Variety (December 1922)

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x^ • 'f"-'..- VARIETY Friday. December 22, 1882 V' BAL.L.AD G-US KAHN AND UIAIT'ER DONALDSON'S NOW PLAYING THE APOLLO THEATRE.CHICAGO. vsif^.!"^,?M'^Sh'S- Oi IN LorooH (Continued from page 2) tb* Hon. Lola Sturt to play in "Ar- lequln" at the Empire. iShe is the •ister of Lord Alington and ap- peared with Ladj DufC-Oord^on (l4idy Diana Manners) tn the Stuart Black ton film, "The Olorloua Adventure.'* MLLE. TWINETTE A Gifted Artist of the Act. AHMin Llmpus wMI shortlf pro- duce a new play by Edward Percy entitled "Trespass." '»"T Following: the Cnrlstmaa revival of "Bulldog Drummond" at Wynd- hum's Sir Gerald dii Maurier will prvMluce a new play by Hubert Par- sens, brother-in-law to Viola Tree, lit is tentatively known as "The I Dancers" and du Mauriwr will play the leading part. J. B. Pagan's version of R. L. Stevenson's "Treasure Island" is due at the Strand Dec. 23. The cast includes Arthur Bourchier as S/lver, Charles Groves as Ben (Junn, Reginald Bach as Blind Pew, Frank Bertram as Captain Billy Bones, Halliwell* Hobbes as Dr. Liyesey, Frank Petley as George Merry, Harvey Adams as Captain Smollet. Beatrice Wilson as Mrs. Hawkins and. Frederick Peisley as young Jim Hawkins. MLLR. NICHOLAS TWINETTE and 60ILA With EDNA CHARLES la a spectacular dancing novelty as par •xc«ll<>nt. The acme of Kcace la displayed by. Mile. Twinette in the agile poses of her ■ensallonal Dagger Dance. Watch for our new offering. Address N. V. A. CLUB, New York bought tb«-property fpr £500,000, paying a deposit of £50.000. A condition of the sale was that the t)urchase ehotild be completed within one month. This has not been done, and the auctioneers an- nounce the property Is still in the market. It is thought the deposit wiU be forfeited. "Where th^ Rainbow Ends" will be revived at tha Hofborn Empire under the maiiagement of Italia Contl for a series of matinees open- ing Dec. 2C, Boxing Day. Following "Rockets,** another revue, "Spangles," will have a lim- ited run at the Palladium, then on Boxing Day, Dec. 26, the house re- verts to vaudeville. Charles Austin will be the first "top," appearing in a sketch, "Parker's Burglary." Another attraction promised by Charles .Gt»lUver is the return of many "old timers" who were big favorites before the present-day vaudeville palaces came into exist- ence. Thev will have a position In each program to themselves. London's great pleasure ground, the White City, has not been sold. Only a little while ago it was an- nounced that Eustace Gray, thie ' Gulliver rress representative, had INERS MAKE UP Est. Henry C. Miner, Inc. As a result of a mot6r accident, in which she ran Into a pigr while driving her brother's car, Ida Bransby Williams, daughter of the Dickensian impersonator, has Just been fined of £2,200 general damages and £700 special damages in a King's Bench Division suit. The action waTs brought against her by friends ^ho were In the car with her and who were all more or less seriously injured. = [f li A New '*Tte' of True Beauty This bit-of-origination will meet your ultra good taste. Its cleverness of line is so dis- tinctive as to assure its iiiiniediate approval. The Juanita in kid of varied colors and suede with patent combinations otTers a ^ pleasing choice of selection . ANDREW GELLER 1656 Broadway at Slst Street We give special attention to custom and mail orders. "The Balance" at the Strand, which has been threatened with extinction more than once, has been agiin reprieved. The present riui will continue until Dec. 16. when It must come off to make way for Arthur Bourchier's production of "Treasure Island," but It is hoped to continue the run at another house. "Bonnie Prince Charlie." No de- tails of this production are as yet available but it is probable that Will Kellino. the produce of "Bob Roy," wl-U also direct the new picture. The present film record for a run here is held by the D. W. Griffith film "Way Down East," which re- mained at the Empire for 19 weeks. This is likely to be well beaten by "The Four Horsemen" at the Palace which has already run for 16 weeks and which is booked well ahead. With the recent Qeneral Election the cry for State '^^ensorshlp of Alms has again arisah and has been helped by the recent afficial banning of "Foolish Wives" by provincial authorities when it had b^en passed by the Trade's own censorship board. This board which is under the presidency of T. P. O'Connor, M. P., worlcs somewhat haphazardly and has a long list of things the producer must not do. .-/ (Continued from Page 9) they've got to keep up the same fight, spirit and morale they dis- played last year if the teata is to r^paat this once more. As a matter 9f -flaot, competition' has improved an through the league and Prince- ton will have to travel much faster this season than last." . LONDON FILM NOTES London, Dec. 8. Fred de Roy Granville, an Aus- tralian producer, trained in America, is shortly leaving for the United States to negotiate the placing of his last production "Shifting Sands." Hia stay in America will be a shor. one as he starts making his nex' British picture, "Hennessey Oi Morc'by," very soon. Percy D. Haughton of Boston, for- mer coach of the Harvard eleven and at one time manager of the Bos- ton Braves, who was mentioned for the coaching berth at Columbia next year, says he is through with foot- ball for all time. Haughton, who is now in the banking business at Bos- ton, denies that he has discussed with, members of the Columbia foot- ball committee the possibility of his ^ Following the announcement o, the forthcoming marriage of Henrj Edwardcs and Chri.ssie White, joint Hepworth "stars" in many produc- tions, comes the news that Guy ^lev^•all and Ivy Duke are also con- templating a matrimonial plunge This is by no means a surprise U their friends. Newall is the moving spirit in George Clarke films am- figures in moat of them as leading man and producer. Ivy Duke is in- variably his leading lady. "The Scientist," being completed under the direction ef C. C. Calven the Gaumont Studios are momen- tarily silent waiting for the worli to begin on the new super-feature Querrini A Co rh* LMtfiKk aiir ACCORDION FACTORY III 01* Ualta4 Stato Tba nniy facton ihat oiakar ani apt '>f naad« - mad* ^ land t77.}7t Caluakei AvaNM •as FraatlM*. Cei. Beautify Your Fae<« Vau matt loak loatf to maka ■oori Maav •( tka *'Pro(aa. •Ion" aa«a abtalaac ana ra- talnaa ktttv »am ay ba«lai mo corroet tholr foa^ural m- porfaetloat aatf raaiava klom- Uhat. CoasMltatlan fraa Faa* raaianabla F. E. SMITH, M. D 347 Fifth Avenue N. f. city Osp. IValdon re-entrance Into the gridiron world by way of the New York fleld after' jan absence from the sport of seven years. "I am through with football for all time." says Haughton. '^' '•".^"a Albert J. ("Ad") Hermann of Milltown. N. ^ J., has been elected captain of the Colgate basketball team to succeed Morgan B. 0'Con« nor, forward on last year's team, who has been declared ineligible for the rest of the semester. O'Connor was chosen as successor to "Eppie** Barnes, elected captain last spring, but disqualified from participation in Intercollegiate athletics becaus* he played professional baseball dur* Ing the summer. Hermann Is also captain-elect of the Colgate base* ball nine. i To the list of former big leaguerfl who will manage Eastern Leagua clubs next season has been added the name* of Patsy Donovan, who will pilot the Springfield team* Identified with the national pastim* for more than thirty-five years as • player, manager and scout, thera are few, if any. men in baseball who (Continued on page 28) I HANDMADE THE REASON THEY FIT PERFECT LOOK DIFFERENT LAST LONGER 160 W. 45th St., New York City Two l")oora East of nroadwajr 10% DIteoiMit ta N. V. A. i from aa N. V. A. ALSO TO PROFESSIONALS < USEFUL GIFT OF XMAS GIFT THOUGH ■ Back t* Pr€-War Prices Mail Orders Filled F. O. B., N. V. City. Send for Catalogua. 'aed trunks aad Hhopwom aamples of ull atandard make* alvvajra on hand. 80 LS AOKNT FOK II a BI TRUNKS IN THE K^HT SAMUEL NATHANS 529-531 Seventh Ave., New York City., Phone: Fitz Roy 0620 Between 38th and 39th Streets k^a . ■, *>rp Y ") . ; Mf>«'ii *»►'■* )i*.-Hi ♦■ f H*?wt 'y^.'i #•* r..^/V ■^,, *^^:<t^!ir?:-i»T.'Hl-Hr..-N: ^^^^'•^.rKm ^^* \KHK:?^\^^^m 4;>i mr^m