Variety (January 1920)

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I-:.. I 70 .-. :v ,.. ........ .. ,. . ... ., .-.-,.. _ ^ -,_... : .-,-... . .•■ - -^?™K^-y. \g>yy-- ■■■ --■ I ~- z ~ : .—! ■ VARIETY ■ ■ ■■ « BEST PLACES TO STOP AT LEONARD HICKS m HOTEL GRANT Madison and Dearborn Streets 'The Keystone of Hotel Hospitality" Offers Special Weekly Rates to the Profession CHICAGO m 1 1 mi S00 Housekeeping Apartments • (0i the better class, within reach of economical folks) Under the direct eea s -n l a len of the .mm. located la the heart of the «&*. fiat ad Broadway, eloee to all te a Ma t eflleee, prtadpaJ theatre*, department rtoree, traetioa Uiati, "If road and inbway, Iy7 This fsralahed apartments We are the limit sural theatrical folks. We ere ea the ground daily eleanltneta, ALL 8GTJLDINGB rqUIPPKD WITH 8TKAM HEAT AMD EXECTBIC U0HT8 HILDONA COURT HENRI COURT lit. 114 Ml «• Wert 4Mfe tt "%ee»; Bnrut U6t At ae-ts-tte>ala-rta, era, ireereet iiJIiiie. ar> iuH ta latrtaeau at three aad fear reeae w«» krMeai an* primk aath. 'Peeae'li mm* saw*- 117,00 Ua WMfcty THE DUPLEX ttf aU W Wart 4M at. Pane. Brant 4»»-IIIl Tlree ail fv rani altk ketk, fanlikal t» i aaitalae la thto •ill aateaae- Mi to Mf Wat «to St A aiaatha «• lam Jaet emslaM; •pirtaaia ar w aiat la tain* tf Ma ta» ul tarat reea*. altt Vial Seta ui Urn, HM IJtakeat, Utokcaetam. The* aeartaaetl eased)- mr» loan •HJB ua Beats*: ihh u» Weridt YANDIS COURT B4I40 Wait 4M at, Mil fear naa aaaaaaaaaV i Sett aad Ulialam Tat arhaay ata arte* (a? U •*• at Ha at- • iijb u • weaUj feme if aaiaraaw tkat tree af kalMlta. TkaM ■at* faar er a at Uida. t».sa u» wwuj U H. Olaavva Taadls Dears, 141 West 48id Street, Sew T< m be aaea ereala*e OOea ta LARGEST AND BEST EQUIPPED POSING ROOMS IN THE COUNTRY GRANDVliVNO 1-URX1SI!KDF(JR ALL MUSICAL ACTS . KI-SM^S^OI^sai'NKKY AND SPOT^LIGKT-OPKN SUNDAYS 754-756 EIGHTH AVENUE ^46th end 47th 8tree*a. One Block Weet ef Broadway Three, Fpap aad Fl»e-Booa> Hhjh-CIssa Itoatohad Apartaeente—#18 Co MBS. GBOBOE HDBOKL, atgr. IM-Ht-Mll One Black te The Edmonds Furnished Apartments OEOBOB DANIEL., Freprtetreee 778^80 ElQrlTrT 1 AVENUE* •Tat NEW YORK 71s EIOHTH AYBMTTE or MozoBuoins PELHAM HEATH INN BLOSSOM HEATH INN Open All Year Und«rdir««ii«rit#H.AJ.auMkirid [£&: Oao. F. THE BERTHA Complete for Housekeacina—Clean and Airy 823 Wart 43rd Street, NEW YORK CITY FURNISHED APARTMENTS - - - P.BB Up HEAR YE! HEAR YE! HEAR YE! JPSi 9* T * T *f** pl * •* *■• ■»••»! dlahaj raaaa aftae Taetplaa laaaortaaa: lead, aw Crlaaea, St." aot*i.u." t" ""^ •» S= ^» »«»HB» ^*m? W^inealaWTit oSati?l5. THE GREAS YV EST «_ -^ « . 178 NORTH SSaMMBi; CHICAQO !'A Opp. The Cell** Inn Opth The Sherman Hotel r : : •'. BERT KELLY MAHAOEB OF THE RED LANTERN 401-409 N. CLARK ST., PHONEi CENTRAL UN A Wrird. Attmettra, Ooay UMU Flaea, Where Tea Daaae ta aae Safe. hUUaw LI** af Headlining at "PETE'S" TED MOW, KITTY OOHEM, AURA SMEEHAN. TVH JOBMOH. MARVIN LEI. MARY MURRAY. ■IU, OOLk IMeASID. AD0Y BRITT, DICK REEVER, COLEMAN R0ETZ. JORRY CLUCK, MARTY roRKIRa, HeRHAM riELOa BETTY HAHOIMB. AL HIUM AND M0RRIE RtTTER. "The 13th Chair" "PETE" SOTEROS RBT BOOR TO TBI COLONIAL THBATBB, M WBBT BAKDOLrH BT, OHIOAaW MARION HOTEL IIS Weat S5th Streot, N. Y. Oty (2 Weeka front Pnv. BaRtiaa) Under saw annaceaiect Mlaeiri* raaevated raoma—all atedara aaaVeaaaaamal. kiUhia -• . __. , arrrilaaaa. Eatai: M aad ap. MABTOf A. eaAHAJJ, Vuiiw Tal. Greeier U7S-M74 m. BALTIMORE i ECKEL.—Pictures. SAVOY.—Pictures. Reilly'e IB TNI OOOK&O HF1IAK I V TMS TH [MHMl DaWBIOT May Memorial Unitarian Church of this city Introduced free Sunday pic- tures at the evening service, and the venture proved a diatlnct success. The idea was new to Syracuse, but will be made a Sunday evening feature at May Memorial. Three films were shown at the Initial entertainment, No collection la taken and admission is free. have signed cards petitioning* the Board of Trustees of that city to permit the showing of Sunday pictures. Patronage at a majority of the local theatres during holiday week showed a decided slump. Beth legit and pictures' suffered. Three thousand residents of Endlcott According to reports current In Au- burn, the Auditorium playhouse there has been sold to the International Har- vester Company. Chicago interests own NEW IDEA ILLUSTRATED HOTEL CALVERT BROADWAY AND 418T STREET A few wry aaJnaU nea-j ta be Bad. WTta aad wlthoet arltata bath. HOTEL SERYICE RATES: l»09 AND UP. SINGLE I1S.4R AND UP, DOUBLE posing.: CHORUS EVERY KIND OF SLIDES STANDARD E CORP. the Auditorium^ and are said to have asked $160,000 for it The theatre was originally built for convention purposes, and was converted into a theatre when .big state gatherings began to choose Syracuse and Rochester for convention cities. The Burtls estate, then in con- trol, sold to Chicago parties. The Inter- national Harvester is said to desire tbe house for transformation Into a-store- house. - Ed Wynn and the Shuberts have burled the hatchet At least; Ed has. The ceremony occurred In this city while Wynn's Revue was playing the Empire. The Shuberts' "Oh, My Dear" company, playing the Wietlng here last week, dropped into town ahead of their sched- ule. Many of the cast had a curiosity to see Just what Wynn was offering. They dropped into the Empire. Wynn happened to be in the lobby. Presto, it was a love feast with Ed telling the Bhubert troopers that he held no grudge, even if the Shuberts had remarked lie could never again darken the door of one of their houses because of his actors' strike activities. VANC0NVER, B. C By H. P. NEWBERRY, EMPRESS.—"Old Lady 11," with Etta Delmes featured in the leading role. . -~ - ■■ - - > r :