Variety (October 1919)

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FOR WMnm FOREIG^^^ HOUO VP IRSUfiAVGK. with the hold-utt ot the iBMAIiBC «» the Strand Roof and the rohb«ry otavr- eral picture houses In the city, the m«n- agen of th© Broadway theatre* havd taken prabautioiui to protect themaelve*. DWihg flu» iWrtt month several Inaur- aaee companlea have added •■hold-up Insurance to the various types of pol- lAiM, and durtntr the past week more gr^eatened Depor^^^ of Italian Opera Siiigm Oiid«r tgg^^^ Law* Suggests Another Phase of Ruling 'as to Fitness of Admittmg Contracted Foreign Acto tQ Land Under Same Conditiom. The difference of opinion on the part «( the Board'ot Special inquiry at Kills JUand^ last week, as to the admittance Ec^ t. the United States ot Lulgl Morandl, WMi'Ol.the tenor singers of the Metro- mBlttan' Opera House chorus, and four •Uieir' Btngers in. the Chicago Cfrand Opera Company's iehorusi Francisco Ra- irlbla. Cail« ISaiatbi, Xulgl TfoUsa and pletro NlnM* an «ie. 4rliofa tad neontly arHved irem Italyi aaid triw IM deported tmdW flMvflbnlnMt lKlMr Ua^a, /brought up another iftmatuiai tfrift nUtng. namely, as to the fltnew oT. admitting contracted foreign acts Into; the States under the same ruling. • In the case of the flvo opera singers, they were held on tfce ground , that their Inferiority In, ability, provided their sal- ary can be taken as the .criterion of worth, held them not eligible for the classiflcaUon.oC artists under wblch rul- ing performet* ■(»»'permitted te eriter here. Slgnor Morandl. despite the fact thaf he baa, been slnKing with the Metro- polltan for the past 10 seasons, and that : 1)0 knew over 100 operas and could sing "several Isinguages, was classed as a contract laborer because of bis entail itipulated ssluy; . The other four men admitted tl^ ifere not fo get more than S16 per VnMikt' although they Increased their InomnA'cmakimbls' by pendent eagacements: It so happened itbat all five tlei^ : admitted tbs same . -^tfreeb throngV iriniam O. Qoaitd's/ alit^ peals to the S«ldietary of Labor a.| WiMA- ; diiia^n akalnst the dwisMm ot/tlie^ of Speoiat niqiilry. : ictv- Giiard Is oonr j|eoted wiii we MeifaropoUtan Ope ra Co^ f^hen interviewed a. VARIBTY representative, Commissioner of Immi- gration Uhl stated the matter of admit- ting contracted artists into -America could not be determined superflcially, without the actual presence of any par- ticular artist awaiting admittance. !Whlle a minimum /contracted-for salary, also, cannot be accepted as a critwlon for the privilege ot admitting an artist, that phase, evidently, will have some- thing to do" with the case in hand. It ^ts a matter of; defecentiation betwiM»n /.contracted labor and contracted artists, ^f^ethiir an artist be clasaed^tw a laborw and debaned. «a Biie||i is «p to the dlseretbm s(: fli* InualKiatlon of- |,:/-'.tClalS. v -It the 'aHena'am apMtellsts in their : line of endeavor or; distlaetlve types, •r have aaar otiier phaae of ahlif^sio iMaaw thana ia:;«dtniw^^ worthy. Urn ^ he mUa. tciMihIe hi calntaw iilBlsanoil lato^'AnMitaav'^V-': ' BeCore the' Cvnfla' left fbr Burope, ..!tuesday. Bmest V; Orimea^ a steward an the vessel, known In vaudevUte chr- cles In Europe as Don Grlmo. was per- mitted to land, thanks to the good graces of Oen. Sir Arthur Currle of the British Army, who Is said to have brought Influence to bear on the artist's behalt Gtlmes had been crossing and re-crossing the Atlantic innumerable times in an effort to secure admittance to America, hayiiig been prevented from doing so under the contract labor laws. the Commission assembles In Washing- ton for the purpose ot hearing the man- agers. That win be Oct 14, from th:^ date now set. It Is understood in New Toric the managers may cbnclude to produce no witnesses, but rely upon the argument offered on-their behalf against the tes- timony Introduced against thwpa by the Oovemnienti for an .action oof^appeal if tha aaahagwa^ fi^ d«!Bidib psmfms the Issuanoe oC-flndliigB hSr flie CemrnisBlen. LAUDER'S HZXI SHOW. Harry'liaudef will. open his twelfth American .tour In Bl Faao October il. He wilt; play , w^st to Frisco following tiba V ^9pM^ag«. ' keacblng the Lexbigton, M^' Thi^ Bhovt Jf«inmnr: U. ' 'IttuaeB^i road Mhowwill eahtaln Voilftl miiamr, -Xitamiira VUlo. ttttriaii Talai^ ."The Art Beantiilul." and naset^- Six mghiahd /Fipwvt ■ ' Lauder Is due to ari^ In FHaco firom Australia October 8. Hft,wiIl4ie,met.lQr William Morris, who leaves iior tte ooimt. Saturday. Lester Murray will manage the tour, with Wlllard Coxe>* nnd Robert Mc- Dowell in advance. Boad prices win be $2 top, with , a poa^hle tilt to {2.50 in the larger.dthis. BEE VAUHEV THSEE ^UBIOSSL The. booking of Bee Palmer at the Palace, Kew York, opening Monday, la . for tbreo weeks. " ■ ' ^ The number of wires received by Miss Palmer Monday, wishing her success, . is claimed to have,been 843. About 50 Wires are displayed in the lobby ot the Palace^'several In one large frame fac- liig Broadway. A majority ot the wires appear to have come from Chicago and there are several well known names among the «h«se prtlelig pn»teot thw. from loss ^ j^nypiu lMi£jBMaieBg«ca .on the inqr «• thehank. '..^■■'■\---^^-h ■"'"v''^'---/''':■' „ What is known as "laalde Iiwwtace, covering the money In the box ftflea-had the theatre payroll, exacU a premtaaaw 96 for each 11,000 of Insurance. TWa policy is operative from 7 a. m. wwH midnight. Any extra hours besides these an extra premium of 5 per ,cent. la-charged, with a maximum of .^26 per cent, charge for five hours. Th e «>hy 8« - covered by the 25 per cent, epotallg to 12.60 addlUonal each 41.000. . For outside insurance or street hold- up the fdwyrge is 97.60 a Sl,O0O. and eov- erf iHwrs between t a. m.' and 7 pb Bb Btr addltional hours the charge Is S per cent, aa.howr, with a:maxhnum of 26 per owit. for llye^hftiiin.oiP moja. As most 00 m ma^^mMM 'Mi^M'^: tog business, they are comPfJliw *P. W the extra premiunw 1 r tli».:nl| pi*,ll<^»« There la also a persaaal \^«WBMa. against street robbery and-•1«M*W» which is given In connection with resi- dence tasurance. The companies are very skeptical about giving this form of insurance to Individuate. They limit the policies to $2,000. Under this the holder can only recover >50 for cash lost and the balance for jewelry or other Tiduahles. The rate charged is 12.76 a HOVED IHTO VATJDEVXUUB BSj&V08 ' Cnnmlttees representing the .totorsP &4alty Association and the Vaudevtlia Bn.neh of the Four A's (White Eats) held a joint session In the Equity ofllces , . , Tuesday. All ot the applicationa *e- eehred by the Bqulty, during and Opiob^-^i^^^; the strike, ware gone over. ' Those d^^ ii^^^; ; f^fffT«i^f* hy ttte committee bb -tiomlmf'-^-'f^^F IvWhtal the Jurladlction ot the VaudevilUrv/^\#v$j; ]Sniaah'*eM,i^eAoaflIe. The.avpUit^l^^^^: cants'^wm '.lM.. iMiUi|M'. doling th«vw«lij;f>'?Am tliBy:h^lMiw''4W^f!Mi^.t».tha.ya^ .JIlB"«lMO0i-.*.lieaaed /the-.-VandoyiiM^^ BMiiefe.'ebiniBltiea. and Pant DalfkO^I^^^ Bdulty comniitiee. ^^--^-^.^^-3^5 . x..^.^ * of Eiqulty memhers to be ^1ilnaXmM^§m^.0g'0i ■ B| all of the policies the oompanles. hiiva^'a protoetlOB clanse. ease the insured maiy ba la a buirgtaur or hold- up infected Bone^ the eoihpwjhaa^tt^ right to cancel the .pO|ley the premium paid. Ipr >.tba WISE jURD Chicago, Oct L Charles Porter, Chicago representa- tive of Oliver MoroBCO, announced there was a possibility the Tom Wise-Wllllam Courtenay combination would separate before the end of the Chicago run of "Cappy Ricks" at the Cort. It is said Mr. Courtenay will take the leading role in the Chicago "Civilian Clothes" company, Mr. Wise re m ai n i ng with /Hitennr RUflis." a result of the committees'deelsItaa'nUt: iMt been tabulated as yet. ^ ^ • v ^ SJSD JROTJTTU ACCIDEHt. MiM' Jed Prouty (who was,Leon Errol!|&;g straight man, when the latter wa».-WfWr| vaudeville) killed one boy and Injured Ufp othm JiMDday, to 83d street near moaA'iiikjti^'ii^ti^ litB antomoblle vnhxag aravnd a novhig van and the boys j^ori- ;^ ed oatf: In ttvtt 'vt the Prouty nuuSWBie.^^^^ Bfc Ptmrty^i Witt '' Thi^fttNA'. t«r ^ "Amies - 8ii4|]V^1$^.. . 'y«anf<«ld;^4i£'1Sf^JiliMl«rdam tOBm^jMf^Sk paasbig auto, took' B^»llt^'M--Uim^lm^ 'Hoifl?itai.v ;wh!Bre^ -Im/^if^ de»d. Chatiei,.BilMb^:ef;^«SS''1Vist^^:^^ stieeti' was 'T«ni)nMa;to'-Sniaip^ Bsspital. In Prouty's machine '.^iji^re ^' ^ the'diagnosis waa contusions. Ckoi%e ( .,,2 Black, -six years Old," was ieJsm tO\:'::/:t-:>'^m Roosevelt Hospital In another mftchl«»t f ^j; 5^:1 PABI8 TEEATBES BEOPEIf; Paris, Oct, 1. The Minister of Fine Arts, today' aB" nounced to the directors et the Qdeon Tlieatre.and the'i^ra Coniique tha^ Ite 'oOtfM «HF''ve>ipd| la the subsidized it^ir ^i)bnaiaiif^*WWmilBi aflEeetlng the Ubp ^ oC indoiM 4r th« fieeama .qC^laboKvt nie''-dlN«taciv«t,.flN>-tlM ... 'hpim i mn ennce a Is :tha - veilenatUii^ ' TlHtBtre' Woik6rB-..thiit .li\,f»itmf*!^-jti^<5v4r^^^^^^ irenil-v employ emy^ memberr'^eC-^^lha^'^.v^i^ 'vnil<m. Air other agreements: :ivttt»^!:tit%:#^ theatre' wotkent .hMladh^^-tholiKirv^^^lM^ eemhigaah»liNi..#ea|d baj»ataWh<^ wais"said.' ■ '■■■■'■-?^'r^"^'5^-':^|;v>^:^ , Tonight with the exception of 'thwe^ .;^^^ theatres, where the actors refused-to^^ v3??pg play, all the theatres re-opened. A wAn ' '^^S^i^ jorlty of the. muslo halls, coqcert hsUlf:~ t^it^M^^ and motion ]»ietttre hfnmes- Utn^isafMr^^ sumed. m 'WESIOE SEBZOUSLY ILL Willie Weston la iMd^ttriy ilfc aad,. cordmg to reports nWliiea .ieaiahed Ua friends .tUa jRwd^ tha (diaraeter aihgar. may sever again ^nwav wii thf mtaga Weatam Is. sufferhig. fbsm ft iwnnms Ineakdown, coupled with stomaoh troa- hlOb ahd la endeavoring to'main hla health at Jack caUEord's eaap In Iffar- WYNN FLIRTING. Bd Wynn, the "bone of contention" In ' tiie recent strike and whose future has been-mostly speculative, seenu to be a . oandidate for vaudevlUa It was reported Wynn would head a show of his own to be played ia. hla own. theatre, but this has been denied by the toterests reported back of Wynn. . Wynn promises a statement on Friday that he claims will be important, but meanwhile it is generally known be la flhrting with vaudeville through Max Hart, his business representative. MORTON CLAIMS "BIT." , . _ . , James; C. Morton has complained ^^ .K^v;!^:^ the N. V, A. that Mr. and Mrs. H«i6h^;' - ^^^^ Ehnmett, who have been appeaitag .lit the Keeney theatres, are using a pietia of business belonging to him. He said a» Mt waa .givMi .to.: iMiii. hgrsl^iwiy .'jr-:' Tt» bosbieas la eentroversy of the dammy:'i>h tbe'slaga #«tepM|tijw>^^ when •MOrtbfi.iaainB- '?iatiteK;,;.|fij*«^^^ ra«BB,r ''This bilv«Bs^«n«':iii^<]{aM and lfaora"tB "VIm Mon7.^1nili^t^)Hp;^§i bm^eviOi^ . :i ■ ■^:::^}--T^^^£^-'M^^ ' Joe JadcsoDvliai-eonplaiajM^^ii* j:^^ N. v; A. 'that' Sted-; mulim,^ya»'Ma»0'Mm.„, pearlng in pictures, bM taken hja- SMit f ^^^^ in its entirety, also same f^ial^im^eup.'^' In his complaint Jadcson states the - .' C'-p NT. V, A, had ruled he had the rlfehl-.tO;,.: v^^^^j^ /^ use a certain tramp facial makeup, ■t'Uir^i^.i^lj^^i^'^ —^" tiiis ruling desires proteetk>n,Mr'^ ' WILEIE BABO SAILS. A cable received In Mew Tork TueaV day said Wllkle Bsrd' had saUM- flitM|& ^ - Bnglaad on the flaxonla. ■ : -ftf^P^-^ '' .. heeehsb. .(ibal -abchiiient. The defMuw Iho vattdavUla managers Intend to pr iw e a t iMfora the . Federal Trade OoninisalMi nay take the fom ot an oM aiigiiiiiient bgr Paul Morton Decides en "Sinoie." PbuI Bfortbn has definitely deeldfld to offer • islQglo^' specialty lefualag a roate for. tho eonhig as aa oii for hla twoHMt with NMat Oiasi4ab>>liiirtOB>. UnvlMi wtn iMMafc" Ms "Mnglfl^ tn around the "stlc^," and will , show It for big tbne oonsldecatioa within a few .mrglna M wy LHiviB AND maxa, "Just Two Olrts Trying to Get Along." Mot in a Broadway show, but. at the Palace, New Tork. this week <Oct Sf): but you can't , tell. ZeigAMd-aad ShMberk have never seen us. A big hit at the Palace, hot ^^nigflja not so good at Wound Parties aad as MO ' apelognes to those frieada IBilA'a, r " '^J^jn^'i- PravldMOfk Mat Vhe .Bngltsh comedian is coming ovw to appeiv In the Keith big^thiiy'Va^lOft' vlUe 'tlioatisH^-ak m. w ps it ed-- -sMiiif^-Mv^f^M MpiW tW0 Myv .. • v: y ; ■ ■ omw Mm' ill 'ciii^i«e^: f;tfevM . ■■: . ■.CWoaBot-o«t";iim.^:?€!# pesnig.aa'a slagle'lii .^raadfl1lla^>«r^li':^:#;:;i:.::^ . a irodue^a. ' Miss Sjices saya her stage ' inifc tfflfy'ffTitian Um- A'