Variety (October 1919)

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jyr;.''-»;^t-^wVviffir'--.;.'i'.'.*. W-^H" ■''-■r.l WARNING!! : - ■;: -v.::-'^' '^f- % •■•1? ■ •1 |4CrS USING "CAN I DEPEND ON fTT OR OTOER MAIERIAL OF Earned lx) S10t^ as my mai^rial is fuut proteciedi & Direction, HAIWY BURTCm OCX nrwn^ijm^ Hom& of Dreu GOWNS SUITS HATS Dancing Frocks and ^asdnatmg Mcdeb of fhe ILatest Paris creations, rep- ttaen&ig the Best the Coimtrjr Can 0£fer. Every ilodel an Oiiginil Idea, having been care- fully selected to meet with tiie enthusiastic approba- 130 West 45th Street ^. New York City 'ft.-'. no^M. ntywt, nil NaxKTEDAwii ■aster Sirengih-Builder Cf The Bloodi /Sirongi SlbrAf Mm MmI ' lleoHliyii BMMpM.Wi 9,000,000 Paepl* Um H • - GLKVELAHI). ORAND OFSBA H0U8K-"|>ad«lcr* foL Tlie play Is aurely InprobaUe.'bvl thcless channlnK. Excellent builneaa. . BHUBE}RT-COLONIAl^.-"Blra ot Fkltidiae," with Florence Rockwell. ForenBtallr'poyBlM*. OrAcBtia toicsd ooder Um slagii."' HU>PODIlO»Bt.-VsaaeviIl«. STAB.—"Bwleaqae Wonder SiMw." SUPIRB.—"OWs Inm tlM FaUteB.** lAKirs liiomTr.^'niiiawflMi^ . Brat," _ ^, ; . ■ ■ ■ LOEWS BOCLIP.' CKirtw Say . H«iur." .. • X.OE1Vfl tmuUCAN^-MnhMm Bmt." STANDARD.—"What ilni I bidr* Uae Uamr. KNICKBRBOCKBR.-BMai« Barilscaleln "H«r Friet." mm la "A Hn'a FIfhf • ■> " STRAN]X-4>anikr vmm te •Dtaite ■ ar>-iL.c-DAT. . QRViUBUlC.—Ytaderin*. BBOADWAT.—Datk. TABOR ORAMD.—VaodevlUe and picttmt. ' DBNHASf.—Wllkw Flayers In "UUic Tims.'.' BrVOU.-Doratli7 FhOUpa la "The Riclit. to HtpplBBSS." BXALia-Bobnt Wsnriok la ^T<dd la tb* ' 'iMm Than WholetalS Pnew \ ma—a«tts» Watslx in "ni« WlnoiDC Sti«ke" aa* Me Mt JMalliM. Itevm ■ !■.'^ha is iBaiia(«r of tto comiiaity.' The Plain Dealer Film Tuples W2S glTan Its first ahowtnc this week at t!i« New Gorton Sanara Theatre. Cblo fltoa follovera are bound •aba X n V. "Baowlamaca" (Mr. , and Un. VuS T. Flood)'baiwijnk ictanwd Mm tba baMla- llelda to their bent In' LeJcawaed. Ur. Fined, who la a aidger. made Ua debut at Cbatean Thierry. Mngins In a gnrden, whl«h a. tew hoars earlier had been osed to nmalc n battcry- ol American T5a He matted a rose, wh< ^ he. picked from the garden, to Mra Flood In Cleve- land. One year later they nere both picking roata ftom the- Chateau -Thierry cordon. Mr. Flood. aaair and Mrs. Flood aceuapanled MM In ItaBM^ Itair, Aaalila, Ottfumf, Balgiom, HaOtnd and i^j***^ Ftmlly tt^r i>*fwnt known aa^Hia Mm! thtUT iaC iiba T. II. a A.'a iaaOEaCA.~Aalta Stnntit tn "Her Kiotaom otDcamilaL" STRAND.—Wamn Xandgan tn "A .WbUa Man's Cbaaea."- tntllui .BBaMll.lB "mx ><Mt Xoar." • •■ ' ■•- •■ ......... .. TRIKCBS8.-auutellaj In *7ka:Bkr Cnta WUIop." OaoTKO, S. Heermance, scenic artist at tb^ Den- ham, bad his first opportunity this week to put Ui peraonal impreulons of France on the caa* . vas. R« was a member of tba 863d Int. In Ftanea dating tba war and bad an opportunity to ■•••adatadytbo aMnci wlMMtlt%'vlot aC •XUae am bOa, 9Ua vedc U dmaltaii Uin ia paint ioia aoanki aSecta for «ba piodae- tta-ar tMfe 'plar a^ tba Senbam. and kk baa aeani lbm, y aT M ad « raal atibo^hera tat m. Local newBpapera cairied a atory thia week to the etreot WllUam Famum Is either In Greeley m ha« a living double. A man anawerlng tba description of Famum tried to purchase an avl> atloa «eat at a Oiesley rtore^ He said that ha aa aailBl Wf .mvt' tba jomrMif. A naw. laamber ot the fnikes Players. Canity at tba Sanbam ia Ma Kaya^ .Bba will play tn- parts. FURS . lYou who know style must ap«> vi ■ 'predate these smart furs. The- ' <>most appropriate piece' fmr;;: • >every occasion Is here priced at;; • "is less than you 'Would li^ve'tot l^pay wholesale^ - ^ ^i'^ .♦: Special DUcount to m^Q Profeanon A RAIKOWSKi; hb . ai.WestMtfa. Street According to word received by Denver film exchange^ all tha plctora bouaea In .CbeyaaiMk TVJrOb. have ndoptad* i fWowr manager of tharLoa Asgclai (ar -Galdwyn, baa oob» W..3)caTar ta. '. taka' flbargr «r the efflca of same Brm In tMa «ltr.° Ba aucoaeda B. Bradley Fish, who ta > la hava made new aOtiattang ta tba Sally Tysber ot "Daddies'' again proved the proverbial professional good heart, when she told Judg^e Silbert that she did not want to press a claim against Ben Bcker. a 18-year old waiter,' Who bad' stolen a piirao containing 1110 tMm 'ber room whtie aerving tea. Tbe MMr told tba JMCB lia was tkii i «r Ma aind voibei'. fndta anM the mat and santaneed Urn lla tha wmMmiaa Sir SO days, but geld hie wonM Imw a nwtlon In mitigation on Wednesday. Lew Thompson, who recently resigned from the Universal Exchange In this city to tal:e charge of dlsirlbutlng tha Clara Kimball Toung releases throughout Ohio, was tendered a - fare- well banquet last Ifonday at the WInton Hotel by hia i A. B. Laniiing, exhibitor of Julesherg, has enlarged bis theatrical ho;dlnga by tbe puxcbaas at tba Lyrle at c^bappell, N«b. BALTIMORE Formerly OS Xoema WUh Baths Spaelal Bstea ^C,t|ie naiddbtl Wbat tba . Falata Needa After the Show HOMB COOKDiO w THs MfEAar SF m niiAnMM.«i A aemininillr. plelun tbeatta baa n*ad nt Oaatla Back, Oai.. so nitH wolb «C Danvsiv Tba eltf acbootbonss baa bata aaulpped 'With aeiaca and proiectlon room, and rtgiilar ahows are being eondticted trl-we^ly, under the dlroctlon of Che school principal For years Castle Itock has been anxious to get a plotnra show, but every Independent exhlbtlor has coma In hat failed to remala When "Tbe Wliard of ..the,.ItnafT waa pra> aented at the. Oiand by ttaa Studio.,Clttb-tnr one week last eprltv, Dr. DilTord attended one of tbe perfon^aacea. Loretta Eggteston sang from the ataae "Wbat la.Lqver Dr. Oittord waa impramtd* ."PMi. Uiay maa .^gnlad ittda W/ek. . . ' Second aU-qIght fllm. bousa hero-Tbe Won- Tbeatra dwmn.ia tha Slir Bon Bartn in Wyo- % kaoMns oliMit t» «Mil> iCk thaSa«t«r«wfen«<n ■■a-loc M aB t a ii yjwrt dama «vaaaM In i«iM.aa ' aar In ablpptas ebtrgea. 0. W. Wandcrly. manager of the Rourke and Wonderly theatres, La Junta, Col.. Is en* joying a fall vacation with relatlvea In Dayton. Oliio. Wdnderly baa t>een sUgbtly Indisposed (or atveml wedia and will take a long rest h*- (oia retumlni^ to bla bnslnesa enteiprlsea. Dr. Chester Walbtda, well-known locally ag' tba only mala to bare afpaared - ta tha <M< lege Club Plays, it leavtngf iar ipttabiinb lit baoiima one of tha (^!aftF,i9Vhi''Cbtnttla' °Iiip atttttta aC Xacbnalogr. ' ITatk. o» tba new ftttm w at OrMlatr la 'tii«> gnaalnc, and'it la'aapeetcd that tba playbouie wm ba' opened by Iba middte o( October. Tba tmlMIng It 140 feet deep by 39 la width And bat a c<dllng"'of 21 feet abo*« the mala'Beer. Xtia atntiug daptctty win ba Abmit 80ft Specialty Girls Wanted For the 1920 Edition of XHE FETXICOAI MINSTB££8! Sixth Successful Season —Alwayt Conceded to Bo tha "Claaaiosf QiH, MiMtwol A o» ill V eifdowMloI Can Plaeo A1 End Q?ri—Muat Do BUokfaeo ^ and Sino and Dance—A Claaoy 8inoinq and Daneing Sister Toim—Girl Muaieiana Eccentric Danoop—<"Bliiefl^ Sinoor and any BjS Suitable Novelty. NOW RBHaXaa* INQl Male Minstrel People \yantedfor Novel Vaudeville MInatrel Act—Sinaera, Cemedian8,Danoere.and a Quartette—Only Reliably P*op^ Conaidered. '' All Applioantg Apply in Peraon at UNITY HALL, 841 W. 47th 8t. New York, or Write, Care of Lew OoMwv Palace Thaatra Building, New York CHy. CHAS; W. BOyail, M<«na«ti^