Variety (October 1919)

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15 NEWS OF THE DAIUES CMM* tt>i% IMMMtliii tAbor of tlie New forii "ttrtSdag wttl feMonM nuutttiav «Alter of the New Tork' "TrMmne" Not. t damtt 6«Mt, at preMnt |iiMMKtiiK editor of tiw "rrlHi" wHI owtlane « Mlitant editor, altkmigli )m will leKV* New Toife for * -iirlet vtMUon flrat. puoeeeAlug Smltk ba tlw "Bras* log Snn" will Konnma Rom. . wlw Cor a gmpber ot yeara baa been (unlstant aliht Mtf 'a^Htr rt-.tlio .••Morning Sun." , • •. .\ Al Wooda.luiaa't • aincle potter oa *ar. at tbe ^tUlioards la Oniater N«w Tork adreHla- ing any at bis four attraction*. H« wUI 4ev«t» the extra money to' aewapftper advertUlag. Bia optakloa ii Ikit iNHkM OM to- aliwMl tba iw* . .jwW i H --«r lAm '-ttAMIm'^-V^i'-- ' . a( ife«MEiiM*>'M. 'jAan .■ contjinytoMnr ■ a MntMMid. The Sargeat poitratt of the litto BIr Benrr IrrlDg waa bought Iqr A. Swaaa for |8WKWhea "Bettr Be Oood," th« now mualcal comedy by Hairjr. B. Smttta, with mualejbjr Hvg9 Bieaeafeld, latf ito vtamiera at SUmfiwd laat wMk . ^ SiMnard eetebrated Ma Mtthdajr iaat tfr gMn^ a party tor fka Mabaca «('<lw ~ ' arar'Oa.- ant algl^ tMr i ' ^<nw eaaa ot Weber & Field* agaloat Adelo. JRowtand was aettled out of court. Oct 18, with tiM ayment of |5,000 to Hlaa Kowtand. The| - plaintiff endeavored to recoyer 915,000 trom the eomodlana for their failure to pay her $600 a week tor^a S9-week engagement in "Back A valiiablfr ehronological reoord the tbtatret. u4 other nura'bnokaof.ttMt eentortea with aora ' ' asl4ta from the lib* WendaU, af New itatlma at Oo- at-juiancUon :iaie:liat week. B. H. Bumeiao waa re-elected Shepherd of the Iiamba atr tbe annual election Iaat week. Other efflcera elected were Irvln S. Cobb, boy; Henry Smith, treasurer: Charlea A. Stevenson, corre- (pondlng aeere^nr^ and Bdwla UUton Boyle, ^n Tellegen will begin a road tour November 10 la.>'£teart of the Vmttt," wU^ Itaa wcit- taa. tti eollalioiatlon wuh Aalar iSabpg^' ; Ki Wynn will b« atarred by B. C. Wtaltney- la "Bd Wyan'a Carnival,"-Opening IhaakagiTlBg- Dar.^ tinilW' Baat anniMUMai 'llMt iba will -tiipm. Sir Job» Hare to Ameriea for ia brief teinr ia "A Pair oif Spectacle*." , Two offera have come to Abraham Z«vy for the IrfMidott TigUa to "The Little WhoRper," the- IIarbaeh.4nriml Dudley mualcal comedy. ara. negottatlac ta pnidaeo JAb Srinkwate'a pkgr. ••Abfabaa Xiiaoria."'ia Bwitik.''-'■^ An oparetu la being writtoa for- UUIaa Iloae- dale aad Thrlenne Holt, wba an M« arltk Mt* Intyra aa4 Heath. Ottp Skinner baa begun rehearaal* of "The Biat al PMar BaiilNMi," a eomedy by Julea Bolcert . A iawaatt for Infringement is ttv-eataMl fta. ■ kcadrlMk- and Laura Hiacktv. "aattna of "Anotter Uan'a Sboca.'.*. Bdcnr .bawia -kaa a ftMim pic^ trtldt ;h» oalto r.«a«.llfB'a . SboM,!' whieb the aat to a i i H of'tta jiar-.'Mai. eamach on their rigKti..' ' <Oommiaalon«fa la a report filed with tlia Cor> goratlon Counsel'* olHoo in Brooklyn have made awarda agKregating 91.457,2tf.SS for the property talten at Coney . lalaad. from the Dreanalaad Oo.^ and the Proapect Fade and.Comy UtinA. tta^j road Co. for Dta^nluid Paik^ *, ■ ' FnbUe and -»rltata aelKMa are r*aeri>ta« large ■lat aectlona for- their pnptia at the Belmont. Wtt the theatia. W)ia takea thla week by atadeaU fiom the Julia lUdHanad High Scboaji^ ftfett aBo joyed '•Doya 'yrm.W- 'Bva,'' th* wi ■ Cobb play. ' dancer, will ataga tha la •'Aphraditrf far KMito Oaab- The Popular Froductlona, Inc. who are apon- ioring Murine Ostrlehe in 'The I>rean Olrl," have another piece by the aame auttaoira, Axthar King and Walter Irving, awaiting .frodqetlon. It Is Untatively Uttod "The I4tUo AdmlraL" Xatblene Martyn wlU auka her ftnt appear^ •aaa;oa tha ata«a hi thla enintiir -tn Chaflaa tMliUghan'a. )Tiw-Hlili^ B«at.<* hr Abm Oal^. well and Jeroiia»Ke(%'«hldi .MU ba ' nbearaalt .thla'MMK, ' ■ TWwrant Cinilr tiiii nitiiliiDfl'BtM.iittor'" nejra^ HtouM^ '9ro«aBguui A- y^riuiagi 'tp. britw^flsal aotlm ugainat ^obn P. 8to- cum anA Andanoa T. Herd, prpduioer * '^aitd *Viiii^I,''TnpbatiTeiy, of ''Tha Lftdy in Red" last aeason, for servlees ren- dered in MootoriDg" the piece, Clark's name is not billec' aj one of ttfe authors, but he had considerable to do in re- ■ vising the script, for which services he waa. tOvget a box office percentage. , No siinunons and complaint have been drawn up or served on the de- fendants as yet, the platntitt, therefore, fumlshing no details as to the Slocum" Herd duo's breach pt written or .vert>al covenant, these facts, however, to form the basis of a forthcomhag action. i^Rar'^'aalaetfaig a eaat' Ua . "OiaThisa"' and hbidias: thna TMIr.'ta Mhaaiaala tor several. wa^klb Henqr ITi Mnaga '■has. lecoit.'tiM place,. ttodlMn Corey has ended his duties as a dU rector of entertainment for the aoldlera. In.France and with Thomas suok wui pi«soDt oa ifuvt the lliLic Marcia anl Jf, 8. .Uhaa hava writtaa a IIMaiact plar adiiiaad •'ZlM. Dalar iiMeh Joha .Ctaipm'jMa J ~ Marie Nordstrom sailed laat week tor London. Vbere .she opena a TaudovlUe aeaaoa for Sfr Oswald stoil. Mlaa MMMiaa'^dAttSUar aaann* nated her. VOUam Horrla, Jr., will, present Frank Oon- ivr^ ta I«mu» BoMiiaoB'a play^ 'Tha Iitat Z«IM*r/' at the Orawffteli VUiaflt. la tha Isfar taMn. itehaamla MUVslart th&' ~ Sidna Thomaia, week nfter ooaflaBtratUm V arrived trom Eumpa bat .with tbe "X" avBDOg the at tbe aoldlaia tar the last UHLE .THEATRE'S CAPACITT. The Little Theater will not reopen un- til around Thanksgiving. The house, now under lease to Oliver Morosco, baa been in process of remodeling and en- largement and when it agabn opens will seat 620, as against a former capacity of 299 seats. Upon completion of the work the offices of Wlntbrop Ames wlU be again located in the Little Theatre. Because of the capacity l>elng lifted above the 800 mark an alleyway liad to be provided for In accordance with the building regulations. For that reason tUft property next door was acquired. X«B Angeles,'Ofit. S2. Fred Greenwopd, a wealthy olulMnan iMTi^ bM bnken bis engagenleqt to Matide Fultbn, antlior of *7b9 Brat" be* fiaxmt, according to newsp^^er men who havo been diasing down tbe stoi?, ."Miss Fulton is using my proposal in .tb« new drama which she is writing." Mr. Greenwood made the statement with feeling, A few days ago Miss Ful- ton denied, that she had been engaged, but later admitted the truth of the rumor. Bdlth' Day ia to atar In "Irene," a new uudcal comedy by James Slontgomety, ahorUy to ^ana' to tha VaaderbUt after opening lit, tnahington. She waa in "Going Up" laat year. Vain VnUj artH ba ta tha.eaat of '•Waa SOI* Hons." iqr Bantead BaMiill and Ctay Bntbr. B> B. Bumaldai, of tha Btppodmnah wlU the productlm^ Fidelity Eleetton Call. A general meeting has -been called by the Acitors' Fidelity. League for the pur- pose of electing a second vioe prestlent and aiaending the 'conatlttttieii. oa 'the afternoon of Nov. 25. The choice of a second vice president WlU probably fan to Howatd KylOt OVlBCSBX 'S1fZS>I0|| OD^B&liBi. This week a ttemMuloiii .InamnilMai'lav Oe aettbig of enit-xato tfualM. tkksts took place , with tho linistaMiO Oft tte. visa, <A the Sbuberts that the ottt**ate agencies take an outright b^ on certain of the houses. The outright buy and the ' issuance of a guarantee that a certain number of seats means the entlr«i<ellmi- natlon of rettiRU frma t^^^^ agencies. The Leblang agency, which Is the big- gest operating in the cut-rate field,'will be hit particularly hard by the new order. Tlie insistence on the part of the managers that no cut-rate returns be handled will mean ^t the cut-rate places Will have to paips up the "dumps" that WlU come.from tbe hotels and dta- pose of their own stock ahead, of . ute better located aeats whloh cfMRBO ih ji, ,ar litO'bdar.'-r--r.■•.::;;■:■->; . "Wheii "The Five MllUon" leaves the CoBttedy Saturday, for Chicago, It will stand out aa a startUng' illustration of present Broadway show business. >It is leaving with an: .fS.Mi» proaS to jite credit weekly. Comstock & Gest decided to withdraw the show; believing the Sbuberts could obtain another, attraction for the Com- edy which could go above the tS,(N)0. . mark. Yesteryear an |8,000' gross, would faavA meant a t'un. Seldom Is It that the move out flguro for a-. |S. alMnr Is set over |6,O0O on'the week. Coming into the Comedy Monday .Is "nfty-Fifty, LtdV a three-a^ musical eomedy. tho iRrat try of the flelUlla Tiieatrfeal Hntecpriawb la the. ooiapany ayO pertMrt^Ocrthon, .dertrode Vaader- bUt John Wk^ . Bsmtt. Cteeamri^ •■ Jolin .' NewcMBbe^. , Gosnan •SMtin. . JTkaiik Bernard, Matni^ v HoNolty, Bliaie 'Douglas, Dttrls 'Axdob. * The imislc Is by Leoft'DOOoota, Moie and lyrles by Margarot-- lOcMMf attd .IVJiliam Lennox. .. ■ "YOUNG WAITS FANCY" CLOSma. "With the chances pf continuing at the Playhouse proving very slim, "A IToung Man's Fan^' is reported on 1^ way to ,th« storehouse, Geongo -Q. Tjrlor« ithjB producer, has a four weOk^ obittiiwt.;ior the hoiisCb and the flood.oflerii tnm^toKtkvsM aMc- Ing hOn for the open tln9.:WM acira^ amadhw tn view ot'pgrtsn t owidltliwis. "While it tmSMdsA/lsto 8MW- day what attraction .iro^ :Qgiae- |ii».tlie strongest bidder - ai the - ttnaO HEifr the house was John L, 'Golden. ' Overtures were mdde for the continuatldn of "Thunder," at the Playhouse, but were turned down cold, the preference being given to one of the KOod ahonrs waiting to hit Broadway. "ONLY BATHTUB IN FRAVCE,'' Boston^, (dot .'99^ Majy Young',' hading wonMa, OC. tho Craig iriayen^ tn-a ttOtc ghrett bir h|gr at the Arlington Thieatro .on.1ier ezperleaces as ian actress abnms the iH>]Sld during the late unpleasantness, gave berselt credit for* discovering the. "only bathtub In rrtince," Miss Young also stated the attitude of the Y. M. C. A. was not entirely cordial to tbe actors and that they were prac- tical never Invited to' their mess. A. B. woods* iff^^tion .oC.?!Tho SIC 'Chanco.** with ICU7 NaSb In tho Mad* was sent to tho stMsteuao after tdosiav Sattirday in Detroit. From the iMglnnlnff oiC Its tour -fho piece did not show tendeaclee ot doUiir "big," but in Its lost week in Detroit it played to bigger receipts than at any other time while on the road. The tack of Interest shown at this time In war plays was responsible for its oleobw. Jack Haskait Here. Jack Haskell arrived In New York lost week from London, en route to Australia, where he goes to produce "The Blng Boys on Broadway" for J. C. William* son. He will remain In New. York for another week lociking for acts of all deeerlptlmf to appear la big revties. Boston, Oct. 22. In a story printed In the local Hearst' paper during the week, and which inajr" or may not havct been inspllred by a press agent, John O'SulIlivan, tenor ot the Chicago Opera Company, who fllled'. an engagement in concert In this city, is quoted as saying that opera slnserftL would soon |>e demanding higher ■af*' ariea He is claimed to have stated OiiCC artists . In the united States are fftlriy| MreU paid, but abroad the siiuatiiiar ^:^ very bad because of the ov^rtvra lii'^IM^ v cMt oiC living. O'SolUvan.' however, !«&' sold to hove statdlVho^ did not beliey#/ _ . the SBa^iitt \ would .form a -union Ufco.wii^ft^^ actora.^orthO poUoMnon."'.'' ^£^0^ ^;AiO'fiWt ItaUto'.stiiiitots who'eaaio.!b^i?^^^^ toW'^'^^tevna^tf the Chl^tgo'Opoi^ MMt'^i^^sroiO hSki:^. by the immlgra%^^:^.;^^ tfNi'ajktfMMilei pih the grqtind that tbey^^ ^^'^^|<;^i were-contiact; Utborani» JWPS. '"*>«S*#^yf 51*^^ when 'WashlBgtoh .rpywrsci a dO#[#ji?iapa^:^ a board that sat oh: jQidr.: oaaea .hM^^^ Those who were detained wisue Wcoitw^^' " Alferl and his wife. Xslra,' Aneiefeo iai<:- dulnl, Robert Adoml and Armondo,FWtttt,c ,.r^., zonl. All have played eng««emeiiS(S::;lwj^;^ftvj^:?^^ this country before. .... YIDDISH ^S&^ SI^!^a^:M '\ Iten-Vtaaeloco^-(jcti .1^^^^^ di^'- tOgbtB 'vfvnt #eski: ■afo^^doll^g;.?■%i■l,;,,^..^^ prbfltable business, with prices .iiJih vto%"i<^<!i^^ ItM, and this despite the poor locntlon't^^^ ^ of-the lioufle,and the fact.that .tho j^^l^ipi^M lers-aro' pafd'n fullweok'a taiaxy M^vi^$0^ two performances given. A greater poiffe^:^ ;^^^^ tlon of the patrons Include San Fran*-. . / .,-{,^ Cisco's leading and wealthiest citisenaj'^; };:|v and if a theate could be secured in FUbnore district (Jewish neighborhood)^ Yiddish shows could undoubtedly be* come a permanent Institution in this: city. The members of th^ company In* dude Sanuiel Grossman, Helen Gross*' man, Morris Karp. Fannie. GirossnMiit, Louis Nusbaum, Cilld Frankel, Bella) Lawrence^. Louis H. J&urp, Mas Spl nan. OiSOo' VVttaicAandilpvtnf L. man. '.'Vho^'siioeeM'' ol^ *t:^--Mhew.; «j»|^^ Julia Matlo#e ht tlie Shubert WitbrJ* revival of Shakespeare, figures as <wie of the outstanding features of the: sea^^ son thus far. The stars have drawn'a-. daily box oflice .llne and the takings lU''* ': dtcate a gross for the four weeks of: their engageinent: of $100,000. The en-~ gageinent is lurieed at |S top nlgbtlyj^: there being no Wednesday matinee. '7 ' The istara leave for the road at thci ' end of next week, their route callingf'- for two Vre^ks in each city/ no lonKeii>(: being allotted for Chicago.., Thpir VUmi^.. ness thus far about doubles the. liigs of their last prevlbus appiiaiatMoi; here. ■ , ' ■ •':''r-?>.-B TO SINO IN NEW OPERA, Italo Montemezzt composer of; "t^ Nave," leaves Genoa Oct, 17. and Is ea^; pected here early in November. ;'La' Nave" Is a new opei« which will Jtavo Ita premiere when the Chicago Ojpeta opens its New York engagement at the. Ijezington on MondSy, Jan. 1^, 1020. Sailing with Montemezzl on the'/Diica. delgl Abruzsl are Tittik>v^.Buao.f9d.'€^lo Galeffi, both 8ingeri.,°««iigsgad%wli^^^^^ ..... Chicago Company. < ■ '- v^^i^j^iiifcM-i?^ The book ot the new opera' ha8;.bj|i»>'" '-^^^^ supplied by Gabriel D'Annunzio. \: fMusk- Minute"' in ■■8yrKuie^;-^-^::^v:;^^ ■ ■ ■' ?■.' ■■■ "• • 'Syracuse^ Oot 21' •' ■■..'\,^lf^ John Cort's "Just a Mhiute" *111 haw ii v ita second premiere here .tomorro# : v ';3j|?j%,™ (Thursday). In the reorganized oom«!,;v;^?\'^;^*;!^ pony are Duke Cross, Percy PollaClt'.^SU^::^ George Moore, Billy .Claritv^lttbiT ^'v-'-^'lS;^^^^ Wlthee and May "Vokea v ^'' ■■■">*^^t^' The show is due to open #. tho iOorC»' New York, next week. ; " Short Work of It. Walter Wanger'a production of "Xfae Purple Slipper" opened on Monday ol^ last week in Scranton and olosttfi < |B' Trenton on Saturday. . ■ • : .^■■^■'i<•i^':^:y.::■■.,■ :