Variety (January 1921)

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Fridayy January 14, 1W1 * . .. .— ~ i : j ■ * —— IN AUSTRALIA If X1IC H G01EICX. LEG1TI MATE rr i_*4-jr^: I v k Sydney. Not. 17. HER MAJESTY'S— M «o Lone Letty" (revival). Next, Gilbert A Sullivan Opera Co. CRITERION — "Irene" eloalng. Not. It. "The Girl iu the Taxi" (re- yival). . KOTAL—Dark. PALACB—Marie Tempest and Graham Brown. TIVOLl—'The Olrl for the Boy." FULLER'S—Farnum and Fer- num, hit; Vardel Bros, went ove: big: Fuller'! Nino Wonder* very good; Leeds And Lo Mar. hit. Vine* and Eva Courtney pasted; Keeley and Aldous, fine; act has Improved out of sight since last seen here. Charles Frard good; th* Crack- nells. fine closing act; Do Winter and Rote, clever. GRAND OPERA HOTTSE--Stock Rastus and Banks have been on- gaged by Fuller's, Ltd., for a tour of their circuit. Louie Pounds has arrived from London to appear In "Chu ('his Chow." Reno Maxwell has been engaged by Hugh D. Mcintosh to appear in "The Lilac Domino." Walter Johnson lias b<ren engaged by Fullers to produce tab revues In New Zealand. Farnum and Farnum have arrived under contract to the Fullers. They will play .three weeks in vaudeville TOWN^HAJJ^Str Arthur Conan' **« then Produce revuos. Doyle. PLAYHOUSE—"Oh Kitty." LYCEUM — Norma Talmad»e "The Woman Olves." Bill Rueaeil "Hobbe In a Hurry." CRYSTAL I'ALACE — Madge Kennedy. "The Hlooming Angel." Norma Talraadjte. "The Woman Olvea." HAYMARKF.T — Enid Rennet r. ; "What Every Woman Leai na." Charles Ray. The Egg Crat* Wal- lop." Vera Pearce ie appearing In "Mag- ulc" at the Tivoll. Melbourne, with ■UOOOag. Ivy Shilling returned to Australia from London and Joined the show. On her entrance she was covered with flowers thrown from the sial!s and dreas circle. Irene Astor. a anew girl, was granted a divorce from her hus- band, non-profeaalona). last week. The case brought out sensational evidence about chorus girls at the Tlvoli. ,. Melbourne. HER MAJESTY'S—"The Roy." ROYAL Lowell Thomas. KINO'S -John D. O'Hsra. "Shore; ; Acres." hit. ! Florence Young, one of aUStrallaY* TTVOLI -- "Maggie" Dee. II. |UsOOft popular ctrcsaea. died in Mel- "Chu Chin Chow." bourne last week. Miss Young had PRINCESS—Allan Wllkie, "Mac-1 been with the J. C. Williamson flrra i bath." j for many, many years Her last 2^I^ ^,I r^.^ v y iIl ^,'•u Cl^cll ^, appear*** was in "Itaytime, • Just TOVSN IIAI.L-Orphcon ChOrli- b £££ hfP AaeVth. tars. BI.TOTT — Cuest and Newlyn. i Flora Cromer, Ted and Peg, Moon ( IP the industrial agreement which and Morris. Maggie Foster. John Larkln, Ray and Kath Devere. Hurd. PALACE—Stock. ARCADIA —Famous Diggers baa been prepared for theatrical players la not signed by the em- ployora very soon the whole of the i artists. Including the chorus and IN HAVANA. Havana, Jan. I. D^spUe financial conditions hers, he show btiainooi generally Is iu a prosperous rendition, with circuses playing in two leading theatres, picture houses crowded and Pali- sades Park playing carnival attrac- tlons. This park, erected by the Moyer- hof & Paxlcr Carnival Co., was de- layed in opening by rain and the difficulty of obtaining a permit, but Sam Mlrback. the treasurer, says the company ie having the biggest season it has experienced during the five years he has been with it. Since opening, Dec. 2, it has had t week- day attendance ranging between €.- 000 snd 8,000 paid admissions ar.d 11,000 to 15.000 on Saturdays and Sundays. The leading show on the grounds la Pattl'w Diving Beauties. It gets the top money. The next le the Brltson Oreen Motordrome. Other shows nr© "Through r • Rap- ids," brought from Starlight Park in the Bronx; "The Whip," a Ferris wheel, mcrry-go-round, aeroplane swing and Prof. Haeckler's trained fleas. They are all small shows, but getting money. The National theatre, usually playing opera and big attractions, has a circus booked lrto it by Wirth-Btumenfelt. It Is conceded the best circus seen here. That the people like it Is "attested by capacity houses at each performance. The feature acts are Miss Lltxel, Belle- clalre Bros, and Morrano Bros. At the Payrot, the Santos & Artt- gas circus, an ordinary one. has been doing little business and ar- ranged to go" Into the interior three weeks earlier than usual. l\ has onlj one strong act, "CIdora," In the goklen globe. Several of the acta aro reported leaving for New York. The second Contingent for the BERLIN KY C. HOOPER TRASK. atoUere'g translation Berlin, i>.» . : - "Aniphritrinn." in ■ now by E. Nereaheimer, was presented by Victor Barnowskjr at the Lessing, Dec. &.- The cast in- cluded Waiter JaJmsoM, Theodore Loss, Alice Tornlng and Ernu Relg- bcrt. The translation U Inferior and the production loo heavy- handed. (Victor Bchwonuele, Alfred H;< Magda Madeleine) and play were will received by the press. It H of the concert type and should be of Interest to American mining? i A new comedy, "Playing at Mar- riage." by Herman Rain, author of Dictrlchstein's "The Concert," Daly's "The Master," and "Jose- phine," wa* produced at the Kieinea Schauspielhaus, Dec. 7: company BEEFSTEAKING JAKE IUBIN J. H. Lubin, tho Loow Circuit booking head, i« to be the guest of honor at a beefsteak supper ten- dered him by the Loew office staff, in conjunction with personal friends. Tuesday evening, Jan. 18, at Cavannaugh's restaurant. The beefsteak will be in the na- ture of a complimentary send-off for Lubin, who leaves for Europe for a four weeks' vacation Jan. 20. WEEKS-KERR DOUBLE ACT. A t w double turn pi ..loscd for vaudeville will have Ada Mae Weeks and Donald Ken-. Ruth recently left musical comedy productions. Tho revival of "Chamber Music" at the Trianon, Nov. 2G, was han- dled in the papers* here; the only notices going to Carl Clewing as tho opera singer. Wilde's "J^idy Windemere'l Fan" at the Resident*, was poorly played and set. Bad notices. Tho production of 'Crossroads'* by Carl Zuckerrunyer, a 23-year- old Heidelberg student, at the Schauspielhaus, Dec. 10, was un- successful. The play is too wordy, though promising, and the cast un- distinguished. At tho Neues Schauspielhaus in Konigaberg, a new drama by Max Rrode, "The Falsifier," (Der Fael- scher) was produced Deo. 7. It is a sensational success, and as tne ending is not unhappy, should have American possibilities. The uJ.ot suggests the "Man Who Came Rack. Cottage Boys Urged to Cut Shows. Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 12. Syracuse University undergrad- uates are urged to cut down the number of their theatre parties in a new set of regulations promul- gated this week. The students are asked to save the mone> they have been spending lor pleasures, to pro- Casino. Havana, left Newark DeC. Ml vide against business readjustments At Leipzig an operetta. "Amer- ican Girl," (The title is in Knglish, not In Gorman) music by Kurt Zorlig. libretto by J. Blumenthal, had its promiere Nov. 20; also at Munich on Nov. 28, "Yankeedoodle" (Der Yankoedoodler) a farce by Phil Weichand and Heinz Heln- zelmann. was given at the Muon- chener. This is about equivalent to J. J. producing a revue called "Das Deutsche Maedschen." NEW ZEALAND. Christchurch. ROYAL- "Passing Show of 1110." OPERA HOUSE —Rev. Frank Gorman. Mualcal Balanarde. Henri Franch. Doff Dee. Jennings and Gerald. Burgeaa Revue Co. Auckland. HIS MAJESTY'S—J. N. Talt pre. sent* Adelaide Van Staveren. oper- atic recitals. OPERA HOUSE—Billy Elliott, Pagden and Stanley. Ward and Sherman. Bert Coleman. Louts London. > Henry Gordon has Joined "Irene." Bis last appearance hero was with •"Tiger Rose." "So Long Letty" revived hare laat weak. Buainess splendid. "The Boy," new musical comedy. tost ants neous success la Melbourne Opening night. • PARAMOUNT — Will Rog». «. ) hal,et * ,r, «' win - eecordin* to state- "Alraost a Husband"; Wallace Raid, i ments made by officers of the aeso- "Slek Abed." j ciatlon. "walk out" of thi atres and music halls In a body, and prepara- tion for Christmas productions will be disorganised. The Actors' Fed- eration held a meeting In this city during the month when complaint waa made regarding the delay of the managers in signing tho draft agreement. Walter Raker, j esident of the association, had a conference with E. J. Talt, managing director of J. C. Williamson, Ltd., and prin- cipal representative of J. and N. Talt. After the conference Mr. Dunn, secretary to Mr. Raker, made the following statement: "If an agreement la not reached shortly there will bo happenings of a seri- ous nature. Tho officials of the fed- eration deplore the possibilities of the moment, and trust the employ- ers will consult their own Interests and grant tho modest claims of the federation. It will for one thing obviate court procedure. E. J. Talt gave it as bio opinion that his col- leagues In Melbourne were prepared to go no further than they had al- ready, but ho informed us that lie would communicate with them at once on the subjet. Mr. Baker warned Mr. Talt that If that was his attitude of tho employers it would hasten the crisis, which the federa- tion was doing its utmost *o pre- vent. The present wage for chorus and ballet employed by J. C. Wil- liamson la £1 10s. for seven per- formances. It la understood that the officials of the Actors' Federa- tion havs made all preparation to enforce their demands for the sign- ing of the agreement, and the first step will be taken when the per- formers walk out of one theatre at a tune and walk Into other "shows" which they will control for their own benefit. An understanding ex- ists with Industrial organisations for co-operation, so as to ensure succeas of tho boycott. In every appearance the matter aavors of the Actors' strike for .ecngntllon in America. "Tha Great Adventure," at the Palace, by Marie Tempest and Ore- _ L ^- mm. mm-'m, •> « ham Rrown. la one of tha finest ) The cast for 'Chu Chin Chow." to "Irene" has finished run at the Criterion. lis record Tho show goea to Brisbane for a short run; than to New Zealand. "Tne End of the Road," a SOX felcture. had a good season at the Town Hall during the month. and will open there for .our weeks' stay. The acts that are playing at the present time will en 1 their en- gagement on the last da$ of the month. Leaving West, Portalla, Dunn ay*d Laura Decardl. Mile. Lagana. the violin and dr.neer, who wa* supported to have left List Sunday, was unabb- to do so because of illness. It la probable she will migrate at a later date. The acts were booked through If. B. Marinelli. which may wipe out the Jobs they've been holding after classes. Agnes pla yer Bill Halligan Comes Back Home. William Halligan. the stage ex- plorer, returned to New Y »rk last Friday, after an extensive explora- tion of the film colony on t" s Coa*«t. Mr. Halligan was garbed iu the height of Los Angeles fashion as he hit the Friars straightaway from the train. The Deutsche has announced a production of the old English drama, "Ardcn of Feversham," In the Tieck version; Qerhardt Haupt- mann. the playwright, will direct and superviso the whole production. "Ring-Around-A-Rosy," (Relgen> a series of scenes by Arthur Schnitzler, author of "Anatol," Is in preparation at the Kammer- apiele. Lily Masburg from Vienna. Kurg theatre, will appear aa a guest for thi* engagement. RE-ENGAGED B7 FOX. Phil Baker and Ailccn Stanley have been booked for a repeat en- gagement for the third time in eight weeks in all the Fox houses. Their contract calls for a week's engage- ment at each Baker Is appearing nightly at the New Amsterdam Roof, but through agreement may accept vaudeville engagements. Fannie Brica Expectant Fannie Rrlce will leave 'The Fol- lies" in about six weeks. The cause is the expected arrival of a new member In the family. tFuli Loew Week in Indianapolis. Loew's new Indianapolis theatre opens Feb. 7. It will bo a full week Maud. Keith's Fordhsm in March. B. F. Keith's new Fordhara the- atre, in the Bronx, to play pop split week vaudeville, is expected to open in March. Madame Naslmova la 'The Red Lantern" did tremendous buslnesa at tha Cryatal Palace. Smart pub- licity work was done for this fea- ture. After playing to packed houaee for a long season at tho Tivoll. the Robert Courtneige Comedy Co., with George Tutly and Margaret Swallow, has gone to Brisbane to play "The Man from Toronto," "Too Many Husbands" and "Tho Bavlng Grace." SOUTH AFRICA. By H. HANSON. "Robbery Under Arms." a tala of tha Australian bush. Is the lateet locally produced picture by Pacific Features. Ltd. Of only fair quality. the picture Just gets by. Plays of its period this city has aeen for some time. Great buslnesa. ba produced at the Tivoll. Mel- bourne. Includes Vera Pearea. Ar- thur f*tyan, -iftrmr <\n:hran«-. Chefala and Palermo, billed aa : Charles Workman. Winifred O t.'on- the woHd^s greatest magician a be-| nor> roule Pounaii Haggle Moore, Willi had to clever one. and Chefalo Is one of i Charlton. Dave Loffman, Fred Wc- i worlds greatest magicians he- j noPf fjCula pounds. Maggie Moore, SiiSUSS^ t? lhe ^^ .""ST -KIIF Malyon. Gregory Stn nd. <;. K. Illlameon-Tatt management. bu?:_ ' ',. *il . i .... d to close after two week, owing *"Mff*> ae , or »' s Orayotone. (.aur poor btialnesa. Tha ahow waa a! *I»rdlnge, Lottie Sargent. Frank the beet ni*Ki< ians this town Li* aeen. Fine publicity work failed to help. kway Will Qulntrell. will dlrecl the i -I »atra. Top price W.l' be 1:1 le. R^Ua Perm an has been ensja^i <1 fcy the Folic -t to rtirert Me bal'V.1 for che lim.'e Christmas pant i i F.. .T. Carroll has return:"! a Irl.i areun 1 the world. !!«» go io for i/ ■■urn producing. Munsell Return-; tu Albambra. Win ren Munsell • \- •< \ a\ !■ Cornier posl mu -, .-; •' • b's AI« ! nmbi ;i. Robert \\'.«:. ne, Forrni l> man will ] of Keith's l«otiIsville i su pedod Mnnrell at th" Haroil i- - Capetown. Dec. 2. OPERA IIOITSK (W. F. Wood- man, Manager)—Gilbert & Sulli- van Opera Co. in a season of opera. Business Is good. Olive Mclnnes, Richard Andean, Edward Mc- Keown, Fred Coyne, Audrey Hyslop, Alexander Haviland, Doris Cameron. Fai»* performances by ordinary company. Commencing Dec. 7, Allen Doone and Co. in "Lucky OShea." TIVOLI (John S. Goldstonc. Mann; cr)—Vaudeville. Business Is good. Flhla Morris, American comedienne, on bill week of Nov. 10. This artist spoiled hor act by the manner In whlcn she rushod her songs through. tho words of which could hardly be followed. There is nothing startling in her work and her songs did not grip. Week Nov. 17. good program. Dan Thomas, comedian ~»n the bill Nov.. 24, received quite an ovation. Thomas say* that ho is shortly leaving for the Sta'es. ALHAMBRA (M Foster. Man- ager)—Pictures. Good business. CRAcTD IV. Bond, Miuwfdr: Tho si rial. "The Lost City of the African .lungle." Is being screened at this brill, m 1 is full of sensa- tion. WOLFRAM'S (C. Phillips Man- ager)—Picture*. Nov. 1M»-Pee. l. "The God of f.-'ck": 2-4. "Social Hypocrites." Ratttring stay Allison. MA.1KHTIC Ul. Phillips. M;ui- vVish Wynne is on Australia, and opens Dec. 15 for one week Deeds to Johannesburg for tho Christmas bill. her way from at the Tivoll and then pro- (Em pi re) Ada Reeve and her company will occupy the Opera House during tiie Christmas season. Johannesburg. TIES MAJESTY '8 — Excellent business reported. Week Nov. 15, Ada Roeve and Co. In "The Merry Widow," third week. Commencing Nov. 25, "Tho Duchess of Dantzlc." STANDARD —Dramatic stock. Nov. 15, "A Life's Revenge"; week Nov. 29. t Story of tho Rosary." EMPIRE PALACE—Music hall; drawing big business. Ray Kay and Petty Rush, assisted by Tony O'Brien, American, on bill week Nov. St. Schiller's "Wallensteln's Death." Dec. 1H, at tho Volkflbuhne; "Hello Stclnplatx 456," (Amt Btelnplatx 456) a new farce by Oskar Bngel and Ernst Laskowsky at the Neues Volkes; Shaw's "Caesar and Cleo- patra," with Werner Kraus as Caesar, and the "Pathetic Hat," a new play by Carl Roessler at tho Deutsche*; "Jfuehl Dances," an operetta by Renatxky, at the Neues OpArt*ttcnhaus; "The Four Robin- son's." at the Neues Volkes; at the KJelnea, Dec. If, "The Happy Man." by Herman Rahr, with Alfred Abel and Ilka Griming; Dec. 18 at the Rosa, Schiller's "Tho Friend of Humanity," Walter Molo directing; Iluuptmann'a "Florlan Geyer," soon at the Grosses Schauspielhaus un- der the direction of Karlheints Martin and with Kloepfer, Win- nings, Kuehn in the leading rob*; at the Kammeraplele, Arthur Schnltxler's comedy "Casanova In Spa," direction, Herbert Reuseh: cast, .Ians3cn, Terwin, Mewes, Lange; at the the- atre Wilde's "Salome" Is In pre- paration with Orska as Salome ami Ludwig Hartan as Herod. The December bill at tho Winfr- garten has several excellent ?ero« batic turns; in particular a bsr act, Two Ottkas. Ernst Mart ray is an exoentrlc and ballet dancer with good comedy. "Anne Boleyn," the gigantic io>w Ufa-production film, with Ilcnuy Porten in the title role and a cast In which appear Emll .Tannings and Paul flartmann, has Its first show- ing at the Ufa Palast am Zoo l><c. 14. The first performance waa at special high prices. goi I Music N • i f'J-D 1. "Nan of tiie .Mniiu'ains.' Im I he C'.'hm I >■'•' j on of tl". S premc Court \ he \ n i< i n Film . Ltd.. senitrvii in Interdict against i bioscop pruprU'toi to proven! liim bi • i ■ i. •>!,' rnct and fo i en*ru in h-ii i from pun ha i . film The Christmas attraction at Hla Majesty's. Johannesburg, will be •The Sleeping Beauty." Empire. Wi-di Wynne. Orpheurn. Both Tate. .NfflfoTT'retoriua. ihw South Vfri- «;k. big game hunter, engag* d by the South African Government to take charge of sn expedition to ex- terminate lhe elephants In the Aii<lo Bush, has completed a clno« matograph picture of the evcrit. Tins ji!«u will shortly be screened. lr Is s.iiii to be fun of Interest and excitement. C iptnln l*i.mi. w. f. ': ■ ■ •. a ho lei i lloptou in K»0!« to v .. . • ouml t he world, hns orrlve<J in Fohun ie bu'g v\ heret <t !«•• go^s ('.apl > Lu < t !..:«<-- up ■ v ..•(. • ,i hi Ihu -. HospitK i -: lhe \: i | . ■ • 11 | j ■ ■ ».,.... ■, ,,. . . ■ . Victor PalA will take ov«-r lhe direction of the Neuc Operettenbaua this month. Puccini will come to Berlin to superintend the premiere of hla three one act operas produced last year at tho Metropolitan. Max Rhelnhardt has returned from Copenhagen, where his festi- val performances were a huge suc- cess. He produced "Urfaust" by C.oetho. "Heat Lightning" by Strlndbersu- "Stella '.' Schiller's "In- tilgae and Ix>vc," "The Merchant of Venice," and Strlndberg's "Ghost Sonata." In his company were Rassermann. Hartmann, Deutsch, Wegener. Thimlg, Straub, nnd Byaoldt lie Is signed with the Burg theatra, Vienna, to make sev- eral tig productions there this season in cooperation with Albert Heine, the present director; more- over, he has similar agreements whit Peti* Holln»4eWi who controls the theatres formerly under Kein- • irdt's rnrtnagement in Berlin. So vi i.< ri Relnhardt is to go t«> Am i lea would atlH seem «o be In the air; It : ins doubtful whether he Is to go nl •