Variety (September 1919)

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You Get TDm Up la the Air, Soya," having It ■■••nag la •rwr cale and theatre la town at .v-Vonee.. -y.' tempi Webater la expanding. He booked the Tip Tip Yaphankers at |700. cK$f, The Empress will not be booked by Oarell, "■BivfSaao the National will not be booked by Web- ster. The Empress remains on Willie Ber- JS§£v** rt; w - v - M - A - llBtB and J'nunle O'Neill >.',', . : -..iOf Pantages supplies the vaudeville for the "National. g^&KJswk Tredwell Joined Joe Sullivan's "At ; , the Girlie*' Club" act as Juvenila hare. •;£vv*; : m ■' m* SAN FRANCISCO VARIETY'S 8AM FRANCISCO OFFICE PANTAQES THaUTU BUILMNG The Roy Claire musical ahow completed aa •;'''■ extended atock engagement at the Hippo- drome. Fresno, last week. The Claire ag- gregation will continue to, play the Hipp theatres In atock. #h Sam Orlmn's Minstrels, who after rehears- ing for two weeks did not open, wars paid half salary daring the rehearsal period and full salary for two weeks whenjnformed that ahow would not start. r J{ ..The Bert Lever Circuit will furnish six acta for the Modesto Welcome Home cele- bration to be held there Sept. 9. ■:&*v William Bernard Joined the Restart sales W':-,ttmu last week. mp M!~ii- Hallye Nestor replaced Marie Rich with the Harry fltebert Smith show at the Burbank Is » Los Angeles. Arriving on the Sonoma from Australia w . M < . HARRT W. ' JOB G)M and Whlbng VARIOUS PEATS WITH THE FEET SPECIAL SCENERY WITH DAVE MARION THIS SEASON HELPING SID GOLD AND FRRD LA FRANCE — AND OURSELVES — THE FAYNES Fatter Circuit, Anstralia >- Aug. 26 were Mr. and Mrs. Graham. Geo. F. Crooks and W. H. Crooks. The Columbia Park Boys, who have Just re. turned from a walking trip Into the Yosemlte Valley and as far Bast aa Nevada, give a pretentious vaudeville show in their club 'M^^rooma Friday night. While on the road the , boya earned their expenses by giving- en- ,, . tertalnmenta In the towna they visited. &..'&-;.',-,'rf:'::'-The Bolanders, including Mrs. John Bolan- '-'-'/;;■.. : ':!der and her three daughters, who hare Just as f • •■ ifS: returned here from France, where they en- tertained under the "T" banner, will be among the artists who will take part in the entertainment that will be presented by the T. M. 0. A. at the Red Triangle Theatre dur- ing Fleet Week. ALBANY, N. Y. ■,;. PROCTOR'S GRAND.—Vaudeville. ' EMPIRE.—With the S. R. 0. sign out early for both performances Labor Day George F. Belfrage's "Hip, Hip, Hooray," with the fun- niest comedians that have been In Albany In a long time. Is nuking a hit The chorus is full of pep and prettlnesa In the remarkably pleasing stage settings. The show Is as clean p- Mile. Liiigarde EUROPEAN POSETJSB PLASTIQUK NOVELTY Mr centos F1TI HACK THE SYNCOPATED BALLAD HIT by ' ; ., L, WOLFE GILBERT V AND ALEX BELLEDNA Gilbert & Friedland, Inc. 232 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK L. WOLFE GILBERT President MAXWELL SILVER. Gen'I Mgr. MORT B08LEY Grand Opera Bowie, CalcsaTO, HL CHESTER CARPENTER MO Woodward Ave.. Detroit, aflsk. NAT SANDERS UP Chestnut BU Philadelphia, Fa. HARRY BUSH Pantages Bids., San Fraae l aee, OaL TOM MARTIN Set Tremeat Bt., Boston, Hasa. TBsUTaUOAX OCTI MM Tsl. BSTAST Mil » Dr. B. HUBER DKNTW CAKDLU ■LBA. 4*1 ■«£* as a hound's tooth and brushed up so that every line fits. Helen McClain, who has been with this company for some seasons, Is at- tractive personally and vocally, and her num- bers are all delightful. Jay Herman and Eddie Kane are the high spots in the comedy. Frank Berry does a blackface role well, and Harry White's dancing is a big feature of the second act Thelma Seavllle and Tlllie Btorke add much toward! the success of the production. PROCTOR'S LELAND.—Pictures. CLINTON SQUARE.—Pictures. REOENT.—Pictures. F. F. Proctor Is using a working force ot more than 100 men on the remodeling of Har* manua Bleecker Hall for pictures and produc- tion. Ward Crane, recently an officer In the army and widely known In Albany, where he wai born and raised, la making bis first appearance on the screen aa a aim star In his home city at Proctor's Grand this week-end. He will be seat aa the French secret service agent in "The Dark Star." Florence Auer, who expected to open taa season with "The Wanderer," Sept. 6, Is eUll at her home In Madison avenue, due to tat unsettled strike. ATLANTIC" CITY. By CHARLES SCHEUER. Announcement was made here yesterday that the Hygeia Pool has passed to the owner- ship of Mart Harris, who baa managed the place for a number of years. Predicting that the present actors' atrlka wiu do the stage great damage, Jesse L. Lasky, vice-president of the Famous Players- Lasky Corporation, declared at the Hotel Am- bassador here yesterday that picture Interest! are remaining strictly neutral In the con- troversy. Vaudeville now reigns In all Atlantic City theatres. The Apollo, In the throes ot strik- ing musicians and stagehands, hss secured ADELE THE MILLINER OF ORIGINAL IDEAS 10% Discount to AU Professionals NEXT DOOB TO A. & A. 158 West 45th Street NEWYORK Phone: Franklin 872* James J. Breckenridge Attorney and Counselor at Law 8ulb> 80S, Taaeaa Butldlaa Corner Maelaoe sad LaSalle streets CHICAGO WANTED Chorus girls for vaudeville jnmedlati Opening la ■Bjrjjs*^ US - EVEBYTHISQ PUBNUHSD Can also place principal sir! wltt voice. HAZEL CUSHMAN Apt. 4D, M« West tsth flt, New Terk City ^ . Phase: Clrola 6*33 NOTICE SEYMOUR HOTEL ROCHESTER, N. Y. All Modem liairwamtota—Ceatrally Bates': 75c. and Up ■ -'•■'■■■■ . i Y H