Variety (December 1919)

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THE THEATRICAL WORLD A New Act With a Big: Route PAULINE JOHNNY r LORIMER and CARBREY Wishing Our Many Friends A HAPPY NEW YEAR ifi» " Week of— Dee. 1—New London—Plttafield » 8—Haverhill—Brockton " 15—E. F. Albee Theatre—ProTldenee " 22—Dorchester ", 26—St Johns Jan. 2—Mo net on " B—Halifax « 11—Truro—Sydney—New Glaseow V • 19—Amherst—Bath '.y — 26—Lynn—Fitchborn; Feb. 2—Waltham—Ntwport ■' 9—Worcester—Springfield •% 16-£Hartford—Wsterbary " 23—Bridgeport—New Haven Mar. 1—Troy—Albany . v ••" S—Anbnrn—Byracase ".*■ 15—Elmira—UtWca . ■ ** 22r-Blnghamton—Utlca " 29—Buffalo April 5—Toronto . , ■ • • . •. M 12—London—Brand ford " 19—Pittsburgh • '.*■ 26—McKeesport—Altoona May 3—Harriibnrg—York M . 10—Wllkee-Barre—Scrsnton " 17—Lancaster—Hazelton ♦ " 24—Trenton—Brooklyn Month of Jane—New York Time .-...---■ • ■ • [ Personal Representative—JO PAIGE SMITH Personal Direction—'TATSY" SMITH; 111 "A Plain Little Couple in a Plain Little Act" MINERVA .< *.,■-.. HARRY" COURTNEYand IRWIN •• IT JUST HAPPENED" Ah Arizona Paddle, Spattered with Song and Dance Roped and Tied by Themselves—Headed for the "Best" Over the Following "Trail": . 1919 ' Week of— ' . .'..-•' u^ : i-'- Dec 29—Dockatadera, Wilmington, Dal. 19*9 ■"'■..•.' , ?&>•■ Jan. 5—Open .• - fr-Colonlal, Utiea, N. Y. *• 12—Proctor's, Schonectedy, N. Y. { * 15—Jefferson, Asbnrn, N. Y. .■,.-:>■ ;" : -vV : ^.-. " 19—Proctor's, IVoy, N. Y. r 12—Grand, Albany, N. Y. ' * 26—Poll, New HaTen, Conn. -V w 29—Poll, Bridgeport, Conn. Feb. 2—Poll, Hartford, Conn. M 5 Js oqncs, Waterbory, Conn. 9—Poll, Worcester, Haas. " 12—Poll, Springfield, Haas. ton " ' '.■••■•'. ■ - 16—Washington Street, Boston ■ . 22—Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Mar. 1—Scolly Squire, Boston - 22—Grand Phils* Penna. "Dealers"-nJOE PAIGE and PATSY" SMITH "Buyers"—B. F. Keith Vaudeville Exchange . .. - - .-_ "What a tough ,pot in tat Tall Gran' thUki if ea"i Klneni Courtney lud Harry Irwtn an rift faiwttM ken aad weir atatea or toe tber am weloomed to tbla dor. Ifoea acta oftbU calibre will keep tmiAmUI* on the hick rime or tattftatauMM that It de- (latum. Pa.) "There might bo soma folks that wo don* cars for, bat we cant think of them Tight now, A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYBODY ' at NOVELTY COMEDY SINGING SKIT—By NORMAN STADIGER "MY BEST CELLAR" J. PARKER COOMBS, NAT CAFFERTY and PHILIP BRUCE JOHN CUTTY AND NELLIE NELSON "THE MELODY MAN AND MAID" ORBEN AND DIXIE "A MODERN TOPSY" NOW PLAYING "DOWN EAST' TIME Telephone: Circle 1167 - 952 EIGHTH AVENUE ORISKA WORDEN VOCAL INSTRUCTION SONGS TAUGHT VOICE PLACEMENT ■ I I ■ :. - 4* m ''■ 53 1 1562 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY