Variety (October 1919)

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An&oanoM IhtA the BDRR SnUCKLAND BSTABUSHMHNt la Uador the HanaK«>nent of « First ClMa D*- Blgnar. ORA CH KBNNBDT BURKIJ, 8peoi«lls< ins Jn THBjkXBWAI. G08TIIBIB8 svinnNa QovMs ' ■ - strbbt oobtombb; ' 8iip<ri«r Warkmrniiahlp AiannA ' . ' ' M tncsT &ANBOLPH ST.. oinoAao» MADISON 1493 Broadwiw Gninrini & Go. Faeton* U tlw UalM aUl^ The golir McMO lUt aHkn <C;-PtRrt«^ "rtt Mr ft HICKS & SON 557 Fifth Avenue, at 46th Street HAVE A imxB rsxnr toBUVERED TO Hoa m _^ OR VOUB FRIKNUS—TAKE IT TO ^OIJB \VEKK-KNI> OinCI>K^ conUon UMmfMtanm ud Bepttnn. '—^ pinbls Sutdal :»nrV«kCHr-|' Beautify Yoar F»pe Yra Iwk fM4 to ■•to ^Kmw' j ' nMtt* bitttr iiirtt by havlM m Mr* net thfir iMtoral iBPifftrtioM Md^ri- - " cmalwiM ftN> rm ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? StesiBship accemod«|loas arntnKed on «U Une*. at Mala 0tBo« FricM; BoaU iftra solac Terr (all; arraBK* eatty. F«r«tra llC«Mr bevcM and sold . Ubcrtr Bonds bovflit aad atML PACl TAUSIG ft 80K, 104 iSaat Uth St., N«*-TMfc.. PhoBv: Stoyvcwuit eiS6-6m. WARDROBE PROP. TRUNKS, $5.00 BUr Bargain*. Have been natd. Also » 1^ Seeand Hand Innovatlea and Fibre Wardn^f. Tranka. «!• and fU. A few extra large rraiK. erty Tntaiu. AUf ^ Tnlo* and Bal Trmilt^ . Barlor Floor, tfl We^ tUt St., New T«tb Otiw r. X. SUITH, M.D. Ml Xlfth Aveaae, N. C. (Opp. Waldorf) «r eOMT rAT > U « toehes wlih ONE JAW eC Cpsi (MBSITT CBIAJL Sgtwl. A^lvMit bui^ MdiKw bt «a aar et ike Mdr. Ko dtoUnc itiMD(.«i(rc)*taif tMHUBidinnmutdrigi. Bsn Ibenodtah dflute. 'tf.J2l!2^/%,-_?Sft^^ »ai4. tr.OO: uowK-vU^ <WJ1IIC A ■ OUMU. ortntrt*. not imtm!t^ 9 fl M m'Jf' y> fff * ?. mAZEL REN HATS-GOWKS-COSTUMES IBKNK D ,. HAZEIi CORBERTt SHIRT CO. flERVINO HIS MA1B8TT ' ms AMERICAN PEBrOBaiBB Stat^lMke BIdr. 174 No. BUtei at^ CHICAGO FboMi BAMOOIfU MM • TWARDROBE O . RUNKO .ALL MAKES tO% DlaeeaBt t« tbe rroteaafan :r UAMr BARGAINS IN 8L.IOHTI.T 'J UBBD TRintfCS AND BA08 PH. KOTLER IM SEVENTH ATX. MBW TOBK :: ";.~^'.<Bat.. «Mii Md 4M. mt.) Paelal natolow , Bcei la CUcato atter re- tumlng from VRAKCE in Wai I'aclal Surctrr. My 13 years In V AC I Ah- BUItOEnT and Army Scrrlre eoatde* me to olTcr Greatly InpioTed' Uothoda. SARGINg CHEEKS 'liiltei ' BAQor smuM oot^ fectwi. _ ■•' SUMP NOSE Gob- tteted wlthont 8»»f. ' KliiiABu: Tisstn: building for nam and racial Oefecta: No paraffin UMd. DB. W. X. BAIiHOierai m ADELE THE MILLINER OF O^GINALIDEAS 10% Oifeepuni to All PrefeialoiMb NEXT DOOR TO A. E. A. 158 West 45th Stre^ ^HAPPy DAYS" HIPiPODROME AT TRB Aaatiea's Grealatl Tttatre-^bMlutdy Iad«ees4«it BIOGEST SHOW . LOWES T PBI CESI WAHtiM T»'1U« AND BTBBX DAT PAmXED SCENERY ' 01 All Kliidf f«r All: O et i i l i a i" *' ' TiiKATitioAi, wmntTKh leU Broadway N«w Toi* Cltr mx MAN firv9MtKnMaiK^ » STYLE 3000-Om Strap^ SPECIAL Sandal in Fin* Quality f Satint Proneh Heel. Col- 1 t - on: WhHat Blaeic, Mi; Pjnk, .Eimr- ald Qtmii. Stag* Last,. Short Vamik, 8IMS.1 «• s/ B t« BB ' Bend f«r Catalog 3. 511 6tii Avenn^, near Slat Street 6iB 3rd Avettttei near: IQiQi Street Club planatd t»; start lla perfwiaanetf St tlia- Indiana tlifatn at 31 o^clack Sataidar Bitht..i TblB woatd have cSosed tbe perfonnahee to vm^^ over until eome time Sunday momlng. Theat- rlcal clrclea wer^ farther upset when tlia Sporr famlljr, heading tbe Mutual Theatre Co., which operatea three local plctove ahoWa, announced ttet tt wssld n^itks IKth stlaissj |b n» kut tlires 09 fiovr yean toi Uayor Blkanah Hutlejr, who alw haa wrrad aa a deacon In the Tint Uethodiat Churcli, aald that everybody connected with any ot tha thiee theatres irottld be lalled the minute tbejr at- tempted to operate, and Chief ot Police Ben .Fhllllpa agreed- to c4nT ont the order*. The . whole town breathleaity airalta. the rootcomc. iXv«tiy pyeeedln* attempt to operata tbeatraa oa , 0ma»9 IbilM.'kM .i!Midt^>,aifiols:;;' v YOU MEED EXERCISE Vphuitdi md' MauU€tm$ Good ; HoiUh FrM^enaJa can adopt rational eierclae wittt wu great ezpcnae .or the neeeaslty of R!?^n5W!.'^^*'ft' Dumbbell exeroisea. Utt Weighta, Indian Cluba, Fencing and Boslng equipment and ererythlng for out- door sport. Reliably . tnmlahed by ^ohn H. Xnndcy bkm booked "BroMa B1<m« anni;' (er two «e«ka IkatTtna ln.DetiD)t.; ■ niDiAiiAPaiiS; ; VOtNBT B.'^FOWLbK-:- ' MURAT -"I*mb»rdJ, Ltd," , . • . :. BNQUSH'.-'Tiyln Beds,' ., KEITH'S.—Vaodevtile. . ; t. bTRia-Vaud«vtUe. . ■ • ■ . .1 , -V .^c^MtK;-4iMo4$«*i^ : '.i'i^"? M'AmSTIC.-X Two new play* i^re ifve^nled-r by ttu| Little Theatre Society, of, It^tapapoUf'at tta'o^tng yrogram at the MaMnlo Temple'.Oilder 'the 'dUSc- Uon of George Somites, formeiiy of the dtuart Walker Co, "Bugenlcally Speaking." by 1to> w»M CaodMsa. and "Berenleeh** .by Sam Oas* 9«U^ were Uw new playa. StXsfSyetta, lad.; hai Increaaad lU capttatta^* ,^i!lpilylW. >;- ■; .lloa HwSi-WliiOIS-tor WietWfc- • • vi;,; • -i- 'The Tinalrteat lie<^ianlcal. Aaaoeiatloa oC ,'MaMlb liaa,Aad.Bo(tM oC a ebai>|a:pt pama ta' Tiiiairlall. iftdwai Amrtatmi .wjtli flacwiii rwljr^irf'Stsl*'--. ■ ■ iL '^C' (jininni, Indlanapolti, ^a aained na In- dians •S«U .W the BidUUtiiair IlUnoia corporattoo la' Wpms' -fllad arltli tbs Secretary of State. )rt F, Schfrer, tawtence B. Schejier. Rob* ;ilb^jOld■.•H|.JMM■•l' ICdrtjais St* taeofpo- .MtMS^oC .na Uana <nnatn .Co.; tl XlntcA. lad., :tM 9ina bono at XilSMb :v Threat of the town Ifayor and. copa to. erreat any member of the caK who appeared on the atage at Uarlon, lod.. after midnight, Saturday, Oct 11, caused the Grant County Preia Club, eompoaed of .ditorlal and advertising newapaper" anan, to poatpone Ita beneflt vaiide«^iire' abow ^ipHI qcl. .17. Tbe.Uue tom ara ^i|«^o<i.)» ^ 'laUtk^ao ncuda tbeatrea la ICarhni.: Ma ff»ioa' lOSAiraELES. Vtf Bia SCHIJLOER^ ■ ' i " Loa Angelea, Oct. JS. .Soilla Sehrletn'a Ktoama la sow Tally's -Rinemk George punond DM baaa retalnad sa manager, with Dick Spter. |]rtai.ainf<las III Ills usual effective manner. .; Fred Miller and'I^iy MlU^ atiu «re wUb tlM' Caifforaila. how aoIdwya'a> Harry Iisonbardt . la dot. ■i. Qhlnn'a Rlalt^ la eloeed. Charlie RUton, inaii^~ '1S||W, Isjwiliif .te sbms! .1^ Angelea .a mlniatnre. Ckaiiana'a when tbs miaiw roftptM, aeooidins ^;tS'alp^^iBltl^^^Ms'illM .-boiwa,''' • ' Ijawrenoe 'Welngarten, of .TSIIy'a, exploited Mabel Normand't •The Jinx" In 1.000 per cnt: . .Caabton. "The Mb'acle Man" alao waa put over, .^ta fplendid manner at the KInema for Ave weekt .'<!>( ntttling good bustnesa Iff DIpk iSplcr, tbe (ouad, rb^ pttblMat. • ;. irwikP. i«& asB aCMwis P. fiovr* aMuuigar of .tba,.Sa||t Iiain;,<^ Orptettsi. .»let«Ms. at the Fox atttdk).. * Jack Stratton, former t};nfif*Wlk pwHIrtit ow^ managerial geniua, te oa-tke JteSBaiaar, writfait apecial stories. ' - ■• During Sid Orauman'a abaeace in the Eaat> D. J. Qrauman baa been mnaing fliiBBlOsTt Ted Le Bcrtbon has been belplac. - ■ •r waaasia xo thb pbofbssion*-*' ^uito. 710 StaiS'Liika Thoatri BMo.; ^;v.V- '-MaaetilUinMtPR tssi ' anuob-advettlsed New Tdrk aeelaJm b«e, dasplia ttr«tMDdous' advertising and iiood publicity. B ..happened lo open during the showln* of '^ttit 'Viracle Man," and the ooniparisod must bavs ,b«en odtons.lo O. W, '.•Broken BWasoasf' ,|a at Cluiit'a Auditorium for fourth week. g.OrasaHiB'a ;bTOka aU vbouae nooids opentac W M^!7M^LICa.jEJ^ .Vemmen^Cody VlMvOwltolB.' B. XiaM^*7Amlllii»-tho VOntfIs of Lo^" a speelat doaos sMfHr VMMM IT ; Gfj^SMja hteioolv w M fc j !»-yt»satioay, millam H. V<^tay > <to^ >'a Mialneaa la Oo araasenwat «e tbs , Weat.: In tte flfiaonth wask. •xavUian Clotbw" fhows no algtis of weakening, and Manager >< Doa'. Bowlea casually deellnea to predict when ' tlw-.tim ipay .'ead.. Clydo Fillmore la popular XajeMlc's administration oRtcea are to be enlarged. ' Bill UcStoy. p. a., and 0«an Wot^ .«;l•?l.l5^,n»•.• •w> beef .tmat .per se.f«d |UO,'t■af'' . ° iJsiit..:;tba 4»pacltr..of. .the. olBccai'''.'''.'' r-'"":.'