Variety (August 1925)

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WeafiMdny. AitgtH^ 9. i9i» V'A R I E'T'Y' '■#■ '■. » 1 a F. pmfS PALACE, NeW York, Thb Wepk (August 3) 111 ■•( nr' *;»*■*• Hi'i t.i »•• . ,1.' •; ''>■ .-17*16* ■■.♦ :.ti'''»" ■ * » ' i ■ ,, •■!• «^..'. .ft.> ■ ,»■>:•<;V;. I ATLANTIC CITY , , By MORT EltEMAN Apbrro—'XMi|^ ParM." Oar4«n Wtr »— "TTie Student Prlnc*" (Sth WMk). . 8UrtUy—"The Marri&ge WhtrP (fllm). Globe—Keith vaudeyllle. Virginia — "Tea OoflUMkadBseaie'' <fllm). Colon i«t—"Dec]a8M" <fllm). ; City Square—"TIM Xioat Chord'^ ifllm). . __ Strand — "The Unholy, Thre**; (film). Capltol-^'^ntrodu^e Me" (Aim). ' tL^ Taylor's SpeciaQ PuN •im Frof eilioBsl Wsrdxobe Tnuik $50.00 lib»rel alWwmnee oa your old tnuik Wi Oe tor Kew OntKlOKne r iTSf 1 TAYLOR'S kAve. «S B. ■aaietph St. 0HI0A«O SUNSHINE CARDS from the SUNSHINE GIRL lljr Misoellaneoua Aeaortment eonsieta of 15 lovely oarda for vari- oue eocaeiona, aueh ae Birtltdaya, Weddings, Shut-in, eto.; nicely bexed. fliW. I aleo oarry a full Una «f O e tf i a iw Gold Stripe Hoeiery at standard prices. ^ DOROTHEA ANTEL 600 Wmt 186lh Sb^^C NEW YORK CITY Utioit—'-rt* Uaaited Hall" (film). Oreatar navl* week tea sotten under way here In fine atyle. The local paper* «Ts oonduoUns aa eaaay oonteat on the sulniect and several hundred prizes have been oonr trlbvted by looal merchants. All the thea,ti:«B.i^ tlei) up with the cam* PiUSli. . . ■ Friday the obOrus from "The Btn- 4ent Prinee" sot a lot af font page publlbity whart it sang for a babies' mlik «Ml t9* rund asoBtcfLto. ... '■ ■ • *• •, I.: ■ I ■ ■ ' ' I •'. .., Ml-. , ■ -1 ' :..,-•■..• ',1; Al Jolaon Ims tally recoparateo and is all set to .-eopen "Big Boy"' at the ApelloiMreoiiu.VaK IT. Jolfloil Is Kolnr on concert tour, he says, after*<BtK BcqT cloaes. , i : . • . i ! '' ' ' ' - ■ ■ . ■ -i CINaNNAtI By WELVIN J. WAfIL Cox—"Sxpressing WilHe" (stock). Palace —Vaudeville and "She Woreir' (fllm). Photoplay* — li y r i e, 'Introduce Me"; Walavt, "Tlje Whit* Desert";; CapUelk '<Jtee CloUes"; Strand, "Smouldering Fires';; Family, "Oh, DoctM'^ Keith's, nsead Windar Josephine Irficchese was soloist the seyentli w*ek of ih* Golden Jubilee Coacert sertaa at the Zap. Meyer (Blaokie) Lanta, awtnage^ of the Bm press theatre here, ba4 been awardied a six-year franchise by ofltcials of the Mutual Burlesque Wheel. Lantz h^ also renewed the property leaae for the theatre. BERT MELROSE Fftmomi InteiBstioaal down 1 , VMitartaa Hia Tamoiu Mielroae Fall ; Bnreat* O rplW Orealt | Direction—TH08. J. FITZPATRICI^ Opportunity for Teacher of Ballet Technique Must be capable of teaching all branches of Ballet, including Toe, Classical, Interpretive and Character work. Must have had actual stage experience as well as teaching experience, and be abk to create • .^ and arrange effective dances ©f this type. Give". > all information in first letter, stating salary . expected, when available, etc. Box 666, care Variety, New Y©rk. "•••11 MILWAUKEE ,H'^J By H. M. ISRACi. . Palaaa—Vaudeville. •' y '^^.''l^ Ma j ea t te Vauddylll*. Milfai^VaudeTine. Wisconsin—"Orounds for Divorce" (SlmK ' AMMimbra —"The Last Xiausb" (Slum). . .. Marrill—"Lopt—A Wife" (fllm). . Strand — "Paths to Paradise" (film). Qardan>-"The Danger Signal" (film). __ _i Ganriok-^-rTlia ^forid. Flishtf ' Tb4 Alhambra opened Satiu-day unatif' 'the' Ciurl lAMnmle mankir*- hibni ^th ^11 .Jaaaiag la "The TiM Prinoeas, closed fer the past two.anenths for r«palra. will reopen Augt IB. The house has had a ne«^ ftt>nt installed, the interior enlarged and a new organ built. Okauchee Ldike. the Milwaukee suburban lake resort, wilt hold its annual Venetian night on Aug. 81 Decorated floats wlU line the lake) St night, with A huge celebration fonbwing the water parade. NegoUations to oMaln the 3uif-| ham bk>ck, on Main street, Raeiiia, Wis' are now under way, aeoprdtttfl td' infoi!Tn'atlon received froih Jh^ Saxe ftnterpHses office. A aMtfon picture'house is planned tot the si<e. deA. Charles Q. Dawes, Vice-Presi- dent of the United States, will be honpf- gueM at tlM annual ,tuaeaU county fair, to be held at Mauston, Wis., Aug. 16-28, otflclUs of ihe fair liave ainne<<oced. . . " v ' The Garriok, oloae4 Cor several months, reopened this week as a picture house, showing "The World rugkt," Its last policy was roa^ shows, but nev*r paid, axoept for the twelie weeks "Abl*^» Iri^ Rose" idiow«d> Christian Brothers Aoiv««ii|iy o^ tlils^ *tty. , ,'..:•. .-.I.. ■•. ■ T" . \ ... ' The HaUaabora Dramatic Ctab has **My Lady Friends" in preparatieq. Mrs. Bethany .Oonald CoUins is di- recting the piece. The club recently has been touring through the north eountry In •'Fair and Warmer." Rome talent itefher than Imported bandi will tarnish the musi.c at the Ontari6 Cqunty Fair in Canandaigua Sept. IS-lt. Tb* Omajid^jigviW'Banjdt the OMieva Park Band and the MiAi elMstar Band have baan signed. Edwin Evans, piho was forced from the ranks ofi the Ooor HarrMg- ton Players at the St<n*,-.BIiishataf ,ton, by fllnesa some time t^po^. baa re- joifMd to replaoe. Jack MansfleM. BOW suSfrlng from a brokaa lag sus- tained during a performanoe o( '!The Two OrpiMuis.". The £bm<<ngion troupe closaa on Aug. ,XL. ' South wick Beach, on : Ake On- tario, will be developed *„ !a Coney Island by Albert ^iUU of BellevUle, N. Y., Jefferson county offlciali who has taken a l«-ycar lease on the prop«rty owned by byron and Julia Southwlck. The property Is 20 miles from Watertown, and is said to be Ideally located and landscaped for resort purposes. Lawrenoe Carkey, of Carthage, has been named district manager for the Schlne theatres In Little Falls. The Oateway there, recently taken over by the aioversviUe oor- poratioa, will be renamed the Rlalto, and la scheduled to reopen on Aug. 19. Mrs. Frances McQraw, former owner of the Oem theatre In the same town, will be house manager. The Schlne Interests have also taken ever the -Gem. bat will iM* It only J^l^SJ?' Saturday* i^id Sundays, jit 1 1** • oM Amnsn theatr*, ElmbK will also have « new name when lit reopens on Labor Day. The house. BOW being reinod*I*d. will be oaOad the CapitoL ^T^ The Malarkey Carnival will ttra- vide the asldway at the Whitney Point Fair Aag. 11-lS. Oflloen tt the fair society this year embrace F. a Brandaay, preaitlant: Jtote Dunham.' ]rice-p)resldent: ■. S. Franklin, treasurer, ahd T, It Tra<*, secretary. ■^ CALL LOU RBALt ; • "PLEASURE"! with PRED (PALLS) BINOBli' Ad ipaay wlB- tttaMy tf^ povt tor tehMusatonroagnAT, aOO. STH, at LAOMKI. mAWDiam. is BA8* iimu ar.. imir Tom. •• 11 A. M., Jtooa* $ and 4. CALL 'CHICK-CHICk' with Stella MorrisMy An prtiMslpala and ehonu «nsas*d for "OmCK-CillCK'' CO. klodly re- port for rshaarsals aS Mm VmrV HAIX. a»l Vest nth flt., Hew Va*^ I, A«9> >«•••« F* >• caa OM a few aeod tfrnn sMa; TO THE PERPORMERt Make This Year flavtag Baak Tea Oaa Mart trtlh «M* a Wook <v BANK BY MAIL. ^STABUSHKD I*M NORTH RIVER SAVINGS BANK 206-212 West 34th Street, New York OoavflBlaat Leeetl—. AAliilalss Fean. aad Looc Iriaad Taradaals. aoeoarfkk fkeai ovory dlroottoa _ _ „ Bank Opon Mondays aaS rridaya from » ^ M. je 1 £,•>■•,_ .- ■ at a riay% t A. M. to aooa _ _ Other day, I^Jl. ILJo J_f• Jt SoiBh "SivBii 8AVIHO BAim._ . _.^^ ^ .^ I 1 Klaaiy opoB aa acooast aad croAlt | « wWeh I eael^, aad far- ward paaa book te bm. Msaatara ..*..••>•!«««•*««*.• » i ii a i««• • • "f^ ••••••»• >*1«<BM>* Stanley Brown, manager of the Strand theatre, has left on a vaca- tion^ lYiaklng a motor trip through the north woods of Wisconsin. Upoa his return to the Strand alterattoas wHI begin aad a Jiew organ wtll be installed. Walter Soott, for the past two yetts manager of the Empress (bur- lesque), has announced the severing^ of his contract with the Ooldenberg interests to become manager for one of the Manhelm Mutual circuit at- tractions. Fo^ & lrr4us,"Oayety, haVe an- nounced their house will open Sat- urday night. Aug. IS, with Ray Reed an<l )il* "'Speed Girls." This is the drn time In three years that wheel buVie^de hari played the Gayety. The Columbia circKlt was the last appeariag at the house, which then went Itrto stock. SYRACUSE, N. Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN Wieting — "Three Wis* Fools" (stock). B. F. Keith's—Dark. •:--^- . TsmpI*—Dark. Strand—"Drusilla With a MiUlon." Empire—"The B«u-ly Bird." Robbina-Eckel—"Marry Me." Rivoli—"Lilies of the Streets." Savoy—"Oo Straight." Reaant—"Hia Supreme Moment." Crescent—"Old Home Weak." Mrs. Beatrice K. Landon, pianist at the Regent theatre, was secretly married at Utlca on July 21 to An- thony Wlercinski, honor graduate of £ a: CALL "vxmSr SSauaofrn CALL "HOLLYWOOD SCANDALS" Kladly rmaait tor rahearMla MONOAT. ACQ. l*th, AT U A. M- a* I^BXmO- lAtL, 10* K. lt«tll gniBBT. MWm YOBK. — •--=' TON HA I Ml Waatod a fow aa aMa. Spaalal ladaeoaMaSs. Aokaowladco ■arlmai Olreait, Itt-ltk Avo., Mow Toik. TEN DAYS REHEARSAL ONLY t WINE, WOMAN and SONG LmUUCHAUU t«* W. SSrd 8T.. lOEW TOBK (Hoar rAIiS—THirUOAT, AOO. n, M A. H. CHOKV8—MOHDAT, AI ). ^ noMcii- I. it, 1* A. M. Certainly I can os« sood ehArua rtrla Wrtta or aaU. Theatre Bids., New York, 1.KWU TALBOT. ftoem lllf. OalamMa jis CALL CALL AU Artlato Bacacod wUh 1 MONKEY SHINES COMPANY Kindly raport tor rehoaraaio MONDAY, AVOC8T M, at tl A. ■.. at tho BBONX OrntA HOUBl^ 4M BAgT 14»tai BTBBBT, aaar Tkird Avo.. Now Tark. Tako BroBK antmar to 14«th mreat (Third Ave. atatloa) or Third Ave. "L/' to 14»t h Btr oot. WANTKD—Opportanlty for flret-claaa darer ehorua sirta. Wo«M Uko to bear from stria who have worked (or nM In the paat. SaaM liberal trcatjnaBt, OTonrtkinc (■mlahod and aloepora paid, also openinc la Now Torfc. Aehaotrtedso «hU aaU «• ABTHVB HARRIS, Maaasir Mmm lU. Oolaoilrta ^^1, Maw Taffc OHy. ^ CALL ARTHUR PEARSON'S POWDER PUFF FROUC Prinelpala and Chorus report MONDAY, AUGUST 10th, at 10 A. M., TERRACE OARDEN, BSth STREET NEAR Srd AVE., NEW YORK, eiria wlUi ■poeialMaai Tmflag Hlshoa* flalartea. i =i=r VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS IN THE MIDDLE WEST 4 Merced'es opens a limted engageipent fpr the Western Keith-Albee Circui^ in the near future. U you are interested in the greatest and only attraction • of its kiiht! fn ^Vaudeville today arid want it real headhner, here is your opportunity if you act quickly. SIMONS AGENCY EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES WOODS THEATRE BLPG., CHICAGO, ILL.