Variety (September 1919)

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,JEttM3a% *>" J. .-■ - * MER >S'-: "CLEVEREST YET" FRANK >>> THE ORIGINATOR OF SIMULTANEOUS DANCING AND FIDDLING. ffor- ENGLAND INDEFINITELY «»-'■ KINDEST REGARDS TO ALL PIERCE a -- In Our 5th Consecutive Year of CONTINUED PHENOME3 Provincial Halls for Messrs. Moss Empires, Stoll, C ; . . -< Booked Solid to 1924 by the Real Live Agent— GEORGE FOSTER, Esq. • ■■ William Bock and Frances White &0 on Tour lis London, June 18, IMS. My dear Bill:- ' t S " lliii White and myself had the great pleasure of hearing your wonderful band, and we want to compliment you on your great achievement in London, giving the '■ London public an opportunity to near some real American music, and It Is only a question of time until all London will be following you ar< und. -' Yours very truly, WILLIAM BOCK FRANCES WHITE IW; Si--" '-••■ AMERICA'S FOREMOS" ARN01 THE SENSATK Booked Messrs. MITCI Shortly to BILLY ARNOLD'S TROUBADOURS CHA8. MOORE, CHAS. KLEINER, HARRY JOHNSON HENRY ARNOLD, BILLY ARNOLD, WH. TBnTLEFITZ u LARGEST AT DANCING SA1 From "Uncle Sam" in London to the Original "Uncle Sam" in America ick Bernard he LOWE-BAKOS Go. NEW YORK OFFICE 140 WEST 42nd STREET it 1132 JULES BAKOS TWO PHILADELPK TWO R CHAS. O'DONNELL BOOKED SOLID r ,- i i - ■.-.. » .'■ ' ' '"' :'-.'■■';■ : 'f„- --^ .-. ■ ■ 'Ci%'--S ■■'"■' '■ i '' ' •■ ■■; -:.