Variety (October 1919)

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ANNOUNCEIi '^0^ differances liaving arisen witK the i&IURAN and MLLE. MARGUERITE act, the inatter "was presented to Mr. Henry Chesterfield the N. V. A. After hearing all parties oni- * cemed, Mr. Giinan consented that he Vrould ^d^ocmtimie the name *'Mile. Marguerite," be^. of die pnority^ claiiiied and ri^t ther^ .■•■:t}^"u-< and Frank Gitl field, of the N. V. A., I have decided to discoiv tbiue 4ie wile .e jxt conneo* changing Ae billing of my act to W 9_ AND Petite Marguerite JOHNGIURAN lUrijr trail re^ «(lT*d by • iMdInm-ilsed audience. , VOBD'8.— Vm torgeflt house thia Maion on XIoadAT Bisbt greeted Violet Hemlns in "Three nwea East" ThU twiue seemi to draw the targe audience* with a premiere or with a year «r M oM plajr. No (TMt Oatl at cnthwlaHB «•'raised by the paMetie scenes, bnt latere^ '<iiip ■vBtalmd tkmngtewt. • * ACZmOBtDlL—«a«o« MmHw Judfe." was ^■'Om taanMiM «( * sood teir> HWM M the sgimiar nicht. Imt the ■wnib«rs of the coot fell down 00 their Job In pvttinc the show acroaa aa It mm IB New York. COLONIAL.—"Daddy Ix>nK-LeBs" was ehesen as the vehicle to Introduce the new stodc com- pany to this theatre. A. large and appreciative audience waa on hand to aee how the Players would put tha lairy tala comedy acreaa, aotf left tiM theaitM •ppueBUy veiy wen ptoased. KsMS of tha oM VIbjms are back, bat tbsrs la where atter they honae. Nina Quy played the leads. Attention! Performers Trunks and Leather Goods This Model (as lUastrated) •IM (b«ln tsp). ttceo'plr ALI. MAKES We are in n Foeltttn to Offer YtnS At Bneptlaiially | ALI. I At Bneptlaiially I I tow Prices I STYLES Inoloding VALUE SPECIAL AT....... $35 X eatt vHU coavtooe you STRAND LUGGAGE SHOP STRAND THBATRB BUILDINQ 1573 BROADWAV, N. V. HK/VRT OF THB THKATRICAI. OENTBIi TEL. BRYANT UtBl MARTLAWD.—Ketth's TBOawnW, - UIPPODBOHE^ «NtL' MMmA MM ^401 4 The riM AvitoBSi Dorothr ,ti a.AMil TCia k "I VICrOIIT> —lEsrie and SdnsMwe; Btaani; Bhmt Int. and KaplUi aat IMBi. OATBtT.-"Gn>wn-lIp B»blc«." PALACES.-"The Liberty Glrle." FOLLY.—'The Vampire Olrla" are 3u»t wltbln the limit «t the police resulattons in some o( their costumes and* daaoaa, but it aeems to appear to the ^Mi «lt Ib iB tt fi W tMi h«w caters to. - OARDBK-Horlas * Gordon preaent "A Hrt* land Halloirwa": Boftow. Hanay and Bartaw; •IMP riiiwiiiir] XlMB.aii« VannMi Wmiam Hinilll Ha «!8Mfla« aita^t." pletan. ' mtVir.-^lo boow tt ^wara the moat'popular oC tha dowBtowa pictve tbcBtns, aad ta tunt- awar thia weak Aariag tha atajr ot PARKWAY.—Wallace ReM hi Ian." picture, all week. BtUMtfD.'.^— "Tyenty-thrw >B4B^BUt- h««. The Lottwr Baltimore Symphony OrcbestrB atartad «« ita jsecond season Sunday afternoon before a lochtd hsaae at the Lyrle Theatre. All of tha .cbeiee aeats have been aabscrtbed (or Bad the prospecta lat-m'i assB ate very good. The Gayety Theatre, burlesque, and the Wil- ton and Victoria Theatrca, pkturea and vaude- ville, have been served notice by the Caotral niailMi nium llrstlBt i BOt be BMa to get aay poses this season. oB Bcoewit ot tha bad > tion at the oompaay** pipea. Ttw of the three theatt«a have requested the Publlo Service Commlsaioo to taveetlsate, bat mean- white are laaklac proparatloaa tn Inrtall their • "Ts Mi aadce tfEroflf; IcMS, fed-bioooed Americans there ii oothinf ia air experience wbJeli Z have fonDd to valuable as or> ganie iroa — Kuxated Zroa," Mvi Or. Jaaiei Francit Snliivia, fomerlr •tqildaa o( BeHevue Hospital (OtttdAor ]>9t). New Yoric. aqd tlie West^ester " *■' Named baa «IM nd cadanuMM «f it PWfA' Hi tWB ^ople arntu* ally, Indndin? tttch nitn as «... . former U. S, Seaafef ua vue-PreiMestia^ aoaiiMf;,. Ctias. A. Towns) United £latt* Jalce G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Wishington; Ignace Jan Paderewsld," Premier of Polsnd'end master pianist: Jack Dempan, heavyvneigbt champtoa.«- ihatM^^ oChafL Hinted |tM bdia. SOMETHUHi NEW IN SCENERY DROPS AND FULL STAGE SETTINGS We offer tor rsat af wis brand nss sHUo^and ^l^t»Jf ^ 1*1*** aw Nh taSrSSse^ ia i BEAIJMONT VELVET AND PAINTED SCENERY STUblO (V. liewfa, BIgr.) OtiriiM^ fhetoiyaiidMiiatoar*«tyoMraMvic«. aW WmI dath SlrMi Ntw Yorfc Cftyw • J