Variety (October 1919)

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'mm Vr0 VAEiETY I r il l f r Guerrini & Co. ■ IkeMty !■ im UilM tMM Tlje o;ilT Ftrtorr thit mikei any Mt ct n«edi. mad* .tv tend. tl9-31» Colnmboa Ave. 8wt FiMKlMO, CaL B€autify Your Face Yog aiitt iMk to*4 U m*k* foW. Muy ^ •I lh» "PntMtlOB" bn« tWrnlBW M< r«ttlac4 krttir tut» ky ln<B| Mr- net tktir fMbml ta»«tallMM urt n* ,lf.X.O. REDUCE YOUR BUST or othCT FAT 2 to « Inrbn wlUi OMC MR «r OOBI OBiQUTT CBKAli. LiteniaL jt m tm t tj hinal l. Btdoni r*t on an; ixrt of ihr body. No dletlns. tUniDg, exerdalng nor uklni daDceroui dnics. Btra Oh DOdlili ficut*..: fiot W9 and "olBaL Mc*, PMt- pald. 17.00: umoK J«6 CWtBIC A.CIIMIC. Oranitt*. 2*M AMnajO^ BmUMi W j ii: TWARDROBE ^ R U N K O ALL, MAKES BAJtOAINB IN SLIORTLT mSBD TRONKS AND BAGS PR KOTLER S'O SEVENTH AV& >EW TOEK (IJet, 40th and ■41«t Sts.) 711 Of A! Kit* fir AH OacMtoM Komd and EDtwisbs ■■»•■«•,'• --a Loins E« Walters New EncUad'a New««t TsadcTlD* A(«Mr 180 TrMMok .BMtoUk M«M. ; THE mULDaSR^ OF ORIGINAL UNBAiS.' 10% OiaMMnt to All Profcttionals MEXT DOOR TO A. E. A. 168Wcgt^45ttiSbwet ■ Plione: BrrKnt 8851 UB. K, ■& BTBICKLAND Abbmuicm Tbat tb« EDITII STBICKXAMD ESTABUSHMKNT la Under tha Uanaffcmcnt of a Flrat.CItaa Da-, al^aer, ORACH KENNEDY BURKB, 8p«cUUe- ln( In TBEATBICAI. C0STCHE8 . ■VBNINQ GOWNB BTREKT C08TUMBB SapoHoc Workmaaaklp M wmn BAHDor H. HICKS & SON 557 Fifth Avenue, at Street ■is ■AVI A UREB : ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? 8t«aaalilB ■ccwiiiiwlatlwn Mranfed ea all XJii«f, at Main OOlce Price*, Boata an fttxg ttrf MI; anaaga cariy. Fenl«B Aaney baosht and aold . Ubrrtr n<)ad» bontlit and iold. jPAtl. TAVSIG A SON, Ut :]EMt UA Bt^ »aw lailu .ri>MM: atfrrtmat tiM-nXL aAVBl A L V O R A Ss£? 854 WEST 44th STREET sine. MARCEL, BRONSKI. Dealgner and.Creator of Smart Gowna for Vaudevilla, BurlMque and Revuea Phone Bryant 14M HAZEL RENE HATS-GOWNS-COSTUMES Btata-Talia BalUHag, CUeago. Tali Ceat. UM WriRS out tha old and wrins in IIm mwr '^ll TNB OLOrGLQTHn:LlN«^ . STOP—LOOK—LISTEN AND WATCH FOR MY NEW ACT BEN HASSAN WootMti R«imMiit«tt«< HELEN MURPHY AGENCV Yflli NEED EXEROSE VphmiUt mi: Profeaalonala can adopt rational ezerctae wltboat (reat expenie or tha stcaaalty of tfm eonvei)lencea Dumbbell azerciaes. Lift Welsbtf, Indian Claba. Faaotnc 'and Boainc aqglpment and avaiTthinr for OQt- door"sport. Reliably fatalalMd kr ATNU' Wa faralah rabbar baaMk for jonUac aata. V.'rite tot c»la!o» No, 'V Have Entray aiKi Ambition to Do Thmaf EBarviae atiaastheiM avery mwcla and ortan in the body; will give yon Health, Vim and Vigor. On* moBth'a treatinent inaUtA aealad tor $S.M. Money back It not Ml Mil . ^MHU for particulara. jS^ Him)DROME ' Aaa rt aal SraatMl Tkiatn—AkMlattly Udtvutrint Brooesr show • towisr pwicesi Ifatina* Ta Ttav AMDEVKBY DAT STYLE 3000--Ono Strap I SPECIAL Sandal in Fin* Quality ( CA Satin, FrMieh Heal. Col* I orat WhiMk Black, Rod, Pink, Emar* aM Qr««lii^.; Stage Last, Short Vonv* ■Sand' tar patalog J. 611^ 4m»&;»W Slfft Street 68 M AwiMk awr UNk Street JAMES MADISON VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR 14S^ Broadway RPFAK TOliP JUMP ■ One J. Fa rt cti. *" • # 'd fs^M^ viMaot BryMBt M Fhona: BVyaaM MM CLAIRE Importer GOWNS ANDMUIK .Neir Voile Oraaleat PioTeiaioiial Ae- cwdfam - Uiauftetnivn and BctAlren. Inestt* i.v piraMe Special Wotta, . -T^ i Non Idea FaUated SkKI Kej». SIS Casal Straek ■New York City . ■^•-^■■lVi''^';•>^!^'j WARDROBE PROfe TRUNKS, $5.06 Big BarcaUa. Haye beea «aed. Alto • foir .v Second Hand JimoTatloD and Vlbra Watdfete Tninlia. fio and «6. A tew extra tars* Pn9> x: -erty Tninka. AI»o old Taylor and Bal Troaklb '^' '' -^^^^^ri Parlor Floor, U Wert Slat St., New Itotk CMfc .v' ' ' /-vS^^l WANTED (MS Oood Appearance and Sbaii^ 93iM .WMk;- overything^iiniMMdk' • ■ ■■ -Can alao'uM ■ ''■•■;-*' Wnattara. Bonn, tnaOmL^ 9W0 Artlita aad Athlatte Wm Shew Opena October M CLIFFOBD C UDmSUSS M 6t, JletnfoVOai Oi, I ^^HMaaaMMaMM^HMMwma^ •r-CATBBINO TO XHB VBOS^USIOM..^ DHL J. L GINSj^^ jSiilla no Stato^Xak* TlMmfr* .. naaoi BANDOUI Chicago, III. A, RATKOWSKY, Inc. J M Wert 34th Straei ^ ■*.■** * ♦ ".. ■ ■ - . ■* . ; ,-FUR^ V - ■ , ■ -1; i:*" The latettl the »naitettl pnatd Unt'^ esti Wrapy. Coate«; JD^lm^ SMe« sad ^Ic^ Piecei^ io slL^; ix^ulur iaiw at l*S Special Discoiml io the ProfeSMtn ^■?,t.r.'>- - ■PI ■, !.-,'-.~r.';-. -f