Variety (December 1919)

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■■•. ~y- *.*sa -■-•.-.'■* ' " ■"''"'' '"■-*'".■" i ' 122 VARIilT'Y ^ r ;..••.■ ■:■•: m *% v i Samuels IN S U RANC E PECIALISTS TO THE Theatrical and Motion Picture Industry i St. —and no words so adequately describe our connection with the industries as Insurance Specialists —For years our clients have been the biggest factors in the business —We nave made their problems u _ ours and they have learned from experience how an efficient or- ganization like ours can help Among Our Clients Are Marcus Loew Theatres B. S. Moss Theatres Famous Players-Lasky Corp* Paramount Pictures Corp. Altera!t Pictures Corp. Norma Talmadge Film Corp. Fatty Arbuckle Co. Selznick Pictures Corp. Select Pictures Corp. Paragon Films, Inc. Erbograph Studio & Laboratory B. S. Moss Motion Picture Corp. International Film Service Marion Davies Film Co. Graphic Film Co. Mayflower Photo Play Co. Bray Studios Tribune Productions Humphrey Pictures • Post Picture Corp. De-Luxe Pictures Catholic Pictures Ass'n. Renowned Pictures Corp. Screencraft Pictures Popular Pictures Corp. J. E. Brulatour Hiram Abrams Ben P. Schulberg And Others Be it your theatre, studio, star, di- rector, office, home or car—we can serve you efficiently and econom- ically—and our straight-from-the- shoulder, business-like methods will please you—We are as close to you as your phone— Deuben [\E EAL Iinc;ER.VICE. Insurant* fs *~S BO PiJMien Lene Phone John 5425 - 5426" 5427'5423. WHERE I AM AT: OBPHEUM, SAN FRANCISCO, NEW TEAR'S IAN. OAKLAND IAN. 11-aAClAMCTTO STOCKTON. FKHNO IAN. i*—ourjrow LOB ANGI JAN. SALT LAKB) kaniai crnr - 8T.PAUL MAfiCH 14-OBPimn cmcAeo APRIL MHPSTOI sx. Loon LINCOLN MAT S TO JCNI t DTTS STATS CXBCUIT New York and the East Starting in August