Variety (December 1919)

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VARIETY 115 Dutchess Theatre Poughkeepsie, N. Y. P. J. TENNIS, Manager Orpheum Theatre Kingston, N. Y. P. SHERRY, Manager ——^— ■ ! ■'■ ' "i I, ■ i i Grand Theatre Mlddletown, Conn. H. BROWNING, Majestic Theatre Albany, N. Y. O. U. 8TACET, Manager New Congress Theatre Saratoga Springs, N. Y. WM. B, BENTON, Manager Empire Theatre v Glens Fatta, N. Y. J. A. FTTZG ERALD, Manager Cohoes Opera Home Cohoes, N. Y. L. A. BUKTTNKE, U. & Theatre Hoboken, N. J. FRANK G. HALL, Prop. GEO, KRISTER, Mgr. Mozart Theatre Elmira,^N.Y. JACKSON & SHEA, Mgrn. Cortland Theatre Cortland, N. Y. J. S. BURNHAM, Manager • ■. " '*!■ Palace Theatre Bound Brook, N. J. J. J. MIRABEL, Manager ,. £,-■ :. ■ AGENCY Ferber's Theatre Lakewood, N. J. BARNEY FERRER, Manager -~A- ';# 7,-- ■'.• - ....-• .'■ n . ••v t .. : .rrAafefc*-*** r . .' ■ *•-■■. • ■» '■'.: ' ".;.' Rialto Theatre Amsterdam, N. Y. ED. C KLAPP, Manager , New York City ;*: t .-• ■ ' " .:"-■.. ' . ■ -* ■ ■■ • VM ■ .-'■ .TER J. PLIMMER, GENERAL MANAGER ! . .- Majestic Theatre imcivN.Y. AW. HOG AN, Manager .'•.%.' ."■■-.■ ;t '-_ jwi Grand Theatre Rutland, VL T. W. MeKAY, Manager Play Home Rutland, Vt THOa A. BOTLE, Manager Strong Theatre Burilngton, Vt J. J. WHALKN, Manager Napoleon Theatre Montreal, Can. N. A.LAZINIS i MILLER, COUNSEL SOBEL, TREASURER ■.-, ■ --v ■ Sf ... ■"• Carroll Theatre Rome,N.Y. C a BLESSING, Manager "... . „■ — - !:...• __. , " -.-. .. -. :■ - , <l"l • . >J A..Li "--. .•" - --.' . ■',•:' §kt& - f-: ; ;:-■' '- AL. DOW, ASSISTANT MANAGER ':'::.■ -.■.-•.. - ; .'■</■••• •'•.^.■: -•■'•• --V- /-■■• Lincoln Theatre >- : :New YorkS|p^ R. M. SNYDER, Manager I JACK SHEA, TRAVELDJC REPRESENTATIVE ' '•- iX <K : ££•#■=; MARTHA GOLDENBERG, HELEN PLIMMER 8ECRETABIES 485 MAIN STREET GEORGE YOUNG, In Charge 9 W&1 accept sole bookings for theatres desiring experienced service combined with good Judgment and honest methods. ' At* Nemo Theatre Closter,N.J. E. THORNTON KELLY, Manager i "; ■ ■• • : 4 • . ■ - ; '- . . .. "■ ' ■ ' ,, . '. ". 1 L.." — Lyric Theatre Endicott,N.Y. R, J. DITTRICH, Manager Lyceum Theatre :Troy,N.Y. H. KEPNER, Manager Richardson Theatre Oswego, N.Y. C. P. GILMORE, Manager