her work Justified the praise that has preceded her. She will make a tour of the Northwest and Pacific coast next season. John S. fWoody, Seattle film manager, has been elected general sales manager for the United States for the Realart Pictures Cor- poration. Maurice Browne, and his wife, Ellen van Volkenburg, founders of the Chicago Little Theatre, and of the Little Theatre in this city, have decided to remain in Seattle for tho present and will continue to direct the desti- nies of the Carnlsh Little Theatre. By CHESTER B. BAHN. EMPIRE—Knickerbocker Players In "The Little Puritan." TEMPLE.—Vaudeville. STRAND.—"True-Heart Susie." first part, film. ECKEL.—"Oh, You Women," first part, film. SAVOY.—"The Fear Woman," 29-80; "The Challenge of Chance," last half. The summer dull season has struck theat- rical Syracuse with a vengeance. Business at the Temple continues about normal, and the stock at the Empire la drawing satisfactory crowds. The greatest summer slump Is in the films. The drop Sunday was particularly noticeable. The summer season at the Metropolitan is booked practically solid beginning with the Eltlnge show. Kolb and Dill, and "Twin Beds," were the best business getters during the past season, "The Man Who Came Back" drew pooreBt patronage. PianB for the construction of a new theatre In Johnson City, N. Y., are announced by George F. Johnson, millionaire shoe manufac- turer, who has purchased the Benjamin prop- erty In Willow street and engaged Architect S. O. Lacey, of Blnghamton, to design the house. The theatre will be built to show either film or legitimate attractions, and will have a seating capacity of 1,200. William H. Mack, present manager of the Endwell and Cltilyne theatres In Johnson City, will also assume the management of the new house when It opens. Johnson says the theatre will be called the Goodwill. Wm. H. ("Lonestar") Dletz, former foot- ball coach of the Washington State College, and with the Washington Motion Picture Cor- poration, Spokane, went on trial in his draft questionnaire, upon which he was exempted from military service. The Government con- tends that Dlotz is not an Indian, as he stated in his questionnaire. Robert Rofinot, vaudevllllan, is back in Watertown after a year's service with the A. E. F. Rofinot entered the service as a privato In tho Medical Department, but after the armistice was signed, was drafted for the soldier show, "The Doughboys' Frolic," which toured France until May 21. , The Mlscha Guttorson Russian orchestra is putting on a musical novelty at the Clemmer this week, using a stage scene most ap- propriately for presenting the waltz. "Jolly Fellows," while the tlcketholders whistle the melody. Hoyt's Rovuo opened Its summer run at Rortck's Glen, Elralrn, on Monday. "The Land of Poppy" was the first half attraction, with "Sweet Daddy" following, the last half. Fifty cents Is the top price at night and a quarter at the matinee. SelU-Floto Circus will show in Ithaca on July 23. James Madison's Address Iron June 20th n Aug. 2tta will be Flatlrea Bolldles, B44 Market Bt.. 8sji Frtnelsoo. Address hla there far acts ta be written during the Summer. My N. Y. Office open as usual E.Galizi&Bro. "Jraatewt Professional accordion Manufac- turers and Bepalrors. Incomparable 8pedal Works. Now Idea Patented Shift Keys. lit Canal Street N. Y.City Tel. Franklin 6M WARDROBE PROP. TRUNKS, $5.00 Big Bargalna. Have been used. Also a few. Second Hand Innovation and Fibre Wardrobe Trunks, $10 and |15. A few extra large Prop. ■ •rtyTrunks. Also .Id Taylor and Bel Trunks. I Parlor Floor, 28 Weat Slat St, New York City ■".?>! ■ • '■':■:' - EMPIRE SHOE SHOP 707 EIGHTH AVE. AT 44th ST. ' NEW YORK CITY Short Vamp Specialists We Fit Entire Companies Mall orders given prompt attention Wflt. for Price List HEADLINERS! We have all the Beast. liners' musloal diraatars c» our staff of arrangers and this la the tine of year they are hers. This stamp ea their work Is your protection. L. L. VosBnrgh, Mgr. 304 Gaiety Bnlldinc New York City . •' '■''■■. BREAK YOUR JUMP Write VICTORIA Theatre ROCHESTER, N.V. yMJ.Faiien.Secy.& Mgr, COVERS FOR ORCHESTRATIONS ART UOOKBINDING CO. il'i Wcsl «,id !>ir,-rt, X. V. ('. O. S. Hathaway, owner of the Stone Opera House and the Blnghamton Theatre, now is course of construction, will also make Im- provements to the Oneonta Theatre In Oneonto, N. Y. m Col. Ferarl, of the Ferarl Carnival Shows, isn't exactly pleased with the treatment he re- received in Oswego, N. Y., last week. Ferarl's attractions were originally booked to feature the "Home-We-Come" celebration, which failed to materialize because of lack of contributions. According to Ferarl, Oswego business men combined to "black Jack" him for the privi- lege of showing. When the "Home-We-Come" affair went up In smoke, tho carnival contract was taken over by the Oswego Post of World War Veterans. $300 was deposited with the Oawego mayor. The celebration committee has also turned over $105, contributed hy the city's film houses, to the mayor, To Just what purpose tho $403 will be put Is uncertain. The Ferarl Shows held over In Oswego until July 2. Arrangements have been completed for the transfer of the Cortland Theatre, Cortland, to the Burham Amusement Co. by Dillon Brothers, who acquired the house 10 years ago. Tho Amusement Co.'a president Is James S. Burnham, who owns the Temple Theatre,: across the street from tho Cortland. William 1 A. Dillon and Stephen Dillon will embark in business outside of Cortland. Lawrence Dll- ■ I ■; 1 ■■:..?. ■ • rr I.IACK L. LIPSHUTZ EVERY TUESDAY IN NEW YORK Note NEW PERMANENT ADDRESS, 162 Weat 48th Street Hahreos— Phone: Bryant 115 PHILADELPHIA—408 Walnat Street I