Variety (October 1919)

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Mm^sp^nG^ i^dsixes to impress iipcm j'^sts / mm ^ijii^^-.??; jg English Managers to book acts for 20 wt^^ for aay period approximating that number, IS- The following acts were booked by me in England. They maj^ be your friendSir ^^i^k any of thpm regarding the tr^dta i^ceived at.niy-handsr. •. i.. .■•••.•.••■"'.-..•i*;X««-.;s^ 'A-'■•••:--r::-:-.;^,^?Sf%i: • ..'VV/ ' • ■■;-»/.r-,. he. treittinent theri.v^^^^^S''^:?^^^'^! 11 Li LEONERROL FRANK LALOR VICTOR MORLEY . : ^ '■■:ELIDA MORRIS'i^^^'^ i^; V'^;^'-- RAY KAY * J FORD and URMA. ; V FORD and TRULY - - SYLPHIM SiSTCRS ' ELKINS^FJiYandELRlNS BERT and BETTY WHEELER BETTY BUSH and CO. JAMES FLETCHER JESSELL and EDWARDS PURCELLA and RAMSAY DIPPY DIERS BENIIETT and RICHARDS CHARLES WITHERS , in "For Pity's Sator^,;;.-.;;:^-...,...:;;.^ DON BARCLAY ■■ '■•-^^^^^^^^^^ DAisYjEROME' t:--;'-^:':: J-S'l BUD SNYDER ' ■ ---^^--^^^y^^^^^ ■BETTY WASHINGTON.- ^U:feRandI^l,r>^:'^^f:-^^^^^ MERLE^S COCKATOOS y^^ y^^^y^ymf^^m PURCELLA BROS. • ' • ' ^ BUCKLEY and DOVE ' y^^' y^mi GARDNER'S MANIACS BOB ANDERSON and ALEXANDER KIDS ' . FREDMARCKLEY ■ MimS^"^^"'''^^ Al® A UST YET TO GO O Every Act receives iny Personal Attention, J have no partners. Q)mmunic^ 5iri^ 1493 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY WPNen* New York ymm i